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December 04, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

….VOL. XI... ANN ARBOR, MICH., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1900. No. 59D Announcement PROF. BURKtE A. HiNSOALE Teche SuisI vlcuim" Yseray morn aing 7 w ic," j ISASTER FOR MICHIGAN ______________________foe Proceding oqlocture to the Blas our pece! ineHead of the Departnment of Pedogogy in teches, paied a-plndiii trltte to Stag's Dwarfs Become Giants and Ou pca ie and a, Leader in Faculty Cirles Prof insiiat. Among othrs htg Tronce the 'Varsity --Sco...…

December 04, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 59) • Page Image 2

… THE UNIVEMITY' OF MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 Fine Service on the Central tSTI-LC j LO H G - The Xihgan Central R. R., whih t i Delail, Mndas ecepted (dring teak Michigan "rootrs" t the gen - wolg er t:- to siclltrais last -edfta,11 OTHIQ HOBIlER !R 1EATE THE NIVE~liYOF ICIGIANlusr tdwht airtclas ,-od esdco T~lEUNILK3II F vu~.uumcu~in the g, y.f elegant serice ~ ti en Orer. Es omt t kown raiwayThis make of clothing rse.on- Broth 'Ph.. oneBdst ti t . N...…

December 04, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 59) • Page Image 3

…"TBE UNIVERlSITlY OF IMl(tllGAN DAILY.3 .:I E '~ # r tEiEEEE e*rfrr E* Eer E reSE~lrEEs 'E ff.s.*fe pgs * g-*f *9 ' I f° f Y +4 "f 'iiSiii~~~ '~iii "iiii ~iiiiww www+ .wou 're In c lin e d To look around for your tailoring before making a selection--that suits us, for asa rule this shop has always been the court of last resort-You awe sere to find here what you have looked for in vain elsewhere 110 WSHINGON E Ir *~ C yl. - - - - - - - - ...…

December 04, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 59) • Page Image 4

…4 THE UNIVERSITY O01 MICHIGAN DAILY NEW BOOKS !Burchfieldts Fine-Tailoring Trade... WORTH READING The Cardinal's snuff-box, RssHeny acl 0n the Wingelofccseons, P1st flhtssser Z s'sis The Hear: s Highway, Mary E. Wilinsie The Lane that hadl no Torela , sl4ttert Pasta 'lore Fables,, feisrAdle AMice of Old Viaccatis, ldasssiee Thti" pastr In the Palace of the King, P. Mrntn Orawfss'sl Songs of the Horning, 0limissiltlpatt The Isle of Unsrest,...…

December 04, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…'~1TYEAR. ANN ARBOR, MICIL, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4 1901. No. 57 CAPTAIN WHITE. THE INLANDER. THE '501-0" BARBECUE. '4THE CHARITY BALL." ASketch of the Fanmous Leader-One A Magazine Published by the Students Senator Murin, "Bill" Day and Coach The Comedy Club Will Present This of the Best Football Captains at Michigan; Fpounded by the Yost Will Enliven the Meetic~r Play By Clyde Fitch en Saturday Michigan Has Ever Had. Class ef 1891. With Speech...…

December 04, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 57) • Page Image 2

…WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT Tf1IL0R~ OUR FALL LINE is the best wve have ever showni, containing ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, and a very fine line of Eancy Suitings and Trousering.s in the latest pa tterns and color- ings. T he larg'est assortnment in the state. ioM HE. Washington St. ITARSOAPS PACKER'S = 20C SPANISH ROOT i c exellenit fostanisoos Grandpa's Wonder 1 I1ioCuLband Gyom 5 and lac , QUARRY'S Campus Drug Store R. E. JOLLY'S Lunches A...…

December 04, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 57) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICHIGAN -DAILY-NEWS +++.++++++++++++++++++++4 a .L.f..S...L.LJ..S.L.L.L.L:L.L~L.®.3. . s..l..1a,.L.1:..L.. ., L.*.,....L.$ S T...B J__L.!!_sL t__t__t__LfJ__t_.f _f__t. _t__tJ__!_ I The Most GonvinGinu IhingI that we could do that would tend to induce you to boy STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES would he to introduce you to a man who has worn them. We cannot command the language with which to tell you how good these clothes are. The makers attach their...…

December 04, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 57) • Page Image 4

…__. "' THlE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS IS HE0AD)QUARTEfRS FOOR NOBBY HATS, SWELL SHIRTS, AND IMPORTED NOVELTIES IN NECK DRESSINGS WAG N ER & CO. SOLE AGEoNT o t HAWES $3.00 HATS 123 South Hain Street AA I 1( PiGKWiGK Billiard rarlors and Howling BETTER T /N E E 707 N )1-ttFI UNIVE RSIT'Y AV\ENUE The SCHLEEDE TEMPORARY BINDER THE HOOKING VALLEY RY.!I}1[.;III ;Onsogl Aooof0 }cf na tibst oytiiing 'otVl R 11 00 0 NT and tOOAIO1ttl). of pape. Foper l TOLE...…

December 04, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…L.' AtE JFKl C H. Crya K l 'ii1 . i . i , ~jONEYGJ F r Mt"1 IlII). JIiJ ('l a'Mic>. 1 I 1 1" 422 a l . l I t l t . 2 f b , i l l , and, v 1,'1(i f ol 1litlt 4,I *'41I l i s .1 T ;' 1~ 1 1 i it "f iwp'1(rt;n ~lf}¢ 4'?lit1 , it *1',l t t1 t k " 1 S i: ? 1 !.' 111 - <:12 E*1 12 nil,!2II1i1 f i ) tI r 1 1' :., !! 1 I l l lii o. d, . 1 . 1 ]' 11 44444I r( 4' sltI l tl I I ; ! ] K h ' 4 44444 111 d11 I };I t111 AI Ii .41: 11 44 111i 1 t I't iII 1lm...…

December 04, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 58) • Page Image 2

…TIlE M(IDiNIAAI NEWLt t s .._.._. " a. ..'mot y.- <' qL. .d.._ . . ,. .. , : f , : ,.". r: " - . °° 4: ..-. ,[ III.SINOE ti 'N i-V il I tN.W,11Ni L'. oni detifl~o 1 t i'r 1 iE }tI I ' ! t I} ' AT 108~~ 13 as tmS IN IIi t - VI l KARL EDWIN HARRIMAN. I120 net AT~' ~fKTRS 10% 011 BY ArL 13 hIN HA_ ' 1 I E~At oof ~ 31 ~ ;or State and 116 So. ;.-" n, L xti , 1 1t 2 3t. in iak . For the convenienu of I t K lit S in e1'n( tI n 1(tt t tlh ittixl at ci...…

December 04, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 58) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICUIGANDAILY--NE\Th If you want to know t1his is worthy YOUR ATTUNTrION what smartly dressed V men will wear this sea- BACTERIOLOGY , BIOLOGY, ti= HI: VOLOGY or PATHOLOGY Smat lotesInstruments &Supplies [indnsubnitt Apd EERBCII& SN, 1ANUF~ACTURERS RBranch Store on State St. f f e " 1 4-" 4 %Px %W wan - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -...…

December 04, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 58) • Page Image 4

…1 1. i.. t . IO 1 1 ti%.. it i - .1a. t rn t " kj~ir tn X d.Eirztd lx ltI t la c w ;yti~ tia. r an l . o L a 1 7 ~ 'r r h K p Y atit-V~ It cLi Vir Ia IN I R 7IY soli tt ,z t :,i ART, i h yt LberySt OPE N I)AY AN ii NI(ilIT. W. C. BINDER, Prop. 1'2 1, iasnat St. Robert all an Fresh and 15alt fleats. 60 E. ilit tar 4t. LOWX PRICES ON tSUJRI AL INSTRUMENTS At BROWNS DRUG STORE. Lock repairing, key fitting WM. J. W[N(LR, 113 L. liberty Street Ever...…

December 04, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…The MichgnDaily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1903. No, 55 MU1ISICAL CLUBS. MrICHIGAN 1ONOR[D. YOST AT YAE. Will Give Concerts in Three Statesl James F. Halliday is Chosen One of Michigan's Coach Confers With Yale During the Christmas Vacation- Four Orators For Final Hamilton Authorities-Nothing Definite Con Program For Glee Club-Me m. Club Contest. luded-Yale Captain Will bers Will Be Well Entertained. j Decide. _____I T...…

December 04, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 55) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Fall THE MICHIGAN DAILY Entered assoecod- so c5 ier at the Ann Arbor .ird ee Annlouncemfent..1; Plilshed da:ily (Mnday excepted) during the college year, at 11: E. Washington:street, (baemencsteaor, side entrance) Phoner802-3r MANAGING EDITOR : S. I ttY TIY ltIMA.SON I BUSINESS MANAGER: tlOSC'tt1'. B. tlTON EDITORS: The Larget and Most Compsilete' Line of::: Aihietiir". - - - RlOBtERIs. WALTON Naas, - - - - - .....…

December 04, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 55) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Just Received ANOTHER LOT of the Famous H. g ___S.___&___H.,__ 54 inches long, .4 i Black, Hand-Tailored #They are Swell Garments Te~~t Prices ReasonableCltir 217 SOUTH MAIN STREET b RANDALL, THEI H uTOGRAPHER 1r2- E. Washington St.J f l*44 44i5~a ma~osa ma vI SlPeciaIOfferinq& in j ren's [urnishings 3 $6.00 All Wool, Fancy Bat/h Irobes, iricel at $3.9$ 3 $1,50 Adler's Street and Dress Gloves, - $ 1.00 ± $4.50 Men's Fin...…

December 04, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 55) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 4 3. + 'I- Gloing Out"f ofBsiness it Great IBargains Offered., t*1 THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD' AND STEAMSHIP LINES. I TraitooleeAnnArbor by Central Standard Effete orOctobert 26.1002. SOUTH11 NORTH ~No. 01 7:20 A. M. No. 1- 900 A. Al. No. 2-11:33 A. At. I No. 5--1:30 Fr . No. 4-8:25 F. A. INo. 3-4:53 P.M. Trusns No.5 and 6 rot betwseon Ann Arbor andO Toleo onsly. ,rrator. . 23 4, 5,and 6, d ily except Sunday Froehair carso...…

December 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. Xv. ANN ARBOR. IH, STNAlEAMIJR 94 No. t}3 HONORS FOR MICHIGAN. A CHANGE OF PLANS. HOME IN A SPECIAL. { THE RHOD.ES SCHOLARSHIP Maddockkl'evolutionizes Football in [he Woma n's League Entertain _Ke'yst oe lob Chartersa Train to President Ang~ell Calls Attention to Utah and Now the Mormons Swear, ment ke-organizedt tpon an l~it Pittsburg for tlheClhristmas Vaca the Time of Examination-changes by Michigan.! tirely New Bfas...…

December 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 55) • Page Image 2

…W E WOULD HAVE ' .YOU TO KNOW "*That we are doing business at OUR NEW STORE 311 South State Street That our New Woolens for the coming fall trade are now ready. That we make superb gar- ments for gentlemen. IThat we appreciate your trade and respectfully solicit a; continuance of the same. - G. H. WILD GO. fAILORS 311 South State Street. NOTE-Those of our friends who hoe " not been or patrons we would cor- j dially invite to eome NOW. - Specia...…

December 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 55) • Page Image 3

…rTHIC MICHIGAN DAILY HOLIDAY GIFTS. Brushes and Brush Sets, Smoking Sets Shaviug Sets, Chafing Dishes, Cutlery, Lamps, Dolls, Skates, Sleds, Tools *nfc l h new and desirable things that have HO'/"1r/l b enaed on the market this year may be had at ,QJL 20c CandI~IJPIis, 10c - 40c CandI IIiI SI I2:0 i I G I Fall Fashions are Ripe Suits = Top Coats- Rain Coats Sersm toe wholesale tailioring house of °L. ADLER BROS. & CO. 4 C::l Rochester, IN. Y. ...…

December 04, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 55) • Page Image 4

…iRl1C MICH (IAN DAILY CuttIng / fir 1 f y 4F ,. ALIFORNIA flI er VU'IX .UU * t. Louis World's fair City, ...- ~ot ( 'Y,.SOLE AGENTS.ATH Iflll ountahn Route KEEP lION YOUR 'r -~ I~fRIAI.Leading Clothiers, ABEjLVIHA. Hatters and Fur_ ° it) You will find PETERS MILK 7.e Color a1Rd11; 72r tisl ac r nses 5 __ CHOCOLATE Not only a deli- liorized ti"r,0liceFe"IC . zcit e cios confectioii but a nourish- j Y.,n . wt! .N. tsuyr 19- 1EatW sigo S.p =¢T eB...…

December 04, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…The Mich iganDal ANN ARBOR, '\l II. l , 1 'l _ 1SD \'111 ii \f d Sol VOL.. XVII tN>. 3d . CONFERENCE CHANGES REFORMED RULES Star Athletes Allowed to Compete ,During Their Last Year-Michigan May Regain Lost Prestige. aol Satuariay the Wesrtern Caier- laerlxdtoo a slightclt xtt tite rtles tti lch l aale tite liclig'anll ootitall teany a lpigi tock101111 in'e Ps t alh (iloki rro'sjsisi tgl'r brightier tioe nttxt i'ear. 'ii gotiniti It , ia a...…

December 04, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 56) • Page Image 2

….. - ...a4_. _ . _.... .. _ .. .. . _ .., ,.. [all I ( fathe^I r I a-it ten'and.p) 11rIof) I ' tinl a i 0 t la it'." ' ' tl in (lly I' Sa ''eIoorSl)"1 (1dil ((c lap. (1Ifl r]alo 11(1.I lid Iie il' Ill-a4'1 aof I llakl f (11 1 i ll "(lit a'. pleso' 0111.t,'01W l There's Nothing Beyond Ufs 'in Garment Making. (((ally t tlllIfoll~ll'1111('(('ui 1(1 local ity. '01111'1),l'0fl'I' tf of, il li at'- ale (111ll ellll~aoil(0.110(11v, r(11110. 1,,for11...…

December 04, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 56) • Page Image 3

…'1 I IICI-IGAN DAILY 1you've never trictd College Brantd Clothe:-, d~ o :110o0 --y i t_'l l tcx iNI;Itt acs lt] c k i lci t 1 youI eonuce triedt ouir'suts, overcoaits, eraveiicttec. Altltelt- tl salt aill pli lue-sI a Id b)lacks--prices $15 to $25. Clo iiluias (G is for men mtoderate ly pcict I I it(I II abct tediti lt- crt IDecparttmcentynu'll fiitd iititinerab~le stiggestiot- a for useful and sec viecrtais tnida r gitIs for all taste- siftt...…

December 04, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 56) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY IIs of LYL Embossed Statiolery 25c a Box Everybody who sees it says it is good E. E. CALKINS, [DRUfIG1ST 324 South State Street A LARM C LOC K HACK AND CARRIAGE HIRE Goti thems ai f 35 cents for each passenger to and Cha an' Jewery from all trains between the hours of Chpm ns ew ly Storc 6 a. m. and to p. in., and from 10 p. m. 286 SOUTH MlAIN ST. I to 6 a. in., 50 cents. For each trunk 2'5- cents, and if taken above the s...…

December 04, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…_The Mc .."il VOL. XVIII. ANN . R , MIii fIG '\\. \VFI')\I'"S):\Y. I)I;CI'VMIIhJLR 4, zSf07. .ss o. . CAMPAIGN BEGUN VS. ATHLETIC EVILS Several Students Thing That the Graduate Director Should Not Vote for Treasurer. An organized catopaign agaist al- leged evils io te Athletic association lots resuttedi fronm the dleadlock in te election for thte office of treasurer. The thsree msemhers of tihe boarti of direcors whott suipptortetd George Ke...…

December 04, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 57) • Page Image 2

…1~1?(~AS~ _____________________ Wild Collpally ' The Largest Stork in the City of xlusive Styles in OOLENS VI Gentlemen's Wear irsrything required for Suits, -rcats, Fancy Vestings, and ' ins, and of high class .and speclial styles. r Full Dress Suits al I Specialty v Wild Comfpally 311 Soth State Street THE MICHIGAN DAILY. V CW i~ dd'ausl gin dlis -PAUI S hear t PlasRac. '~he Nw Lttgiatticsut, a ness'state Bnusineass Manager-C. FE. WiNS'euA...…

December 04, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 57) • Page Image 3

…RZ IcICTIT AW flATLY _________________________________________ N t WS OF TiFr,, T MICS, The ®EAST HURON ST. 7(.w A$ .7 ?tl at our store and learn the isartliulars of the Sanitol Chemical C7ompany a great introductory D's: , the gio'tet offer caver made in tile:~s.' p iis:[al0007, 2,L. fl CLOCKS $1.00 $1.50) $1 75 All Ow lw ,i: s , s l i iiis i slanes i fMLIII j N PINS ANI) V0l35 25c ,gp to $5.0() FINE WATCH IREPAlIIINI) A SPECIALTY. t Unise...…

December 04, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 57) • Page Image 4

…TRZ MICHIIGAN DAILY COLLEGE STYLES Where will you find style at its top-most pitch? In the great uuiversities, to he sure 9 . The college youth knows fashion as the small hoy knows the farthest corner ofth jam closet. "College Clothes" is a phrase which falls trippingly from scores of tongues. Many' tailors claim them-mighty few produce them. We invite you to 'size" us up-your judgment will do the rest. Autumn and Winter woolens ready inj the...…

December 04, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 56) • Page Image 1

…Im Air i + I'he Nitchig n Dall-y NN Ak BO R, M ICHICAN, FRIDAY, IPRCI:M B.rR 4, 1008. No. 56. \%O1.. XIX. ATHLETIC REFORMS AGAIN PROMISED Year-Old Constitution Committee s About to Report Revision- Iocument Strayed From City. Tllhl the nett olis ita ii i of11 ilc;M St ir tit t ii SIthe ottitio iniontuof L -. cln, ',,ch im n 'ftec mit ch sallo t o pl tdtt, ii' -, of learnf; hr lrl, t,,( 77- itt ol, ti tt'l to ipiec, ildhulin Il a i Ion, 1111...…

December 04, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 56) • Page Image 2

…' f1TIIIG AI I)N ILD G. H. Wild omuly The Lagest toi ,k in the Cit of Exclusive Styles in WO OLENS For 'Gentlemen's Wear l+rything required ot Suit. Oiver-coats, ancy Veting, and Trooneringsn and of high classn farics and special Stes Full Dress Suits a Specialty 0. H. Wild Comipally 31t South State Street Michigan Calendar FOR 1909''" Now on se.1e AT Sheehan & Co. Students' Bookstre A, G. Spalding & Bros. TietLargest Manfacituer,- in ti Wol'...…

December 04, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 56) • Page Image 3

…Sam Burchficld's Fine Tailoring TradeI Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclifield &Co. EAST HURON ST. Hot Lunch At's. 330$ S. State ' JOLLY'S BUST BRIAR PIPCES M n 11'10 $175 to $5.00 $1.0 to $150 PILLOWS and BANNERS AT D~arling Mall 7aux V. of M. BaA RB1E SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop. KAIF t I mo0' '71" F" 'E1,1 \F F i' F N FFFF' ANDNF 7F'"FFFFF F h a o ' Fn r ' Ft ' fl i t'uF 322 S. StateS Phn 5 ellAnn Arbor, Mich. I I 177 FN FFF'3' ' F ...…

December 04, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 56) • Page Image 4

…THIE MICHIGAN tHAILY MOW''n p. P s A I" UNIVERSITY NOTICES :16( ,J13 ic ul_ 1-,,'tr *t IiJ t t it j An infix wo it ndtie~s the sty-les ii iten's c ti lot trnr ear s c t'-es t t lootk as if lies'- t'tttld fi' 'tilt hondv - tite itter xI WIs We are specialists in the Iltter line, and will sniake. youa suit or overcoat~that will give situ a most distittgtishltttiappeair- J. K. MALCOLM, Prop.,r 118 E. Liberty St. AMU5EME.NTS New WhitneyThea...…

December 04, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…The Mic 14 higanDail"y' .\N ARBOR, MICHIGAN, S- XI RI)_11V. IDRaCEMRRR 4F 9% VOL. XX. N0. 0. REGENTS DO NOT SELECT PRESIDENT Museum Officials to Search the 'tropics-Rare Coins Received -New Professor ired. Uninerity tffhcials ill tpeetrate the triesnext tsummte il searct of pei- tetti for the museumin. Ihis wa te- ided at the me-eing of the koari of Regent-i which itas-h1e1d1yeterdayinafter lryant Walker, a Miiiciigait attmi t- liinig ittl...…

December 04, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 50) • Page Image 2

…G. H. Wild Comrpanly tIngn Ldi i rir iublhia becme lte Ofit, _ Laboratory and MERCHANT TAILORS .. I udat c FLD Ira mruthone, or TheMA 1rr ccn c ..iii i gilii leriliha c11ii11 ii i 1'* 1 11( We hav compete lnes .cci. i C) Aicci ii giccoi ache c footballi tcam. ii Aullcthe2:11,cc of fine 'Wolens foruSut-ne effort1111111 een m g l teicr. l l~s vrot n rn r Rcc liie a cc irli, iicis.itol ic hg a i Coach ust, Da S or actrioog oa ad Ste t rfar r ciii...…

December 04, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 50) • Page Image 3

…# a * A Os athet I~aYoos.LawBoks or other personal property. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamonds Office at residence 331 E. Liberty St Ann Arbor. Hours: 8 to 11:30 a. cIn_ t to 4:30 and T to ALL BSNiESS CONrIDENTIAL JOSEPH C. WATTS THE FARMERS AND M[CH1ANICS BANK MAIN AND HUR~ON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Proftss$100,000 General Banking Business. 3 percent paid on Tinte and Savings Dieposits. Safety De- psalsB...…

December 04, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 50) • Page Image 4

…Iprieof our $20,00 Over- coats. You can't imagine what swell cloth we are show- ing at $20.00 and You hear loud talk they've got the wool in them too. They're simply the best for $20.00. 1 I UJNIVERSITY NOTICES New Whixey Theattre ___ __ __ __MONDAY, DEC. 6 (SATURDAY, Dec. 4 1lueti>tp of ceutv ount -o MATINEE AND NIGHTE \lusicul cluts ) ll. to dal I Miii A Guaranteed Attraction' STETSON'S 1o xln full rift 'urs 1 tut-uiti NC E T M' A I c . d r...…

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