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December 04, 1903 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1903-12-04

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The MichgnDaily



No, 55

Will Give Concerts in Three Statesl James F. Halliday is Chosen One of Michigan's Coach Confers With Yale
During the Christmas Vacation- Four Orators For Final Hamilton Authorities-Nothing Definite Con
Program For Glee Club-Me m. Club Contest. luded-Yale Captain Will
bers Will Be Well Entertained. j Decide.
_____I The following letter was received
The mi-iners of the Glee .MandinhbygJ F. Halliday, who represents Mihigan men are intreted in the
aid Banjo tClbscn itly bte t envied Michigan in the Hamilton Clnh con- chances of the team playing Yale next
lhir gallc tei ili~ tulnslet:
ood nckby he the stdens J Chicago, Ill., Dec. 2, 1903. year. The following tele graph ii-
(ii the tiscersity ft eli'trilpwhiith ,patch will explain Yost s visit 10 Nwvi
ii 011 k' ii i li' hlida ~ ttJameo F. Halliday, University of Hvn
cition. This will travel fitithieec Michigan, Ann Aror, Mich. New Haven, Con. Dee. 2- lr-
states,11 ici-.,Iindiania an Illinoiio Dear Sir-The juiiges of the Hamil- ry-tp" Yost, the amiiisfotibiall
Urvine fiiiall 'eveii coincrrtsThe on Cliib Price Oration Contest have coach cit the LUniveriy o ichiligai,
pleasre ot this Iifew 1ays will nt epiiited to via their conclusion, and arrived here today to onfer witiliii
restiii tie eierainmieiiis and travel have selected for the final contest the Yale footall ifficials His visil mi
ing' aloiiehbut also iiftir halls aiidirei- fillowiniig rations, which are given nmediately starteud a riiiiir thai tooi
ccti iiiis wlichI isill bh ivmen fnii tenswithiiit the order of the markings: her for th purose ol arraingiig ai
hiiiiir Alex'ndieriHamilton The Practical game etween his temn ani ldOu Eli
Abotliiiitlly will taket ieip ii, Iav liealsi y Thiimas Jones Meek, Itni- eleven next year.
ing fn aii Iprivaite Pullmiiiiii roiiissori!it i sil of Cicagti He arriveid this mrning ani opeii
N5m Ii y iof li Schl ilo lissie W at-l ricitlsofutHamilton asdit es the ay with Dr. Williaim t. Murphly,
a tiiliiin 1 -ii I i--it ine'' iillotmii-g the Yale tasetall Iheadi coach. Dr.
eiit flay Irolens"y Willard Lam-
i tor w ii iile iii Itle palvi C noMurphy was coach f the ILhniml
liteeKiiiix- Collegeca.Stanford tasealliiineweniiiYot iii
MandoimlinClubat EA i stsItuHamilon tiiistictive Sates- footall coach there. They hiiimlmi-i
lli t iss lylne awity lie-eiti Walter (amp, the Yale tllti ii-
Coilrerl will belivenU n th plai fsiiyvoiiihigiaii director, Yot leftthis eveninig. le
iiilliiii inAleanie Hamiloii" y Henry C sG l
lec. i1 Ypsilani;i De.18, rani 4aiil she rI Uivr sity iii Iowa. "My visit here tostiirely a soicial
Rais, -19, itKaitaiii,,iiii lic 0t 1h judges vwere Dr M. Woolsey afair. t am not the 5persniiihtiar-t
SilltIiPend. I heiciub :liill StrNiye,ipresitent of Hamilton Co-ragsamsfrteMcin '-l
Singai t)( monin set~is a ou-Sh e. linonN. .; x-Snatr Jhn ersty.I amit that I wouli liii-toy
of ii th n-hur-hst Dec 21, Sits I Ihuronii, ut Neraslaanid Hn see a Yale-Michigan ame inelIi d
Bon; ec22,Chcaoin f~der -liisvrkHoel, o h tanaCnt-not coe to New [aven lii larrne
IMuisiicIlll;IiDec- . ttiaisa Itiiliione, I caie Esco g to my ni oldt
Thep ~ rm or heeenertin Te'lfe diiesires lto thanikcyo for hone in West Virginia aiiilster lii
meats will consist.iioflabouitl1 num yiiui taintaking work. All of the Arm-Navy foitall gme."-
bein s ai ll.'fT-eelilclt iris a oatO iaoswere lit a vey high graie, Iewa askeud sout the solures til-.
pri-viooo iiit'sst ill e opeeit it indasil o spohesi of y the judges. ifsheil stating that he.' woli leIt--i}
liii Yi iliiW aiiilthe' lliii byyall Yiiirs i-ry truly, Michigani sit coach an IEastrn iioiiii
lii',tliiis anidl vliloe'witihliAnn I Forthe Committee, all eleven next tall ei sil:
Ab"Ai niii w fe v alturihas luen iii ROtBET MeMfRDY, "There it011 truthtiithe reolrt
siallied,1 liii i'erlir lhe clst, wichmluChairman, am getting, pretty wil Michigaiiieii
pois ti loiii-povl i- -t uhit~ivriteooimftil teaiiilI enjuy my wokthrt.
N e.Glcc (tubaloe sn t_ "nn r- Nigh Unveritis cmpeedthe M. Yost said thai ii was ioatniii
bor, th stm[aluminmsiudiii s i nllierepresntativesif four eing chosen if the Micigani eleven lii yi aI iiiilit
.11 iiii li ,-2, iiil iltii ti o ispeluaklfn te irt-ie'ito. Wi. on-
sin leliliswiil Illinois, unitoNorthwest- reeat the trip to the Pam-ui-eiioait
Stnii" ings ndin lios n otws-which it took tduring the CItrisi ecu'
f he li--h citiiiirsiwiihi chilt e entaileid to gain places, vacation tweo years agiiHelitaduthit!
aliilay, though never before repr'e- h ol euntlAnAtirli it
giv'i Il- li ~tI tInf as lt--u c g icignhas awastaen
i-iaitcilam the 1I 00 isiif _iiili lisii ig rcc.a, alas aniiual anquet to 'the ctritiiichi't
gancon _e so bot. 'Irhi halaen an aiive interest in matters oratori-ewihwl hsya egenIe
iliiie iaci-iriaiiie Iwithi lie'wishes cl i okhsalways benef-cenuer 14
centnit therefore he promises to
ofi a1-ui iiiiainimbir i IIalilmni iviho e-After the talkhbetweenCtiah Yiist
sit tim bear tlie li ll eiio s ofniakte a creiditable showing on January and ieratrCm etit oii i
their Alma Matti iariiier thaiicomi hI11 vlihii the final contet occurs, mit that anything ihfiiti'rgardiniig a
ii~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~h ir.ri i issii li itsujects of the orations relateYa-Mhgiicm iex var i'
T hi tluluiieg nimiiiiirs iill lit eIl in Hamiltioiiand his times,'fie man discissei. Nething caim le idtiie hi-u'
iere ibtti i the-- f l rankiiig firs receives one hundreddio- J
Yel i' 'iitliiihciilte i tn -arIs and tie pptuinity of joining rltv oteal:tu hai--i i
Yelot ai Bh ladeS sgn-arMichigai, atvancei t'iaichmYiitl li
mnia, Lhir JutvtmatetCarm. ieDomltheclaimwithin two years, free outfn-
a Yale captain is chosiusmti net sin
Fotiibtall Sony,"thelt-Soil-isi-low'ier namon oexpenses.e Thecsecond riceesis
I 1sat Bliiis imo AiboIfity dillars.xess h eodpiesAll of the expenses of00.Ith ne calai csi'
11wsi I um ci miainamn-it-- the tii ilto Chicago will asti e de- Western game he w ill have thi' hiss-i
l hseclus re iant ind umeyto select one. Yale usill phidyhHai iiid
bttichlie i oei caimil iii onelimt sili tI sityedby the Hamilton Cubi. and Priiceton as ousa, ni-tyearIm
is askediwi heiIi i isupptt hem iliiIf hicase Michigan s mt touia weioviid
the seasonm is smccessfiti is tii the poal edopd
credit ml tutueiimi kts; if liheysmet ALPHA NU SOCIETY. p edipii
witih bai lutck theiyIsmmstaii the limeen Proram fr Satorday, Dc. i, 7:30-
themnslvets. It ane minueis icieaiid pm:'WRINKLE" OUT AGAIN NEXT
bhe mienidmlfiiihliiieat itmcsms--ilfor Mtusic WEDNESDAY
yamriis purpotise's, Fiti-en prcent s Spetchi ....Cnnpications in Panama Every Mtichian student will iii' gladl
diepoiotedilwithmliieteasuriemmi thlie Sims. to ea-ilthatto iextWVidn siay
SUivrsiy as a snkn undimtfoi the Ptaterm- - --......Sonnenscifein morning "Wrinkle" swil again make
netatyvar Tic t m-ieifsertucicnt of Speechi ....- 'lie Difference Between its appearance.Tishohuimiroiusaer
wvhat s lit.goes ito tliimanage,iInoil fie Eastern and 'Wtetern Spirit..- has een a factir among mie tiuvr
hut'reiiamm-lr gt-slii he mninuhi sAhimi.sity pblications for mie ash liii
ori liii clib.himcasi it hss thut mantusic-----.........Overpackc years. soil its firt cidit iinthis yerir
agem s oblig.edto iistand iwtyf iveRetading........... Danhiolf is being lookenmonsad tinwith muchi1
ptr cinto hetiefiict.lie sumn real Original Sory---.....Stevenson pleasure. "Wrinkle" s triiughtoutu
ized by he mutembersussusedl toi buy hmpromptu Speeches-.,.Hill, Fox, entirely y students, soil hnice it.te-
soInttisigiam, mioaly' fobhs. Fowl-er, Chuhb. voya upton the tuemt boduy to supi-
- ~~~~Sybil------..........Minor port it both y sbhscritins andil cull
CERCLE FRANCAhS Drawings fr the Wisconsin-Michi- triutions. he price fr the year tins
'leifetrcle lFrancais is hplniningito gn deate will e made at this meet- een set at one dollar. Subiscriptiuos
ive a Frechcl uay inithe early stprig ing. The preliminary society deate will e looked after it anduet in tit
The thugyuwhich tifey hplnnedito pre will e hed Decembfer 17 or 1. Business Manager Wim. Shill-i.
stent is "LeI Maire ue Forges," by
hi-rges OhumutThis wilhtemch-
more ulaorate ihan the Frenchi pa1511 c "i a D i~
giveni "151 year 'hhe t'ircltue is also T he ,l !1I 1I~t a l
tlannuuingfor a series ut lectures, to
he it vn by severaditintiguished lec- Sot to your address until ordered disontihued, for six cents
turers oh other umstutmions.Thie first it eek, 000 cot anl issue,
ofi these will he given Januuary 9 by Phone in your order, (No 41) or fill out and mail the folox--
M.t Andreli Mcchlamt cmrtc f fle i -c pn
Jour nl dsIli-ats is subhject is1h0C00D
"NomteDamni e l aneis,ni t hieec ... +.........+..+..+. - . +,++
tiuewill ut illumstr'atedh
Progrm ftor Decenmber 5, 7:15 p.hi m-,il:-
1.0111p1ePm Kindly send the DAILY until ordered di-contimued to
2t Deateeolvei, that reand's. the following address. I agree to pay six ce nts a week for
wao ro speruily shouuul hr chiefly SamDe, 01111cent an issue.

mative: Hamilton, Jines. Negative:
haheohun, Stuurlin. Nm-- - - -
3. Critic.
Drawing tom' Wisconsin-Michuganide- Address -_---_----_-----------_-
hate..,, _______________________________

A Memorial To One of the University
Presidents-Why He Was So
The reansn why a certain treie on
the canmpus sltiuhl hueeclledl "Tappian
0Oak," andi designated-u tiy a ctine, in
probabluhy- unknfmonito sounc, ad ate lhs
back tinte limtle wenieiDI.'Tappaunm
caspreiuetof theli-Univsiysll
Hiseroinxened friomt1852-186:3i
aundu wa vr proucutui'e of re-ults
Ienln toward" uucu-umainig tils a ga
suhoonil. Personualy het ins a mmmiif
mir i cll anuihsroIun convicitils n
gged- more-forliii s Ihum-u laamythei
reuasonmhBtcause inat11mm- im-- orihis
ac-ceusionm Itie I nviusmtifnot mmiii i -
or-ating msaud1 illy-nomm akiu-u
cle inrapidulstidmmiisforisard. Sumin
u-uimuwmiiflii le iiictthathut'eiwas Him
oaughye mumhisvsi-withnlt' Pmussian
selecuteu-to1m bumil mummii
Hils iii wa , i i efnmly,-iliu[ min -th
hat'umiyich ulmuinakeu--the nive u'rsit y.
aundulhut'im umediuatelu-ic-ahut-o gather
amon m iiimnimenattpit-utheir
work, ifmmmiiihoelm uldivge 'a ru-
tio mum the-lin-Imier--sily rialmu-r Ithanu
menc muheouimust b sstind iy'h
ica-u hus ht tinguide he niver
sit y i througuht' ry-img ericniuiod timte
Cevi War;aunumeniiualeis ihim-ureicrl
oni tliii accont.u
hadum tbrokienilimt hit'annuumincmniudl ini chapl-
el Ithutdillmitionsum-uldlhelii lunimusu
Andult1hm inex hourum'thuefinimstsiiinm
beg'anutoidill. it wasth siit
ilium hi- iniuse touhhue =siudenutus
Nowie s nmmiittIiIn'Imoi-anlhamci
beenu-pluauci-u tumhis meiimrythelass
ofi $7 deiderIlltoinhave-onue Ihuamy
fiings us--ne' disc'utised;u -a buust, inpic-
lull, ancmiia sltu- sc- ll rjctd
theu mtrines huchiuadihuro nu-lulln
list tdiisui a aul Pittiem im .
amplel mm.his power.mSo-uheiotilt i h
emtandus just1 sest mofmtie iliuraii easi
thu-. Suinuemthenmcsi-ian-uemx-u-i-unisis
hauve- litu-muol-liumdeirinits bahum es. i
hmundumuthef mmiamlu--se-was limit
whatfogt Ium'utim-mmbut it,'stil grills tl
andmtong-us-ulillusituauing thiii'
satls oitDh.mTIpin'us iaidminiistratcionuv.
h1is di t ullml iig ito ue-t-bish-iat
thue In inrsty o ic1mhigaim amin inimu-
ial to one1'fmits mo mstdilsiguished
'nadumaeMi-u tmsAlice F-ree-n P al-
mini-nSift- uagrauau'tediBahel-r cof
Artimm 1.Alumrt" cinil--tIliu-
cmivaiLke Wis.,cmiiiast Sagnaws,
Milt. if sutmuas apptlimmm I-ilh'uulussmu nut
Ihusimmy mumn Vt hi sict iuil- nd's was
sooun irtmoiml ted to Ihint hr-siencity mit
[tha iiinsituliiomu. At irsix yario
muients-uervi-u-as preusmientm shimr-
smgnemumamI aulis-mnarrie-iltoi'rnifessori
tGeorget'Heibet.uiPatlmerio I Huauard
Uivemmrmiiy Shin wasafteriwiards ,uu-
pitedii uil-imeumer of h11Mm-stcsu-
setts State Board-of Editca-inandinn
lautuposiiieilediauga tau ulhucoc
ini tlii Nomlmshoommls mintthat sat
Au tiiiilimpening onf hic uiagoUn iesi
ofi Wouman'5scuma tyheil-nwri-tmgs,
lug her nspimrmng adurssessumn lugy1hec
wort: as hiltside-ntii fineSiltmiicof
C'olleIge Aluimnaim, sli'e maei'aupti-li
founduuand lasing m~mpsion uupnmitie
younug5 ciuluiniihut scholuus Said clci-
lugs inulthi cohuntry. I- reien t Eit,
ui u'a'recen tldre- atCam ige x.x
pre(ssedilthet- opiionu thaimiii unheriAm-
eric am wommanu hail laud5siremaurkble
Hen rinidssin adamimuir Boistoni mnu
thuose at Wemllestieyamid thoinse at Chi-
uagoi unitraisimg fumncsitoestabulish
soum prmneuuu unt mriacsmuoft-. It
is cetinluy belcomngufo' lhe lxiiici tius,
aluumnui, amdl other-friums iof her- Almau~
Mater, ill chituhishslu eii vloutidly at-
tachedtui IdoiilikeiNism-
A coummitteeuofutIliteay IFacuty
havve thouught it prinirut-Ioiini - te

1L That frieouds of life tUiversity ho
(Continued on page 3.)


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