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December 04, 1909 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1909-12-04

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The Mic 14 higanDail"y'


N0. 0.

Museum Officials to Search the
'tropics-Rare Coins Received
-New Professor ired.
Uninerity tffhcials ill tpeetrate the
triesnext tsummte il searct of pei-
tetti for the museumin. Ihis wa te-
ided at the me-eing of the koari of
Regent-i which itas-h1e1d1yeterdayinafter
lryant Walker, a Miiiciigait attmi t-
liinig ittlDetrttitt, ail oieredth ie Xti-
verity So ftr thitiptrpone. Tis
tioitlti etter aoti a half of tie atial
expetse ftr sedig to men citntittttoiit
eutattr tertitory. F. C. lilititanat,
timotler MihIigant"grai, thtu]ices en i
teen Cruz, Aei c, iearui f Ar. \Wak-
ers offer atiwrntie tie regets, statin
that lie nwotuldlgladly)-houtse atd feed alty
Miichiganth tetiwoitmight ginhto in
counttrt after material for le titsemit.
The balane of the expetsens will ber
tketi fromtitiLtnerity funtd.
Curator Rittlvei aitnd asitat -wtill
take the tripitdtritg thenstmie ica-
le regets se-sinityetera. Aie
Muexio, a ettmtmtniciaitiilt iwa-receiel
frotiG.IaI tteri, f Cain, lEgyt i
wh Iie stliedlacltti le ail forwinare
somitefour ttoutsantdlrre coinst, atitutibir
f imanitlicript, liii hiesd- uuih,
aloofgeat aluic. ttheliv iierili
mtueihmt. Thfli nstiidate- huch tithei
te f (te eale Roamieire n
tile cllecetonitheliiotluabe ha
Pe-re) A-h, nitprfesnsor attnddeaniof
A thetdetari tet-of art-hIitictriat Georg
WtsinigtonUntVieriy, ti-tnhireto i
hmeetl icrign.itt rofetilt ot t.tutihti
hail a widie e lit-iincein ci gitee ite
A relietIfitttmithe audtitoIcgelieal
litt urtut, ictillimuuiitig ealt-ur-uert
liii-autiiii--tng c nimii-iwas attit-
to iwrk itltth ciouitcleutio g ns
cmlver o- t'u ie- itti-uidii ns. ']'bell
"i iifire exingutis c-.
Regens Siecr.edaatilOsborne
were -aippointiel ntlaticmmtittnee to deter
mitne- il wat m annttiier tieLUineritt
It hatdi beeti rumtotrend tatutieeletio
itf a preident for the Uiveriy winnie
take plice at thuisneetitg f le regets.
'lie tmatter, i. was-sai, astnot mn
(f11111cctait pasintg iterst asa
the eeting f lie Boardl oflRegetts yei
terda. lurtwo tltmtil-ittitt-nIwnanteit
thii-ibodiy. Tline)are Regeit Fleler
whoiihat seed nftotiethe slnidtliilerid
ofi sixteeiea -trtiltdIReget Ctrey, nhi
lht- eomiplneted a ti-rit ofieight year.
Thiree- iii-iiier-i ofIhe toad were de
tainedin ii.Det-rtit il tit mor11nig ad
ilerefore iii afternontts eion nitlyi na
Thei- itxit-ult el iii%%ilite hldtiJai. 7
Te folowing neit-tweti--gated:
Baciheotr ci. Sciec inivil Engi inteer
ing-Geore-I. Start.
Bancloriitof Sceeltitti- Chemittiicl V,1n
Tiein-:ntot ien-itAit-riolichtei. r i
coitrol ofiathlieticse-intri- aipprnveiy
the regein e-terday:
Prof. A. S. Whitiniey Dr. I. Mi. Myes

Prof. G. Wi. Patter-iot, Intl. VPratt
Ilblriook, till fitiot the faullty- H eniry
Bodniltt of Det-rit, tin represent thei

auni;t Raph T. Stuvc -tindlHarry'
Ritnd-eh, lfron tie -iudteti body.
These apoiinteitilil tu ne tti-.
It insidecidto mankeitth e te rm Itil
office forirtheir itt-itomI untctlt t o aIc
iear romatti daute(lintneadtof biginningtii
LDecembier r, as lhin leelinienenit.
Judge- Josepdh ".-Dononi-oi f lDttrill
gavce aniti i eretinig tin nell il-i intrciei-
talk Fridiay-ight before the Welstee so-
cie)y-lis-inubjet nesl"Ie CGolet Aie
nil Nowt"Int--ltthe cuethc-iof i-irem-arsn
ntestcifine re-firenice- ispaig.Ile
tatiniue-niallaspiringe public nipekerst o
thin toedo," aidtiri e Dnoari
totiki t mni youiiliar e-gingiitotain
i shi toi tIalk
Country Newspaper Ownership
a Grat Field for the CollegeI
tientiniitirestiedi iv esenrwtotrkmime-
eltt-icseS. 1)ilhirnt spoke oni"Sme
lGi-tei-al -ilelipaler Ideats" n-ti-tiday
chatince i i te nptapie fiel,"le lie-dh.
I li-einfnetereil has iementia tck ioi
nespre-i-ltlmctics-tindlI ibelietuhatiithu
vated.cThet ewspaper tietttn-iofth-itte
tile-Michigantreifliiihinki-i-itt igh ve
chfracterieut c thniin theitat in ither
ha etitimi-fromitiheiisodiandi itinn 110
had ihetoppotrtity to iliearniitie lt
t i eel-tilt-it tn--si-faet o tic inltpthet
S ighe tin spons-i-t ii tiesn. r-t-i imuni i-
entspiaperc work in tie -smaller twin.
luchre isintmuchibeforenyouinity
tre-spper sork titieouni htitnettipital
tin twn the ptper Tihtre intiutingthit
tn alttuergen vnes inwork at.oiliia largi
city tiily. If wereceto1 begii nver
tagai, I a-uld t-ar t-t an I dii-Oil
sthe ipaplesinitieismatlerctons.l
"There in a vail openitg for y-tn cli
.leg i-tien inftheli leruihuitntehe-loed
tiwnstinof tievariouin-iatie-.
Ittnericapttiework- nity-meight per
centiotheliigenis i necey- tutuany
eotngmnantti-uccee,. folloing the
i pincuicpes of-iuccesiinmother hut--- oh
aori plus the ittutit ri--i tttiiiitiit
o Miltotn C.-Lightnetr hats bti-i-tselected
is toata ter-icifor the ammatlt ibantutte
it1 the AXdephiifLii-rare- -ocity. -AX
dI su iith iiefftir iit beii hldi tlc k'slice
- tea roomiii ati8 oclck ion Siturdayc i-t-
ilg emI-i ner i - Si-vitinetn -illri-c
spondle o tats, ut -s titheiipeakir
Iv- utotuittefiet-of theife itetionito ltat-
- te-ni -htiililse-in-i- macin I hIa ttui t--iit
- prepnttratt-i fti-thei-ftetient cam unu
le madute
t. - Y . . . r t-it~i-"1' m I- nit itt-tilt
Thisnatle-rcoun t $ii:311thut-y. W. C. A

-banitque t -ill bhut ldi i Ni-i-i t-ry hla.
s Tickts-, wichelianii le-purmchased-ii-tlfilly
iicets-i etin- sauei t Yi- . XW'. . lita-ni
e qiuarter-.


Prof. Reighard to Coach laen in
Art of D~uelling.
lih ii fli expirtsi(if thuc L m rin
- - intiveil iIgor t r t-itt thin
iencr- ii iiluhec utuccicby lPrfessorium
hcuctult R eih rdI tut tutu- hail soiue
0111- - v ;r i wr ittili-it-i itflithliii- oiuh
sltle ()f NVIllilht iii tc nwt-s iuvpiet i er-
may itthe i ii ieiutit I inveuu ly.
Squadtirilut unilIIi he tnitillt th
beo-immg, of t t tikInd iProessoir
Rec~i ututiIIntisit-itt til en111inithe
tu-aitt n tittuinttt-i teriitha timrho-
tisonlcac lt hue ei ii n
mtil w- nill p tut h in lii 11h11d iitil tet-tlti
tittu tile ot
k iehui:;l i tt it i s uinutetdiniiithi
klith h;alm I tn t k-i-i -i itit tuati ca
tourn iiattic iis-]huelhuh - uu telito hoea
representat mive aiottuIal-cuuetug of
-ci x ct. (,et ler interestii as bii
sl, in te mu-m thi Yer taneer
lii>r andI iuili -it-. i-tit-irtatviiceiutti
E~lec1I lne tuned ut It he irtti
it ittiltidil utu tho ( \-a i -i r e - -
cral ,,t; aehadconierali e expmeri-
u-Ole- teintch';. 1 1111re v ire itiu t-nr
ence hate t ut it ipib ~vleih-
frar thse sme apdfener-tuthat b
lcvit iii lu. tu I l-t--- ni

" nl u ttu uui mmlihue-cof I'l,111 epnd
uent cliitmum cii i mxitnily literesting
atceulumuJohnsuI ut lociti (Ui-eunity.
hiarincle1 imii isnn.-fth eiest arittn
hby~ui FdiniSlosoth ie literary dtorhttomf
the-tt maguaine. Regarinlutetheundut et
grdaelife kit-.Sioll-tuwr11is
-O ifhlii-eially upiputrtiitruidliitoD)

Young Baritone Renders a Very
Charming and Versatile Pro-


std lii-theJohnlut lothi u ittodsr y i- X l th ie trigrcamtwhich irkinCecil
liii. Th h ut-mldergradui hu-ut eig Il ltit - 'anta t an; t ~h n ight lily have teen
uummuucauns, they legardl 111hislt -ritil t I i- 11s1riou uialy than tihuta t te
amuoctiof sutpeiorihight school.tmi h limt is uua l Choraucl 'I tlcotucert, it wets lite
no drmioryor cub ous toscrmas >f -i t u-mmetrtninuug anthenjoyahle
a entrofm lgatescity 'I'lii,)-li miii ihavegli~cioi u r-iih
a gyuumnsi uumi au 'I.XlC. kA.uuimdiuume hc ti ra izto a peetd
limit~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~A thftitfu asuh imeretill itittuu-c-he fis u euetin, other
but hei prncial esot i a ing bae-, sin musmoreremarnkable haeebeen
mtil-l barblen -up, nti d ltth i lth ief ha u- imi u km kui tuturlou fr lr. Faninftg
flme. acvcordinug tomm iy-iiu-u ni mlt is - itn uuiIli iue 11 yt itn
iii tilteg elopd, butIn ihe ailityin
sutudenut publicaioni i e Ncws i Fe htteitrill hat iitie aluit i
-- mcmiina:: lmumiacne hich im artintic acid
o <titmtitt-it uue- nultoiumuietm-ucenm-euiuuneitieatune, lest-artists
timumlemetl ut
,T T I it en ity time uurturaui mucs top-
j jjmTEl j ymSAES ~lir.Nlu tal <ntgsii um rtiy of tlime
SENTIMENT SAVESserious1muical pnrpose twere
OL E ICnT nto clfr tele ieof cheap effeet,
mut ill i1t inartuigeuuiut monigs were
Regents Listen to the Plead- - moicnmuihi cluuolnt danaetenamm
ings of the University's Pa- Cu in - kddedmltnothin thein mtroductionm
triotic Alumni. if a uconideurabtle unumbeur of soungs hut
kiitglishaimdttim esucrip1tivme talks hy Mn.
It fIs -hehldom1 thut ntii fmmnt plays -ta 11. 1'. Turnm mte pianisntmade the con--

NEW MEMBERS ARE ADDED -I pai tutuh e umukimug m l .
____ iI( atiml im~its, u citlumut dt i-i thn

Prospects for Further Increase in
Union Membership.
theiii mmmiii i ntuit ii utilm- ()l~ctl
proluinc titlili titl e ofumu t hetutu-i ats .
I mio11ias f te L umiii hiomileuverhiate
nWi u- \( t tit i1-ol i -ilit-ti thir I 1)11c1si1m1(
cotit n tl -.ttun tin e 1m mmsimmtum - mu III 1mmmt he
hi~tlt tutu-i in i ml.- limt-it a i tll it. c
Theciplansi for het-u~ cac tlli
mihti \a h tt t teiss r forith
Ile~lsof ilt nrY imitnha;i- e
ita (I Swm- tiin intthe iiear it-u - -
htt mm, MIIi .cu rhiet thin-
-ittr~ :(1( pln, wil Intltei
The. m ull n for 1 iii - li I mm ofi the
e-.1 hil as -IC (_in m thn- ett c(il m o
illicitem chI. Ahi e l.1c -co--t
<11'i tot1.11 a ttel1l ln w il
11iiih rsi-u-mmm(i- lu--mov ertivin htmtl tm-i mand
Joint Mtusicai Concert to he (liven
Next Friday Night.
mmmllh.min mmmII-IScal con cerv i ll hue
elm mum in tI lmcnlu hl I ilt muhum )
il e i-m ltico n l ill1clls'111tl.
l iaii reto-- -ii X - . lii iin t -i (" teti -
mimimu . 'Tile m usica~llclimi ti mlii -r e mer ithe
sank litmiii that are t nout
timm (1 .Chistmatrm i. liucucts, mm iicim neill
sell fir tvImm'y te cenmin null hum()1msam
cut XXiethic-i mmii kittlercc.
iTii s t-it - ittip Ctemi .Xiuituh chums
mm llhein--Iofithe limi-etit tthut-,eu-rt
hum-u t i k gum A -cunt mumilly cities--itlat
thu-it- it i ti-is titti t t Ilt imlllliCell-
ter mmit1.-helstcdm i. lei-folloitng is 1 thn
scc nl (f hlt- trill : lGra-dm RaI i dsniu
Im(l. 22: Iimmu -mu hIumlbum uI )el. 23u; Clii
mm10 cloiiclub, I )h,.a)2t :(trstmua-i
(11) CI- u li m m n - humDC(.27:; Xl ltttmti e '
Illco,. all: I lhum mmmvi. l)n(. 20:) DulthiiDec.
30i: X\II mmu-m~ip l h Dec. 31; lmuiucuJim.
I : li)ihm(mne, T. ut . a Jmmm ,es a.1 alum-
III cncerttu i mlli he f uit nit theu illn A ts
i(lmi111), mmlcm .lo

i-miminend mofthne 111old l-ili ildni .
tuu umiN i iuumuly i toinsagill-iut-i tilt oI
th lum thi eat i tilleumimi yMnidlly-t ahf-
tuMothsmi 11timihe regetsu dmcidediamihai
tic 11id 11rucuremm ut Cme nt-u- It
itai.bkenml mk ine mutt wa tm-utl
h A-u u th mcn t e-,oliitr fmor it t-i mit-i
tiu nmelt gtive.iifwclssshatbe
Selminthiel. p lacei li eu- roo1 m s werei
en i ly l ii 111111tis ll , ntil atittimle
(lkttsieiagotnht-i mii mur mucheml ti n"itt il
oraory wo k initill huh e icl uid
in . ''hc ddn huhiact - l va of s.1 e c-
mum theuedific mmmiimvl, lnd he
tilt tilleir fe lngs iin.s tn li.-
nmlii tiltnt 11111til tumualto be readIto
rea . -t i <<Clssi bi ofmu lti-. lmi
tilt-Il-il-ill- thteutl II tttitinr. " I h en -
t-u ntdil, if lm sti mmiii , bu
th eens lstnd to te ariet
tcc na-fro t ofii ute m mtra itit
po inted in ea co mmttee tmo dm111fee withi
iii tilttitium andidtert iim -i- htluisit
if tutuy, time preserved pottontt will hum
CtiXSS (COkO 1T 1 hAS

cn tn netof moIeluanusti-min mterest to
thin .nd int a-suaiiwutle.
kin. I -mliMmmg leas ire markabcilny symnpa--
ml ct-vic--tifibeautifmul timnbre and
tilt-c-uan;e limes neof theesitng-
c md ismveiryiytunto tihmie stoutis
tve-icmipoti-iium yet hit-inuginug shouwed
,-mm in fum ii.Illsu n-ice us a hbaritomne
j o thin 1). item sr, ntdmmiii ldiclassic
selm-ct1.ios fromthem asteiii~rs mumchmarm-
ilt litticliifolk1songseorhdamee sntgs aith
equal attmatinvilei-iandiishill. Not a
little of Ills -tiedin nu namiicdue t h i i-
tmic e nuitionu utmuichvwaniu-ieleightul
and res f-ill
XVhlc lh tieact dierenceimmtime coon-
lwiti u-mu mmeil inlued lyric
antm tI-mtut.inmuic me nakes it hand lea
calmill it ne mi ttu mm humtI perhaps time
mos trieingti-tmi-itil henrmatc eanud pow-
rr- iin-mum theutrigid hallad, "Ed-
vvnth > nutti. t s sng nt ofteun
heard. andmi the diaouie hetween time
mmmiliii , ormtmmifi mmimoemmmii time munr-
durr hoecsfrnulm1fmulerecplnationms
tten-rifyitngexplanautliitntumid unaledic-
mils -- I - convinucingly itiven. Mr. Fan-
ncin, e caledl after thula notng ho gide
;m1 lishiblad qu~mite differnemt um
chaactr iC-ue n mmtime IBud."' Anothmer
s. t t-- uhudrmatioc dedemtas
- ci"' sttitnt (fmetinen fanmoums Iti-
Iihe cmpsitiitominunas descrihed
lt XI tut 1mmi uas he-i-smmelodious hut
tilt dramatic" thantile famiuliar Schu-
hc iiarrngementandth as-i-nciem itu fell
valiue byu Xi IFmulinmg. As a stroung eon-
trat it t e tusonsiwreetlie Schubuert
mvis n licldu fal:1111sonigsmwhieh were
-hra~nl given.1T prougrammwsas
mltI 1y Aritur XWiit--
mm-t rte ii i ii. ulit amusimnmg amid ef-
met iv mmuemmmm t fmuir ol Kipling's
..,a ra .- o mm a]scs
\,)malitlecreiht m i um h iml. Trpin
tva~epinumg ahlyiiputporedItime singer.

Thliii-lhmlmimi mina-ti m cii miisuimletdI tI 1llUtS I hNPC
byi Presdieni t IP. hDix Ii to-mivein liiheiiAXNIIAilI h .0IiISORS
hVXeettivue-It.I.1. Hask)ins, chaimin mu. -ii mmi Iunuiedirsmt-yeah- mnamid
J. Il. 1Cmgins, C. S. CsafeI limitDlute. um umum mumenemiticihmre-ceptiomniveunhy
Smokerum-IC. h11 I htaileynchamimnm mliifaiutiiy ofthl litrary departument
Gerebinkuh. IO1. Ctutu-lmt h-u. hMX. vutucm my aiternoonmu. Thmeeepionmwas
Olc~turmIa hlin. h r eth tthtecfreshumeun might
Danmce-IR. S. htcmmmmuu charmaumae th acuaitance vouf theradvisors
IC iP. hMtternt, P. Ciiiskuern, ergi mre hb noumality amid
iumueimcmuu - iy. dncefolion-ed the Ion-
Ilaumuuet---. T. bathiers, cviri iminiIorml iiitmlictionsm.tuBusids menmero of
R. W A ustin, I. Lowr, Ri. A. tafrd te ulti, in ummui mm of sniors assisted
Pume -1tlleuieley chaimman, XA moilek um- in ccrceiingtutuneucammminmupiloting lime
c HC. Rticardsonm, WV B. Abuntgtutu 1 ashtmlfem entuto mmcongemnial company
u-ni andith dance

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