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December 04, 1907 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1907-12-04

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1~1?(~AS~ _____________________

Wild Collpally
' The Largest Stork
in the City
xlusive Styles in
VI Gentlemen's Wear
irsrything required for Suits,
-rcats, Fancy Vestings, and
' ins, and of high class
.and speclial styles.
r Full Dress Suits al
I Specialty
v Wild Comfpally
311 Soth State Street

dd'ausl gin dlis -PAUI S hear t PlasRac. '~he Nw Lttgiatticsut, a ness'state
Bnusineass Manager-C. FE. WiNS'euA. or lganization. held its first itteeting last
zcDITORS sight at Mc_%iiian H-ail. About Itsenty
News..................A. F. Ritchieretlsstasoehafo
Athletics ....William F. Gradoipit those ini college eiigibtie foe metmbersitip
Sporting....Claresce I . Eldridige i itihe club. No) officer save iteetn elect-
Cacisange.If..... . John Wamboldel ed as yet.,lthough a ctonstitutiontbaa been
Music and Drama...Roy D. Welcs deaftetd.
Wosmen's Editor.... Louise Van Voorhis Pe'ig r oieiedecyscn
EDITORIAL STAIN Feidaty, ansnoun cemtensts of trhich, as to
J. W. McCandless Elmer C. Adams place and tinme, trill appear insThte Daily.
Johno F. Wore Rohert H-. Clantcy Allitose edesieintg membtership inth ie
Outlet F. Stevetnso lbSoucti tld subttmttit thteir ntmetttco ttH.
NIGT i DIffTORSOLevens, 421) 11ll1street. Oste yer's
HDram S. Cody George H.. Hobart resid ee intshie Ness l tteiandsta utes i
Chauncey Bouchter B. G. R. Williams <otnecessarrequtireet foIr admissin.
RaymondtlVissecher ___

h ye to muentions books
Christmas Gifts hot
)Ws is a good tinme to he-
s",IIts select thsemswhile
M(s, s are uinbroken and
l, ct 11 filed a fine assort-
sfthe newest and
ilar ones
4 echan & Co.
inrdent Bookstores
A. G.
&BROS. , .0.51
tManufacturers in the World
Ofticiat Athtetic Suplies
Foot Bsll, Golf, Lawn
itostot Ball, Hockey
enets tor Track and Field Sprts
Atl Spirt. Spading's Haadomerly
Cataloue ofatalltsportstcsetainsnu
pict'a-o, 5t. Louis, San t'r aieu,
i klphia, Beston, Csecinsiti, Bal-
KIst anssas City. Cleveland,
I s, Detroit, Montreal, Canada.

L. C. Reid Lee A White
Vl. P. Mci tlus J. iT. Prescott $Cai ri1
A. L. H-ainline Robert Moorslsier t ra a
Lowell J. Care Donald L..Kinneyv ___________________
Walter K. Totwers L~ousrals
t,ssis'F. Riniskertn Rot c5Morelaund t.st tTI esacos'C]R.
Petel Greer Saiuttel Ii. itorris Thse 5programt of the, Pactslty cttoscet
Ostt angei Peed 1'..Goodtin~gtoihe gires tomsorrowr ev'eing offers
much__ that1 is sos-cl atnd great deal
BUSINESS STAFF liat is intelresting. Pie. tRowlandt opens
Joltn F. Wore Carl H. Adam ercia nstir sontgs nwith wichl
I leroldl P. Gonuld he hass pretvioutsly greatly pleased Iis
Address: MICissoAsoDAIsY, Press Bldg., ttltlisttes, ill additiontt o two. infire-
MyadStreet.111itistsiee Mr
Mapuard id Pit s Il;tlmtiIP. Lsckwsoodi play a
Manager's IHoors: s-2 p. in., 7-S p. m. S eenadi"fortwots'evsiolints bhrndngSdiysxetSna.Btshns 1 n ls okodpaeitisg
960.wsrktforlthe siterst litte intshtiscontlr
in11a reitalinus \ietdeissosn hfll, Ness'
VO_ orklais sttiter. iTe las-or wiieh
tecIII p1115511n1 .1111its 5performers inet
WEDES )A, DCFMl3,R lI90.It tileihandls tofte critics wousilindti-
\VEDF.S AY. ECEPI4ER4, 107.cate11111tihis trill its onec of testar-
__ - _ iIclllr l atractivse offeringp5 s n thtis
HI I 51515 rtI 115' S 55R411OU151,. :,e's con~cert series.
'Ters is 11111 ups Ial'eelng umore tor less ,Secssiy ha15s usetd a nutiter of te
Ioi repugnae~tc at tile ntarl course of rhytintls of tile Greek poetry'its a series
1111ntsIwhell tiley brinlgte retiremetntt of compo5Istion~s rentitledi 'Sketchles 011
fromlactlestItservicee of a 111111lilac Major Forgotlent Rhypthm~s." Albert Lockwood
Sou11.15 ie hats btetneonelcte'd s1oitong 'aysthrece of tese skeichses.
w,1it te inlstituttionthIs sso lonsg 111111 Thlitentiresprogramtsfollows :
1111111 tand ltn thle cs dtsttof its for- tio i s, 11d.T is i,..I'f~if~l'.fJ
l~tle tle tti tn Itt Clagtsuset-rimsSon ('Iof. . . ). s.Rkoskt
tunsi roIlItia r 1stf'ctttg1ngcir-ee
lckr i ...i .......ll .... Rckauff
cot11 t~ iso f i tt' cy to ittcaesi I'
..ib- h................cret
515115 ircsstia sh .11111 i p t i cal '11 ('1 lt lis Ho la d
It sit' pastto1-41lnlelldi smires;etafnotnteit)aeole'
stiprll jsrc:t ic toherestated. t~lii tcos . Ltf~i-.
ils culdto te l) ftt Otiitct isg sather Mr . X 1iitsrtoSaues'ttc1111.
lolt.uit ie e s eres Itee gr ull-
A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~he fkset tc ~dtre tt' sotest ecl 111cesltionl oossesshyte'
tirsiy teintuitutios. fu ctu.rtttrc- Xtihet ls t
si recktt est stiieatioftile,,hottlie Cen lese ssjt. . tituu
tssvtar tll setilie t it usexpransionurer Sattcneo sti P ~tis'oI
in theyatetstssenysieplatate tell
itil Ani' i o~ti thitt stistei rtio a dthe111111 ,
has seemolstllits oesard-which E11 twdoll sars insujresyuaais l
fut, ft te etrgrt ae loauo ss bylfire. GocJk Haoeo&d o.

its e ttecr tesl ie Ltttieti f s/fte
Centurly Ditiutluey and Cycopediu
andtttf lasantd Disributes etat Ies'a
Tfhatu HalffPrie.
ITis is te era of comititations tf
ol iaitds, attd soic Ants Arbor is to
are attaeltatte sa argains cotmisitatiost
really swortht wsilie.
It cotmtes aot sthsroughtgl he bsiess
enterprse of te cell iantownsCosmltsjti-
tatn tmtgalite, itwhichsof late ias ects
ressisitlele forginsg taetdiatte is tntt
m~ attg te strotngest st roef a bii for
a large Inumbliertof ewsustbscriers.
Thec periodticalitas smthinli kehs 10
000 at p ressntutott its list, 1111 ihas set its
sakssissfor a rotttdtihal silliot, adsttr
secier] to ad ts extra 30o000 by3of
feritg atsiduceenst so swel woth~e
whiilethlits tetdesired ets reaers twoldt
qtuicklyi cotte. It terefosre secured cIl-
trol tof tile etirsoutputs for 1907 of tie
greatl Ceurly Dictioary atdiCcloe-
dia1 ad Alias. tdotelytlh ie motut
valutablei single referestce w o n the
lantguage. A large numtitber of te sets
tle cstutry.buts tsCosmsopolitat tfinal '
decided to restrict whlat remttained to
1hset'sectiouss of 111e contuir siwhere
maligaz~ine Circuatio1111is ott Ot isiratti.
Pllrsuitng thtistuolip' a lititied alotmti 11
tasar lrantgedi feteAnnAtu .ror 11111te
Shteehsunoots store ws sseletet asrte
dstributtig mediuttm.
It is qulill teunecssr to sy tt thIis
enterprise mueants mtucito5tis pttblic
it mteauds the placng tithinit ear' retell
te otnssuremtey useful geteral refer
e 'wtork-ic ste & Centuryte at 011111V
v39.50, cotupeed wit apeearslubscrip-
tion1 to he Csmutooliiatn.
(Of cours ost pope ]nos"ius
Centutry'listssay ot ihatve senutisi
'upe rtt eition f 107. I isithe vers'
latest. It is cmptilee and uarigs'd
It is tieley15)'eitionusisststdibpy Te
Centlury Coumupanus, ads is prducd intuu
e it'15speiictgutrnteie.
PUreliattieisoakloffes ofIthe past ftew
ertlmay ate intdeemsatysksepti, bttt
MI Ills' Ieed ialvca tdttuttregardintg Te
ettiry or liltou ts'egemli155155 s and1
valu otthie ipresentioppotnity.Its). i
1111' necesrto IIclli at tie Seeau
Ibia stre alulliispiect te eiitntill its
diffrn i'''''ubininilgs, andsise fl our'~tsef
si-eutsnatrctite anutvtuluale litrars
tuntiedutaionatt offeritng is pesenlted,
atudtiat wst in atexceptioual lbargain.
t.OST-A msariun fu, ittUiverits'
Ihlll on tetigt f No. if. idte
'pease retutte 6e1sic Est Annu.
LO5ST-Suttay nigt, Theta ello
e'hi pit. Findr retlessIc 910 Corwsel
Place asd reeie reward. 55-57
VWcarete selitg tgeuts foe1B1111
sihutt Wilson 1aud ltImeritl Situprua
''15s. The naeofthessessgods 1has
'teentso wel tstablishtedltiatino10futhier
cotmmuent is unecessaryp. Plartins Fiele's
culeliture Store.t112, 114 atde116 iEa~st
littety St. 37-60
IHand hammered jewelry at Fosters.

Esers onleues sone
visitinlg caris 'XX Insot
gotthe bttst, i is as ceep l
as the eusiniarp' pitleel
cards. We esguruve ets
plate adid oeocrds fte
$1.25. If yoss uts pi syue
own ple. 75cIpe ic
We dii Satiosnery
Stamn~g, Weddintg Ass
nulusi ots trnuselMotti-
gt outWork. G e t5o(isle
p.H '
State Steet '.. - it ,,,-Ill
A C''s i4' (I1 i 5
Largesrisd btter,40
leoaves is is tus s Iot
locetsos oe
XWiot n8xSo piue
of its 5Anugel ,_lsita
Np ci 1Ituicresrat5e
withi lila
If'von ail to 1las--P a
Scirap Booik f Cu i: te
Di' s, Iotigl regtiti
ll pu(stllie.
College Iiture , 'Kdata and
12111 5o Su plies.
Amatur El'i stisst etc.
)121 EAS f LBER'ryldTC el'R,'l
Largest clectiit'of sti uhrt
asndte Iotutypeslti ei 1sofune
icigall Pers
f}soitt Bissi--IPris II pl
Plie itgoiuatidl Pu 5 Ptues
WM. ARNO LD, Jewkr~
05 ',ilhit.

Real Estate and Insurance, 216 Sooth
Main street. tf

See cur cosmpete line of Michigan
pis, . fbs ound souvesnirs. IHaller's
Jewelry Store, 216f S. Malts street. end

Portrait frames at FPoster's.


Jt~ ~iHoEDgy26
ot AF~1 L m U
too6 AC

Every day one hears
peotple sa "ft I were in
college again. I would do
more in the line ofsuPCl-
tore I swouild learn some-
tlinlg shoot nusic sonas so
atppreciate good mouos ic
wh en I hear is."
Stusdensts of todlay cr-
Isisi),luavse splendid facil-
ities for such stusdy.
Coin.ses itt all oranches
if itti:eic are gisven by ltse
beti prepared instroctors,
at vsery rea cuteble rates
at thse
University school of Music

Ube Ztubent& 'lcturc bisscciiatioll
Dr. William J. Dawson
London, Eng.
Friday Evening, Dec. 6, 1907, at 8:15
Moriday Even ing Deem ber 9, 1907
University Hall
Course Tickets Including Reservation $2.00
Single Admission Tickets for Dec. 6 - .50
Single Admission Tickets for SOUSA $1.00


121 Washngton iE. The Randall Studio, Randall d& Pack, .

Phone, 598

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