1~1?(~AS~ _____________________ Wild Collpally ' The Largest Stork in the City of xlusive Styles in OOLENS VI Gentlemen's Wear irsrything required for Suits, -rcats, Fancy Vestings, and ' ins, and of high class .and speclial styles. r Full Dress Suits al I Specialty v Wild Comfpally 311 Soth State Street THE MICHIGAN DAILY. V CW i~ dd'ausl gin dlis -PAUI S hear t PlasRac. '~he Nw Lttgiatticsut, a ness'state Bnusineass Manager-C. FE. WiNS'euA. or lganization. held its first itteeting last zcDITORS sight at Mc_%iiian H-ail. About Itsenty News..................A. F. Ritchieretlsstasoehafo Athletics ....William F. Gradoipit those ini college eiigibtie foe metmbersitip Sporting....Claresce I . Eldridige i itihe club. No) officer save iteetn elect- Cacisange.If..... . John Wamboldel ed as yet.,lthough a ctonstitutiontbaa been Music and Drama...Roy D. Welcs deaftetd. Wosmen's Editor.... Louise Van Voorhis Pe'ig r oieiedecyscn EDITORIAL STAIN Feidaty, ansnoun cemtensts of trhich, as to J. W. McCandless Elmer C. Adams place and tinme, trill appear insThte Daily. Johno F. Wore Rohert H-. Clantcy Allitose edesieintg membtership inth ie Outlet F. Stevetnso lbSoucti tld subttmttit thteir ntmetttco ttH. NIGT i DIffTORSOLevens, 421) 11ll1street. Oste yer's HDram S. Cody George H.. Hobart resid ee intshie Ness l tteiandsta utes i Chauncey Bouchter B. G. R. Williams