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December 04, 1900 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-12-04

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4 Fine Service on the Central tSTI-LC j LO H G
- The Xihgan Central R. R., whih
t i Delail, Mndas ecepted (dring teak Michigan "rootrs" t the gen -
wolg er t:- to siclltrais last -edfta,11 OTHIQ HOBIlER !R 1EATE
THE NIVE~liYOF ICIGIANlusr tdwht airtclas ,-od esdco
T~lEUNILK3II F vu~.uumcu~in the g, y.f elegant serice
~ ti en Orer. Es omt t kown raiwayThis make of clothing rse.on-
Broth 'Ph.. oneBdst ti t . Nwew State 'Phoneet 12 travel was given the tucet, and thke; fined to U9 in this town, and is the
- w ,o'trains sirte. the 20O miles in swelest tailors' cre~tions forFall
MANAGING EDITOR, abbut s'ixhre., scheciieate, making
O. H. HBAsS,' stop.a only a few of thea er points WOW°Aar
BUSINESS MANAGER, along the way. On the first tain ouste
r.,NOEI1A1,,lotr, a luach ar was wa ted, In whch all
5.g LAIltL kinds.of sandwiches, p1 e,, ec.,-were Suits a15,00 tQ 25.00
AAFTC,,EDITORS: Neved. Dinty WWIchIbUIq of..fare,
GltlltIS . D. teinsUTT,'01 printed in two color, and for the oc I QVeCOEts $6 to 43.
A. H cDoGALL0,..A. N- lT,"55at'IL train, and the travelers on tleway
Mis L,.Sn~mE03 tts.Dvxexoi were given every oprunity t tavei IN E S HIIT
ff.B. Wren-olw,' t Wive.s s. , ofLtLil t:sand comfot. Th second
W. A BENSCTER, '03 F.LI.OTisOrN, '03 tra.i~nincladed areglatloz dine, and--%,___ ---Herle tacadfo mrewmp& A r+L
Luaus -repast e: alotisfied. The
trasins ran but a nal ior apart so thatSo s
___-cacti person cait pick his traitt end V(.PI We have just reieved or fail
ElictNeil Snow captain of net troel in the style he liked best. ManyTH NE sio anwntrtckf
favorable contients were heard at thisTIiNEVSO anwntrcokf
sca's itdot. stroke at enterprise on the part of the FOR 'WOMEN. FANCY OVALS,
By dtelta i iitooit -"eage Mcigati Cenratl managenment, and FANCY CIRCLES,
xt a fie bind of4ta;'stie student traveters on this trp feei Is recommended by First-class
tttsrooas, itagii is relegatetd to an rh~t If fle game had 'been as su(CCssful Milliners because ORNAMENTAL FRAIE
almost itceriniiste psition amaontgis the trip was, ietee-would tbe nothing AND
western colilege t attt. We ave itnox to (Oanpl tin atbot. ty stch service A Smart Boot is needed PICTURE MOULDINS
Buses to 1inae to Chricagi. Site won liii Central mtakes a strong baillfor rie
frmu w arl a idIw, n sfuture tudient +traffis. with a new als. Of every description-Conte in and
frcson ste il y, lh o-aevertad a ___ ___- seec them.
deiiey"ewl a.loeead Davy' 01Beokettonight at the (Miller
teemybsoeliteonoainiAtesGe.l.this for -Mlictigan, that the eant Mitcii- _____ 212 S. Main Ste EFIS ATSDE
iaal ml UliCticgo woo te best stleven Bet $3 hat made is the Hloward. 217 S 4th AVE., ANN ARBOR
that tats represented toati scoiootitt any tWadans, Ryan & Reule, sole agents GOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOOOOO
of ni a ont itst this year. The Maroons The finest Monograph and other tini-
ityct snutil force antid'ath that tiloost verity fancy letter paper nd pads InAT E S t TR
sre Mluihian off ter for' in the oe the city. All styles. Seh~iler's Book-F1 E S H aR
nnlaf tdw ay Ite thankfultha tore, itl so. main at. WEDNIESDAYDECEMBER 5
Hlf- -o, t itto wot oo h
at-Itt-ti A-senid uu-l t iiAsocaticPitaes iclsoils GRACE ILKINS, MAUl) DEIBIN,
Vir-hitt l titite e let ithw GEOR'sGt NASH PRtANiYLVESE and tir li'1ers
alate itlbslth tnt~it 0 dt iisPFamousNICPRINCEOTTO
lau it t t ii idteile~htoI itt tc it .
silutlittt~r rttieml ot lt mi cit ~A Superb Performnce andf a Magnificent Prduction 'Throughout
evidnt Se las u.Fd~eln-CalFt, RICES: 50, 75x, $.00 and $1.50.
Blooisugiots this yetmotIlitoftbe:,itte__
mdtaoho exi-tcepotontof as tiisswere uTH RDA , 6., ,
not:al)w h avrage to 0ml mte-Hoyt's "A Hole In The Ground.t
Hatlt lii-back wi-i-eiiine t: .itffi- Scenes from Gant! Opera1 PRICES: 25, 50. 75 AND $ 1.00
coni nttietloit wtihtli elii ic-il thit iour A erts trt
ittellertwtai rs weaktl o itti riustis SICO JRSE ________eats____________ ow_________n____________________
Ru*h dhs lm ms r ul' ENJOY THE GENTLEMAN'S GAME
'he spliril uaeti d ieDiyL c u e ek ,o, ationeth lo ar ttyiily I1'SAT
ttttts-o itgtttsiulittit b loo Printed lecturcs for all depart-1$ B L I R
tltoti wr outii folosw-. flt m liiive nents of the U nit-rity. mc.Q II..LIR
not tttit tdowni. and dlit In t'lit(I writing and Mimeoraphiitg.I OEP RL S
sago gitti, ut ttoe bard litt tt iiatiaa ED WARDS RB ROS.1 ' (
i'-hole.te his l 11tgh-Ittt -tttot slut hitS lOe: '-kirknot itateStrcec ON HALi OYSTERS u e ch OENED AlT
usto iii eiittct-rte or elityito. EK OAL Everykid
Boti lsian tidspirit 'has, eelta ~ck M. STAEBLER. HIGH 01LASS JLUNCHES~i
Inn go an inxtIent that tmaith ivt oatto hoth'Phones S t119X. Washington G [IS OAC~ I[gTE
a. WO 1T'(ontt iiit Cht tat-o t Itotowas~LIUAJI T E
strotiits-,ahi 'year tut oe shoaid Redmiond, hefrr&Co., NAiYIEYOUR BRAND, WE'SEL. iT
hrat-i iiefesled NIdre Da-iae,)O. is.U.BANKERS Emjoy Thie (ame, A Good ILtnh adm iii A itatrttat
-ad Clt cgo by decisivem- sores. Capt. 41 Wall Stree, New ork R S~ S BL IR P R O
tnow tought againt reit aids d
Tino a generai banking sine . * S Cesoa13Gs Q
diie oi , bt one ana canot Rteceitve 'dpoit nsbJadto dat ines. Dvidendo R I D AN
m ke he wole even No'ac pay rand interest eien n eitd.A oA TT
maete hl lve.N n lyrFiscal Agents forn and negotia the 'HtIssue OfNC)L S Io-iaus TTTEE
is to be cenued renocthan andtihe. railroads. sret riliwasgsacompanies, ec E QL S Ioo~,AEi3' )REE
What the Daly wants is sonic -adl Membters New York Echange_______________
and pirt, nd thotglrwe ay nt JAL N ,SANITARY PLUMBING
wi shamp Msh lswe en win all ouc HIGHGRADE INVESTMET SECURITIES. f , (M NH LCSCOSTCTOANSurs;
tidr~mitfranl'hahwemayn OJEALoNANDSUPPIES
I mn Iltm its. List oactr rnt nlerinenonet :a'pativssnon, rA STAM AssaHO-T WATER HEATIN,
'Davy" (hi ekatf I fotight xtotie GRAHAM,KERR & CO. UCOB GRASRMANTELS AND RATES.

A i ECANEYour Oil Lamps For "Ann We are leesdquarters oer e.erythng in the line:of farnishins fox.
Arbor' Match generators Istudents' rooms,
Royal Tigers, IOC; Tigerettes, Bringesin your old ones and lets make you WAST AE AKTCSIOS
______________The__Superior a M'fr.. Our Prices You' Will Always Find the Lowest.
Bu al eClock frnor rom at 3'29 . Main t.,near Williams. MARKHAM'S BAZAAR
Readaulnartrs frad. as,.S. nlp

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