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March 31, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 131) • Page Image 1

…'i it 43U ~Iatg AiWj la1\aL.T DAY AND)'NIGHT 11 S~tR ICE i I ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 1920. PRICE THREE CENT A " ;. ': - II , his Year's Union! sed II Four le$ U. D.) University should wn and a new sys- put in place of the o the Mares issue himes. 4yoppted by the . tife magazine is ;ssmen taught by of the faculty, the ng 'graduate and he younger faculty claims that the are closer to the Bd desires and so draw out"...…

March 31, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 131) • Page Image 2

… ITY 'HE N xcept Monday during the Univer- 01 of Student Publications. ASSOCIATED PRESS xclusively entitled to the use for :hes credited to it or not otherwise local news published therein. Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second street. eed 300 words, if signed, the sig- r in print, but as an evidence of be published in The Daily at the at or mailedl to Thie Dailr office. cceive no consideration. No man the writer incloses postage. arily endorse...…

March 31, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 131) • Page Image 3

…II l( IIIUAN 1. Ail- T ,5P01 2TS t , .. "; ti. . , x . .,,1 1 rV UOwI £1 S: ! Y, "'i: 0 EHNEADSI IEOULESI I of Chieago for Eastern necessitates JPemaking f Baseball Lists AD OF ELEVEN S TO BE PLAYED HERE aseball schedules for all Confer- e teams have been shifted and re- nged to fill the open dates left by withdrawal of Chicago from Con- nce competition for this year. The oons are planning a tour -of the nt and will leave before t...…

March 31, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 131) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY NOrICE - we clean, re-' redye Milan, Hemp, Chip, all kinds of straw hats. into the new shapes they as new and save you a lot We do only high class ory Hat Store, 617 Pack-1 .one 1792.-Adv.I Police Arrest Five Speeding Afttoists Over the week end five auto own- ers were arrested for speeding and 10 for not' having their cars properly lighted. Prof. Trueblood to Read Passion Play Prof. Thomas C. Trueblood, head of the orator...…

March 31, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 131) • Page Image 5

…LN DAILY The Stage THE ARCADE :30, 10:00 THE WHITNEY s-Wed. 30,3 1-Peggy Hy- in "The Black Shadow" a two reel comedy and and Jeff cartoon comedy. SThurs-Fri. 1, 2-Earl Williams in "When a Man Loves." - I (,1lilllIlii!1111i1i1ii iii 11i1i 11iIii 111ii i giiIi SGac.ik Detroi Williamu Courtney In - "CIVILIAN CLOTHES" Mores r11 1i1lrlllmi lln ~ ii111 1111111 odel" Joe Bd." "John Drew OETROi in sTHE CAT BIRD' SAY THEATRE SDAY APRi , 11 Comin...…

March 31, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 131) • Page Image 6

…It DAILY , , I - LRPUS TO HEAD[~hLT9 Student Leaders Needed at "Y" Camp one) ondY half of :'clock Fri- being play- lock in the . follow the ur winners ght playing ers of the I be played at 7:30 that have been left o semi-final games at 9 and 10 o'clock. be played by the win- o games that even-, k. games are announc- evenson and Oldes, Mitchell, May, and s to Fraternities Bred and the houses e been assigned are: Alpha Delta Phi and ba, P...…

March 31, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 126) • Page Image 1

…L hiPP I AO * / ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH. 31, 1921. { m G ~PERORTorchlights And'ANUC IH tusic Will See T\Il Track Team Off DA1 OPERATIP lscorted by a torchlight procession, the Varsity track team will be given a Itinerary Longest Ever Taken in the rousing send-off at 11:42 o'clock (Un- .hIstory of Union Organ A AE iversity time) tomorrow night at the izatona FRE Michigan Central station.'Definite an- 1. TO KEEP nounceme...…

March 31, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 126) • Page Image 2

…IAL NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN d every morning except Monday during the [lntv the Board in Control of Student Publications [EMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ociated Press is exclusively entitled to the us* iok f all news dispatches credited to it or not othelSt his paper and the local news published therein at the postoffice at Ann Arboi, Michigan, as 1econ ' tion by carrier jr mail, $3.50. Ann Arbor Press building, Maynarot it'r Bus...…

March 31, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 126) • Page Image 3

…. ~ ~4U 1 0 ', p ' J. W r jjc .. W T . r F, ."# ,,, , ---- - ' .. . . .. , w. .. LO FINALS IN 3 TRACK EVENTS ter Mile, Javelin, and Discus Throw Run Off by Coach Farrell GHT SQUAD TO GO TO COAST PRACTICALLY INTACT f doubtedly be among the 15 going West. Dunne has not yet equaled his last year's marks but improves with time. Tidy has shown improvement, but has not yet come close to his more ex- perienced opponents. The discus trials br...…

March 31, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 126) • Page Image 4

…[ICHICAN DAILY a - - --- - - - ETICS FOR YALE AT HIGH CLASS MUCH NEEDED AS COACHES ME'i 'ecognize and value highly the ings about intercollegiate ath- but anyone who tMinks they :be improved is either' destitute ormation, or imagination, or aid James R. Angell, recently Spresident of Yale University, first speech as head of that uni- *"I desire," he continued, "to e intercollegiate. athletics used "ully than at present; because of questi...…

March 31, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 126) • Page Image 5

…_.___ , J. L. CH-APMAN MCI I9H N I .V IVE LE RAM) OPTOMETRIST The Store of Reliability & Satisfation F N 'S 11:3 Soutl Main Street ____ _____________tFUN SALSE Sleep Anyplace pcit Eat at Rex's THE 'CLUB LUNCH 712 ARBOR STREET Near State and Packard III y 0000 !'eta-fs4, to (icier Iiii vr~i13 Ad!it]d 1,LA N UCC11 CS1LIly TRIED III EASTERfN UNIVERSITIES With the purpose of providing aid F t Yrfor the University whenever it is most needed ...…

March 31, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 126) • Page Image 6

…tL A r -- - ment I1ummers will present "TI er Hat" at the Women's leig to be given at 4,o'clock Frid noon in Barbour gymnasium. Mortarboard will meet o'clock tonight at the Alpha ega house. MI SS ;,;,,;.~ 't11 Il I uIll ifl flflflfl lflI1111ll a1I1I1l1111l11ll TO LEAVE FRIDAY-- ris' play scores are on sale and Graham's bookstores. have'ordered copies are re- call for them there Im-I the usual custom, the sen- ear their caps and gowns e...…

March 31, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 126) • Page Image 7

…i LIST ON WAY T AT TIfE Burroughs, great American t, poet, and writer, died on a ir Kingsville, O., on his way om California last Tuesday . His death came after a d illness of six weeks. urroughs was born in Rox-' Y., Apr. 3, 1837, of English 1 parentage. He spent his uth at study in the country id the fields and woods. Ai1 of 14 years he began writing nd at 19 became a contribu. he Atlantic Monthly. After in from Cooperstown semin- aught sc...…

March 31, 1921 (vol. 31, iss. 126) • Page Image 8

…THE MICHIGAN DAIL'T ____ Y LILY OFFICIAL DULLETIN I THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1921. Number 126. itaal Faculty: The weekly luncheon will be held Thursday at 12:15 at the Michigan on. MARCUS L. WARD. ulty, College of Literatu*, Science, and the Arts: Friday afternoon, April 1, at 3 o'clock, in Room B of the Law building, >int meeting of the Schoolmasters' Club and the University of Michigan ulty is announced, for a conference on university...…

March 31, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 133) • Page Image 1

…t t pg ~'' FA L ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN FRIDAY, MARCH 31, 1922 "I . MC CONNELL WILL TALK HERE SUNDAY Dr. Francis J. McConnell, bishop of the Methodist church, of Pittsburg,' Pa., will be the speaker at Univer- sity services in Hill auditorium this Sunday night. Changing the plan from previous services this one will begin at 7:30 o'clock instead of 7 o'clock. ED Bishop McConnell graduated from Ohio Wesleyan university in 1894, re- ceivi...…

March 31, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 133) • Page Image 2

…a... ablished ever morning except Monday during the University ,y the Board in Control of Student Publications. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS he Associated Press is excluesiely entitled to the use fhr kosation of all news dispabches credited to it or notrq*erwisee d * this paper and tea" sets publisiked treit at the 3 SSoA at AnA Axbe. brMkIaio s te s -od tcriptlo hbyeowiw.or snaill SS.e etn: A i Arbor Press Building. L'aeAd Streit. aoS a us...…

March 31, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 133) • Page Image 3

…UBLICATIONS' NOTICE Graduate Ci1b Party Saturday o'clock Saturday evening Graduate club will hold a combined bymnasium. Refreshmen card party and dancing party at 8:30 provided, admission free. will be A Al S lYE public- n on the a Press lies some rning the instituted ;o, super- It takes adside, 10 y mail to through-i ar to the r univer- lal news Managing editors and business managers of Tie Michi- gan Daily, Michiganensian, Gargoyle, ...…

March 31, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 133) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ + .. . . i . .. ". .. ,. " f . r, " i w fa mot"" " W " + " w "4 - y f . _ .- , r i ", , .. ... ,, 1 -14 .-- Fails To retrieve Lost Title From Schaefer Schaefer successfully defend- le as world's champion 18.2 billiard player against "Wil- pe, the challenger, and for .rs the holder of the chamn- The final block was played >sday night in Chicago before udience. The two men were ether during the three nights rnament an...…

March 31, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 133) • Page Image 5

…w, D{ *AU~ 1 TEN present time, about S men have up for practice. Regular work- wice a week, will start immed- after the spring recess. Work elude all forms of advanced ap- s exercises and also tumbling. erines Formerly Among Best ,ne time Michigan's gymnasium xas recognized as being among st in the country. Exhibitions iven throughout the state and m gained prominence all over ddle West. When the Univer-. itered the Conference Dr. May reed...…

March 31, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 133) • Page Image 6

…' OF HIGH. SCHOOLS! "It is my conviction that the high school pupil of today is neither a moralI d pervert nor a saint," declared Pres. J. W. Laird, of Albion college, in ad- dressing the Michigan Schoolmaster's club yesterday morning. President Laird said that he f'elt that ,real moral progress was being made by the E younger generation of today. Al- though it is necessary that church - and school be separated Dr. Laird e said that in his opi...…

March 31, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 133) • Page Image 7

…- a - onen and townswom- ly invited to come to anual luncheon to lbe at Barbour g~ymnas- ay be obtained at the ordan, the office of the aton in Alumni Morn- t Graham's bookstore. Chaperons for dances over the week end are: Union-Friday, M~~rs. E. G. Hleartt; Saturday, Mrs. H-. G. Berger; Armory-Friday, Mrs. H. B. Lazell; SaiturdayN, Mrs. Yates Adams. Mortarboard will continue its sale of. gloves for the benefit of its schol- arship fund from ...…

March 31, 1922 (vol. 32, iss. 133) • Page Image 8

…DIAL DULLI I IN 1p.m.6 (11:0a. n. Saturdays.) MARCH 31,192 Number 138 lonvocatIon: sity Convocation, at which Dr. George Ed- t 11 a. m. Friday, March 31, in Hill Audi- d on the stage. Members of the Faculties ear doors of the Auditorium, passing di- ng any seats that are not labeled. There ns, and the guests invited to form part of he dressing rooms on the first floor on the py the seats which will be designated for Clnh I of the Michigan Ac...…

March 31, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 134) • Page Image 1

…r 30i1 au atl -j * , EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR MICHIGAN,' SATURDAY, MARCII 31, 1923 EIGHT PAGES i It I" EASTER TO lBE P11, N JUOIIIA(SF jNEW BONNETSMAY APPEAB'UIULIIhJU C Spring bonnets md creamy 1 Norfolks may appear tomorrow EETOFCR with reasonable assurance or not [C 9 Ifl being ruined by an April show- Tft Tllr e r, according to a forecast by t e w a he u e uet r a . 9A l AT~f), t.-i---.#--III - _111 Special Service Held Yesterd...…

March 31, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 134) • Page Image 2

…in Begins EDI SCOTT ADDRESSES SCIENCE ACADEMYl tin, psychology, Prof. 1-1. F. Adams, sanitary and medical science, Prof.j Philip Hadley,' zoology, 'Dr. L., R. Dice. The section in geography has been joined with the economics section and minerology has been~ included in the section of geology.I Phi Delta Ktavpa REGENTS GRAIT DEGREES TO GRAUATE STUDENTS Degrees to. students of the Gradu- ate school were granted by the Board LAST, - - - - ...…

March 31, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 134) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAI _ . _ .:. n ,. .. .. ... ri. C'ake. , i. of all cap- the class bhas- held at 11:30 the director's If a man loses heis money he loses a lot- If he loses his friends he loses, a lot more- But if he loses his courage he loses everythi. 1. Ill be re- te le gyn' r clan dayc ~$~V< 2 K ~Ai\ I /4 F. I'f. rI; were in the catcor- ittees of the Junior invited to attend a tea 'clckl today at. New- i committee will this morn...…

March 31, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 134) • Page Image 4

…THE MI Iti. N ICAN DAILY ____ ., ously faulty should be tolerated. For those responsible to have mnade, O ST D OLL the mistake in the begining of notTE entrusting the lighting of Hill audi- torom to the experienced men of the 1:1 teal.Engineering departmnut is RPTTO pelps excusable. But, in the face of repeated mistakes by others, to fail WH RATIIA WIIUXTRA to take advantage of the free services: of these men who have the ability to; The b...…

March 31, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 134) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY wolampom = , . ;,: ,, , r / i . i /. ,_ i i .. s ' , I p! < IN The SchultzGrcy TiEHOME OF Itf oODs, ''31 S. STATE- SjTIEET The Home of McLean and Neelands Quality,- Courtesy service Fre Delivery to ll Parts of CI Last Delivery 5 P. M. Office, Open* till 10 P. M. for Ordl PHONES 326-327-328 114-116 E. WIASH-INGTON I Richelieu Coffee , tables in Seas on I A coffee per fection attained only after ...…

March 31, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 134) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN' DPALY ,, . . I _...... AILLY REtOK FINALS IN CLASSES B, C OF TOURNEY Former Ohio State Gridiron Starf Leaps To Big League Spotlight mgk eets Alma Five Tonight "b )Defeating Birmingham 26.14: $sNCITY QUINTET TO (iPPO$E HOLLY IC FINAL les, clas B,- and Holly, class C, their way into the finals of their ective classes lastnight at Water- gymnasium in the semifina s of1 State interscholastic class' B andy sketball tourna...…

March 31, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 134) • Page Image 7

… ~' i.d'4'&I~A..~ £ er word e space ants per rOOD, MONEBY DURING VACATION. Last year I had thirty-seven stu- dents from Ann Arbor making from forty to one hundred dollars in one week selling brushes. If you think' you are asgood as the average come up and see .Ae. All students mi- ing good dui~ig Easter vacation will1' be given an exceptionally good of- fer this, summer. APPLCTOS DUE FQR CUSTER TRANING CAMP Applications for the Military Tra...…

March 31, 1923 (vol. 33, iss. 134) • Page Image 8

…,ILA lM 24r i .. , Prussian General BULJLETINI Taken By French, ubtie. to all members of M. 0~1:84 a. in.RAfta w.) , , lm'; \rnmber l12 n ~slipis for signing out at night during' March are due ed in to the Dean's office imnmediately. JEAN HAMILTON, Deaun of VVomean. ng~ and Ardhiteeture: .n.; to grud~te In June or after the Sumne-r Sesston Sevretary's office., fl~or~n 2N3 Ea~eering fluilding, and LOUIS A. HOPKI 'S, seeretary. rring and ...…

March 31, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 135) • Page Image 1


March 31, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 135) • Page Image 2

…PAGS TWO FOR-EIGN STUDENTS Cabinet "baby" Native Of Italy i nt i Sf I X Ilfl m I i n tl i WILL MEET APRIL 8 :...::: Jncii.t ial l)'dI t Ceducat ional inzst~i tuctions', and 01 h 2 phbases of Aiori THE MICHIGCAN DAILY TlUi',SDAY, Mit 3, l1)25 ..-A.. JO OFFER SOMMEB !One Hundred And Fifty Daes MEDICL C~RSESPer Year Is Aim Of New 7lit '25A, who is chaiirmanll of the pbiiyh mgtgtaske(tch from A. G.' Commi7ittee . The poster, he sa d c k...…

March 31, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 135) • Page Image 3

…TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1925r THE MICHIGAN DAILY FACE ''IRrI .a.u.Yrs ar ... EXPECT HOSPITAL COMPLETION SOON' university Of Chicago Plans ToErect Huge Gothic Chape, Effots JDirect ed to Iunrry Of~ Building For Use Sunattler touch with the students and notify ity houses stating the nature of the ( Bucharest, March 30"-.A1 uisr IIthem of everything that is going on.j meeting and the absol, , necessity of decree prohibits governmnt epi Perhap...…

March 31, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 135) • Page Image 4

…PA~~n rotrn THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, MARCH 31, 1925 rrwwrr' -_- .. rr r ..r r. rrrw rrrr r s^^ r Yw .er i Pulyished every morning except Monday during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled toethe use for republicatioa of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local...…

March 31, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 135) • Page Image 5

…TU1ESDAT. MARCH '1, 192.5 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FIVE _A: A9THLETIC SPREAD IVoinen Celebrate End of Baskie,tal Season; Arouse Spirit for I Baseball FACULTY TO PLAY All Universitv wvomen are invited to attendI the basketball spread which will be held at 6 o'clock Thursday in the parlors of Barbour 'gymna siumn. Houses are requested to give up their regular dinner that night in ordler to, attend the spread in a body. Tickets must be purch...…

March 31, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 135) • Page Image 6

…FAi . THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUTESDAY, MAR4~j 31, 11925, r I' .+....r.,. ....;. ,,, ,,,,,., r \ t . .- ,. ..... d ., R _ l _r <t.. y ,.,,, , i! is I I TRACK TEAM CLOSES BRILLIANT INDOOR SEASON MWTH VICTORY' , BestMichigan IIAflITV NIN[ I ET nrEon r RESHM SQUAD WEI Marks Indoors;t~lI uLIl LL IUIUJll Following is a list of the best per-]iNN YST"FIELD HOUSE IN MOSTVICT EVNTS formances of the Varsity track team ov f (- _ -I Co...…

March 31, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 135) • Page Image 7

…TUESDAY, ARCH 31, 1925 TUEDA, MRC 31 125 AC SEEN___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ ___ __ THE MICHIGAN DAILY FAaE SEVEN ,.... . , :;, THIS flTOW, I LOSES L S II AT 3 P.M, AVERTISINGATiPM ANSWERS !1 yy)SQX N1'i1IERS."r,:°{ The following is a list of persons having answers to ads, which have not yet been called for. l,ease call for thei as soon as possible, as they -,gill be discarded April 1st. Walter C. Young Mrs. Boynton L. A. Thorton L. Keub...…

March 31, 1925 (vol. 35, iss. 135) • Page Image 8

…PAGE ICIGAT THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGI IhG~t ___TH MIHIGN DIYTUMSDAY, MArC0T1. 1925 DAILY' OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication 'in the Bulletin is constructive notice ter all members of the University. Copy received b), tbo. Assistant to the ":PLC dent until 3:30 p. mn. (11:30 a. wn. Saturday* Volume I TUESDAYF, MARCH 31, 1925 '1uibelr 135 To the'Deans: There will be a conference of the Deans Wednesday, April 1, 1925, at 10 A. M., in the Presi...…

March 31, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 137) • Page Image 1


March 31, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 137) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHTGAN DATL Y WE'DNE'SDAY, MARCH 31, 192G THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31, 192G ......... plan London-Africa Air Service HIGH SC HOOL TEAM ..... T'llN Of Unjust VCriii~isSTo W1hich , -," "a Althletes Are jibjeect °ra uglih. ~ 4 Commients Of P'ublic -MISS YOIJNGS SPEAKS 4 Ocmnmending the An'n Arbor high r school basketball team on its record of 14 victories and only one defeat during the past season, E. J. Aather, p u. Varsity ...…

March 31, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 137) • Page Image 3

…VEDNESDAY, MARCH 31., 192E I AT THE THEATER S Today-Screen Arcade-"The Cohlens~ and the Keflys," with Vera Gordon. 'Majestic- "Behind the Front,"' Wallace Beery. Wu'th -- "Sally, Irene, and Mary," .with Sally O'Neil. Today-Stare Garrick (Detroit) -"What Price Glory." Shuibert. Lafayette (Detroit)- t d~ "Betty Dear," with Richard t "Skeets" Gallagher. New Detroit (Detroit) - "IThey i Knew, What They Wne, with Richard Bennett and 11 1 Pauline Lo...…

March 31, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 137) • Page Image 4

… PACE FO'JR' THE MICHIGAN DAILY W7D.N-SIDAY, fAflCIT 11, 1924 Published every morning except Monday during the Universityu year by the Board in Control of -Student Pulications.. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association.. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches .Credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein.; Entered at the...…

March 31, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 137) • Page Image 5

…WEDNESDA, MA"I T . 192 THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ - Pam" 00 -nom WAv .._.,, DISCUSS S RK aI FIELE M1ss AnnCa Owers Speaks Off Need O Social Service Trining For Y. W. Workers EXPLAINS POSITIONS "We are interested in finding seniors and graduate students, who have majored or graduated in sociology or the social sciences, to fill admi-nistra- tive positions," states Miss Anna i i )I i Winning Teams To Be Dinner Guests At Joe Parkers Second S...…

March 31, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 137) • Page Image 6

…/ THE NI CHIGIAN D, AIIY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31. 192R THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MARCH 31. 192~ rn,,, ' w rr. I r ss r _. l ii gyp. { z, .. .. I i ' ra .... ... ..........rn". r +''v r rER~S HOPES FOR PENNANT IS L GE' OE O PNATBNEON ZACUARY AND BALLOUWADASII NINE OPENSi -i PURDUE'S SCHEDULE' - I Hoosier li; ais Will Meet Ini Yearly E Clasites With Purdue Hainivjg Sight Advantage FIRST GAME TOM.VORRO W1 LAF+AYETTE, Incd., Mar'eh.i...…

March 31, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 137) • Page Image 7

…WEDNESDAY, MARCh a1, 124 THE MICHIGAN DAILY 00'x> , .r EJ iE ~ .. . --- v,/ (((( ' if fi ~, t } ft P F ggyT f . s : r '1-'F t r' h e' Y .. C Z'" _* Y. . ,.. ,, ,] r"' I BOXERS TRAIN FOR SULLIVAN'S ARMORY SHOW TOMORROW NIGHT' Sixteen men are working out daily Rss Colt n, Michigan feather- for Coach Ted Sullivan's boxing show weight chamnion, will battle Joe Con- to be held at 8:30 o'clock tomorrow naill, who recently gave him the...…

March 31, 1926 (vol. 36, iss. 137) • Page Image 8

…PAGE, SETOIIT TIr".T MICHIGAN DAILY DAILY OFIALBULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until .3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. im. Saturdays). "Volume VIIWED)NESDAY, MAKRCH 31, 1926 lumber 137 Convocation, Friday, April 2: There will be a convocation of the University at which the members of the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club will be the University's gu...…

March 31, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 132) • Page Image 1


March 31, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 132) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY T Ir RSDAY. _MARCH 31, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY THPIISDAY, MARCH 31, 1927 MOORE TELLS HOW TO HANDLE VIOLATIONS OF HONOR CODE:_DISCUSSES PUNISHME1NT Editor's Nte: IPiof. A. I). Moore of iohiet is not, 1w p'i' which t0 the engineering college, national pr si t ~ ~ ~ al~' dent of f1'ai Beta Pi, honor engineering S-tfrhhe!al,. oyC)1 : fraternity, is the author of this Seriesi of fcrred to I her , hrtuto b' 1lwpitl articles ba...…

March 31, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 132) • Page Image 3

….1 ! l v, 1927 THE _MICHIGAN DAILY ....... .____._ Z".UMMER EDUCATION .ix Dilvisions Announced' In Bulletin Appearing lintCatalogue ,Of *,'ehoiao'IOf Education ADDITIONS ARE MADE Courses in the School of, Educa,- htion for the Summer session, which { for that school- will extend from JuneI *27 to Aug. 19, have been divided into ~ six classifications: the history, andi 4,principles of education, educational °, adiiinistration and supervisio...…

March 31, 1927 (vol. 37, iss. 132) • Page Image 4

…PAGE FOUR { THE £ MICHIGAN DAILY , 1 1 TITURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1927 Published every morning except Monday d riig the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. Members of Western Conference Editorial Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub- lished therein. Entered at the po...…

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