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March 31, 1920 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1920-03-31

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it 43U








" ;. ': -

II ,

his Year's Union!
sed II Four
U. D.)
University should
wn and a new sys-
put in place of the
o the Mares issue
4yoppted by the
. tife magazine is
;ssmen taught by
of the faculty, the
ng 'graduate and
he younger faculty
claims that the
are closer to the
Bd desires and so
draw out" the up-
1 discussion on the
1" Interesting
series of articles
appear from time
zine, showing how
the alumni of the
n egardless of the
forced to leave the
aculty, appears in
Dr. Charles H.
ard White, Frank-
Joseph Ripley,

To Start Soon On
Work on the remodeling, repairing,
and. building authorized by the Board
of Regents recently will be begun as
soon as possible, according to a'
statement issued yesterday by the
buildings and grounds department. .
Provided that classes ' can be ar-
ranged so as to permit the starting
of the work, University Hall will be
remodeled before the close of the
spring session. Rough plans, have al-
ready been drawn up by the depart-
ment, and material for the work is
available with the present supplies
on hand.
A few general improvements on the
exterior of the-President's home will'
be started this week. Work on the re-
pairing and reflooring will be started
as soon as is possible, it being ,de-.
sired to complete the work before:
July 1. '
Plans for the new nurses' home'
have already been drawn up and are
complete with but a few minor chang-
es necessary to increase the capacity
of the building.
Straw Vote to Be Representative Indi-
cation of Broad Campaign
Heads of both Republican and Dem-
ocratic campus organizations Tuesday'
issued a call for all loyal party sup-
porters to come out to the polls at the.
University straw vote Thursday. They
indicated that the resutla of a good
'turnout would be important not only
from the standpoint of evidencing
campus interest in national affairs, but
as a fairly representative indication
of general campaign sentiment. Par-
ticularly emphasized was the fact that
the candidates to be voted on are those
of the Michigan state primaries, thus
giving students a chance to learn the
real significance of these 'ominating

plan is also
ions made by
A permanent
posed of men
line, should
s for all new
they may be
uilt on the
s advocating,

(Editor's Note: - This is the third
and last instalment of a series of short
articles covering the lives and princi-
ples of the variousecandidates who will
be voted upon in the campus presi-
dential straw vote Thursday. Wher-
ever possible, a supporter of the',can-
didate has been asked to write his
1,000 Stenographers and Bookkeepers
Threaten Walkout Unless
Pay Is Fiaised
(By Associated Press)
Chicago, March 30.- Chicago to-
night faced a general strike of city
employees. One thousand city hall
court stenographers and bookkeepers
went on strike' today, the municipal
garbage reduction plant closed
through the walkout of 400 garbage
handlers and 90 per ceit of the fire-
men threatened to resign unless wage
advances were granted.
Other groups of city employees in-
cluding sewer workers, street inspect-
ors, pumping station engineers and
the laboratory staff of the health com-
missioner's office threatened to strike
unless wage advanes were granted.
The city council which today reject-
ed a revised budget calling for in
crease' of $4,000,000 to provide salary
advances for'city employees met again
tonighttin an endeavor to find a way
out of the financial difficulties.
The city hall was picketed by strik-
ing clerks and stenographers. " The
police were called to preserve order
after a stenographer who remained on
duty was attacked. The sessions of
the city council also were guarded
by policemen.
. I P L I I .
(By Edna Lucking Apel)
The flute, 'cello, and harp, manipu-
lated by virtuosi individually famous
on their respective instrum/Ats 'com-
bined to make the Trio de Lutece
which played last evening in Hill au-
ditorium. a rare novelty capable of
rivaling if not surpassing any sim-
ilar organization on the musical rost-
The trip consisting of George Bar-
rere, flutist, Carlos Sazado, harpist,
and Lucie Schmitt, 'cellist, played a
beautifully interpreted program that
was harmoniously in unison. These
musicians are equally as well in in.
dividual solo numbers as in ensemble.
They have a true sense of unanimity
of sym'pathy towards each other and
also towards the interpretation of the
particular number on the music rack.
The harp with its melodious rolling
thirds, sweeping harmonic, and me-
odic scale passages forming a founda-
tion for the deep resonances of the
'cello themes, and the flute with its
delightfully and daintily clear ringing
trills and soaring birdlike calls can
make no more enjoyable musical com-
binations conceivable.
Such an interesting deviation from

the ordinary type of concert as the
Trio de Lute'e will result, no doubt;
in a popujr demand for similar rep-
etitions of this kind of music.
City Will Start Paving This Week
Paving of East University avenue
will commence this week. Other city,
paving will be begun early nexst week.


story; otherwise, The Daily has com-
piled the data. Today's candidates are
Wood, . Poindetxer, McAdoo, and
W (By William Herbert Hobbs)4
Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood, Republi-
can candidate, has achieved an inter-
national reputation as soldier, as ad-
.ministrator, and as the man who led
the preparedness movement during
the greatest crisis of our history.
He is not a graduateof WestPoint,
and is not in any sense a. militarist.
His program called for the smallest
standing army that was advocated by
anyone. He is intensely sympathetic
and .human in all his relations to those
under his command.
He is no autocrat, but believes that
our first duty is the restoration of civ-
il government under the Constitution.
He sacrificed his career in the army in
order to warn his country of its per-
il, and when putlished for so doing,
.he made no complaint but set to work
to win the war by both precept and
Though in the face of official oppo-
sition he advocated sending armies to
Europe to save civilization, and is
most sympathetic with our European
Allies. He is opopsed to meddling ht
those European affairs which do not
concern us. He favors the League of
Nations as Americanized by the Lodge
reservations, and he believes in rati-
fying the Peace Treaty without fur-
ther delay, so that industry both here
and abroad .may be put upon its feet
at the earliest possible moment.
He put down the race riots at Oma-
ha and the steel strike riots led by
"reds" at Gary with firmness but with
tact and patience and without firing
a shot, and he did it in such a way as
to win the respect of the laboring
He is a great executive and admin-
istrator. His work as governor of
Cubarhas'been declared by competent
experts, as the most remarkable exam-
ple of colonial administration in all
He surrounds himself with the
strongest available men, delegates
large powers of initiative and control
to each, and demands results.
He was the closest personal friend
of Theodore Roosevelt and, possesses
many of the Roosevelt qualities.'
Miles Poindexter, Republican candi-
date, was born at Memphis, Tenn.,
April 22, 1868. He received his LL.B.
from Washington and Lee university
in 1891, .and moved to Walla Walla,
Wash., where he practiced law and be-
came county prosecuting attorney. He
later removed to Spokane, served as
judge of the superior court, and was
elected to congress from 1909-1911. He
served in the United States senate
from 1911-1917, and was re-elected for
the term 1917-1923.
(Continued on page five)
County Clerk Receives Petitions
Petitions for citizenship by natives
of Switzerland, Germany, and Canada
have been filed at the office of the
county clerk.
Due to the postponement of
the J-Hop, it is necessary that
The Daily have new and revised
lists of Hop guests for public-
ation in the J-Hop extra. Booth

number, names, and cities from
which guests are coming should
included in the lists.
All copy must be in the hands
of Hugh W. Hitchcock at The
Daily office not later than April.
S1 in order to insure publication.
- .'

Announce Changes
Inx Musical Clubs
Complete reorganization has been
given to the quairtette and sextettes
of the Glee and Mandolin club in pre-
paration for their spring Pacific coast
trip. Lloyd Kemp, '22M, director of
quartettes, announces the following
personnel for the. various groups
which together with the Varsity Glee
and Mandolin club will appear at 8
o'clock Thursday night in Hill au-
ditorium in a pre-trip concert.
Varsity quartette: B. F. Ferneau,
'21, IA. R. Dieterle, '21M, D. D. Nash,
'20, C P. Martzeloff, '20. Midnight
Sons quartette-B. F. Ferneau, '21,
H. C. Walzer, '23M, E.. T. Jones, '23M,
W. L. Kemp, '2K.
Varsity Stringed sextette - M. T.
Corsan, Grad., H. Sunley, '21L, C. H.
Mason, '20, F. M. Cornwell, '22L, S.
F. Perry, '22L, F. E. Motley, '22M.
All-campus Jazz orchestra - U. A.
Carpenter, '22M, W. 0. O'Donnell,
'20M; H. Sunley, '21L, M. W. Kann,
'20, F. E. Motley, '22M, C. H. Mason,
'20, I. B. Merton, '21, R. Travis, '21,
A group of baritone solos by Robert
R. Dieterle, '21M, will also. be given
in Thursday night's program.
Speaks on Tense Situation in Russia,
Makibg Earnest Plea for
Speaking from his inmost convic-
tions and pleading for a fair treat-
ment of his country, Russia, J. J.
Goshkin, '22L, won the 30th annual
Michigan oratorical contest last night
in University Hall.
Second place was awarded to C. T.
McKinney, '21, and honorable mention
given to Ida E. Gratton, '20.
presents Powerful Appeal
With a powerful appeal to look upon
his countrymeni struggling for inde-
pendence against tyranny and against
anarchy, with generosity and tolerance
during 4the period of their troubles,
Goshkin won every hearer in his
speech. for a tolerant attitude toward
Russia. Beginning' with a graphic ac-
count of massacres and bloodshed at
the hand of an autocratic govern-
ment, which he himself had witnessed
during his youth, the speaker told of
the ignorance and poverty of the
Russian people and of 'their attempts
at freedom without bloodshed. Gosh-
kin proved that. they had not been
traitors to the Allied cause but that
the Allies had deserted them in their
hour of greatest need.
McKinney -made . a strong appeal
for assistance" from the government
for le people of the southern moun-
tain districts, isolated from the world
and lost to all modern advancements:
His- appeal was backed by personal
experience among the people he plead
Intolerance Discussed
Ida Gratton 1poke of "Intolerance
in America" and how it would affect
present social problems, saying, that
the solution of the labor problem lies
in a greater tolerance toward all
E. W. Dunn, '22L, spoke of the "red"
problem in "Disciples of American-
ism," and the methods of settling it,
centering his argument on a better

treatiiient of our foreign population.
P. H. Scott, '22, brought out in his
speech on "The Dollar and the Wo'k-
er," the necessity of less extrava-
gance and defended labor rights.
School Teacher Shortage Reported
A shortage of. teachers for schools.
in rural communities is reported by
the county school commissioner. The
teachers' examinations to be held here
the last of April are hoped to reveal
new material.

Varsity Athletes Will Speak to Meet
Members at Union
Arrangements for housing and e-
tertaining the 16 high school basket-
ball teas that have signified their
intention of attending the tournament
'to be held here April 1 and 2 to de-
termine the state prep school title,
were made at a business meeting of the -
interfraternity conference following
the first annual banquet of the con-
ference, held in the Michigan Union
last night.
Districts DIvided Up
From the eight districts which the
state was divided into, eight winners,
and eight runners-up in Class A hav
been selected by ]loyd Rowe, director
of state athletics at Lansing. Class
A teams are those from secondary in-
stitutions of more than 250 enroll-
ment, the schools smaller being plac-
ed in Class B, and the 16 hig teams
in this division sent to M. A. C. for
the finals. With the exception of the
quintette from the Soo, all teams will
arrive in Ann Arbor Thursday noon.
They will be taken to the Michigan
Union, and at 4 o'clock the delegates
from the fraternity which is to enter-;
tamn them during their stay here will
meet the team, and escort the players
to their respective houses.
At 5:15 o'clock a banquet will be
held in the Union for all team mem- -
bers, accompanied by the fraternity
delegate, who will begiven a. compli-
mentary ticket to the banquet. Carl T.
Hogan, '20E, president of the Michi-
.gan Union, will act as toastmaster of
the banquet, at which Arthur J. Kar-
pus, captain-elect of the Varsity bas-
ketball team, Carl Johnson, '20, cap-
tain of' the Varsity. track tam, and
E. J. Mather, -coach of the Varsity bas-
ketball team, will speak. Music will be
furnished by P. S. Nertney's orches-
tra, and by the Varsity Glee club. The
first game of the tournament will be
played,%at 7 o'clock, immediately fol-
lowing the banquet.
First Rpund Has Eight Games
Eight games will be played in the
first round eliminatio'ns, four of which
will be Thursday night, starting at 7
o'clock. All games will be played on
the big court, instead of on the small
floors as has been the practice in
years past. Only one game will be
(Continued on page six)
Students Will Go to Nearby Cities, to
Distribute Literature
Fifty of the 400 members - of the
Make-Hoover-President club as-
sembled for work yesterday in the
Union. Cards,,uttons.and wind
shield stickers were given out to those
present and .others may get them'at

the headquarters of the club 'in Fost-
er's art store, on State street.
A limited number of students' 'ex-
penses will be paid to Detroit on Sat-
urday of this week if they will pass
out Hoover literature. Those desiring
to go should be at the next meeting
of this club in the Union on Thursday
It is thought that "flying squadrons"
will be sent to nearby cities in the
near future for the purpose of arous-
ing Hoover sentiment.
L .p




s, the Opportunity for Overseas Men
"For overseas men who have been
away for a long time," said F. H.
track Lauder, '22L, president of the Uni-
in an versity Republican club, "this straw
Track ballot should provide good experi-
s pho- ence-in learning how a primary is run'
unny" off,end should provide an opportunity
ere is for men to talk and thinlt seriously
arsity on the question of the presidency. I
he au- think every Republican on the campus




Murphy, United States dis-:
torney at Detroit, Prof. W. D.
on, director of the University '
m divisipn, and George Burke,
this city, are to be the speak-
A will address the University
atic lpub at its first official
1p 2e held at 7:30 o'clock
Snight in the basement of
.urphy is tq speak on the "The
That the Democratic Candi-
@ to Take to the Polls This
nd professor Henderson on
ratie Principles." Following
es perpipanent officers are to
t@d and variogs' committees

should come out and vote. He Will
thereby aid in showing the strength of
the party here, and our influence will
be so much streugthened that we
should be able to get the big Repub-
lican speakers tq omne to Ann Ar-
Thurman . Doyle, '2t114, chairman
of the University Drelnocratic club, de-
clared: "Every Pemocrat should
come out and registgr his opinions in
the straw vote. We will thus secure
an indication of the real strength of
the party at Michigan, and In, addi-
tion gain a consensus of opinion as
to the man who University democrats-
feel would best represent the party
in the election,"
Parties Not olt Aeti g -
William P. Smith, 120, of the TRe-
publican -club executive committee,
said, "The two parties are not really
running against each other in the
straw ballot. As it is a replica of the
state primaries, the main idea will be
to get the leading man on eaoh ticket.)
The principal thing .is a full expres-'
sion of opinion. I believe the discus-
sion caused by straw ballots such -
this is so valuable that it should be
tried in all colleges,

holding this meeting
Ld from the Union to






8 O'clock, Hill Auditorium

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