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March 31, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-03-31

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VOL. XXXVII. No. 132





Ehrenfeld Disaster Is One Of Most
Terriic Recorded In History Of
Central Coal Fields
(By Associated Press)
HARRISBURG, Ill., March 30.-
Eight miners were burned to death
in a gas explosion this morning in
the Saline County Coal corporation
mine number two at Ledford, five
miles south of here. The bodies char-
red almost beyond recognition, were
found by rescue workers late today.
The bodies were found two miles
northeast of the bottom of the main.
shaft which is 9500 feet deep. The
explosion was due to ignition of a
pockt of gas, presumably from an
open light used by miners.
About 300 miners employed in oth-
er sections of the workings ascended
to the ground level in safety after the
explosion. Rescuenworkers for a time
had held a slender hope that the
eight victims, who were reported miss-
ing, had retreated to safety but were
unable. to leave the mine.
EHRENFELD, Pa., March 30.-Three
hundred coal miners of this region
were safe in their homes tonight, sur-
vivors of one of the most terrific ex-
plosions in the history of the central
Pennsylvania coal fields. They walk-
'ed to safety, unharmed b the ter-I
rifying blast, which took a toll of four
The explosion ripped through mine
number three of the Pennsylvania
Coal and Coke company, shortly after
noon, when the entire day shift was
at work in the headings leading from i
the main drift. The force of the
blast was felt ten miles away, rocking
this mining village of 200 houses as
if it were the center of an earth-
Hundreds of miners and familes of
the miners in the working rushed to
the mine mouth. They held little hope
for their fellow workers and loved
ones. believing that a blast of such
force would surely claim the life of
every man in the underground tun-
nels. .
As they watched rescuers trying to
push their way in to the main incline,
they saw a miner, besmeared with
coal dust, walk erect from a nearby
entry which was not damaged. Then
camee another close behind and still
others followed. The watchers at last
realized these were survivors stepping
from what was believed to be their
tomb. A great shout of joy went up
as wives and children of the sur-
vivors pushed forward to grasp their
husbands and fathers.
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, March 30-Sources close
to Henry Ford said tonight that they
considered the injury to the motor
manufacture last Sunday night when
bis coupe was forced over an em-
bankment to have been a deliberate
effort to kill him.
"A great many" investigators,
ether than members of the Ford or-
ganization staff have been placed at
work, it was stated, and the automo-
bile which dashed past Mr. Ford's car
and swept it off the road, is believed
to have been identified.!

Mr. Ford is understood to have
stated that when he left the gates of
the Ford River Rouge plant, driving
alone as is his custom, he noticed,
that he was followed by two men,
dr'ving in a Studebaker automobile.
As Mr. Ford, driving a light coupe
ct his own manufacture, neared the

Address In Detroit MENNGWEBCGOUDI_-_
Too much time is usually spent on be is forgotten in the explanation. "I and life in general."
the background of a poem; in pick- should hate to think that I had hurt The "insider," he continued, the
ing a few flowers the whole field a poem by putting something into it man thoroughly familiar with the
the poet had not intended. In school arts, business, snort, or the pursuit
is trampled was the opinion express. I held to what I thou'gh the poet had he is engaged in. is al ease, he has
ed in an interview yesterday by Rob wanted to be found in a poem. using "lightness of touch". He is confident
ert Frost, forner holder of the Uni- this attitude as a sort of guide. I that he knows thoroughly what he
versity FellowshiP in Creative Arts, could not use a poem, as I have seen is about and ne knows that sooner
discussing poetry and a cultural at- teachers do, as something to keep or later those abeut him will know
titude toward the arts. young people busy or for dsciplinary it also. This "edge", discrimination,
- .Too often, asserted Mr. Frost, so purposes." fineness of taste, and thoroughness.
much time is used in developing the cgarding this attitude toward similar to the fine form of a sports-
background that the poem itself poetry, Mr. Frost further brought out man or farseeing business man dis-
loses meaning. Time is spent un- his belief that culture in the finer tinguishes such a man from the "out-
necessarily in explaining words, for sense is determined by one's attitude sider." Of course the "lightness of
example, which had better be passed toward the arts, in the dscrimina- touch", ease and familiarity with the
f by until their meaning is made clear tion, feeling, fineness of taste, exr- worthwhile, must not be naked, it
in reading other poems. A word or cie, and the "lightness of one's must be thoroughgoing.
two of explanation in most poems touch". "What we ar after," he said, The danger, concluded the poet, is
ought to be sufficient. "is more of the old fashioned polite in one's becoming lost in detail; one
Frequently, Mr. Frost believes, conversation which brought out one's must be unbogged, extricated, the
what the poet intended the poem to taste and attitude toward the arts spirit must be kept over fresh.
Prof. John L. Brnm FOR MAY PARTY TO BE D
Head of the journalism department DISTRIBUTED TOMORROW
wilt address the Ford Foremans' as- ___
sociation ight in Detroit. His sub-T
ject will be "The Worker As A Ma-__Appiations for tickets to the Ar-
,, chitects' May party, will be given to- - -
hine.__Aversion To Society Is Given As morrow, Monday, and Tuesday, ac- Natural Characters Created By Jane
Chief 'Reason For Bringing Aboul cording to the committee in charge Awsten Compalared To Those
And Continuing Condition At present only applications from Of Shakespeare
students in the architectural college1
the main corridor of the West En-
N T"An aversion to society the most gineering building. Jane Austen has been placed with
prominent symptom in one who is ..- Shakespeare in the power of creating
Party Will Survey And Map 'Unex- I suffering from an inferiority com- characters noted foi' their natural-
plored Regions North Of Hudson plex, is responsible for the beginning ness and their vivid representation of
Bay Near Baffin Island and the continuation of the condi- h
tion," stated Dr. Alfred Adler befoe human nature, declared Ernest de
' an assembly of senior and junior Selincourt, dean of the faculty of
PUTNAM SPONSORS TRIP medical students yesterday afternoon IEarts, and professor of English lan-
in the amphitheater of University guage and literature in the University
Completion of the personnel of the hospital.
George Palmer Putnam expedition, as Adler, professor in the Pedagog- E. W. Washburn, (hid Chemist, Will of Birmingham, in his lecture on "Jane
announced yesterday, includes Prof. ical institute of Vienna, and noted for Lecture At 4:15 O'clock 'Today Austen" yesterday in Natural Science
Laurence M. Gould of the geology de- the introdn ction of the phrase "infer- In Chemistry Amphitheater auditorium. Although her range was
partment, who will accompany the iority complex" to the popular vocab- ,imited, deahing with types from the
party as senior memberkand Will di- ulary, selected for his topic "The SOCIETY SPONSORES TALK quiet English country in which she
rect the scientific work of the ox- Prevention of Neuroses". Since all _,sh s -
pedition which will penetrate into the important elements in the develop- lived, she was one of the finest art-
Arctic regions this summer. The field ; ment of the individual are necessar- Various phases of the functioning ists in English literature, he stated.
work of the expedition will include ily social," he continued," he becomes of the bureau of standards will be dis- A reaction against the revolution--
extensive survey in conjunction with gradually worse off as he advances." cussed in a lecture to be given by E. ary tendencies in the literature of the
a detailed mapping of the chief ge- Dr. Adler explainedAthe inferiority W. Washburn, chief of the chemical early 19th century, brought in by the
ographical characteristics of the area stage as one wherein the patient is division of the United States bureau 'romantic novelists, characterized Jane
rtho af! slnby brth bh and nenature t nsubnormal,bu
According to present plans, the y raatt an ge sun his of standards, at 4:15 o'clock this after- Austen, a realist, who though writing
party intends to center its research eyes and those of outsiders by achiv- noon in the chemistry amphiin the 19th century, tuhned to and
on the hitherto unexplored regions' ing something extraordinary. In this The lecture is being held under the out t petion, the raim
north of Hudson Bay, sailing from he usually aims too high and adds to auspices of the University section of the s"the Ther maxim of
New York City about June 10 on the the condition rather than bettering the American Chemical society and the world is man" is contained in her
schooner Morrissey. Capt. Robert A. it. c
Bartlett, who commanded the Morris- "There is a gradient," ie said "with is one of a number to be sponsored by writings, Professor de Selincourt con-
I 1 tinued, as is shown in her power of
sey last year, during the Michigan the inferiority at one end and the su- this organization during the year.
expedition to Greenland under the di- perior goal at the other. How one Mr. Washburn held a professorship chaisaterizaion.s
rection of Prof. William H. Hobbs, sets this goal and moves toward it is in physical chemistry at the Massa- Red i a fay whse diversn
, will again be in command. 'The party the important factor. It is undis chusetts Institute of Technology wereo a literary tendency, Jane Aus-
r. xetdWcmlt tswr n hsts IsiuecfTcnlg tn began her career early writing
is expected to complete its work in putable that those children born with from 1906 to 1916, at the end of which novelettes. such as "Lady Sustan", be-
the northern country in about three defective organs or senses have a fh les suched th age of 16.
months, but enough supplies for a greater sense of inferiority. The style time he accepted a position at the fore so ah adr tme agfr 16t
The schools of her time afforded lit-
year will be taken as a precautionary of life is determined in the early University of Illinois as professor of the, except embroidering, she claimed,
measure, if it is found impossible to years,'and mistakes made in the pro- ceramic elements and head of the de- 1e J Aucep trne caistd,
return in the fall.eais n12 eb and Jane Austen turned to a study ofI
et of the chief objects of the ox-cess must be understood to effect a partment of ceramics. In 1922 he be- enc Italia and English litra-
One of the chief objects of the ex-!cure. The inferior individual is in- came editor of the International Cri- ture for her education, Professor de
ipedition is to determine whether orterested only in reaching the goal tical Tables, a position which he still Se for her ersa t eshake
not an ice-cap covers the northern he has set as quickly as possible; he holds. Throughout this time Mr. seaincottfurther s e. Sake-
portion of Baffin island. which is the is not interested in others. He suf- Washburn has served on many inter- spes, and Byon wer faor-
! second lags island o h North 1 r.. tes, and from the poet Cooper, whose
ec largest island of the orth fers from an 'organ dialect' which national commissions held in connec-' delicate humor and minute observa-
American grou. If an ice cap is dis- crde out I want to be supported' " ion with research in physics and lionhappealed to her, she derived
I coveredl, geologists believe it w~,ill 1)0, All important factors in ordinary chemistry amd especially in thosetinaple tohr sedrvd
second in size to that now covering !life and development, according to fields that deal particularly with the"he novel "Northanger Abbey" de-
parts of Greenland a aDr. Adler, such as schools, institu- work of the bureau of standards. Ie fines the place of Jane Austen in the
Prof. Gould will lead a party of tions, religion, love, and the like are is the author of many books concern history of English literature, and is
four men. In addition to Mr. Putnam, social in their workings. An aver- ing his field and among other societies apry ongiheratue nd is
William Bartlett, brother of the con- sion to society deprives the individual and honorary organizations he IS a rs. Radcliffe, supreme in the fiel of
mander, will 1)e mate, and Billy ( of the benefits of all these things. member o the American Chemical romanticrs. Rl ese "teield of
Pritchard, who was cook for Robert This aversion is present early and is society, American Physical society, roa." nelis stere
Ir ' dopha." Hero is shown her tei-
E. Peary during his polar expedition nourished by non-participation. National Research council, Royal So- lency to emphasize the comic side
of 1909 has been secured to cook "Thlme neurotic wishes to justify his ciety of Arts and is a fellow in the of human nature, and it is the witty
for this expedition. Other members behavior," continued the scientist, American Academy of Arts and Sci- character of her works that is re-
will be four civil engineers, who are "and he thereby esteems logic. His ences. sponsible to a great extent for her
to iap the coast line of the island, state is built up entirely by intelli- It has been announce th 1. popularity in England today, rofes-
Jepresentatives from th American gence, and one of its most evident Washburn's lecture/ will be open Solar de Selincourtg continued. Such
Museum o Natural History, who will forms is the coward-hero stage-he those who are interested in the phases soradtersncour cotinue Such
collect zoological specimens, and a is a hero to himself but a coward of chemistry and physics thatdare andtrs Palmer are well known to
I photographer from the Pathe neSI when put to a test. Suicide is another dealt wit ' by the bueran of stanas. the students of English novels

(service.common means of expression-or'To Miss Frances Burney, Jane Aus-
This year's venture will be Could's rather a means of escape." IAMERICA TO GIVE ten owes the material for many char-
second trip to the Arctic regions, as As far as practical prevention of ILLION aLActers, and the pupil has proved
4h, was assistant director of the first 'these neurotic states, there has ben greater than the master. The delicacy
rttnland expedition of the Univer- very little done, Dr. Adler stated. It0 AID ON M E ORIAL of reproducing naturalness is supreme
sity last summer. Ile is a graduate of could be accomplished in a small in her work, Professor de Selincourt

Accepts Invitation
To Gridiron Banquet
About 20,000 Wo
Unions Strive

rkers RemaIn Idle As
To Fix Date For

New Walkout
SHANGHAI, March 30.-With an-
other general strike in the offing and
with Shanghai the center of a con-
tinued flight of foreigners from the
interior, the defense authorities here
today made further preparation to
protect the international settlement.
I A barbed wire barrier is being con-
structed along the entire length of
the avenue Edward Vii between the
tjFrench concession and the inter-
-national settlement. ' The Suffolk
Sena James A. Reed regiment also was assigned to guard
the offices of the cable companies
situated in the avenue.
rrn O BflV The date of the new general strike
R decided on by the general labor union
will be fixed later. There are about
20;O"0 miscellaneous workers still out
w tfroathe last strike.
T Gthorities warn the Cantonese author-
Promineent hmocrat Wires A aCelt- I tthe Japanese navy hereafter
Prominnte itoatir To Ateswill take drastic steps in the event of
a Anmce Oflnitai"RtioTo-Attend unlawful action by Nationalist sold-
Annual I"lazz-F est'iers or in the event firing on Japan-
ese steamers without good cause.
IS SERVIN G THIRD TERM The warning was given by a rep-
resentative of the Japanese admiral
James A. Reed, veteran senator who had received the chief of staff
of the Cantonese commander in chief,
from Missouri, will be a guest at the General Chang Kai-Shek, who. came
fifth annual Gridiron banquet to be with the regrets of General Chang
held next Tuesday, according to a, to the Japanese admiral, for the Nan-
telegram received yesterday by Pres. king disorders.
C. C . Ltt le. . The Japanese official told the Can-
Only urforseen difficulties will keep tonese chief of staff that the conduct
the senator from attending the an- of the Cantonese troops in whose dis-
nual "razz-fest" according to the mes- cipline the Japanese had trusted de-
sage. spite unlawful acts against Japanese
Senator Reed is at present engagedi steamers, for which the Japanese
as counsel for the defense in the $1,- 1 navy had never retaliated had caused
000,000 libel suit against Henry Ford, i much surprise. The Nanking disor-
now before the court in Detroit. The ders, he added, however, indicated
Missourian is being mentioned as al that the Nationalist commanders
presidential possibility for 1928 and were unable to exercise full authority
while he has issued no statement, is over their men.
expected to make a bid for the Demo- Reports continue of firing on for-
ratic nomination. ! eign vessels in the Yangtze by Nation-
The senator has been actively in- alist soldiers on either side of the
te'ested in the affairs of the Demo- river. This morning two British
teetd! h ffiso h eo steanmers leaving Hankow, which
cratic 'party for many years. From g s as leavin hanto whi
11898 to 1900 he served two terms as' gi a eoetecmtro nI
Sset attorneytoJackson, foreign demonstrations, were fired on.
prosecuting atre fJcsn
county, Mo. and out of a total of 287 Yesterday the U.' S. destroyer John
cases tried, he secured 285 convic- D. Ford, which recently came here
ftons. He is now serving his thi from Manila, was fired on between
term in tihe 'Senate and is recognized Shanghai and Nanking. The des-
as one of the best speakers in thatroyr brought its four inch guns and
s machine guns into action in reply.
body, being especially noted for his
brilliant wit and biting sarcasm. Sen-! (By AssociatedPress)
ator Reed is quoted in a recent inter- 1 WASHINGTON, March 30.-Exodu
view as saying that he will not be a of Americans from the civil war torn
candidate for reelection to the Senatelo nteri car f rCh t aii wrng o -
ne~xt year. 1em eev interior' of China, is, gathering mo.
Accetancs are still -mentum under repeated official warn-
A ed by the banquet invitations commit-Eing.
tee. Other guests who will b)0present A blanket message from Ministej
as announced by the chairman of the McMurray at Peking to those in the
banquet committee are, Fred Mat- northern section of Anhwei an
thaci, '14, governor of the University In secionso ne anh
of Michigan club of Detroit; George I Kiangsu provinces, reported to th
Perriot, editor of the American Boy state department today added thi
magazine; and Charles F. Delridge, j area to the prescribed danger zon
'14L, president of the ninth district ! which already includes the whole
alumni association. ______ ...11 ^f- n.+

C .

" J
. 1'
" K
E 1

the University, having received his
master's degree in 192 and his doc-
tor of Science degree in 1925.

way by physicians and neurologists, l
but peonle do not like to be mentally
examined and told. In his opinion, the

b:ridge over the Roue river, the big f most practical means would be toI
r dashed toward him and forced DEAN WILL NAME educate the teachers along thesei
him over the enbankment just as he GROUP r STUDY j lines to pick out the mistaken styles
got clcar of the bridge. of life from those in their classes,
PRESENT SYSTEM and to correct themn by leading the
BRI ISPR PO AL striving for superiority to some use-
Dean John R. Effinger, of the liter- ful goal.
LOSES AT GENEVA ary college, will appoint a committe eDr. Adler will give a lecture on
of several faculty members in the"Individual Psychology and Educa~
(By Associated Press)near future to consider questions in tion" at 4:15 today, in Natural Sci-I
GENEVA, March 30-The countries regard to the grading system, the ience auditorium.
practicing military conscription, in methods of conducting examinationsI
cluding France and Japan, won an- and other related topics in the liter- ! INDIANA JUSTICE
other point at today's session of the ary college that are deemed worthy of
League of Nations preparatory com- attention, it was announced yesterday. TO FASENATE
mission which is seeking to draw up1 The purpose of the committee will
a general disarmament treaty. A ; not be to work for any radical changes INDIANAPOLIS, March 30-The
British uronosal to have a definite h to to dv the actual administra- 'ndiana senate, sitting as a court of2

(fly Associated Press)
NEW YORK, March 30.-America is
to participate a millon dollars worth
in the international movement to re-
build and endow the Shakespeare
Memorial theater at Stratford-on-
Avon, England, under plans announc-
ed today by Prof. George Pierce Baker i
of Yale university.I
Professor Baker, who is chairman I
of the executive committee of the
American Shakespeare Foundationj
says local comnnittees are being
formed in 21 major cities of the
United stabtes to raise $500,000 of the
sum during the remainder of 1927.
'In all, $2.500,000 will be raised
throughout the world to complete the
plans of the new theater and its as-
sociated dramatic school, festival
company, museum and library at the1

stated. She paints men and women
as they truly are, and not necessarily
as she believes they should be. The:
greatest art to Jane Austen was notj
didactic, but rather representative.
She represented all she saw about her
in a manner found in the works of
none but groat artists.

great valley of te ange.e.
Supplementary efforts by the de-
S TOUT DESCRIBES partment itself to induce missionary
PRESENT AS AGEl hoards at home to recall their work-
ers from the interior, also were dis-
DEMANDING FACTS closed. They were made informally
_several days ago with a further state-
"We are lining in a changing age, ment to the mission heads that Con-
one Which is going no longer on be- sul-general Gauss at Shanghai had
Hief but fact," declared William BI urged recall to the United States of
Stout, promiient airplane expert"taking refge in
last niht addressing the Student' s Shanghai. Gauss said the interna-
Pcss club omn the subject of "The Re- tional settlement was so congested
i ion of the Newt aper' to IIndustet w threfugees that living conditions
lat~on o th Newgpaer t Inustr". wore becoming difficult.
Mr. Stout emphasized the fact that,.; Further reports from China during
more than ever before, the ability to the day showed increasing anti-for-
think is going to put a person ahead, 'leign tension at Ichang with "unfav-
adding, "The choice of a mission is orable reaction," presumably to the
also an asset; not merely the going INanking incident, feared. As a
out and seeking a job without any i contrast, however, the situation at
special purpose." Amoy, which was the cause of re-
"Industry has a great many things cent apprehension, appeared relieved.
to teach in this day of great changes," Quiet prevailed there, Consul Putnam
said Mr. Stout. "One of the biggest I reported, and the "Chinese authorities
problems is to let tme public know i assure the continuation of such a con-
what is goig on. There must be a dition."
way of ceducatimg t e world to these I There was no further word from
new things. That is where the news- !Vuhu where a crisis was indicated
paper and the magazines and the' in yesterday's advices with an anti-
journalistic side enters in. , foreign outbreak momentarily fear-
"There are men in the journalistic, ed. At Hankow the situation was
world today who are designing new-I again described as tense with Ame-
methods and editorial policies right ricans pouring in from interior
along to carry the news to the pub- points and being shipped to Shanghai
lic," the speaker concluded. as rapidly as possible.
Mr. Stout was introduced by Prof. I The clash between British sailors

(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, March 30-While lenrv
Ford lay injured in his hospital to-
day, the trial of Aaron Sapiro's $1,-
000,000 libel suit against him pro-
ceeded without mention of his name.
The day was a struggle between
Sapiro on the witness stand and'


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