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March 31, 1925 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1925-03-31

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TUTESDAY, MAR4~j 31, 11925,



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Marks Indoors;t~lI uLIl LL IUIUJll
Following is a list of the best per-]iNN YST"FIELD HOUSE IN MOSTVICT EVNTS
formances of the Varsity track team ov f
(- _ -I Coach Hoyt's freshman relay teams I

Wolverbies Show Perfect Balance
In ,Beating Cornell 65
To 34)
Michigan's Varsity track squad
brought its brilliant 1925 indoor season
to a close last Saturday night with
one of the most convincing displays
of perfect balance ever given by a'
Michigan team. Saturday's 64 5-6 to1
30 1-6 victory over the Cornell team'
followed a splendid showing in the
Illinois relays Feb. 29 and the capture
of the Conference indoor title at
Evanston March 13 to 14.
The win over Cornell was featured
by the showing of the hurdlers, tht
record tying performance of Hubbard
in the dash, the 13 foot 1-4 inch vault
made by Captain Jim Brooker, the
great mile run by Hicks, and the won-
derful sprints of Hicks, Feinsinger,
Calahan and Hornberger in their
events. In a word the meet was re-
plete with features and every event
with one or possibly two exceptions
was worth some distance far to see.
Voelker,; a fairly good hurdler ever
since he first donned a track suit
for the first time last year, had his
coming out party at the expense of
the Ithacans, taking a first place in
the high hurdles and third in the
lows, following DeHart Hubbard and
Stew Hulse in the latter event. It
W'as also the first time in a year that
Hulse has been in shape and he is
expected to be a steady point winner
during the outdoor season.
Hubbard had a great night in his
last indoor appearance for Michigan.
He took firsts in the 60 yard dash and
the low hurdles and tied the World's
record for the former at :6 1-5. Cap-
tain Jim Brooker was probably the
biggest attraction of the entire meet.
Expected to take the pole vault easily
he had the misfortune to meet Bon-
teqou of Cornell when the latter was
vaulting six inches higher than he
ever had before. As a result Brooker
was ,forced to clear 13 feet 1-4 inch'
and he might now be holding the
World's indoor record had some witty
official thought to raise the bar above
13 feet 3-8 inches, Dean Brownell's
present record. Brooker could have
cleared the bar a half inch higher
on his jump Saturday night. Brooker
did his best to clear the bar at 13
feet 1 1-4 inch after the winning leap
but failed by a small margin.
Hicks, Feinsinger, Callahan, and
Hornberger all treated the spectators
with beautiful sprints which won
their points for them. Hicks won the
mile run by a good five yards in 41
minutes 26 9-10 seconds when hej
raced by Termohlen of Cornell on the
last lap in a great sprint. It is I
the fastest time that has ever beend
made in the field house and gives
promise that Hicks will be one of
Michigan's greatest milers since the
time of Eddie Carroll. In the quarter
mile Nate Feinsinger did the same
thing to win his event. Passed by
Werley of Cornell on the first lap he
turned the tables and recaptured first
place just before reaching the final
turn of the race, winning by five feet
in 52 seconds flat.

Callahan and Ted Hornberger got
into a great race when they started
the two mile Saturday night. The
wily Jack Moakley despairing of win-
ning the event entered Glick, a good
half miler. At the start of the race
Glick got ahead of Callahan and held
a slow pace, outsprinting Callahan
whenever the latter attempted to pass
him. The result was that the three
runners, Glick, Callahan, and Horn-
berger ran in order until the 14th lap
Callahan passed Glick. On the 15th
when Hornberger struck out to take
la4) Callahan took the lead from Horn-
position, the order remaining the
same until the final 50 yards. At the
start of the final lap Glick showed
a wonderful amount of reserve and
started a great sprint. Callahan,
who had been sick halfway through
the race, laso struck out and so did
Hornberger. The three runners came
around the final turn with Callahan
leading by a yard, Glick second, and i
Hofnberger about six feet behind the
Cornell runner. On the final stretch
Hornberger put the finishing touch
to a great race and passed the weary
runner from Cornell Who had run
four times the distance he was usedf
In the half mile Charlie Reinke andE
Dick Freyberg had things their own
way, the former winning in 1 minute
59 1-5 seconds. Freyberg was well
ahead of Higley, the Cornell runner
who took third. Hart of Michigan
who led for the first two laps and was
one of the first three runners at the
beginning of the. fourth,; fell behindl
on the final lap and was passed byi
Cochran a short distance from the'
finish. In the shot put Charlie Munz
of Michigan won the event at 44 feet
5 3-4 inches and might have donp two
feet better if he had kept his thoughts
off of fouling. In the outdoor season
the Michigan weight man promises to
be very near the equal of Schwarze
of Wisconsin and may be able to beat
him by the time of the outdoor Con-
ference meet.j
The last two events of the program,
the mile relay and high jump brought
Cornell its first points of the evening.
Michigan lost the relay by about ten I
feet and Roth was the only entry to
place in the jump. He took a tie for
Second and might have done better
had he not been disqualified on sever-

for the 1925 indoor season. The re- Regiilari Schedule WVill Coniist Of .11 )arkS Madc AgainsI Cornell Saturday
cords were established in three meets, Games: Seven Will Be To Be Rearded As Oicial
the Illinois Relays, the indoor Con- Played Here. For Traci
ference meet, and " the Cornell dual ---_
50 yard dash: Hubbard, 5 2-5 sec-
onds, Conference. (Equals Conference Y Athletes performing m competitio1
record held jointly by eight runners) Yesterday's cold weather again in-
rterfered with Coach Fisher's plans in the Union 1)00 and Yost field house
60 yard dash: Hubbard, 6 1-5 sec- for baseball praice, nd he was henceforth will have records to work
onds, Cornell. (Equals world's recordf, rcicentdh waI
set in January, 1923 by Loren Murchi forced to work most of the men in- against as the result of meets held
son.)doors. Batting practice for the whole last weekend. The Interscholastic
s44) yteam was held in the Field house, but swimming carnival held Saturday
the infielders and outfielders were morning and afternoon, the first meet
onds, Cornell. .allowed to go out in the open for an ever held in the new rendezvous of
880 yard run: Reinke, 1:56 3-5 hour of "pepper" drill. Michigan swimmers, left behind it re-
Conference. (New Conference record. The catchers are still causing the cords in eight events. Eleven field
Former record 1:58, also held by coach the most worry. Brown, Allen, j house and Cornell meet records were
Mile run: Hicks, 4:26 9-10|Cornell. Davis, Baker, and Cherry are working also set Saturday night wh'en Michi-
':k-,.out for the receivers position. The gan and Cornell staged the first inter-
Two mile run: Callahan, 9:58 1-10, men are on an equal footing as regards collegiate meet ever held in the build-
Cornell.d hwork behind the bat, but two of them ( ing. Several of these, including the
65 yard high hurdles: Voelkerll8.are unable to throw accurately, and the ( mark of 4:26 9-10 in the mile, :06 5-10
0 yards lo rne. Hother three are not good hitters. The in the 60 yard dash.
65 yard low hurdles: Hubbard, l.coach intends to take two receivers U""ON POOL RECORDS
5-10 seconds, Cornell. on the southern trip, Baker, who 200 yard relay: time 1:48. Made
75 yard low hurdles. Hubbard, 8 2-5 was the substitute backstop last sea- by Northwestern H. S.. Detroit. (Craig,
seconds, Illinois Relays.
oends Ialt:n ooer 13feet son, is almost sure to go, and the Watson, Walker, McKinnon).
SPole vault: Brooker, 13 feet, 1-4 other ian to make the trip will be Plunge: Distance: 54 feet. Made by
Sho put: Munz, 44 feet71-2inchesthe noe who shows the most promise McMahon, Northwestern.
Sht put: Munz, 44 feet 7 1-2 inches, between now and the time the team 50 yard free style: Time: 25 4-5.
Conference. leaves.- Made by Walaitis, Northern.
The regular schedule will consist! 50 yard.breast stroke: Time: 37 flat.
Few Report For of 14 games, and seven of these will Made by, Tauber, Englewood, Chicago.
. A . be played here. It is expected Ohio 100 yard free style: Time: 1:00 1-5.
Yearling NVne State will furnish the most opposition Made by Walaitis, Northern.
to the hopes for a Micdligan champion- 50 yard back stroke: Time: 32 2-5.
Coach Mather yesterday held the ship. In order that the Maize and Made by Walker; Englewood, Chicago.
first practice of the year for battery Blue team be in the best of condition, 220 yard free style: Time: 2:32 4-5.
tryouts of the freshman baseball squad, these two games have been placed Made by Craig, Northwestern.
and both he and Coach Fisher were last on the schedule. Michigan plays Medley relay: Time: 2:35 4-5. Made
surprised at the small turnout of 12 0. S. U. June 12 at Ann Arbor, and by Northern, Detroit.
men the 13 at Columbus. FIELD HOUSE RECORDS
At least 30 men should have ans- 60 yd. dash, by Hubbard (M), :06 1-5.
wered the call, and there was only an ;I 440 yd. dash, by Feinsinger- (M),
even dozen including seven pitchers TRACKEN TO COMPETE 52 flat.
and five catchers. There will be an IN STATE A. A. U. MEET I 880 yd. nn, by C. Reinke (M), 1:59
excellent chance for this year's fresh- -I- ,1-5.
men to make the Varsity next year as Twenty members of Michi-
the catching staff this sea- ( gan's Varsity track team may I Tw mn,10,
ITwo mile run, by Callahan {14),
son is weak, and two of Coach Fish- compete in the Michigan A. A. 9:58 1-10.
er's mainstays on the hurling staff 1 U. Carnival to be held in De-i; 5 yard low hurdles, by Hubbard
will graduate. troit, April 6 and 7, according to 6ard(M), du07 5-10.
Molenda, who has been working out l F a decision of the Board in Con- 65 yard high hurdles, by Voelker
with the Varsity squad is the fresh- trol of Athletics on Saturday. j ) :ar h-lb.
man hurler with the biggest -reputa- Coach Farrell has not, decided One mile relay, by Cornell, 3:28 2-10.
tion. He comes from Detroit and was yet just which members of the i High jump, by Bradley (C), 5 feet
almost solely responsible for the team will compete because of 10 1-2 inches.
championship which his team won in more important meets which ! Pole vault, by Brooker (M), 13 feet
his senior year. Kane, a catcher from come (luring the following two 1-4 inch.
Chicago, also won an enviable reputa- weeks. Siot put, by Munz (M), 44 feet .
tion in high school circles. 3-4 inches.

split with the varsity Reserves last
Saturday night, winning the mile but
losing the two mile relay. Although
the Reserves won the two mile relay,
Thoits of the yearling squad ran the
fastest half mile, doing it in 2:2 3-5.1
Valentine and Munger, also on the

freshman squad, ran the fastest quar-
ters in the one mile relay. Munger's
performance was unexpected. Up to
this time he had done little work in
the quarter, and consequently his
chances for developing Into an excep-
tional quarter miler are good.
The squad is now preparing for the
out door season and prospects look
good except in the weights. There are
practically no men out for the discus,
javalin, or hammer throw. Any men
who have the least interest in-ithese
events should report to Coach Hoyt
at once.


Good-looking well-wearig
lethr. Aisze i tok
'MGinIdCOMP ai
Jfor Men G( :J ne 149





al jumps for diving.
Grand Rapids, March 28.-Prohibi.
tion has failed, said Robert M. Wenley,
professor of philosophy at the Univer-
sity of Michigan, here last night.
The senior literary 'class
canes can be ordered now at
( Wagner's clothing store. It is
necessary that the orders be
taken at once to insure deliv-
ery. The price of the cane is $3.

Smartly Styled - Modestly Priced
$1.50 and $2.50
An attractive showing of men's pajamas includes modelsi n
white and light colors. At $1.50 there are well tailored paja-
mas in white and tan; while at $2.50 there are very attractive
pajamas in blue, orchid, tan and white, trimmed with tri-colored

This is the first time you ever could get -
clothes before Easter at
0 -i
It's all because we are
KGoing Out OfBsns
All our spring clothes had been bought from
Hart Schaffner & Marx before we decided to
quit business.
I They are still pouring in on us. We'll never
have a chance to sell them at a profit. It won't
be long before we have to lock our doors forever
and turn over our building to the Kresge stores.
Everything must be sacrificed now right at the
beginning of the season while the styles are new
and you want the clothes.
Men's Shirts, Ties, Hats, Everything boys wear
Hosiery, Underwear for spring and summer M
HaIf-Pr'ce -P ic
1-3 off 1-4 off 1-3 off 1-4 off

Regular Price
at our
South University

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