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March 31, 1926 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXVII. No. 137





Sub-committee To Present Complete
Observation On Suggestions s
For Improvement
Problems relating to the sources,j
salaries, advancement, and profes-
sional practice of teachers of the en-
gineering college will be considered
by the engineering faculty in its meet-
ing this afternoon, following the re-
port of a sub-committee on engineer-
ing teaching profession which will be,
given by Prof. H. E. Riggs, head of the
civil engineering department.
This report and the discussion
which will center about it constitute
the third phase of engineering educa-
tion which is being studied by thei
engineering faculty following the four
reports on the subject which were pre-
pared several years ago under the aus-
pices of the Carnegie foundation. {
Nelson Is Chairman
Four sub-committees under the gen-
eral chairmanship of Prof. J. R. Nel-j
son have studied these reports during
the first semester to get from them all
that might prove suggestive and con-
structive for the betterment of the
engineering college.
The summary of conclusions setI
forth in the report by the committee
on teaching personnel is as follows:
' Teachers of engineering subjects,
to be of greatest value as teachers,
ought to have from five to ten years of
engineering experience and practice
*before reaching the rank of professor.
"While in many cases it may 1ej
necessary to take men into the pro-
fessional departments as instructors
who have had no professional experi-
ence, it ought to be the policy to en-
courage such men to gain experience
in engineering work, especially if they
intend to adopt teaching as a life

Girls, Pretzels, Bull Fights, O
Adorn Gargoyle 'Abroad' Issue i
Abroad-the girls of France, the all the trimmings commonly associ 01
pretzels of Germany, the bull fights ated with the location. EBSTYS RIE
of Spain-all of the wonder seen each Interspersed in the contents of the
issue are remarks of the variety usu-
summer by the hordes of American . ,.min i thI

Association Of
Teachers Hea
ITalk By Liti

Big Ten Leader


students on the European tours, fur-
nish the material for the April issue
of Gargoyle, campus humor magazine,
which will be placed on sale this
Opening with a "London Letter,"
written by Gargoyle, Jr., and pictur-
ing in cartoon and prose the adven-
tures of the student abroad, Gargoyle
sees Europe as the summer traveler
will see it. The cover, done in red,
green, and yellow by Fred Hill, '27,
is a scene on a Paris boulevard, with

arty touna in tte postCardus sent toL ne
folks at home by the collegiate tour-
ists. A full page illustrated editor-
ial advises those contemplating toursI
to stay at home and promises that in,
time, they, too, will become "Big But-
ter and Egg Men."
Editorially, Gargoyle congratulates
itself on its March issue, criticizes the
freshman pledge who writes the name
of his fraternity all over his books,
and requests that those who do go to
Europe attempt to "be themselves"

Director O 1Broadcasting Announces
Possible Programii Continuance
FromI Detroit Next Month

when they return.

Bonstelle Company Will Present Play
Of Jesse Lynch Williams At
Whitney Today
With entirely the same cast that is
playing in Detroit at the present time,
the Bonstelle company will present a
special matinee performance of "Why
Not?" by Jesse Lynch Williams, hold-
er of the fellowship in creative arts,
at 2:15 o'clock today at the Whitney
"Why Not?" is.the companion play
to "Why Marry?", the Pulitzer prize
play which was presented two weeks
ago by Masques with an all--campus
cast, and has many of the characteris-
c tics of the latter production. Both
are comedies with an underlying vein
of seriousness, and both have settingsl
that are distinctly modern. The chief
distinction between the two is that
while "Why Marry?", was a satire on
1marriage, "Why Not?" is chiefly con-
cerned with divorce.
The production of "Why Marry?"
was produced under the supervision
of Mr. Williams, and the companion
piece .by the same author makes it of
special interest. Mr. Williams, in
comparing the two plays, stated that
in "Why Not?" there is a situation of
more originality and interest than in

Swiss Traveler Presents
African Scenes In
An excursion through a
through the medium of
tern slides was given to
that attended the colore
performance given by P
Sandoz, Swiss traveler, l
Hill auditorium.sProfes
lecture was the second o
three to be given by hir
auspices of the Student
the benefit of the Burt
The whole performanc
posed of the showing of
colored photography, proje
a specially constructed
Masterpieces of the Mi
Prado of Madrid, depictir
scenery, and famous pe
the reign of Charles V w(
their natural color, along
of the old cities of Toledo

Broadcasting of the regular radio'
programs of the University was com-
pleted last night when the last pro-
gram from University hall was sent
out over station WJR, the Jewett
Radio and Phonograph company of
SPontiac, and WCX, the Detroit Free
Press. The programs may be con-
S I tinued next month from the top of the
Book-Cadillac hotel in Detroit, if the
Spanish And faculty speakers can be induced to go
Second to the city, it was announced by Wal-
do Abbot of the rhetoric department,
director of broadcasting.
Last night's program consisted of
SHOWVN four radio talks with several groups
of musical selections, presented by
artistic Spain members of Sigma Alpha Iota, a mu-
colored lan- ! sical sorority of the University School
of Music. The first talk was given by
the audience Prof. Charles Cestre of the Sorbonne,
r projection Paris, who is in Ann Arbor giving a
ast. William series of lectures on American poets.
ast night in 1professor Cestre gave a French prs-
seriea1 s fessor's viewpoint on the war debt
n under the controversy.
council for (c'sre Defends France
on Memorial "The present financial difficulties of
France originate from her having had
e was com- to advance 130 billion francs for the!
pictures in, reconstruction of the devastated
cted through areas," Professor Cestre explained.
machine. : France is often reproached for hav-
uiseium of El ing resorted to loans to cover this
ng costumes, enormous outlay, instead of raising
rsonages il taxes from the very beginning. But
ere shown in it must be remembered that because
with scenes of her enormous losses in men, and
and Seville. with onle fifth of the country laid

(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, March 30.-"Imperfection
is the normal stepping stone to per-
fection," Dr. Clarence Cook Little to-
day told members of the department
of superintendents and school board
members of the Michigan State teach-
ers' association, to whom he talked
in the afternoon session of the three-
day assembly being held this week.
"It is absurd," he continued, on the
subject of interrelation between uni-
versities and intermediate schools, "to
teach high school pupils the work of
Dickens in their English courses as
it would be to expect them to learn
Einstein's theory of relativity in their
physics courses. High sch'ool children
normally read newspapers, magazines,
and comparatively recent novels, lit-
erature of the imperfect type. Dick-
ens and other such writers represent
the perfection of infinite labor. But
perfection to young people is dis-
"It is a good idea to have perfection
as a star to tie your wagon to, but
too much perfaction is indigestible in
the young mind. Great geniuses are
well for their ideals, but they won't
take them for their daily friends. To
attempt this is to commit the crime
of over concentration of which all of
our schools are guilty."
Dr. Little advocated, as a president
of a university, and one not having,
much contact with secondary school
systems, that curriculums of high
school work be simplified. "I would
like to see," lie said, "fewer things
taught, and those few taught thor-

John L. Griffith
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, March 30.-The demand
of Western Conference universities
that the Amateur Athletic union "keep
its hands off" Big Ten athletes until
they complete their intercollegiate
competition was renewed today by
John L. Griffith, athletic commissioner
of the Conference.
Within 24 hours after Murray, Hul-
bert, A. A. U. president; had retorted
to Z. G. Clevenger, athletic director of
Indiana university, who took the mat-
ter up with him can behalf of the Big
Ten coaches, Griffith issued a state-
ment, declaring that Conference ath-
letes get as much competition in the
athletic programs of their schools as
their coaches believe to be good for
them, and contrasting Hulberts at-
titude with that of the American Pro-
fessional Football league, which had
ruled that no college student may be
signed for professional football until
his graduation.
Nine Cities Ieluded in 4,000 Mile
T.four; Alumini Will Entertain
At iaiees And Baiquets ,
Undertaking its first long trip

Goal Of $3,500
Set. For Final
Drive Of S.C.A.
Mlichgan's Student Christian associ-
ation officially opened its "Complete
the Rmnr-o " n oi ain t in. niLO htL whenF

Professors Waterman, J e n n ings
Lloyd, And Cooley Form
List Of Speakers
More than 250 muembers of the Mich-
igan Academy of Science, Arts, and
Letters will attend the1 31st annual
meeting of the academy which begins
today for three days.
The first- lecture of general interest
will be President Clarence Cook
Little's paper on "The Genetics of
Cancer" at 3 o'clock today in Ntural
Science auditorium. This will be
followed by a paper by Prof. Warren
G. Waterman of the botany depart-
ment of Northwestern university on
Sleeping Bear Point-a Unique Dune
Plan Dinner Tonight
There will be a dinner of the Mich-
igan chapter of the Friends of Our
Native Landscape at 6 o'clock tonight
at the Haunted tavern, 317 E. Huron
street. Reservations should be made
with Dr. Lee R. Dice, academy secre-
At 8 o'clock tonight in Natural Sci-
ence auditorium, Prof. Charles H.
Cooley of the sociology department,
president of the academy, will deliver
the presidential address. Professr
Cooley's subject will be "The Roots
of Social Knowledge"
Prof. Herbert S. Jennings '93, at_
present director of the zoological
laboratory at Johns Hopkins univer-
sity, will speak at 4:15 o'clock tomor-
row in Natural Science auditorium on
I "The Relations of Heredity and En-
Lloyd Will Speak
At 8 o'clock tomorrow in Natural
Science auditorium Prof. Francis E.
Lloyd of the botany departmen
McGill university will deliver an ad-
dress, "Motion Picture Studies in the
Life History of Spirogyra and Cam-
The final session of the academy
will take place at 4 o'clock Friday
in room B 207, Natural Science build-
ing for the transaction of business
and election of officers for the com-
ing year.
"Advertising should properly be re
ferred to s a business and not a pro-
fession," stated Gordon W. Kingsbury,
'11; yesterday afternoon at the seventh
vocational talk, given under the aus-
pices of the Student Christian as-
sociation. "Advertising," he contin-
ued, "does not pay unless it has a
business background."
Mr. Kingsbury, who is advertising
manager of the -Kelvinator company
and chairman of the advertising com-
mittee of the newly formed Electric
Refrigeration corporation; made par-
ticular protest against the theory that
advertising is an economic waste. As
grounds for his stand he showed that
in spite of all opposition to it, con-
cerns continue to advertise, spending
$1,000,000,000 for that purpose last
- Special study in economics and his-
tory, and practicing writing whenever
possible, were set forth by the speak-
er as the best means of preparation
for the future advertising man.

Commends Italia
Debt Settlement


each of the member


Advocate Smokers the former production.
"In order that there shall be better The cast includes Jessie Royce Lan-n
opportunity for members of the va- I dis, who played the leading role inc
rious staffs to get acquainted with one Ferenc Molnar's "The Swan", whichc
another, and for new comers to per- I the Bonstelle company presented some
sonally know members of other staffs, ! time ago at the Whitney. The Ann t
there should be at least one smoker or Arbor performance was securedt
informal dinner and purely social eve- through the efforts of the Alumnae
ring each semester, which shall be at- council and the benefits of the playI
tended by every person who does = will go towards the Women's league,
teaching in the engineering college. building.
"In order that there shall be op-
portunity for the discussion of admin-
istrative problem s, student problems,
teaching methods and other subjects UiU rrn Uv UhL f
upon which everyone should be in-
formed, there should be at least two or CHAN _OE
three stated faculty meetings a semze3-
ter, at which the routine business I
should be limited to at least 15 mnin-I (By Associated Tress)
utes. 1 WASHINGTON, March 30. - While
"Every effort should be made to de- } the nation seemed to get a kick today
velop young men who come into the 'out of the approval given by the gov-
University teaching work as rapidly ernment to the sale of 3.75 per cent'
and as fully as possible, with the dell- medicinal beer, about the only reac-
nite view of promoting or of assisting tion the announcement stirred up here
to better positions and higher rank. was a protest from the Anti-Saloon'
"Furthermore, a continued unwill- league that the issuance of permits
ingness to any of these things, an ex- for the manufacture of such strong'
pressed or displayed disinclination to malt tonics was a "mistake," and
'develop himself for more than rou- would lead to diversions for beverage
tine teaching, or continued proof of use.
mediocrity and lack of ambition Nothing was said in Congress about
'should be cause for dismissal. There the new order, in fact, for a change,
appears to be no good reason why, the prohibition question was com-
when an unfit man gets a teaching pletely' out of the picture, except for
position, he should be allowed to con- the introduction in the House by Mrs.
tinue in it. ( Mary T. Norton, Democratic repre-
"Statistics in the preliminary report ; sentative from New Jersey, the reso-
show that the median teacher's salary lution previously offered in the Senate
is slightly above the maximum of the by Senator Edwards of New Jersey,
lowest ten per cent of earnings of en- proposing a sweeping investigation of
gineering graduates from one to five prohibition and its enforcement.
years-almost the same for five to 15
years and above it at 15 years. The . .
mediat of teacher's salaries is far be- Ci b g tftempt
low the median of graduate earnings. Ends In Failure
"Universities can secure men in one
of these ways: First, by the employ-
ment of the highest class of profes- PINKHAM NOTCH, N. H., March
sional rmen and the payment to them 30.-The first attempt ever made to
as salary for teaching, a compensation climb Mount Washington with a dog
such as they can and do receive in in- team failed yesterday because of a
dustry. This is beyond the power of 70-mile gale which threatened to
most universities. Even if this were sweep driver and dogs from the moun-
done, the best men would become out tainside.
of date, in a short time, if not en-
couraged to keep in touch with the NEW YORK. - A tie-up of spring
profession through practice. Modern building activity is feared as the re-
engineering is not history, but deals sult of the strike of 3,400 steam-
with things yet to be done. fitters.
"Second. by the use of men regular-
ly engaged in the practice of the pro- f
fession. dr in industry, on a nart time .

The second series of slides dealt Ilwaste, could not mediatel organization selecte
chiefly with, the Alcazar of Sevillb'na ional burden or taxe,., those men upon wh
and the palace of Charles V. Many n Edmund . 1)ay, of the School this week. The goa
views of tme mnable floors amid )orc E f -iess A mlrinistration, spoke on effort has been set a
lain walls of the palace were shown Collegiate Training for Business." The selecting of
in close proximity to display the in- 4 Deali lD):y Speaks -' closed the - banquet
tricate designs. "Collegiate training for business church, whcihi was
Visions of northern Africa, its should rest upon a broad foundation group of more thanI
monuments of the past and its tribes of more general education," he stated. ry Hawkins, '26E,g
of today, comprised the third series r 'Ability to use effectively the spoken acting as toastmast
of slides. Tunis, with its bazaars, 1nd( written word, understanding of speakers of the
Arabian streets, and picturesque j hunlan nature as disclosed in modern Likert, '26, preside
tribes, was shown in its natural s-t- I psychology, mastery of the essentials tion ; Perry M. Ha
ting and color. of economic science--these are among president; Prof. Fe
The final program will be given the most impomrtant foundations for fee of the enginee
by Professor Sandoz tonight at 3 later sc(ialization in the field of George Westermanc
o'clock. "Visions of the Orient" and business administration." assisting in the canv
"The Egypt of the Pharaohs" will be "Tme last 15 years at Michigan" was
his subjects. the subject of a talk given by Dean
John f. Effinger, of the literary col- Bardeen
lege. Ile di-scussed the changes he
Fas observed in student types and Give in
The final talk over the radio was M edi
given by Dr. Carl Badgley, of the
Medical school, on "Infantile Paraly-
--- sis." Dr. Badgley is a specialist on Dean Charles It.
(By Associated Press) crippled children. ( University of W
PARIS, March 30.-The chamber of school will discuss
deputies opened its debate on mueas- i nU nS man nuanrnnu n Measurements in t
ures for the financial restoration if; of :Build" at S o'cloc
the country today to the accents of G iOFn Uiniversity hall.
the socialist hymn, the "Internation- - be the third of theb
al,"' and got little further than that. JI D II-111 [lJ nual course held u
The entrance of two communist U lULof Alpha Omega Al
deputies elected in the second district -- orary niedical soci
of Paris on Sunday provoked a dem- (By Associated Press) Dean Bardeen ha
onstration which threatened for a WASHIINCTON, March 30. - Im- medical school at
moment to turn to violent conflict. peachment machinery provided by the Wisconsin for nearl
The communists began by cheering constitution was set in motion by the ceived his medicald
their new colleagues and as they House today against Federal Judge Hopkins university
warmed up they rose and started - George W. English, of Illinois. graduation he rema
singing the "International," to which , For five hours members, resorting sity as an assistan
cat calls and hisses replied from the i at times to language rarely if ever department. In 19
other side of the house. used on the floor, debated whether associate professor.
Edouard Herriot, president of the charges brought against the judge of E In 1904 the dean

rs of the canvass
d the names of
om they will call
al of this clean-up
t $3,500.
prospects' names
at the Methodist
attended by a
125 workers. Har-
general chairman,
er, introduced the
evening, Rensis
nt of the associa-
yden, '25, former
rdinand N. Meno-
ring college, and
of Detroit, who is

ird Of
Bardeen of the1
Wisconsin medical
s "Making Use of
he Clinical Study
ck tomorrow night
His speech will
lectures on the an-.
under the auspicesj
pha, national hon-
s been head of the
the University of
y 20 years. He re-
degree from Johns
in 1897 and after
ined at the univer-!
nt in the anatomy
901 he became an
went to the Uni-

since its journey to thne west coast in
1921, the Varsity Glee club will make I
at 4,000 mile concert tour of nine mid-
western cities during spring vacation.
The itinerary, which will be cover-
ed by 34 members'of the club with, a
special pullman car, includes the fol-
lowing cities: Chicago, Des Moines,
Kansas City, Tulsa, Memphis, Louis-
ville, Dayton, and Toledo. Beginning
April 9, concerts will be given daily
at each of these cities, with the ex-
ception of Toledo, where the club willj
appear April 19.
Arrangements for all the concerts
have been made by Michigan alumni
and signed contracts have beenj re-
ceived by the business staff for every
appearance now scheduled. Enter-j
tainment for club members will alsoI
be provided at every stop by Michi-
gan alumni, who will hold dances and'
dinners in honor of the club. The two
Sundays on the trip will be spent in
Kansas City and Dayton.
The programs of the various con-
certs, which will be given before an
aggregate audience of more than
15,000 persons, will be composed ofj
semi-classical and popular numbers,
as well as college songs. A dance or-!
chestra composed of Glee club mem-
bers will present several numbers on
the programs and play at the dances
after the concerts.
Barre Hill, '26, will feature each
program with a group of songs. A
j quartet, which will be selected in the
near future by Theodore Harrison, di-
rector, will also present a special
repertoire of songs.

Chamber, hurriedly left his chair and. "high misdemeanors in office," includ- I versity of Wisconsin and was made a
declared the session suspended. After ing alleged wrongful manipulation of full professor of anatomy. Three years
a short recess lie announced that it bankruptcy funds and usurpation of I later he became head of the medical
had- been learned that the cat calls power, warranted the House in recom- school.
and hisses came from the public gal- I mending his trial by the Senate.
leries. He warned the spectators that Action on the resolution recom- MADRID. - Beggars must go to
if any such manifestations were re- mending impeachment was deferred work. They will be rounded up and
peated the galleries would be closed. ! by the House. taught trades in trie worxnouse.
New York Times Offers Awards To Winners Of
Current Events Contest Among 11 Universities



"Knowledge of the events of the
world today, and the ability to ex-
press one's interpretation of those I
events" will be on trial in a contest j
to be conducted by the New York
Times among 11 eastern and middle
western universities, according to
Prof. Joseph R. Hayden of the politi-
cal science department, who attended I
a meeting of representatives of the

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 30. - The
R ONdebt settlement with Italy represents
e very last penny" the United
TO COLLECT CLASS DUES nator Smoot, Republican, Utah, said
today in the Senate.
"If we do not agree to this settle-
Opening a three-day drive this noon ment," he added, "it will be a long
for the purpose of cancelling the debt 'time before we get anything out af'
which resulted from the Sophomore Italy."
Prom, members of the finance commit-
tee, and others of the sophomore lit- WASHINGTON. -Efforts to induce
terary class, will make personal calls Henry Ford to submit another bid.for
upon every general fraternity and Muscle Shoals were made yesterday.
sorority house in Ann Arbor for the -
collection of class dues. Payments
will also be received until Friday aft- PERRY WILL SPEAK AT
ernoon in various campus buildings. 11 O'CLOCK ON FRIDAY j
Special check blanks have been


f f

I aim happy to endorse the
campaign to promote a better
knowledge of current events on
the part of college students
which the New York Times is
instituting. I hope that many
Michi-n n students may take nart

The tests will be in two parts, the
first being a large number of factual
questions, while in the second the en-
trants will be given a choice of sev-
eral essay questions.
. Professor Hayden, Prof. Preston W.
Slosson of the history department,
Robert T. Lansdale, of the sociology
department, Dr. John V. Van Sickle,
of the economics department, Waldo



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