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February 29, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 86) • Page Image 1

…C*WIRW g eather Tonight: Partly cloudy, low around 10'. Tomorrow: Increasing cloudiness, high 32°. One hundredJfve years of editotiilfreedom Thursday February 29, 1996 jili 1!111 ' '. ,WILL CONCREFE FLOAT YOUR OAT Regents announce E ca e12 members ofrre S. of special ?zement. By Matt Buckley For the Daily Most people would laugh if chal- lenged to make a canoe out of con- crete. But a group of University stu- dents has tackled the chal...…

February 29, 1996 (vol. 106, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…Y.:... V : t i _ .. ;' p ; r.; .. The Michigan Daily - Wu.te.4+4 .. - Thursday, February 29, 1996 - 98 A weekly listing of who's where, what's happening and why you need to be there... F I L.M First-Run Films Angels and Insects What kind of combination is that? At Ann Arbor 1 & 2 12:15 and 2:35 (Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday only), 4:55, 7:20, 9:45. Ed Look! Joey from "Friends" meets Dunston on a baseball field. Huh? At Briarwood: 1:00, 3:1...…

February 29, 1988 (vol. 98, iss. 99) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-eight years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVIII, No. 99 Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, February 29, 1988 Copyright 1988, The Michigan Doily 'M' falls to Iowa, 95-87 By PETE STEINERT Special to the Daily IOWA CITY - Two weeks still remain in the Big Ten basketball season, but the race for the conference championship is all but over. Iowa's 95-87 victory over Michigan Saturday at Carver-Hawkeye Arena made sure of that. The loss leaves the ...…

February 29, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 117) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-four Years of Edit'orial Freedom Litn 1 IaiQ Leap-snow Blowing and drifting highs in the twenties. snow, .~ I ..-... -. - - . - - L 0 Vol I.IV-No. 1 7 Copyright 1984, 'The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, February 29, 1984 Fifteen Cents Ten Pages e r v I4J Hart wins N.H.primar Colorado senator sheds 'darkhorse' title CONCORD, N.H. (AP) - Sen. Gary Mondalec Hart upset Walter Mondale yesterday a campaign i...…

February 29, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 124) • Page Image 1

…1X" ACORN See editorial page cl LIE ian t1 GO SOUTH See Today for details N'inety Y ea rs of EdAitorialI FreedIom~ Vol. XC, No. 124 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 29, 1980 Ten Cents Twelve Pages Bogota rebels free 14, but 50 still BOGOTA, Colombia (AP)-Leftist guerrillas occupying the Dominican Republic Embassy freed 14 hostages yesterday, including one child, 10 women and three wounded men, the president of the Colombian Red...…

February 29, 1976 (vol. 86, iss. 129) • Page Image 1

…SUNDAY MAGAZINE See Inside p 41it O Ar A6- 44ILM -A X :436 it CRUMMY High-410 Low-20* See Today for details Latest Deadline in the State Vol. LXXXVI, No. 129 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 29, 1976 10 Cents Eight Pages tFYC(J SENEWS HAPPENCAI1. DAflY Astro note Remember Comet Kohoutek, the astronomical event of the century? Remember how it was going to light up the sky like an arc lamp? Rem'ember how it was a dismal flop? W...…

February 29, 1972 (vol. 82, iss. 118) • Page Image 1

…Women in Law: Can they cut through the ivy? The trials of gaining admission Combatting traditional sex roles By MIKE SLAUGHTER EDITOR'S NOTE: in these two articles, The Daily explores the admission of women to the University's Law School and theit reactions to being among a 1Q per cent minority of the school's enrollment. Tomor- row, The Daily will look at job placement oppor- tunities for, women latw graduates. "You're too cute to ne...…

February 29, 1964 (vol. 74, iss. 120) • Page Image 1

…WOMEN FAVOR LIBERALIZED RULES See Editorial Page C, r A6** 43EtaitI WARMER High-42 Low-20 Mild temperatures and sunny skies Seventy-Three Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXIV, No. 120 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2 1964 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES UN May Dispatch Force to Cyprus Neutral Nations Sponsor Peace Plan As 'Take It or Leave It' Settlement UNITED NATIONS OP) - Diplomatic sources said last night a resolution will be put be...…

February 29, 1956 (vol. 66, iss. 98) • Page Image 1

…If Ike Runs Many Questions May Be Answered See Page 4 YI e Latest Deadline in the State i1 SUNNY, WARMER VOL. LXVI, No.98 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1956 SIX PAGES FREUDIAN FOLLIES, FOIBLES: 'U' Women Chase Men With Leaps, Bounds By DONNA HANSON Watch out men-the race is on! There is only one Feb. 29 every four years-which gives women one extra day to use their various leap year maneuvers in an attempt to catch a spou...…

February 29, 1952 (vol. 62, iss. 101) • Page Image 1

…GOD AND MAN AT MICHIGAN See Page 4 A6F 41jt r4t an i41Iaii4 a., 0 C ;. Latest Deadline in the State SNOW FLURRIES VOL. LXII, No. 101 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1952 SIX PAGES , SIX PAGES Sen. Russell, Rebel Chief, Enters Race Truman Lands Gov. Stevenson By The Associated Press One man threw his hat into the ring for the Democratic Presi- dential nomination and President Truman lauded another potential y candidate,...…

February 29, 1948 (vol. 58, iss. 103) • Page Image 1

…A REAL MEAL TICKET See Page 4 LjYl r e Si 4r aiA1 WINTER AGAIN Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 103 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS 'M' Cagers Edge OSU 40-36, Cinch itle Tie *7* * * * * * * * * * * 4' BiIV ERP Passes To Senators r For Approval Committee OK's. Recovery Plan WASHINGTON, Feb. 28-(AP)- The Senate Foreign Relations Committee today formally recom- mended approval of a $5,...…

February 29, 1940 (vol. 50, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…Weather Generally fair, today; warmer tomorrow. L 4il43$Ua Iati- Editorial New Wolf In Sheep's Clothing . VOL. L. No. 106 Z-323 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEB. 29, 1940 PRICE FIVE ..... House Passes Bill Granting Non- Military Finnish Loan Ballot Of 168-51 Sends Measure To Conference; Quick Action Expected Hull Asks Support Of Peace Program WASHINGTON, Feb. 28-(P)-The House voted to help Finland to the extent of a $20,000,000 ...…

February 29, 1936 (vol. 46, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…The Weather Snow today, wih koider in wiest and north. and by night In south east; fai- tOimOrhlw. Ll A6F 40 .414tr t g an ~ai1 Editorials Learned Dr. Leainid Sees A Def iiency:. Now, About This Weather... State Control of Utilities .. * VOL. XLVI No. 104 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1936 PRICE FIVE CENTS Regents Increase General Tuition Fees -'v Strauss Is To Leave Post Here Retiring, New Chairmen Of English De...…

February 29, 1928 (vol. 38, iss. 112) • Page Image 1

…,ESTABLISHED 1890 -.g . 47 4 MEMBER PRESS VOL. XXXVIII, No. 112. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, S EMN ESI)AY, FEBRUARtY 29, 1928 EIGHT PAGES 9main 0UIN WILD DEMONSTRATION TO FEATURE AITIlDTVTf 1111011NOMINATIONS AT GRIDIRON BANQUET LABOR ttUIHOITflIITo By I. IW. C. manded by such an office. Past htold- Evorything from the oald-time cor- Iers of the valued utensil have in- S I 11 O IH CONSTITUTION (ner Dutch band to frenzied demon- luded such men...…

February 29, 1924 (vol. 34, iss. 109) • Page Image 1


February 29, 1920 (vol. 30, iss. 105) • Page Image 1

…2T4 r -J t t Jar V DAY AND MGH SEE VIC] ;.: ' 4 .. - ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1920. -Z)- F. L. A. STRAUSS PPROVES DORMS Louis A. Strauss, who has just I from the conference of deans isor's of men, where a resolu- xoring university control of conditions, when asked as xtent to which the introductian 's dormitories to Michigan change the present situation Petition for Bladkets for Varsity Men Allowed; Hockey and Swi...…

February 29, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 100) • Page Image 1

…- -. .. J~ i I '~ , . c x ,. ..... nA I _.._._.4 _ ____, a _ __ .....:. ANN ARtBO, MICHIGAN. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1916. Tant .ilS.Doctors o Furnish 1elieJ E ver BACK BY1 FRENCH EryPhysician, Surgeon and Dentist to (i-e Two Dollars - TeMnth To Hold Combined Rehearsal Today Caart and Chorus of "Tres Rouge" to Drill at Union This Evening The first combined rehearsal of the cast and chorus of the Union opera, "Tres Rouge." will be held...…

February 29, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…1 'an ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, RSDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1912. .t to EVILLE. TO INTRODUCE NEW SET OF RULES FOR FINAL EXAMS, Sugges- Show A new set of rules relating to exam- the vau- inations has been issued by the liter- ed by the celebra- ary department. They will go into inite pro- effect this June and will appear in the 1912 bulletin, along with the rules nitttee at regarding the new marking system. eive sug- Though it has heretofore been unde...…

February 29, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 110) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily . ........ VOL. XVIII. ANN K 2xB MIITGAN, SA1TURDAY, FEBRU ARY 2g, x908. No. I 10. PRELIMINARY MEET TO BE HELD TONIGHT Several Surprises Are Expected -Class Relay Teams Will Run After Meet Proper. the prelinminary inhhoor meet whih occrin so Vstersingynnasinim tonight till tprodune soie coitests of more than nassing interest. Besiue the athttes wsho have figred proninenty in meets of past yess, a numbsler of freshmen ...…

February 29, 1896 (vol. 6, iss. 106) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VI. NoT. 106. UNVEIRSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29, P196. Fours PAGES-3 CENTS. 'rz'INGRIIAIM GETS FIRST. SBICYCLES. LAST OF PRELIMINARY ORATOR- 'e desire to give notice that we ICAL CONTESTS. pooeto maike atbi bid for haescrdthe agency tar the Six Speakera in Senior Law Con- D iYTON 111test-Deahl Cornea Second and H L Bec ee nwicthi lar carrot a #Conrey Third-Markinga of Judges h ittretuttiierasioe fth eNil In Full. bswhesmd;pri...…

February 29, 1892 (vol. 2, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…Ic i . of A T. Walp. Vor. 1.-No. 104. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAiN, M\OND)AY, FEBRUARY 29, 1892. PRICE, THREE CENTS. Preliminary Oratorical Contest. fi itrel~iniinary contest of t, t101 liw class xway heliiSatturd(ay i cuiing,xwhiich c(oimipletsthetseries r 1enivesI iwtt o5 wi lt ( ti Iart in ic iiiter-lassixercses )n xarc c 5thwhlnthey((iillxiitriifor the hon- orif representingp the t of N.inii t Northernax IOratorxil Ieaxgue at Li'aiitoii Th...…

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