The Michigan Daily
. ........
No. I 10.
Several Surprises Are Expected
-Class Relay Teams Will Run
After Meet Proper.
the prelinminary inhhoor meet whih
occrin so Vstersingynnasinim tonight
till tprodune soie coitests of more than
nassing interest. Besiue the athttes
wsho have figred proninenty in meets
of past yess, a numbsler of freshmen
wsith britliant records back of them will
enter the lists to wins their first collegiate
laureis. Aside frossisregar tach events
eer cass relay test illittrn at the
cose othte met. Tthe contests wilt
coimnsre e tss ptv it 8 'tick
A great eat of iterest wilt ceeiter
arondthe %orls f joe Horeter, fresh
lit, f rontsiGruiiil Rapids, sho nmise a
phlesnienalrerord Iat te iterchlolastie
mie.Isist yesr. IIc entereinivfe di-
fereit eets-stsitiit.3-yrdsssliet.
4-vsrsloiwi ihurle.. high j miip, siiiitpole
limit simmile ran prmiises ts le a
fesitire sof lthe nie. Balhiatchset, I,
is isue ssswosii inte crcss constrarraces
last fll wosshinisisisislittle aipilase, xwiii
esomiletesagis Ma, ivnsner (f the
eeint, iii lstsirsnsgs fresh-ophsiieet.
Coe. Shiaffrothii,.See as uitIanssss, aisiong
isters, silit eciompete.
Allerdice, is sile vauslsiisgITfeeswils
cisisuesso s uitdisitsI Ho re, i arker
ansd XVe t tso iud isomiiwill simakea
gisisl shutwig.iShtl7,leAsthur sit Hsr-
sire sre all ablel t iieat 40 feet ii the
shot evest
Theolowsissing is h sitolelist sit
rintries fissiistiesmetO
Sots-t. R.sris.ks JcIlorn semer, A.
iiesilrisost sAdiolpuh Shl, K..X tnl sis
C. A. Rib
15 isir sh-. . raig. IR. C.
Crsaig, Ii L. isisi 'iii C A.,dyess
i 3.TaneL. 'sssi icXsNaiii JI Hosics
IererteeA.S (oet, C. C. JhsonissW. R.
Muc iissnILs \'rsit Ieis 'mm tis Iss .
i. 'Villia isise I)Bnto, XXW
Grees, CI. eger, G.XX itzsral'suitC.
Kek . I. hiteslsts I 0 iisisVioris
Crtisit1 1. sLioiaits\.S Loudes-
ek, A. . 1Klimbaill J I.FIynn.i
40-iriloisishiss lls-HiFt XX is lt
R. C. Csaigi, If S IimnssisissDss I f. i
'iorre, NXi Ilissnisge \iM I D. iKnpp,
J -HorirentiiShoissXW.IPsltai, C
E. Smsith, W. Mesrritt .I, XisisussssT.
1if. SRans
.o-yariiiihs ies R. sitC kriss'sRI
S. llssssssss D.l H. ToIrses, MoTatll
msasge,Xi It i.oKnap*lons isisisisC.
Hiugh jump-R. IsSii ssisiossi I. C
CraigI) ii Is olossenIf.Saessiss
C J.kissnsser, SXA. olin, J onics
P-1.Sith, Cl1auits IRakesrawiEI If
440yr u-C .Swir .A
Myer,, Ierersos A.s (ostzNtDusan,
Cles Wrness ,.X. igraesld, V
Merr ili .NietiiigisB.,R. liB silsiss11
I.,.CoeoVicorssCur iro, IR I.Leona rot
H_ Ml Pirces G. W.-itgrrelsol JIf
Flynns, T'1' I. KRyanAXVW. esrsme.
I laf-sil rusn-It liateist, Dessorest,
M\ikeselltJ. SSoelButterfield, K.. A.
-\lorgsssu,ileset1).sMyes, ID. C. Miay,
-MlorrisonSihisafistli, \l Netorg, D. M.
Forshee, NXXW.hDunsn, 1. F. Cole, C.
1. Besseredinst it Boiyntons, I. L.
Cie, M. 1it.SototerssillIL, ii, Phelps,
C. D.BerosyII I. Ellis
Mile russ-B salhacts Demnorest, Bro
eeise, tHowa-rdolA, Mikesel, J. S. See,
Nelson, D C May, G.I Tower, J. B.
Saton, K. A. M~organ, Morrison Saf-
Froth, B. T. Marri, C. F. Stahl, C. is-
terfeldl, I. Epstinis, H. . Ellis, R. H.
Teee, ,. XV. Miller, J. W. Fletcher, W.
. Darrow, F. I. Chapin.
Pole vaoult-H. F. Wright, Lawrence
Sasser, 0. J. Page, D. W. Allerdice, M.
I). Knapp, Fernis, Joe Homner, Fred
Marker, J. C. XWheat, H. IH. Schneider.
P. H. Smith.J
Tue class relay teams will eastits the
followeisng orsder, the first niamesd of earls
pair sitirtisng at ste sorths side ouf the
gyi V"
1908 ] its vs. asog is
950 Tilsvs. 955 lIss,
1op enginiees vs. 1911 engieers.
1908 laws vs. Io()p laws.
igio lais vs. dessts.
smuol mnties vs. phasrenics.
sjol esgiseers vsIiti esgiseers.
Befoire a crowvd of aost three hin-
sredetshusiastic admirers, the junior
girls sdefeateed ue sesiors ii the chai-
pionsship baskethall game yesterday after-
noon. Tue wo teasisstere evenly
msatcedsoethstie game tas exeitisg ansi
liey fromi te star. The costest was
featusresdhy clever passing ansi sesa-
tionial throwinig of goals.
Manuy expieted the sesiors t wit, as
hey hssas the sane team that wonthe ti
chinsh ipsit last year. Asd at first it
lotitkesds thsossghs the seir would wiss
easislybusite sirjniors raceestit ansi
heisthsti sesirs sithflit they were sn-
sase ttithe ay ibaskts after the first
ets minussses of play.~
The sesirs stsrteed oisi well, ssrisg
sevess its iefore the junsiors wserr
sase t issuer anygas. 'that sithe jni-
iors cme ncsisesed t sette, and after a
fete clesver ipasses they ssceeded in get-
tiug two goals fromnsthiBelibefore the
haslf tas fisished. Te score at tie ede
of mise first half wast 8 ts5 its favtor of
te seniors.
inthlii secttd half te jiorets ot-
lyesthsie sesioseastid kept thesi front
scorsig, shile they made one baskets
frouitetimeldete Though the playing its
this insl was stich faster tasntie first,
mush tie juniiors guared their oppoets
ette, slier were fin foiss called for
rougneiss aimstnot baskets were trowns
fromithitsfossl lie
H~iss IHendsersosn asse Miss Fearon
earlssrety thee goals for the juniors,
whlile Miss Bucks andu Miss Ralsinass
ist tie scoreigfo er the sesiors. Tie
finalscorsete, which gave te camprioshlip
his tie 'op girls, wsms13 to 8. Th'Ie le-
sp wasss followse:
Seos: Gusardls, Carter, Car, Tr-
uer; criters, XWaker, Hesdersosn, Stork;
baskets, Ruhhnssan, Backs, Jacohi.
Junsiors: Guards, I-odge, Truelood,
Rinilm; criters, Ranikisn, M~ason, Kiing;
bacskets, Feaross, Hendersont, Setor.
Csaptaini S. Mo. Lansdry, ofDtersoit, will
lecture btfrertie Esgneering society
thisiseveninig, 0on "Expserienes and O-
punrssities inthie Gvernmset Service'
This ptromisses to e an exeptiosnalyl
intrersting leture, due to the exierienseeI
whirls CaptaintsLandry listsadinisthat
Ptrof. IHarsrisonSmSnaley will aduress
tlie AphaisNut society tonightt en ome
stases f tie corporations problenm. A
discussion o f the Aldrich currescy ilt
wiiil e lest y Rotze asse Bryson. A
talk out "Present Industrial Conditionts"
will he givenm y Frank Ladd. This is
tie first meeting under the new regime
andutwiiilhe called at 7:30 sharp.
Five sMichigan men passed the Illinois
lar examsiation lhiss last week at 0t-
aw, It. Eighty-three men took the
exasmisntions asndtabot half this snumer
got through. These exams are consid-
ereud abou as hard as asy in the country
ansi nose of the Michigan men expected
to get through. The men were Mallory
Brroughs, L. R. Clark, George Kelley,
XVW. C. Bacons rod James P. Graham.
IS AUDIENCE le W~oman's League heap year party
HIS AUD ENC 1 illbe eldat arburgymnnasiumsntot-
sight. It is expectedthstit a large num-
lie Impersonates ''The Taming of hue's of oths studsent andu faculty memn-
hiressewiili e presents. The commusittee its
the Shrew" and Give~s Sketch charge ins ibeesn sorkisng hard itsneutder
of New England 'Country Life,.tusmake time party a success andu a steam-
- - smunt es-enming is assusredt.
LelanudTPowers, aai gmiifits thu sv- Ticketssmny he otaisned fromss Ceans
enuteenuth tisse lst iC u"lit efure a 'fihii- 'Jorns, Moisses Olive Btucks, Grace Nib-
gan audierise, alsuuysta ined tihsisrepitas- sn, uasd Hsrriet Simalley. Time price tof
tiosn hueisihuaduae in fsue iir semis. tro- adhmis sions is fifty censts.
lonsgeed spplaiuise ct the misndiiof ahtosmt __________________
testifiedtoItshis populasity.i XCi.I, NAE A O EIE C
'lise vehicle which Xli.Isowes select- '-- FTR EIEC
eel for Iis impe~rsotssssmion lst ighs waus itALL SYSTEM FOR GIRLS
Shaksseeasre's comiiedhy, aiinis"osithIle
Shrets." lie ussedithotrosof Cths' SsuaahCasweell AngellHaIinlwisswell
plany ssrsmmgro by XXillsamtiXnuter for lillsed yeste'reday afternsoosn at 3 o'cocke
itu' use of 'sIn. Bothlladdhintg, mussver, I byecollege nwoumens and alummsuseschusswsrer
our extrassigce'. 'This versission ivide;,
thse pla tot5he~eracrs, slurfist 5presentC
inug therswoosing, thus secnth ie swedinsg,
shiles' timethint dsibeissthis-tauming.
Ihutie firstame l .ri. Ptossers takhes Ciii
huntis if Ithe obhsimuh ithsvnd ilful Kate,
Batssuistam, hlionthmern, swhosis sit desirouus
of seeing hirssacfely amdshaplypus mrriedi,
sunsd te mste-,rfmul yet galiln tmeuhmis.
'Time fauctshut .lhe audieince catptreciated
time maisterly muay-its ichr sheueipelrmson-
LJiu lj i uLIIUIJU tilt"
atoir dress these cclmuersndsmthl heim
stoury of time wo siuug ness evihdenceduibli
time applatuse swithich-i elss csgreesesd.
Thsesecondmu t etaucinmesd tswosenes.
In she first of these his'.Ithrouughs Iis
chasracters, nrrat'dhth ss' oryueofsththn
bsoisterus summitexceeinglsnconsveni-
tionassluwedinsg. 'hue secondi Isireus'is
lidie n usPetruchiois's contrly lhssueso, t
whmiohhe isiks slIis irish'. t.XiPowssers'
impersontiosmofit tmmsmiss and Curtis
heroeoespiamllytutsit-si .ssamusmenmt
Bteforess o wsi ises sresentledhtie thirst
not lisoesiulasm oiine ht hue cesmivedt
Shakosipeamums puupsein' tssoniting the'
ply t humseobeensum It lissbeem stsated,"
iso smid"thahm t IT h'aminmg of te Shrew'
us lim onlyuiponeofsitShaklsseserse'stose-
dies that hissu mssral. I towsvver lts
miay hueit noeltainly hissam definite umoal.
Petrucoio tameoslime womiuan shsouwinug
hose ex~ceedsigly udisagerrasler hitiers
us s toesmer anduutbstinacys'suchimas tues.
There is ns orsi orsansutsitissthat
misghst mnrthi-issfIuturnelifs'. tinsimiply
mskes hem tiredh of visslensce iniiImuself..
He troats hot istisis erence, respuect
and love oeuguit st. Esersysuit of vio-
tonces ic omitsits, hue edoes under pme-
tensse of tenderneoss hot Kste."
Inthtie lust act hue pourtrayedthlie taut-
ing. Kate usfinalty shsowvn as lining cons-
plteley obeodienst asmu msissivse to the
will of tue hussbande-int fact a msodel
After time lst act Mrt. Poswers gave
as a second reading sichsarncter sketch
describinsg rural NessEnsglandss life of
fifty or sixty years ago, werittens hy isr-
niet Beechser Stose. The mainner in
whirls the old farmer sns inmpersonated
and the story of how the parson en-
deavored to set the old Tom turkey par-
ticularly amused tse audience.
buroughts together by t1emointlleest itstie
qtion o555 f weteroo'su sltsMchigaun
wms-s wusu tisis resistesusehlcls.
Temesetig sas openume byy hi s lasu
Ikauker, shI situ' nimedltha tie'quesition
hadi arisenm agnsthirouughl simssef(suts sit
hue tsousrgnmiations of tie seniosrgrls
-thur Mourtrboardunr d ststte Senori so-
cs-y;thtisthlmoesause' for tlieu'acuss
mist mutby any mseanss tiem taliciouss
criticisssswhichs mue fiuoms tissueo times
heels givnu to the Michsiganu gir, ums a
estrer felt especially by senior, to forther
sitpisuetunuiies for college friendships.
'The fact sial the girls would have added
dignity summt soud feelevn msless restrancut
thuanutimuser tie prsents systems, if the'
sirncemuiCentirely dependenmt tutont them-
seves, mseectuter pointsilmntionedty
hiss Batker. shis. Hussyuand olen
sumumn ndssacutie grs continueudotlie
j "Theues tionusofuheteu ruelut sir
ousgt to buns-ecm dormiitoery'systemsshere,"
saiedMrts.IHusey,"shiold he deciede
fromsstie view-points ofthe Univesity
officials, te pnrents, amd the girls thesi-
selves." She expressed tie opinionm thatu
tie University officials, especially eaus
Jordan, would welcome the idea of resi-
uenue units, as would also most parents.
Aumong he advsatages of te dormuitrry
systemissit entsionme mo' comfosrts fr
hss monsuey, sore opotunuuity- foe friendm-
ship~s amonmug te girls of acll casses, mistie
pruofitablte friensdhips amoong coleheannu
assetwomn, musseleimiintioni of tie ne-
tntl landlhady- ansi boardig house prob-
eis. Mrs. Hussey agrees sits tie ie
f tie starters of this muovesment, thins
here the restdensce als shoss u ede suer
studeint ontro, suhject to a certainm
aummount of supervisions fromsstie desan of
wsomemn. Shun considers tie criticismus out
the Michigans girls as of little cosse- '
quuee amd does not think that tietor-
muiory system woud completely sinaway'
wits them hy any means.
Olther colege women were ineiest to
express their sentiments on the sujct.
Miss Gertrsude Smith, of the Y. X. C.
A., wtarmlsy approvedi of tie dormitory,
citinugthe example of Stanford, and stat-
mg shut living in dornmitories gave at
onsce socimat life anse social prestige. Miss
Charlotte Poyner, Miss Golerg, Miss
('letes, andsishis. Cady, of Detroit, who
decaredl tut tie Detroit alntnie were
heartiy swith tie active girls unusnynmove
mu the kind they might decide to mauske,
also praised the idea. Mrs. Grimes, of
Detroit, another ausmna, raiseed tein-
terestinug suggestion that te respeonsi-
hiity of taking care of hersef entirey
is a good thinig for the Michigan womuan
"Gossip or criticismnsaout miscMMchi-
gan girls," said Mrs. Grimes, "soes nof
exist outsisde of Ann Arhor, and in my
entire college course here I met only
one girl who wouled answer to the de-
scriptions of the co-ed' inn 'The Road to
Banascis."'" However, shun agrees that
if dormsitories under studet cotrol are
the desire of te girls, they should exist.
The attitude of the University women
us regard to this monter will shortly e
investigated, for blanks cotaining qe-
tionso relating to it are to e distributed
amonsg te girls in every cats.
Board of Control Makes Final
D~ecision-St. Louis and Syra-
cuse will be Considered.
Eight fotbauluml guame-silt e seuuled
y hblasna lc irdl forsnet sasonu. This
in ersul t fthur decisuit1oftie Ath-
letie Gussetof si trmsol wvhihsmstntyester-
disy- afternsoon, ThI'iis enactmssnt "goes
onuu lunter" Ithanumtie optimuists expected.
It is mistycertacinm thast anohse bg game
myth1 hecaddedutolitMichigan's scedue.
'le moltiosnmtpassedt by thin ond stated
literally, is thact "MoanagreBird map
schduleoa gm eufur fueaechs Satudasy frorns
he uopunuitgof the. footbhall seasn osto
his Sat Iusty' umtuuriortsThanksgivitgday.''
.55prioiiusly sutg'es, tie opuens
issue, N'ov., sil1 proubabluy he fited by
a eco ny' gaumssme t usuunditionuthue elevens
for h'ms-uy. 'blueiu-ghtlhu gameowill bun
Iosumsiruisuithes' susnmum flg games
.ulncdysclss'uleud tosle uplnyed out Ferry
liush ighshm will p'robal'my e cr-
rnged grlt occeurotstide. St Lous u-
vers-i fes uacsusieralefinasnil
bnsif (sCachl Xostt milhiing Iis teams
thero.uN'racskawaitts to meet 555 05
ti- hos-nlitmue groundsus, candutSyractuse is
insre' thanisanuxious m.i ueem s dminii
N'ew Yourk. 'Ther fisalselections of hun
unshledmi'opplloenC till probablyspens-
ten abut teselu thres',sis Csrus-hiwill
mut dsirea teso sotosmher mfina
Syra~cusersulduiuh thelmepreferabsle
gais NAtstnlyis Syracscuse comupetentI
Itm Ies-hour abclitluymi limhe gntdmiro, umu
seis ablte tsenrd teaIs ofls 1irsruk
ill bacse'ball,baskehll andmustrluch to conm
ust ws'ithusisu,--a thsig niher'of lte
x' se rum insiuionum sslum d. Rlationss
museestsablished wlitilsthse'easternuni-
ve'rsity,- htio'hiiisiuu mmuushavieuOanituexcel-
Snut footuholdsiueustemrn athlets ic crces,
'stunciclly smhurlsi is mmoiisiueudthins the
uno'mis,''sof ChacellrhsDaiIsy's new stta-
diums, Ithe finst illnmutrio,muust at-
Inrit snrihy aehletes
hsMnagernPlimditmsudaiy uexpectdt to
surs-u, mutdI lut till slumes usill hus pans
lDe. IHolandeuur gao tie eeond of sin
seriemsmof 5talkmsmutScanduinaviaiumlife e-
lore o'heScnduinavmianmsVoueinm 'T'hursdastsy
iig ts Sint lha Nu -mOmis. Iis sus-
Inchtmdealsuuosty sithm lie life of the
teancsts, to tsesin manmssy restects ol
ahigher uplanse Ithan the smno class in
'hieeristutu aiisoecacy ii Norway and
tie parliamnttlctely eruldlthitnomsttitles
siall bem'gredmls. IUnder these comdi-
tiosthun fnrmers andth~e oiem clas
ive amum nretsuetrictedl life of freeom.
Swveen is the onuip conty of the San-
edinasiantgrotupmupldoiing an nristocracy,
hlit Iis nexetedi tat tie ext genea-
tioelmsmviisee' lie' euouny free from that
ctlass. Dlenmassrk is acreountry in which
over n ue-shirdiout its inhiaitantsnie in
cuses. "Cospenhagn," saud r. Holtan-
eer, "hacs 0ou,ooo inhblitants, anod the
headiislbrcomuiug loess arge foe the
Promf. J.11. ODavis of the egineering
depaurstments sill adderess Cle monthly
mseetinug at IMc~oillanHIlthSunday even-
insg. His subuject will e "Faiures."
ttrof. Dasvis is one min the mnost popular
unutsu his depamntn. IHavng had a
large acqui5ntatntce mwihcertanmkids of
failures'," thirer is sndoubttit he will
he camino handlhe tie siger suject effi-
cinli. 'fhe lecture miii begin at 6:45