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February 29, 1896 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1896-02-29

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'e desire to give notice that we ICAL CONTESTS.
pooeto maike atbi bid for
haescrdthe agency tar the Six Speakera in Senior Law Con-
D iYTON 111test-Deahl Cornea Second and
H L Bec ee nwicthi lar carrot a #Conrey Third-Markinga of Judges
h ittretuttiierasioe fth eNil In Full.
bswhesmd;price 10 eIi
I, rtin the iatincy for tihe f~t elto -i telciarcncl
tict tat liet rintolot ti t o 10clicooer rest nftticit ei in te Ova-
thl ctlcca ralytn tuctail contcst to beholiiMa ccOh211
pr0oed ta~teishainciakiitour 5
leoder. It is the cestovilue ttt X8.5 i t ttifth eit Hw cc ihl
and $100 you can tied. WeiloI thtothseir Z1casR1ih
sell the GL~IPPER, acinItN
r tionlat-$65 tii ta Wimaio u or 14 N hed hinst iigltt. The law eccitice
I pricestlk.Termsas oiite0 sy 11roomic walm -i-ll tiliceb at lic e coolest4-
WITHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO.9,111 Nctsthliiii o t l. nd oit t-tto icioill
S. M$AIN T . ? lldjthe rci itit I) of ht chi co i for)
Orucic)1y. 'Ihe a-p iL ccclil t's ccc to ftiS ci-
- bIcts ; G. L. Satiles. ."Tic CrudeIl
Siheehai. C . t1";F
______________________.II'.o cy, 1 ,iccistiun i
otr~ fCviliztiion'';':. 11. icOcL'9y.
. ,i n~/r
-cin ccin~ ci ciiui , t

I i

A Brief Sketch of the Organiza-
Tonigit in itiversty Ihell avill oc-
cicwhat twill tindouhitedly provceoote
sof thce'nuneit enjoyale ecntertainmnents
citheli ycar. Titrough; flue itit cjucisc
oft the iiiai1 igent-itfitt 1cS. 1. A.
the iBostonemitple{?cuacrttisp btcci
scccrcd acid.it iwill aipteac him os--oic-
inkgoctasunoccoced icinti ecitic' cciurse'
'this qcuactetie-c the foliowinugor-
iciice1"Atioci: Mr. 1. . A. iSpecis, hurst
,.cteor; 0.1'iF. Webberc, ecooui itecor;
Rob Iict Brcct, Wtritoineacid accoti-
bccnisi; L. 1B. Mcrrihl, hcicoo. AMitt K..tlt

Iccectreoc atcrenderedc, in a macicier
thait is thosefteiltc, anciii to con-
duonnof cacli wos the ucgotd far
onthttoiica pphctiit.-Syracuse (N.
Y'.) Stc-iihcrti.
Atsct rcaclcc-Miss iagc-cty wcon
tiry Ideaisin, , her vttice being full cud
vibraint, ccciiher gestuces urtaccc-inl,
whiilie her tttage- prescn(°e t iisnffect-
ediai niaitultral. 11cr sclecitinsciii-
braced.it varcicty of.stleis', waviccaire3it
tcoate for tlicecxpci's,4iot of dlieent
cccoficio ucitand iioswcdla.itcrue icit -cpro-
tiliuon anciidecacutic frcc.-iioslon
'The ority I lt patyiwsin ichiat
Gra'niger's it.ievenincg. Tiii tiscal
numccber a i-re pretit.

Fallline of Baseball Goods
for the Season of 1896.
See Window for
Special ie9

"rcile~ tc.' -A ii 'ilittioblem";i. L'
'lice jic iges cliictittigic.t caciiicutuitit
,ciia wereic-uProifs. -eM lacicic liid I'fhtiictii-
dieliery weet trits o. fuIeit' tliiiiii
andii Jttiitiatii. ti-e cc ciitlciofi tie
cl(.-s(Ii' eftlcac-coc I" I1l

L. rt.K- ' )5'.r{/ '"
.t It

H ili c3 itc;(I N -It I c3 a-)- 0 i ~ ". gi tcit
Ln c1 ---------
in Sweater. le i i I d? ' , h oc+ ' - ..; _r !
or e ----- 3 3S1 r 11
-it c 3 :. -_3___4
o it -z - i, 4
Cy ------ 5
IMORAN NOTIC it 0.------i 4 2 25
I a)k ; 2b.;--- G 6 t
The Leading Tailor, --___________
adonly direct bIaporter intthie city, 9 s an aysrtca riic Iuugea-bettaitictnbitsANwrvediztin
hcasj ut received tic eniire stciioat'A titrtlil 55 rcader. The 1otcc iaaciez-cuuc si lbittc Ciutbi is
Forebgn acid Domestic Wcooen fcc 't iii -utS isto buehu-Woman's Dallcy at 'hiut qjcciut in iroa-bly thtc -hitbct
Spring and Suninec 9$, at ,alnt he iiliii iorgttiiioitlitic ct te
tttti i 1.t tt ' il t titio<xxtiit 51 intc ou sntry, icitic e eic orta ized
JIB. 2 E. WASHIINGTON ST,, HEARiMAIN. c-i-i-c ilb ai t(ift Ieoild b iy lRev. I, - 2";.; It todabty stands -t the.ci-ctubaxl
Fuli Dress Suits a Sially i-citbs i.dt, itdbtttctiu ci c ii hcevetinao ta-i ~itibiing ta; blo t iItA. t-i
Pl iu t~~cu , cuc 1. Uh y , of evieli tc u c e c . c Ltais d t f t d i ctin l ci, c cii -t h W ccic b, Ictn
I - -of , ut Si on iati on,; s Of ' its ut c-ccii- F. C.ibu Id ) s -t isho;c .A.t Miic
l ituc luci ti--ut suit- oen tch ut- d!t utoc accn itraio nal eputuic a ion.s cThet etr yO.Lod
UnW A siy d;ao3 ciu'-'tu au' cliiiurettcd;ctcbii'c-tu.ucunFtct . ht hecc . cue ctity. i.talln, Dr.
clsiii' ti itt ttti'co' tlt c cit ucc ttuuaIccg uccubttof""Iaft'tttle N-t ticitit'uc,'huu'tcy t5p
W atc upb Iacecoundlcatoteiw'tax Ir tahImo yci. t-ill urcsil ~t-ct ei-dut-s et
Miic t 11cin I ticeeof thlie rl-l o nciti'tLc(oft t-c it-a.u c reotf thb coiun cc ltisbtrcy.c i~haD-ci fStcuhc hssle
Writin Prim y t~e on 1 S, dutate hs I ihhi dCo a£21'' lsci 'no 'i ri n itue ltreu bit fmoe s tthao beoe t'cc-tctuu lish . Alhttr
dhc idii cciiic- ii hu a il ti'h l-ftbu lu h) -ietdu'dlarutgcbacena itaialy iesici
111 11c c cihuctnd i co i tict ucicuhi-c is xtstibu nie Eui t:-iattc ut~crn li csbil tau i
for it ec o c t itrg Irci slab cceos-cc jtct o0 ii itms' ice r.. ish cu ' ie " Tuui tyRohmhUtiity actiiu ull,r
s o uchfSte,2ii icciea i bcic tfttl icbti ??uIhe ccuucut t I cas lcmimebithi cteu Lloythrillunudesiv-e tV cl tceSbo
Book atSpeitt rics,4s o Clcir, ecutt4i-tainf for timcl cotoade inciob sicast butoa a.

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