Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during
the College year, at
OFFICE: Times building N. Main st., apposite
post office.
C. D.'CARY, Gr. L. W. W. THAYER,'96 L.
wS. E. K NAreEN, '98. 0. l1ons,'S
WV. W. R tss, '9'), E. L. tGELSomues, '98 L
G. B. IsARRSON, '96 L.
.1. F. 'fssonaS~n, 'S7.
L. C. 'WALKER, '06.
IL A. Pratt, 'ci C. M. Beath, '9S P.
S. R. Sesils, '10 L. B. B. Metheany, '99.
1F. Simono, 'O8. Ii.IB. tiammnon, '97 SM.
R, t.IPalila, 'AlI. J. L.. Wash, '910Al.
C B. bRoc, '95 1). Susannahs tllebodono, 'IS,
C. It. Sims, ill,
Etio .Communication. ight he for oyr sis"insiereslto S ... A C o urse,
EioU.of 11. Daily: hknow ttlit echumscosidler Stichead
A f'cw wortdnstiay bei said inirelyt5l of the departmcent of mutsic msorc of a UNIVERSITY HALL,
to ano anticle appearing in your issue judge ShahnSisaltlmighssy tithes inifor-W dedy ac
cif WcdneoiiLsy hint conicerning oret i ratry
issnitil t'giastttiel. he i-les Thstic is 1101 aIlmort'loyal crowd isin
tiums toIikno1w sousethiug of thsem1051 the University titan the mmes itiso f ~ n
tsr of securiniglteclsubs for any 01 its or'gansizations; bSthial, h o e - aLsIIisy
two ytarS Stlif lie deo it islnot ap- everSIdo nti's to iitclude ally
passventfrostshis assis'nisslslejssr tsb.tIlsl
Let its look sit Slitacionssof the sy lilalsotlssi fitstS isss'Abrahax ' Linobn..
terity IGleteslid tBanjo Clubs,,for teta vryoywspetsdta1h
loot ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ clb thedcse o ctsao~suidnht s ing aisd play Shot still lit Admission, - 50 Cents.
tiagers of tse Glee Cisl lushndBasnjosci ans y oS isla iss wtre'asinig t
(mis tss'rtlino stglittisso a'iis51cluibosteclay lrs-aisiss if they i ctS ueJreC UIS
i'soills'i' frosts te lia, sss'sste boin opriipt.I«nsure lsast She clubs bsae -been UNIVERSITY HALL,
thI Ihe clu h Thoae clubs oniat ill tisses willisig anid readly So asisal urday, 29th
lNa~linto 'B.rtda.Th lus i y adth gre'tntws ad-thtin allyaway possibleansd StStthe artS._____-_____
St'e clis shosilid receive a stmall stirs. ce ritneetlivasmpy the ir rr
Nit siesilser of t les' elis'Club telirssI- n51'lHtaIs'sit ttetrfrthsl51ilRll MTL
issssllci' sboust whichr he knsosonsly Y
INy ksssothtil Oly monety wsas to So-tuE
"teloti anI is Irolsie lah' f i-o'enousghsSo bloase soenle. The (list of Bostot asisted b
anssd Bansio Clubts sase-g'vet'helsir s's'.
ThP cnli,;rrinl;in:t rwiao of the Dally has f
been reduced to 01.25 in advanseSee thse res't
of te year. Lestve nsusriptions attte La, Syear list sisslstgct'of Stttheeuss
Dlaily offictetritht P. C. bMeye, U. of M. wti~tsutasklig i smesmber of lsthclus
Ness Statis.
sililllsta's'eveinig befisre, isroi-s 'i'lt
Tue Daily ovill be issuecd Monday by law's" Ilitlst telbswo'uld assst in t
te waomen'sioflt IsTnio'trsity ands lteite esecsSitetneItday. Av;olls sso
proceeds w\ill hbeateil Sto ls x theWo setions o'w at's'tessisde So a osingle
maen's Gymsium.niss T ise editors for msemsber StsatSty awert to rec sve lo'
Mondaoy hatve lecidls ed t cllSt'Sillier es'essstii. If siuchsa cotractwas
thsey asillissie tilt hss5sisy. "a(lire. clodeit Nassisade solely Sty Stelisil
litiitoy esdidiis." It ais heir' islts- 5ger osith lusb(s11. This I believe il
tia ots trIy iagati aibut' lis tlii's) t stats'etipaid. Agains, blow atil t isn
Apsril. Those hlistnlg tlis t tlerillye.t'?
rlsss'gtlisie ~ lsicl Sotiss~ce Thse tla' tossitlte osiw ltesssstsssiotr
Sheis'Yeiil'rinati ournalisma sue- sif lteSGle~e ad a nslsljot Clusands askiti
tess. We bisoaesitfor Shir <zlibs's-ti I"t'hiding ti ,,lst iistslc'itstiesi of list
piatcoinge frost stes' shetlesilSioiy. tlubh.i. If ltey' isict beenssplitleaised
Itesil te repsort 5 il- .c'iap yeas' ireviosly, whly slidtShesy agadnseetk
Shill sitd see sattheylhsae So ssoy llitfs ogsiesizaiiss0 The ss aelilitfof
sites So lhe supporttof ee toi sit,,isoMISS KATHARINSE RIDGEWAY
lt Uiesscity andss i iisits tli it
Wilsil they 'shictillreceiecintethur1n1isheRiEADER.
lt gosodiaill of eery stcdetlintshe Admission, - 50 Cents.
LUn~iieil itusi t lii'tlh ear tyisprt cit
evo't''ne who has She intereal- of ltie
tnis'e'ri't Isearit. 'htsupsiport tyaqT Kodak
St cltubs receive is o twohsat it shtouslileb z ntcdo ribt v~e1=a VO
atlstrenst Sicessehs ete e ths' i ts os'ga.. -
iecititiltad slhitS hu t: tleery stohyail Atb-n y cia saa -
studtshouldstirIy So brisigeeri-l'ailti pictturtes with a C5ausera.
into 'harmtonsy antits 5 to hlay, the pait Aisyleady can make bet-
of ans ie-otsoclssst -taimstScossts'sstailshs terIpicttures aftes' s, liltle
pa'S, So Oil' thselesto. experience. Bolter gct
NlIfE'fY-SE\ ElN. - one tnw anti lbeready
fits'your s' Shtlllllt Tafl-
Thic Argus Book Bitsdery, No. 14 tin. $5.00 Cameras
SMasnic Block, doasnStoan. owtllusake goodSi ctuires.
Hitcher priced otnes aWill
S'rTU~ ID NI'-S, stilt you sehtter.
Takseyour Kodsk work to COME AND SEE THEM.
BBYAT O BAEBI Satisf'scthloss cooreled. Sit. IHurons ct. - CALKINS PHARfAACY,
Ellis, TheTalo,0
ef IlsesOes.
Eng-ineerisag SB iety Meets.
lteclithstoldiShe cantmistet' that he
ait'ilhsemsito dsitlilss'il tstitrstitit
lissil lteclubh sonthil ogiveth Suds'si--
prof. F. C. Waglec thuivered a a-try
interesting lectre before' ite l'* ootl i at-itstl'esstsssntshs
tush liesiit isiiias She liatle 11:11
eerlss 'Soietylla ss t.IgIlittonIuse "iD-
aehotl iutiof thoe SteamsoEngine." Th%:stot bsen givels it souslicissit il tti' 3ilu
lecture awas hltl' by hI'esurtsnisoo' -ltetcliswould nut 101perfoctts. -NVlht
issg theififerentS'tyle's If eligibles. Hatcosuld nto te boo'costisillct hwivo
dos-ill t;sit nIic- lengths ons lit'ediot-os'-gi0vtenlteclusiodute ntoice? Sitlde
etries ndsseaptplsiass of Watth,;stuchs ti lte ltubhbave been compstelledlto lire'-
list conntectinug roch.throtle valva'nsld tict tdurinig examsinsations a'ebc andast
thse use of lt hflya-heel atndtste-iinl-
's... ~ , teend ofth ss'ester 1As afortmer
lnrin Tce sissisr aiessi' s~c te .5.5 Ca't_
iols.4 of Siepiscussen, Fuliots, idEric-
louthSlinvsoenionstof tlst osossisine
letaiibtittntd te apiciallion of te
proeller stttOO'. In couscluhsionhe stcald,
Slut at St hbginnling ofthSie llillteettth
centtury all Stheessllesh aposts of the
sttaliletine w oere invoeted. Hlie so
sai hci eil'thtsllctsesta lie the tn-
gist as trutly isOthiydio sh' tiitan.
Afto'lt heecutre 4a0 hists mieetisng
memcber of ibis chub I feel itatIbese
010e OircilhssSahceI owhichs olhessannote
apprecialt. For:hlast itShree yea's
Iie cltubs hsave individually giveus
voice So liac it unuderstood that ott
Ibis clay thsey voluntarily girt -their
ser-vices, A year ago to accosmmodasle
"tlba's" several utetishers of botht
clubs overt conspelled So remuain in
000sl'hl attilit wso iecidedl Sooalolo ovut swhensurgeust calls waere received
Slit Usivecefily ('hless Clubthelit use of
ilt Eigitcro'liray. Tlloecssfor them Itensae home,
-avas tleleedt c-rety.ricec0. T. KitiloI Anolter stateument is in regard. to
a-ce, resigned,. Thse followicg 00-e She music rentdered. Sly friend may,
immech So talse auvangelusenls for thse be abel to tell oshat 'an incorpos-tal
Enigiceers' btanquetl: hereditamnt" is hut I anm sure he
'96---G. IP, LaulslnlA5. G. natires,dos'knwtedieruebevo
WV. C. Borst. os' nwtedfeec eweh
'97-H. B. Sleriek, E.,-Al. Ellsovorth.. "tarectell" and "hu1rgo." Shesidest, any
'98-L. (Goldsmnith, L. PI. Ce yxer, utemtber of Ite University wohcaclls
'B9-C. 0W. Obert, C. \I. Starr. the "Telbo4Av and Blue" a "chesloul"
The next lecture will be on te le- might as! well call 'America" fi
cisaniess of the bicycle by Prof. A. only for cidldren. if ftse songs song
Ziwett next Fidday evening, by tile clubs ure chestnuts it perheap6
r Week of March 2d,
The biggest line of Foreign Novelties in
Siuiings and Trotiseriugs
ever displayed. A guaranteed saving of 25 per,
cent on every purchase.