THlE U. OF M. DAILY I Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during the College year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OFFICE: Times building N. Main st., apposite post office. EDITOLIS C. D.'CARY, Gr. L. W. W. THAYER,'96 L. wS. E. K NAreEN, '98. 0. l1ons,'S WV. W. R tss, '9'), E. L. tGELSomues, '98 L EDITOR-I'd-CIIIEF, G. B. IsARRSON, '96 L. 3ll SNAGING EDlITORI .1. F. 'fssonaS~n, 'S7. IIC5INEiS AOtsAIOEI L. C. 'WALKER, '06. ASSOCIATE EDITORS IL A. Pratt, 'ci C. M. Beath, '9S P. S. R. Sesils, '10 L. B. B. Metheany, '99. 1F. Simono, 'O8. Ii.IB. tiammnon, '97 SM. R, t.IPalila, 'AlI. J. L.. Wash, '910Al. C B. bRoc, '95 1). Susannahs tllebodono, 'IS, C. It. Sims, ill, Etio .Communication. ight he for oyr sis"insiereslto S ... A C o urse, EioU.of 11. Daily: hknow ttlit echumscosidler Stichead A f'cw wortdnstiay bei said inirelyt5l of the departmcent of mutsic msorc of a UNIVERSITY HALL, to ano anticle appearing in your issue judge ShahnSisaltlmighssy tithes inifor-W dedy ac cif WcdneoiiLsy hint conicerning oret i ratry issnitil t'giastttiel. he i-les Thstic is 1101 aIlmort'loyal crowd isin tiums toIikno1w sousethiug of thsem1051 the University titan the mmes itiso f ~ n tsr of securiniglteclsubs for any 01 its or'gansizations; bSthial, h o e - aLsIIisy two ytarS Stlif lie deo it islnot ap- everSIdo nti's to iitclude ally passventfrostshis assis'nisslslejssr tsb.tIlsl Let its look sit Slitacionssof the sy lilalsotlssi fitstS isss'Abrahax ' Linobn.. terity IGleteslid tBanjo Clubs,,for teta vryoywspetsdta1h loot ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ clb thedcse o ctsao~suidnht s ing aisd play Shot still lit Admission, - 50 Cents. tiagers of tse Glee Cisl lushndBasnjosci ans y oS isla iss wtre'asinig t (mis tss'rtlino stglittisso a'iis51cluibosteclay lrs-aisiss if they i ctS ueJreC UIS i'soills'i' frosts te lia, sss'sste boin opriipt.I«nsure lsast She clubs bsae -been UNIVERSITY HALL, thI Ihe clu h Thoae clubs oniat ill tisses willisig anid readly So asisal urday, 29th lNa~linto 'B.rtda.Th lus i y adth gre'tntws ad-thtin allyaway possibleansd StStthe artS._____-_____ St'e clis shosilid receive a stmall stirs. ce ritneetlivasmpy the ir rr Nit siesilser of t les' elis'Club telirssI- n51'lHtaIs'sit ttetrfrthsl51ilRll MTL issssllci' sboust whichr he knsosonsly Y INy ksssothtil Oly monety wsas to So-tuE "teloti anI is Irolsie lah' f i-o'enousghsSo bloase soenle. The (list of Bostot asisted b anssd Bansio Clubts sase-g'vet'helsir s's'. 1 ThP cnli,;rrinl;in:t rwiao of the Dally has f been reduced to 01.25 in advanseSee thse res't of te year. Lestve nsusriptions attte La, Syear list sisslstgct'of Stttheeuss Dlaily offictetritht P. C. bMeye, U. of M. wti~tsutasklig i smesmber of lsthclus Ness Statis. sililllsta's'eveinig befisre, isroi-s 'i'lt Tue Daily ovill be issuecd Monday by law's" Ilitlst telbswo'uld assst in t te waomen'sioflt IsTnio'trsity ands lteite esecsSitetneItday. Av;olls sso proceeds w\ill hbeateil Sto ls x theWo setions o'w at's'tessisde So a osingle maen's Gymsium.niss T ise editors for msemsber StsatSty awert to rec sve lo' Mondaoy hatve lecidls ed t cllSt'Sillier es'essstii. If siuchsa cotractwas thsey asillissie tilt hss5sisy. "a(lire. clodeit Nassisade solely Sty Stelisil litiitoy esdidiis." It ais heir' islts- 5ger osith lusb(s11. This I believe il tia ots trIy iagati aibut' lis tlii's) t stats'etipaid. Agains, blow atil t isn Apsril. Those hlistnlg tlis t tlerillye.t'? rlsss'gtlisie ~ lsicl Sotiss~ce Thse tla' tossitlte osiw ltesssstsssiotr Sheis'Yeiil'rinati ournalisma sue- sif lteSGle~e ad a nslsljot Clusands askiti tess. We bisoaesitfor Shir