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February 29, 1980 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1980-02-29

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See editorial page


LIE ian


See Today for details

N'inety Y ea rs of EdAitorialI FreedIom~

Vol. XC, No. 124

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, February 29, 1980

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Bogota rebels
free 14, but

50 still
BOGOTA, Colombia (AP)-Leftist
guerrillas occupying the Dominican
Republic Embassy freed 14 hostages
yesterday, including one child, 10
women and three wounded men, the
president of the Colombian Red Cross
Among the approximately 50
hostages remaining is U.S.
Ambassador Diego Acensio, who along
with the captive envoys of Mexico,
Venezuela, and the Dominican
Republic negotiated the release of the
14. Red Cross President Guillermo
Rueda said the organization delivered
mattresses, food, and cigarettes to the,
building, but did not say if the supplies
were traded for the hostages' freedom.
Vlez Pareja and an unidentified man,
both wounded, were taken out of the
residence of Dominican Ambassador
Diogenes Mallol in separate
A Red Cross source, who requested
anonymity, said one dead guerrila was
taken from the building.
The guerrillas, members of the
Movement-19 organization, are
demanding $50 million ransom, release
of 311 alleged political prisoners from
Colombian jails and safe passage out of
the country. A Red Cross stretcher-
bearer said the guerrillas also want
medical care for a woman member of
the band wounded during the attack.
"We are prepared to stay here one or
two months if necessary," the guerrilla
leader said in a telephone interview
before the release. He identified
himself only as "Commander No. 1" of
Movement 19. Colombian authorities
have said only they would study the
GOVERNMENTS OF the captured
ambassadors urged Colombian
President Julio Cesar Turbay Ayala to
take not action that might endanger the
hostages' lives. The centrist
government has always refused to,
bargain with the Movement-19
guerrillas, who have been particularly
dedicated in their underground war
with the authorities, some kiling
themselves rather than be captured.
Asencio, contacted by telephone after
the release, said five women hostages

remained, but might be freed later. He
also said 20 ambassadors were
captured in the attack, rather than the
16 previously reported by the Foreign
Ministry. He was not allowed to name
all of them.
One of the women still in captivity
was Costa Rican Ambassador Elena
Chassoul Monge, who has been posted
here a little over a month. Four of the
women released were diplomats'
Hundreds of police and troops armed
with automatic weapons and tear-gas
grenades and wearing flak jackets
ringed the two-story building. Others
were guarding government buildings,
Local firmn
accepts guilt
in cemca
Northern Telecommunications Sys-
tems Corp., formerly Sycor, Inc.,
pleaded no contest yesterday to
charges of dumping 45 barrels of an
undisclosed chemical waste in a
western Washtenaw County township.
The charges were originally filed
against both the company and Marve
Sharpenburg, its maintenance
supervisor. The prosecution, however,
agreed to dismiss the charges against
Sharpenburg wherf the firm agreed to
accept responsibility.
The prosecution claimed' Sycor
illegally contracted to dispose of the
waste by. releasing it to an unidentified
Sharon Township resident, who
allegedly dumped it in a sparsely-
populated swampy area of the township
on Hashley Road.
Telecommunications, a computer
See LOCAL, Page 5

Flags untilfreedom

For each day the hostages are held in Iran, another flag is raised in this
Hermitage, Pa.-Cemetery. Today is number 118. The flags are being loaned

to the cemetery by families who received the flags after relatives' military

After Tto...
U' profs see secure Yugoslavia

As President Josip Tito of Yugoslavia
lingers on the brink of death, political
observers around the world continue to
speculate about the non-aligned,
Mediterranean nation's future once the
87-year-old leader is gone.
The center of debate: possible Soviet
'motivations to re-establish its influence
in Yugoslavia 32 years after the famous
Tito-Stalin split in 1948.
Given Soviet actions in Afghanistan,
many political observers claim, a
Soviet infiltration of Yugoslavia would
seem probable, if not obvious.
NOT SO, RESPOND three University
political science professors with
expertise in international relations.
Their concensus: an overt Russian
move into Yugoslavia is highly
unlikely, at least in the next few years.
For now, they agree, the Soviet push

will be covert at most, with the
Russians probably being content with
subtly stirring up the existing religious
rivalry among the Yugoslav peoples.
"I don't think much is. going to
happen," Prof. William Zimmerman
said yesterday. "There are a lot of
scary scenarios that make headliens,
but these are not really plausable."
HE ADDED that the rampant
speculations about Yugoslavia's future
may be "functional,"I as they "may
help mobilize opinion to make it even
less likely that the Soviets will do
Zimmerman, who is in his 15th year
as a political science professor,
explained that he is Concerned about
what might happen in four or five years
when the "post-Tito" leadership comes
into power.
"The mechanisms for collective rule

are operating now," he said, "but once
this carry-over leaves, that is a tougher
professor of political science, agrees
with Zimmerman that Yugoslavia
should remain stable for "at least a
year or two" after Tito's death, but he
expressed concern for the nation after
that. "After a couple years, there could
be intensified tensions," he said.
Asked whether he foresees a Russian
offensive resulting, he said that "It's
not likely, but it's possible. And the fact
that it's possible makes me fear it."

. . .for now
Within Yugoslavia, two primary
factions exist, and many observers feel
that their hostilities will "open the
door" to Russian interventionism.
THEY ARE KNOWN as the Serbs
and Croats, two ethnic divisions in
Yugoslavia with religious differences:
the Serbs are Orthodox, the Croats are
Roman Catholic (Tito is from this
"These inter-ethnic tensions will
inevitably increase," Nincik said, "and
they could be exploited by the Russians
See SOVIETS, Page 12

Candidates gear for elections

Carter allies working
to fund registration

key in 5th
In the only ward where an incumbent
is not running for re-election, Fifth
Ward City Council candidates
Republican Joyce Chesbrough and
Democrat Thomas Bletcher are
counting on personal contacts and

From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON-Defense Secretary
Harold Brown and Carter
administration allies began working
yesterday to overturn a House vote
blocking money necessary to register
young men for a draft.
Brown told a congressional panel that
rejection, of registration would send a
signal of U.S. weakness to the Soviet
AND HOUSE Majority Leader Jim
* Wright (D-Texas) declared, "We will
not allow the president to be
He predicted the House
Appropriations Committee will reverse
the decision of its subcommittee late
Wednesday to deny the administration
funds for registration.
Brown, testifying before the House
Budget Committee on Carter's defense
budget, said registration "is a way to
prepare ourselves and send a signal" to

the Soviet Union.
THE SECRETARY said rejection of
Carter's request "certainly sends a
signal to our friends and allies and the
"It is not a signal I would care to
send," Brown added. "But the
Congress will have to decide if it does
Wright said the subcommittee's 6-6
vote "does not represent the way a
majority of members of the House feel.
"I am confident the measure for full
funding of registration for males will be
approved next week by the full
Appropriations Committee," Wright
He did not mention Carter's more
controversial proposal to register
young women, a plan generally given
little chance of approval by Congress.
The subcommittee first rejected
money to register women and then
voted against money to register men.


Close race
in the4th
The Fourth Ward, traditionally the
city's "swing" ward,, promises a close
race in the April 7 council election, pit-
ting an incumbent Republican against
an eager, liberal Democrat.
Incumbent Councilman David
Fisher, 34, holds very different opinions
than those of his challenger, Barbara
Perkins, 46, on the issues of housing,
energy, taxes, and the city budget.
The Fourth Ward, the city's largest
with over 18,000 registered voters,
covers the southeastern section of the
city and contains a diverse group of
residents including some University
FISHER, A former University foot-
ball player who assumed the council
seat vacated by Democrat Jamie Ken-
worthy in 1978, feels his love for the city
is his strongest asset.
See TIGHT, Page 5


city election '80.
experience to earn them a seat on the
council. ,
Both candidates for current
Republican Councilman James
Cmejrek's seat are long-time Ann
Arbor residents in a ward that extends
from Main Street to the western city
Chesbrough emphasized her
participation on the Ann Arbor

(:11 (sIrough



I m U
-. Y


The awards will be based not on GPA, but rather on
students' participation in student organizations and
activities. A spokesperson for the Office of Student Services
(OSS) said a mass publicity campaign is being mounted to
spread word of the awards, which are the first of its kind in
many years at the 'U'. Nomination forms may be picked up
at OSS, 3000 Michigan Union, and must be returned by
March 21, 1980. Rishoi said the selections would be made a
couple of weeks after the deadline, and awards night is
tentatively scheduled for April 16. Q

there is only one co-ed frat on campus.
According to one of the pledges, the group had originally
considered painting the dots on the cube, but later decided
paint would deface University property. Instead, they
"considerately" decided to use contact paper, which,
according to one pledge, "will come off easily because the
cube is dirty and it's cold." So far there's no word from
Jimmy the Greek as to which number is likely to come up
On the inside

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