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February 29, 1972 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1972-02-29

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Law: Can


cut through



The trials of gaining admission

Combatting traditional sex roles

EDITOR'S NOTE: in these two articles, The Daily
explores the admission of women to the University's
Law School and theit reactions to being among a 1Q
per cent minority of the school's enrollment. Tomor-
row, The Daily will look at job placement oppor-
tunities for, women latw graduates.
"You're too cute to need law school to, find a
Add this statement to thousands of other quips,
biases, and traditions and one might have part of
the reason that so few women are in the Univer-
sity's Law School.
Although women's enrollment in' the Law
School has slowly inched up to the present record
high of ten 10 per cent, the school's enrollment
ranks relatively low on a national scale.
According to Helen' Forsyth, '73L, member of
the Commission for Women, Rutger's Law School
has 40 per cent women law students, Northeastern

University now has a 50 per cent women enroll-
ment, and about a quarter of New York Univer-
sity's law enrollment is women.
In the overstuffed office in Hutchins Hall, Law
Prof. Matthen McCauley, assistant dean for ad-
missions, explains that the school as yet has not
felt it necessary to institute a recruitment pro-
gram for women.
"Admission is something we should be doing
on the individual merits of the applicant," says
McCauley. "Unless someone can prove that women
are in some way treated inequitably by grading
or standardized tests, we wouldn't be justified in
discriminating in favor of women," he says.
According to McCauley, the position of the Law
School administration, in published reports and
other communications, has always been that all
See WOMEN, Page 8

.The gray-haired professor begins his lecture
with a "little" story to loosen up his law class.
He finishes, looks around, and notices that his
two women students just aren't laughing.
According to. many of the women who make
up the small minority of the school, attending
Law School is a constant challenge.
Their male colleagues, of both the students and
faculty, the women say, break down into fairly
clear groups.
"There are those who 'sized us up' in the physi-
cal sense," observes Janice Siegal, '72L, "and oth-
ers who simply ask 'What are you doing here?'"
Yet to Sally Rutzky, '74L, however, the biggest
problem for women law students "is a failure of
the curriculum, a failure of the professors to
deal with the problems we think are relevant."
A current example of this situation is the Law
School's acceptance of a course on "Women and
the Law," but so far a simultaneous reluctance
to hire a woman to teach it. The Law School,

however, recently hired three part-time male in-
structors in trial, appellate, and criminal prac-
tice who happened to be men.
Joanna London, '721, concludes, "I can't feel
as if I've been discriminated against here in any
way, yet, I do notice now when professors con-
tinually refer to 'when a man makes a will' and
'when a man does this' and .so forth."
Indifference instead of active discrimination
strikes Gail Gerstenberger, '73L; "It's not so much
what the professors say, it's what they don't say-
with respect to aspects of discrimination against
women. There's plenty of time to talk about these
things, the assumptions and values behind the
laws" which affect women.
"The thing I find most difficult," relates Rutzky,
"is to know there are professors I have who think
that I don't belong there. That's a dally insult,
whether, they say it out loud or not."
Further, women law students object to their

-Daily-John Upton
A LONE WOMAN sits admist her male counterparts in a Law
School classroom. Only ten per cent of the University's law
students are women.

See Editorial Page

41li iaut

Windy, chance of
snow flurries

' ,'

Vol. LXXXII, No. 118

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, February 29, 1972

Ten Cents

Eight Pages


Angela Davis
trial convenes
W SAN JOSE, Calif. (N) - The trial of black Communist
Angela Davis on murder, kidnap and conspiracy charges
opened yesterday with jury selection in a tightly secured
courtroom here.
The 28-year-old former UCLA professor sat silently, as
the names of the first 12 prospective jurors were drawn from
wooden drum. They were five men and seven women. Four
ere under the age of 21 - all students. All 12 were white.
Prosecutor Albert Harris Jr. reread a list of 104 prospec-
tive witnesses he plans to use to show what he describes as
Davis' role in a 1970 courtroom escape try at the Marin County
Civic Center that left four dead.
The list includes John Thorne, attorney for slain Soledad

Nixon back in U.S.,




secret pacts


Pledging to restore a degree of
ofessionalism to what he de-
ribes as a badly mismanaged
department, Frederick Postill yes-
terday announced his intention to
oppose Washtenaw County Sheriff
Douglas Harvey for the Demo-
cratic Party nomination for sher-
iff in the August 8 primary.
Announcing his candidacy at a
norning news conference, Postill
cited financial management and
prison reform as two areas in
which substantial improvement is
Postill, who describes himself as
a liberal Democrat; is currently
rking toward a graduate degree
In criminology at Eastern Michi-
gan University. He served as a
Washtenaw County deputy sheriff
five years ago, but was fired twice
by Harvey for his role in organiz-
ing union activity with the de-
He was initially dismissed in
1 67; but a state agency ordered
the department to rehire him.
Upon his return, he claims to have
been the victim of deliberate ha-
rassment and alleges that his sub-
sequent complaints led to a sec-
ond dismissal for insubordination.
Postill charges that Harvey has
suandered a great deal of the de-
partment's money, and claims that
Harvey has his wife, his son and
a barber on 'the county payroll.
The sheriff could not be reached
for comment on the charges yes-
"Harvey's budget has increased
6& per cent since he took office1
In 1965," says Postill, "and there
aas not been anywhere near that
kind of increase in the number of
crime complaints."

Brother George Jackson, and
Jackson's mother, Georgia
Georgia Jackson.
After Davis entered the court-
room and gave a clenched fist
salute , to supporters, Superior
Court Judge Richard Arnason de-
layed tht trial start 45 minutes
while he conferred privately with,
After her arrest 16 months ago,
Davis was accused of plotting an
escape attempt in which a judge,
two convicts and Jonathan Jack-
son were killed by gunfire Aug. 7
Davis is not acr'nsed of being
nresent at the Marin escape try
but is charged with supplying the
guns used. Under California law
accused accomplices face the same
charges as accused direct partici-
pants in a crime..
Stringent security measures at
the trial included 12-foot steel
mesh fences and alarm systems.
All trial particinants must sub-
mit to a thorough search before
entering the courtroom.
Early in court proceedings. Har-
ris put into the record his pmptest
against a ruling by Arnason last
week that prospective jurors not
be questioned on the death pen-
The prosecutor claimed that a
California Supreme Court deci-
sion Feb. 18 ruling capital punish-
ment unconstitutional is not final,
so should not affect the trial.
Harris also asked that one of
13 overt acts detailing the al-
leged conspiracy be stricken from
the indictment. It accuses Davis
and Jackson's 17-year-old brother
Jonathan, slain in the escape try,
of having "advocated the release
from lawful custody" of the Sole-
dad Brothers at a Los Angeles rally
June 19. 1970.
Defense attorney Leo Branton
objected, and Arnason denied the
prosecution request without preju-
Among courtroom spectators
were the defendant's mother, Sally
Davis, as well as her two brothers.
Davis, released on $102,500 bail
last Wednesday, previously was
denied ball under a California law
prohibiting it in capital cases.

-Associated Press

-Associated Press
ANGELA DAVIS (above) enters courthouse behind a network of cyclone fences and alarm systems
which surround the building while her family (below) cheers and raise clenched fists in her support.
Smith hits landlord inquiry,
withdrawps previous support

By The Associated Press
President Nixon returned
last night from his historic
mission to China, defending
his pledge to ultimately with-
draw all U.S. forces from Tai-
wan, and proclaiming his
journey had laid the foun-
dation for a new structure of
world peace.
Taking tacit note of conserva-
tive criticism of his Taiwan
pledge, Nixon said as he returned
to the Capital that no secret
agreements had been entered into
to decide the fate of any nation.
However, the President was still
under fire from conservatives in
the nation's capital over the com-
minque. Rep. John Ashbrook (R-
Ohio), a conservative challenging
Nixon for the Republican presi-
dential nomination, said he was
distressed by "the contrast be-
tween the conciliatory, deferential
rhetoric employed by the United
States and the military propa-
ganda marked the Chinesepor-
tions of the communique."
However, Sen. Edward Kennedy
(D-Mass., a frequent critic of
the Administration, praised the
communique as "one of the most
progressive documents in the long
and distinguished tradition of
American diplomacy and foreign
affairs." Several other Senate lib-
erals, as well as Republican Con-
gressional leaders, agreed with the
Massachusetts senator.
Reaction from the Nationalist
Chinese on Taiwan was more stri-
dent. Chiang Kai-Shek's govern-
ment declared yesterday it will
consider null and void any public
or secret agreement the President
may have made with People's Re-
public affecting the rights and in-
terests of Nationalist China.
At the same time, a government
statement issued by the National-
ist Foreign Ministry called Nixon's
agreement for people - to - people
exchanges with the People's Re-
public "tantamount to 'inviting
wolves into one's home."
Meanwhile, the Soviet Union'
press agency printed without com-
days remaint
Time doesn't stand still for
those who haven'tregistered to
vote. If your birth date is be-F
Fore April 3, 1954, if you have
resided in this state for thehlast
six months and have not voted 1
in another state since Oct. 3,
1971, you are eligible to voteI
here. Register at City Hall from<
8 to 5 this week or at any of1
the various registration sites1
across campus.

-Associatea ress
PRESIDENT NIXON addresses a crowd in Washington, D.C., last
night upon his arrival from China.
Arson toll rises as
more fires hit 'U'
Five incidents of arson were reported in University build-
ings over the past two days, raising the total of campus fires
set since late January to 61.
Sunday afternoon a fire in a basement hallway of West
Quad was discovered by building personnel, who put it out
themselves and called the fire department. Another fire,
found that afternoon in a first floor lavatory, was also put
out by the Quad staff.
The same night, residents of Alice Lloyd Hall discovered

Roy Smith (R-Ypsilanti), the
state representative who asked
for an investigation of possible
rent freeze violations by Wash-
tenaw County landlords now feels
that there should not be an in-
vestigation, based on new infor-
In a s t a t e m e n t yesterday
Smith stated that previously he
had "been given some misinfor-

mation, and misinformation is
being circulated."
Last week, Smith reportedly
asked for an investigation of sev-
eral Ann Arbor landlords by the
office of the state attorney gen-
eral and the governor. The basis
for the investigation request was
a number of tenant complaints
referred to Smith by the Ann
Arbor Tenants Union.
Smith says that he merely ask-
ed for information on allaged

If you can 't say it,

rent increases from the attorney
general's office. "That does not
mean that an investigation of
any thing will take place," Smith
explained, unless the attorney
general decides there should be
In answer to the charges, Rusty
Lavelle, Tenants Union member,
stated that Smith had told him
that he had introduced a bill to
the legislature calling for an in-
In his statement last night,
Smith referred to inaccuracies in
an advertisement in The Daily
which was placed by the Tenants
"The ad claims that landlords
are slated for an investigation,"
says Smith, "they are not." The
ad also asks tenants of landlords
listed in the ad not to pay their
rent, which Smith feels is a vio-
lation of the law which will not
correct any wrong that might
havebeen committed by the

wear it

a fire in a basement laundry
room. Yesterday morning a
second fire in a third floor
lavatory 'of the dormitory was
extinguished by city firemen.
The fifth fire, which took place
at the C.C. Little Science Build-
ing, caused minor damage before
it was put out by building em-
ployes yesterday afternoon.,/
The fires at West Quad occur-
red despite stringent security pre-
cautions enacted last Friday by
Housing Security Officer Dave
Foulke. Both South and West
Quads have locked their doors and
set up student patrols in an at-

Residents, ask
for ease in
quad security
Residents of West Quad late last.
night voted to reinstate security
measures, which President Robben
Fleming had earlier yesterday lift-
ed after being presented with a
petition by 'some 65 per cent of
Chicago House residents. They had

1Ifave you been sending in jingles
to cereal manufacturers for too
long? There's a new way to ex-
press yourself-for a few bucks.
Several local proprietors will

According to one local business-
mare,/such campus groups are pri-
marily responsible for the increase
in popularity of products with per-
sonalized touches.
Yet individuals, too, seem to be

- . I.t



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