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February 29, 1956 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1956-02-29

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If Ike Runs Many Questions
May Be Answered
See Page 4

YI e

Latest Deadline in the State





'U' Women Chase Men
With Leaps, Bounds

Watch out men-the race is on!
There is only one Feb. 29 every
four years-which gives women
one extra day to use their various
leap year maneuvers in an attempt
to catch a spouse.
An Old Custom
Although the extra day in leap
year wasn't specifically designed
for the purpose of women snaring
hapless men, the custom has been
;. practiced for hundreds of years.
InScotland in 1288, a law was
enacted that made it mandatory
for men to marry women who pro-
posed to them. If a man ignored
the lady's proposal he was fined.
A few years later, a similar law
was passed in France, and the
custom was legalized in Genoa and
Florence in the fifteenth century.
The laws have been changed, but
the custom still remains-sans the
fine. Everywhere during these 366
days, men regard women with cau-
tion and suspicion.
"The Switch"
A few members of the Univer-
sity's male population expressed
some rather enthusiastic opinions
concerning "the switch"
"It seems nice to have the girls
chase us for a change, although on
this. campus, it really gives the
women a break." Needless to say,
the contributor of this comment
prefers to remain anonymous
Bert Getz, '56E, admitted that
he likes the idea of being wooed
by women, "but here at the Uni-
versity I feel inadequately chased."
Some men feel that this idea of
the female aggressor isn't particu-
larly effective. "Leap year has,
and never will, effect me," John
Hirtzel, '57, bragged. "It's merely
an attention-getter for women."'
Most coeds, on the other hand,
Set English
For the English department, the
month of March promises 'whirl-
wind activity here at the Univer-
sity and all over the country.
Traveling Chicago-way, Prof.
Warner G. Rice, chairman of the
department, will attend the Na-
tional Education Association's con-
ference on higher education in the
Congress Hotel.
The conference will deal with
the problem of making teaching
more efficient and teachers from
all over the country will come.
To Consider TV
One of the main discussion top-
ics will be about the teaching of
mass classes through the television
medium, which Prof. Rice calls
"coaxial cable education."
Working to bring high school
and college teachers closer to-
gether, the English department
also plans on taking a big part in
the Junior College Conference on
March 16.
Here, English teachers from the
University and various junior col-
leges will revise texts and work
under the title, "Preparation for
College English."
In New York, Prof. John Weimer
and Prof. William R. Steinhoff will
go to the College Conference on
Communication and Composition.
Prof. Weimer was recently made a
member of the CCCC's executive
Fries to See California
Prof. Charles C. Fries, director
of the English Language Institute
is going to California after spring
vacation for extensive work con-
nected with the Institute.
At the Illinois Teacher's Con-
ference, Prof. Rice will deliver a
speech entitled, "The Man Who
Saved Liberal Education."

Several members of the English
department will attend the hear-
ing in Ypsilanti March 26 on the
State Education Board's resolution
to raise education credit hours for
teachers from 20 to 30.
This resolution, around since
1954, would require little, if any,
knowledge of the subjects being
taught, as long as the teacher has
30hours of educations courses
backing him up.
Israel Topic '

-Daily-John Hirtzel
NO DICE-Girl's leap year proposal goes unheeded as Boy
registers the proper emotion.
seemed to be in complete agree- A willing, but discreet Sadie
ment about the wooing tradition Hawkins fans, Yvonne Bristol, '56,
of leap year. They were, however, said, "Confucious say, 'The cau-
a 4little reluctant to rush into this tious never err,' or in other words
"new role." -look before you leap."
Broadway Di rector
To Head Drama Season
Two major appointments mark the coming 1956 University Drama
Noted Broadway director John O'Shaughnessy has been named
director, succeeding the late Prof. Valentine B. Windt, who died in
Lucille W. Upham, longtime head of the Oratorical Association
was appinted manager. Mrs. Upham has been associated with the
annual spring event since its in-
ception. I7 .*.

OXNARD, Calif. ()-- The
bride and groom had a church
wedding and the reception was
going strong until it was cut
short Monday night by the
juvenile curfew law.
"Better let me drive, dear,"
said the new Mrs.. Bobby Mims
as the newlyweds left for a
honeymoon in nearby Santa
She is the former Clara Ruth
Hartwell, 14, an eighth grade
pupil, but still the adult half
of the duo. Bobby, though 16,
is under state law still a juven-
ile and subject to the curfew
Mrs. Mims qualifies as an
adult under California law be-
cause she's married. She said
she's "taking a week off" from
school for the honeymoon.
The youngsters were married
at the Southern Baptist Church,
both having received approval
of their parents.
The bridesmaids and attend-
ants at the double-ring cere-
mony were all under 15. The
bride's father, H. E. Hartwell,
cut' the ice cream, cake and
sofe drink reception short at
9:45 p.m., telling the guests
they'd better get home before
the 10 o'clock curfew,
Board Asks
More Dorm
Residence H a Il s Board of
Governors yesterday recommended
that an architect be appointed "to
present plans for a minimum ' of,
3,000 co - educational residence
halls units on the North Campus."
Also discussed was the Human
Relations Board proposal concern-
ing roommate placement discrimi-
nation, but no action was taken on
this question yesterday.
Advance Planning
After long discussion and study,
the Board made the recommenda-
tion that the planning for North
Campus residence halls advance
another step.
In addition, the Board called for
the "activation of the student
committees and other committees
to make suggestions for these
housing units."
,The Governors reaffirmed their
"earlier recommendation that con-
sideration be given plans for a
small residential unit for men in
the central campus area."h
These moves were made as the
Board studied figures showing the
enrollment at the University last
fall (20,654) compared with the
number living in the residence
halls (6,588).
Increase Shown
Estimates showed the increase
in enrollment in the next four
years as about 5,100, with a pro-
posed increase of 5,050 residence
halls units.
Of the increase in residence halls
units, 1.150 will be in the new
women's Washington Heights dor-
mitory, "Project 87." This hall is
scheduled to be completed in two
Before that time, 900 units are
expected to be ready. These will
mostly be apartments.
On the roommate application
and 'application problem, the Gov-
ernors discussed Prof. Theodore M.
Newcomb's letter to the Board
making recommendations for pol-
icy and application blank state-

Wording of a possible statement
to appear on room applications
was discussed, with emphasis plac-
ed on formulating a positive state-



Work Drew Plaudits
O'Shaughnessy, who will arrive
from New York early in May, was
in charge of Sean O'Casey's "Red
Roses for Me," which drew plaudits
from Brooks Atkinson and proved
to be one of the past season's
major highlights.
O'Shaughnessy's first directorial
assignment on Broadway was the
war drama "Command Decision,"
with 'Paul Kelly. Various critics
praised his work, labeling it "bril-
liant," "crisp" , and "remarkably
authoritative" and saying it pos-
sessed "an unfaltering sure in-
stinct for pace, vigor, humor and
Recent Accomplishments
"Command Decision" was fol-
lowed by "The Last Dance," adapt-
ed from a Strindberg play, with
Oscar Homolka and Jessie Royce
Landis; "Sleep Hollow," a musical
comedy based on the Washington
Irving legend, with Marty McCarty
and Gil Lamb and Christopher
Fry'& "A Phoenix Too Frequent,"
starring Nina Foch.
For the past several summers he
has filled the post of resident di-
rector at Rowena Stevens' summer
theater, the Pocano Playhouse.
Robert and Emma Hirsch Mel-
lencamp will return to the Drama
Season as scenic artist and cos-
tumiere. Their Broadway work has
included a revival of "Twelfth
Night" and the current "Third

Expected To

"::": ... . ... . :. ..........x

Dulles Hits
More Flexibility,
Money Needed
WASHINGTON (5) - Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles stood
his ground yesterday against Dem-
ocratic criticisms that he is too
optimistic about the cold war.
At the same time, he said com-
placency could be disastrous.-
Sec. Dulles spoke at a news con-
ference in reply to questions based
on Democratic criticism of state-
ments Dulles made recently to the
Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee and in a Philadelphia
No Roey' Glasses
Secretary Dulles declared that
he disagrees with critics who con-
tend he is looking at the cold
war through rose colored glasses.
He repeated he feels free world
strength and stability have caused
a change in Soviet tactics from
military bluster to overtures of
trade and aid.
It would not be fair to say to
American people, Secretary Dulles
argued, that their sacrifices in
blood and treasure since the end
of World War II had failed com-
pletely to cause any change inside
the Kremlin.
Ultimate Goal
He said the ultimate goal of the
free world' is to make Russia be-
have properly within the family of
The first round of the cold war
may be over, Sec. Dulles said and
the second round just beginning.
He said that what the United
States needs for this new tussle
with Soviet guile is greater flexi-
bility and continuity and perhaps
a little more money for foreign
Sens. J. W. Fulbright (D-Ark.),
Mike Mansfield (D-Mont.) and
Hubert H. Humphrey (D-Minn.)
among others, have accused Sec.
Dulles of over-optimism about
Stevenson Critical
Adlai Stevensoni, 1952 Demo-
cratic presidential nominee now
seeking the 1956 nomination, add-
ed his voice to the criticism yes-
terday. In New York, Stevenson
told reporters, "I pray our govern-
ment isn't as rattled and confused
as it appears to be."
Now Notified
Of illnesses,
The problem of giving notifi-
cation when a student is admitted
to Health Service Infirmary has
been solved through the aid of Al-
pha Phi Omega service fraternity,
according to Dr. Morley B. Bek-
ett, Director of University Health
. Formerly the staff at Health'
Service had difficulty in contact-
ing resident halls in particular
since at the times when most pat-
ients are admitted dormitory
switchboards are often clogged,
Dr. Beckett said.
As a result house directors and
friends sometimes had no idea
where a student had gone.
Since the job of notification was
given to Alpha Phi Omega recent-

ly, all such difficulties have been
removed, Dr. Beckett maintains.
Whenever the organization is
unable to telephone a patient's
place of residence members de-
liver a personal message.
Health Service has been given
an unlisted number for the ser-
vice fraternity's office to call in
order to insure a constant contact
with the organization.
The '25 members of the group
working on this project are as-


... to arrive in May.
"The Family of Man," a film
presenting fundamental expqerien-
ces of the human race, will start a
two-day run today at the Archi-
tecture Auditorium.
Today's showings of the 20-
minute movie will be at 2:15, 3:15,
7:15 and 8:15 p.m.

World News
By The Associated Press
Kilgore, 63, New Deal Democrat
from West. Virginia, died early
yesterday of a brain hemorrhage.
Sen. Kilgore, who suffered from
high blood pressure, had been in a
semi-coma for the last two days
at Bethesda Md. Naval Hospital.
He entered the suburban hos-
pital Feb. 13 for a physical check-
Sen. Kilgore was the first man
West Virginia ever sent to the
Senate for three coftsecutive terms.
GAZA, Egyptian-Held Palestine
-Egyptian antiaircraft batteries
drove off five Israeli planes that
circled over Arab territory east of
Gaza yesterday, an Egyptian mili-
tary spokesman said last night.
He also said an Israeli post in
southeast Gaza opened fire for
three hours on Egyptian positions.
The Egyptians did not return the
fire, he added, and there were no
* * *
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
Agriculture Ezra T. Benson an-
nounced yesterday the government
will offer its stocks of surplus cot-
ton on world markets at competi-
tive prices for export beginning
Aug. 1.
This offer will be made Sec.
Benson said, in an effort to regain
what he called this country's share
of world markets.
Johnson Trial
To Resume .
Hearings in the Johnson murder
trial will resume at 9 a.m. today
with the testimony of the second
psychiatrist to be called by the de-
Dr. Dean Carron will be ques-
tioned concerning the defendant's
mental condition. The accused,
Harold A. Johnson, is charged with
the slaying of his "one year old
baby Jan. 9 and has entered a

KEYBOARD CONCENTRATION-Rubenstein at the pian
Former Child Prodigy'A
Rubinstein To PerOfori
Pianist Artur Rubinstein, who made his official debut in
at the age of eleven, will perform at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow
Born in Warsaw, Poland, son of a hand-loom manufa
Rubinstein first displayed signs of musical talent at the age of
At six, he had already performed at a charity concert in Warsa
Earns High Praise
By the time he was fifteen, his reputation had spread thro
Europe and he had earned the praise of Saint-Saens, Paderews

OMax Bruch. In 1906 he p2
first visit to America wherel
75 concerts in three month
Rubinstein returned to
to beginhis global journeys
have since covered more th
million miles and have tak
to every country except T
Upon the outbreak of Wor
I, he tried to join the Polis
ion but his knowledge o
languages made him mor
able as an interpreter.
Shocked By Brutality
He was so shocked by t
talities of the German am
he swore he would never
play in that country. He h
that vow.
Rubinstein- became a
States citizen in 1946. 1
appeared in several films
December .1946 became the
er-president of the Frederic
Fund which sponsors conc
raise money for needy ar
Europe; providing musical
ments, books, and scores tc
cians deprived of the tools
SGC Grou
Asks Stud'
Student Government C
Executive Committee will mn
fore the Council today that
of University counseling be
mended to Vice-President Z
dent Affairs James A. Le
The motion, already agi
in principle by SGC, will
mend investigation into all
selin gsystems, academic ar
Education and Social I
Committee Chairman Box
Scock. '57, will present a
for approval of a letter to
to Alabama University con
its refusal to admit Negro
Autherine Lucy.
In his committeChrepor
cock will alsorecommend
lfrshment of a political
series and inform the Col
progress of the student
committee which is draf

Await News
Haggerty Offers
No Comment
WASHINGTON ()-President
Dwight D. Eisenhower may answer
the big question this morning.
He has called a new conference
for 10:30 p.m. EST, and most re-
porters here expect it will be the
setting for his announcement on
whether or not he'll seek a second
The White House said only that
there would be a conference at the
regular time and in the regular
place, an ornate, high-ceilinged
chamber in the old State Depart*-
ment building.
Hagerty Questianed
Press Secretary James C. Hag-
erty was bombarded with questions
about whether the President would
make known his long-awaited de-
cision then. In most cases his reply
was a noncommital "I wouldn't
President Eisenhower told a
news conference Feb. 8, however,
that he ough to have by March 1
the information needed to make up
his mind, and he added the an-
nouncement probably would be
made at a news conference.
Berlin May Broadcast
in Hill The President also said it was
probable that the announcement
acturer, would require a longer explanation
f three. than he would give at a news con-
aw. ference. This suggested an appear-
ance on television and radio net-
works reaching to all parts of the
iughout country.
ski and cuty
kaid his The man who advises President
Eisenhower n his big broadcasts.
he gave IV producer Robert Mongomery-
s. showed up at the White House
Europe shortly after Hagerty fixed the
, which time for today's news conference.
an two Asked whether he had come to
en him Washington to help with a special
ibet. presidential broadcast, Montgom-.
rld War ery replied smilingly: "I don't
sh Leg- know."
f eight Hagerty also told newsmen he
e valu- didn't know whether the chief ex-
ecutive planned to go on the air
after the conference.
Pressed as to whether'there was
he bru- any plan at present to ask for
ny that presidential broadcast time, Hag-
again erty said, "I haven't any comment
as kept on that at all."
United Could Effect Stock
He 'has The press secretary stated there
and in are no plans to hold a second news
found- conference today. Questions along
Chopin this line were prompted by specu-
erts to lation that the President might
tists in prefer to hold up the announce-
instru- ment regarding his political plans
until after the 3:30 p.m. EST clos-
their ing of the New York Stock Ex-
President Eisenhower has ex-
pressed concern about stock mar-
ket fluctuations which have mark-
ed the course of his illness. The
market slumped badly after he
suffered his heart attack in Den-
ver Sept. 24. Stock prices shot up
after a medical panel reported
Feb. 14 that the President was'
ouncil's physically fit for a second term
ove be- in the White House.
a study
ors::YD's to Hear

toe Neil Staebler
Teed to
recoin-Democratic State Chairman Neil
1 coun- Staebler wlil speak to the Young
nd psy- Democrats' first meeting of the
semester at 7:30 tonight in Room
Welfare 3-8 of the Union.
b Lea- Election of new club officers and
motion ;discussion of the club's semester
be sent program will complete the pro-
cerning gram. Staebler, termed by Life
student Magazine, "the ablest state chair-
man in the country-Republican
t, Lea- or Democrat," will address the YDs
estab- on "How We Can Win."
lecture It was the Staebler-Gus Scholle
ncl of team which organized a Democrat-
faculty ic gubernatorial victory in 1948
fting -a and since then the Michigan Dem-

ISA To Seek SGC Office

For the first time since the or-
ganization of Student Govern-
ment Council, a member of the
International Students Association
will run for an SGC position!
John A. Wallwork, Grad., ISA
President, announced yesterday
the executive committee of the
association had agreed to support
a candidate in the coming all-
campus elections.
Several Candidates
Several possible candidates will,

"In addition," he continued,I
"this member will help stimulate
interest in international affairs,
an important role in every stu-
dent's life, and will increase op-
portunity for American students
to know foreign visitors better.
"Part of the reason for these
people being on campus is to create
better relations between the two
basic groups," he added.
The real problem, according to
Wallwork, exists not in selecting a
suitable candidate but in creating

t gain ex-officio membership on the
Council, but was not included in
the membership list when SGC
was established.
Members of SGC greeted the
news with mixed feelings, agreeing
that foreign representation is bas-
ically, good. However, one execu-
tive officer, who declined to be
named, said he hopes any foreign
candidate will not run as a repre-
sentative of his organization but
will be able to serve the views of
the whole campus.
Time Needed

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