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February 29, 1928 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1928-02-29

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. 47





By I. IW. C. manded by such an office. Past htold-
Evorything from the oald-time cor- Iers of the valued utensil have in- S I 11 O IH
CONSTITUTION (ner Dutch band to frenzied demon- luded such men as President Car-J PAK H RE T NIH
strations on the part of enthesarti-nce Ceok Little, Prof. Oscar i . LIMflO fI N IL flIITDV
supporters will feature the fitrst cam- Campbell of the 'English departmenjl~~fh hhhIIl
ME g S[M~ j us ominatngsenvnknownher as..the sixthee oftannualicl OGrid-kownsciencext andepartmentnc dearaend a lalat yar-ar- (
iYopu Bnqruetatm g cnva entolt her-ProWilA. ToF's Reed ofthe hois-caVlI i) R ,vPESD T.O
I pefesioaljournalistic fratenty,! tory depatment, but these choices 1 LI XRR FEDERATIN, IS i
I"Tlel I hat august body convenes ink ave 'arways blen ii nvuo isecrt AGIRESS1 E LEADER
1EMEI M th1e istoric hal at t he Unlion on cunil I h re toay s have Nleen c ft t
Ap .l ark horses will ride ;rain- open to slush fuds and the like. TO CNFR WITH FACULTYt
REit'IW? A N IINGt4 & 'RO1 , pantoever bdies of favorite candi-IThe directors of tie 928 covention, t
BY ~sI~~4lLdaes and it will be to the interests howev, assure file delegates that .As Scetessor To Samuel (4nper Has
OVER u-Ir . I all so-called camuS 1. M. . G.'s their vote will be acoded somll' P einielv 'hngued P;v
OVER~ 200 BACTiJA l U ROYt ein ileieu' 1opnla rity campaigns consieratio, hiowever si-iht it miai O Organiztiona
Ofliwo%~iIIi((te ar '1 iflthey expect to lbe pr(seltihe.l
qty-, 11Oard O ietr l derc lwe h l iis called. Raumr ha~s it ht b lg b ~ siucs I"La oit Positio ll iiModern Indus- i
hfitic 9y n ('oiideraion (Of ' I if~ii n ~fhiitc sawilI attemptto cofei tio b ;rce fieILit'' is the topic of the address8
Adiinst'a 9iesntdip~ed n akngupthe lugs with the pesei) cC ) 1 if lii lie (1to lm gixxn by William Green, presi- !t
d(1eth goio choices, and all those who agents o s cli corpora Ii ois as tecfli C ofhe Aie'icjif Federation ofd
By a vote 'of 0oS to 16i, le amn i- c *'.i ale f hibi c aten Fod cmpl y ad 1lnc'al o or.1 ab, i ti o c r'(%l' tonifgh in Hilla
nlet .tothelliio (.e11sititi1111Eic1 iion11roo zb the Imdiim Of publicity that the Regents wilIlepee t. in'5 s ud itoriun. ( recni lectue is being
came beftorte anio;sn ('011Sf t i P ihe nen)-ion orbal, xwill be present onle force to tr y a. coercig the stndel o'e:;or(d by thle An Arbor Round
lid's held last inight in thle ballr'oom )1bignighlt. itis expected lghat ae body, and hiast l hat the olr ic ' Ta ble cueoh. vlli crg11aiizatitii'iis
of the building xvi> 'C 1pass-di. loi'e 1u11y, towns people, and tistudenit s alike; hingiflgoice to )pay xxwithi ai si't't ol-;alisi
lban20 f b vts as eu~rilgwill be putint o shape smooth lly-oiled tihti' (eiioiiti~rtioi. Til'c' xxwillItll. c re .oadisn,
thn20o aevtscs ocrigpolitical mla chines obo'ii' b i -r - -ecn will arrive in Ann Arbor this
xhx cnrletwr. ldb r ox'caddmas hnesI)vowadthi;aft (i' aid will i!Istay at the tnion.
thfortidicn i yPO '011iltCS('lli'S11 to vtd (ni~ht hyxii 'l be h loi'd by a a-
As the rmeti lg started ihc'i'e Here Oil (Can, whlose holder will this yar
fot-lrm present but as time wetn trIFiepleOI's cIoice. The title fo r r "I u f i. 'I'leuiswl l i'cmanooindnnAibo
the ilmbrs icrep,_ nd te voes tis ittha nt ect e hadi i ii;confer with various faculty members;
xxiublc butw rinatl bi5OXegrdue]ted i LthatJ~ it'P UU P ON IB i (1 5 iets ii thi classes who are
whc eemd ypoygaulywill coriespond1 to the vagaries de-i_____1 ineres'tsled ill special pases of thei
vanl<in i so that thelit)lto boxes were ----____________ --~
closd aoud 8:8 o'loc wih th [ lIAM Qf ~ rniroSndd easue To Prieidelt 'hat Jill l Peseiltlabor sittatoi.
cloed irod umberooeacasirt. heL .'. uPu d ille ') r cIlIyPushed seate Quiz
heirea numberi vteoincavost. e TO -llilGeis h is rsdn
1L aiu I !JU I P iLIILUPost Office Division Niiilx( Ci I h istpeiet
Thret____it nfao o h of the American Federation of Labor
amendment had been expected by the Alf fR UIIP TfL DISCUSS El® R CH ANr CES!to succeed Samuel Gompers, who forj
efflc~als inl charge, it was stated by HIIUIU N ! 1 IIUU ld i Y i ) nxmre than 0yea rs was its president
William Jeffries, Grad., president of adgiigAprt nerGmes
the~~~I~ Uo, u li utioofhvn(Yssocited 'ress) the federatiol held to ultra-conserv-I
t~etil~l ut ~e usto o aingj~rhrO ~tu yTel WASHINGTON, Feb. 2.--Congress, 1t tas; it, poicy, but Green has def-
the ri'c{!i:ied luhlibet' of students l5for )eie fBoal'Fcly WW ziclifrequtiftly talksu; just as much i,'~toml, (hu"'PfIthis 'aspect o'the or-
th metn t b el xa ii lu itWluerlg lMeexia a; I,did today, ith 010f)legislative goyizat ion. 'h i 'demonstrated by"t
untl aterthevotngstated hers essge1 prodtct whatever, aost unnoticed ;11~ aggessivenecss shown in pushing
Ilanc (lal _t i rogeUtil Jzn, -oday finished and sent to the Pr es- e Snateqi noth iigst
The plan of recorganization can not IS THIRD R4ADIOJI SUCCSS' !dent a treasury-pst office appro- Iton in Pennsylvania, and his activity isil oit feti a n
nouned b Pau Bukley genralpriation bill that provides, all told, r n the many recent coal conferences
managier byfPtl unshly ater Following on the heels of the su- for expenitures of more than a bit- ari1 erol)bemsl.r
the anniounceml)ent of the amend ulents c su aipoe cmmncto 0oxdlar etfsa e;.~1, of the most inter e'sting ques-I
was mnade last month, until after with :the University Greenland ex- While idling over another money ±iona xwhich Green will discuss is the
;,dhool clo~ses in June. ThtenrlI pedition from Manchester, Conn., and lill conference report-the indepen- relation 01' labo' to th1e legal siystem,c
election of the members of the Boardl i the successful two-way code conver- 'dent officers meastre-thelie Iu sot Ihis being a phase of the federations
of Directors which has been created sation established between the loca l drifted into discussion of assortedI activity commanding unusual interest1
by te pssin oftheamenrun byR. 0. T. C. short wave station and subjects including the political dry- at the present time due to recnt dras-
a vote of the student body as a whole,I the University astronomical observa nHess of Secretary Hoover as a Pro's- I ic court dzecsions and si nificant
ameeting of the University Senate torly at Bloerfontaiin, South Af ica idential aspirant, andc the "etllifia- egsation inti'cduced in the present
Afia!tion"' in Southern states of the ds-i Congress desiged to remove the legal
which has to appoint the men which comes the information that Carl .! rnheetofNges TimampsenwicUinsidte-
will be its representatives on the i Erlanson of the botany faculty, who I faDiemrtArkNagoe.T iloth i. sseineih.nos id hm
board, and a, general meeting of the is wintering at Godhavnl on Disko1 He, a notably rid member, thought Qunesticil lelatloil To Pi'aitic
alumni to elect the members which island oft the western coiast of GreenteHoe el oteBrhpoi Oeo h otpritn usin
they have the power to put on the land has been reached from this ti oovestoarehrly deBryh enouh isi ng of the activeritiqestonth
Board are all necessary to make UP country by aadio through station iinqetoniehrldrenuhIaiigototh aciiisftetepronlofhebrdtef.tW1Z nBsoMs. for his liking. He also answered American Federation of Labor is its
t ee hennelatof ithoard telfm I, 1 neosonmMss Iwith vigor Resg d~esdepresentatve Pinkham, rIelation to politics. Poitical enthu-
bars of the board chosen as yet the w s p t O he ar F b t WBrl ans lat r rierh u si n o e r t nl r i g t a t r h e e
plan cannot go into effect immediately, eulcnMsahsts hntesatsel l hdo pno r o-Pta part ont heir rregular aFar aNorth rrasd hequvoteo ego suppressionatue infdea-1.Te eerl lun mth cn e radas otuspresin Til Suh.Til- tion for one of the old line parties
Th enia aun mein a b radatprogramNot transmitted reg- man was for "white man's govern-i or one of the mushroom third parties.
held during thee class reunions inI ularly during the winter months. It
wil h i u t Ii M r n e e t a s et i o h v , a dm n " e e y h ie e s i , " s e H eretofore political activity has been
-omneetnek a icked u by Erlanson on a< lyinBotn regrded by te American Federation
Wil Rsut I MreIntret etinGohav, ndheput thej lliamBst o crtTx. o
of Directorsmwicn h sB ar takam , emovrthe, T x s g t , ofLabor as an ultiiate resort to be
By theecormation ofallthiskeword answer on the air through a low whack at the Dalas First eseve! used only after other means failed.
functions; of both the Board ofDpowe r transmitting station which cani bank, having joined Fih Snator1 a,~is^fcite~ lccc l t
retr n or fGovernor's'which be Picked tup in IHelsingfousIceland(temps o inect party pliloeed alln t-
i'eeoi' auh Bardof ayoietld rin ask in i y soinot 'empts;to ,hinje p rtyplti n to he
existed under the old plan, it is be-I although of isufficient Power to ji ntbcngre sion ln urtintfo ris d i t c , h t sn e G e n h s b e
tivdIhatI a gr'eat dea o f c~eii'y i'each the Ulnited States. His reply '!is niga(tivities. He old lie it the peid~telcy, expert observers
lie';i ad hesed tAnnArwsrtIon'hxevegutn to speculate somewhat
lllsn4fors , cbe oirlsr h rn fis policy
i lsz p 'o tl ll 1 01 (ilCtl:, h t c m p l bet' u th a. fcab ed to at Ictli't i bad l ty'° i-\
I AIII(1011 all xva s 1 ii will bC ) i vd d. '" nxfae',pa _ticihuilte ionein pplinicsy
Stutdents x'willh le bet ter ti'dell''lt('(Loude, <i caa tegaphed to Ann iill onfre'ct eprcorwent Ii ough ot' La he xx'iareborn!ir
ta ti o wil he i'ere t'alcon trol over Arbtor, arvn ay at afwithout much tro'(ubhle bull te 'i'o't ('C~s'litlll O. and has been a memb her
thegi'itiis vhi cl ar taen y te ~- att'' lt' lli'O(1(lisof0 Seato' Bi'iitl l. Dem cr'at, Newx h hosaelei
miii~I 1.l'a l v b d . n h s v y I S T h e ll t '55:ge to E rla lisoix s g g st e d M ex ico . to g t t he ma n id d ( le i ( li n 'a cif a the o of lt' O hle iola tu r iu gnH e i
u t t'it'r ,i i h t e m t.nlo li x in i ( 'een a n d d rin g t t:h o o i l( 11 o ie gisl iittl'C
~ Ine h h t ic t ci' a o , . a i g ( c n e v n y p roje ct t. y wi t I it ti u t a ('(i111 -11 r l o a p e n a o x a wx. G r e n i'' l vi Ibe i ih
t hae par fi' c st d e o ci s in t he o an- !the "a in suer mll o thIn'.ho Ionzig I t ig lt fo ' fl eeai'space, stul ( oI T k a ' i t C leic(i ton ight ab' Prof. Leo I. I Sb at-
it e x 'iI?'e l .a i. P itnIim ,g nsled, foe mon~ st authority i s lu all ic1 t'lt h e I l M uc le'ikt f h c l en ii e a 'lx it
r1'he t Inaull tll 111en idIhar Ii rei en Sly been ill 1 vre Enlaud I'floa, and et urn to piant is the'e'llmrnt opera I onpa to iii cci
Pa ssed by lhnte11the Uhoardl D!, )hectors iv 1i Ihtlln by tll Iat. hpin ithe fal o als ii o I'lil to itu c gil>i.. iila nits ao-
anxd Beard of (iovei'Ilx" IA 1 hri dbeen il-I xwill :tiilly lext fall iii Copelagen't oSnao ntissilheln t a
appiroved by mnly lY iehrs'of thex'it(, , l '.st enieh', 010nmter auth1ority on fo toma CxI'anaio'n.is still i old ingSLYiI
facult1y and1th St t'its wolhave been '( ieenlaIora 101, 01ul d turn to his' iixaet'Xilllitt in. RAC.tOFFIC ALLo1
culilletI i iIth11the 4111111ist laiIitli (it (lass xNo kh<hrenea('t Pbi'oa y r H i Se nt l01th tlle c '01" I a hctatd 'res
h e or, anihat ion. . rpy lc1 aeb ie, cablhie. l0t loi l t'allegd (vils (4 of .> eld IC'
Evey efot ws adeby l~, o- ana teegaphcot 'iedtha lis for Ii lochbohi ;and 1,1dIuiiilt' 110 N INArz. h'). 2- -'rl
bsn Eo rnl fic~ialswh txxbo wre il cia rg" o1 thiie (hle' stig rt iofl a ndlannounced hat mvef 11I i ie-slt 1S i pn - CIro'. Fran k . iLod en' f ~(IfIlil i
en intjg to hav e thl, p er '(Il( i II tl ; 1"' Ii woxvunld(1act 0)o itin). de t sh ow iho se ow oci's w le a xor who is spedu t he ofI l1ewi ter ;
pli' ut,'lll et tel's,3 ware senit to evtr' Codh a in, wvh re E rlanson is wintercill(, th i'elh aiI~rnat o0 'riender these 'Iianiidiei, Arizona, na i' here , snd
fre-shimil i, to th('e p'O'ilCrt s of all t a bis ou01t 3,700 mle Is fromt Ann luiol cer-d 15ri!)utor01' 1110(1 ilic ill ego]. igiht he hial altized the form al
fraternity houst's andt to meuxhlels f1Arbhor, 2c0 tiiuilcs ihoil f le Mt. ['le comnlllrcci'(t (011itt ('Clill sed ifiling o his d(itar"il'tiol as a Repubi'
fip.~ fat'~,e iv lxehoar e also nembertls of 'iis es'riva ory of lbhe CGreenland 4 raftingits tix'Ixflooi cnitrio nr- ('Oiln tesideita I candiatte in t11(

thle union in an effort. to airo1use" atten-x cxpoklitii ii. jc lt i zv]10ci ulc e l;ot ~:loa rraY
tiop. The nuEect lug was pi'esidee tov'er by __-_-_ -- '---- -ilgs on thle McNai'y refcc'est atioll! Asser'tinxg the declaration ''spoke t fo'
Jeffiesandbe lsodiretedtheca D- ELA YACTIONV ON p1)1,1,involving a luilulcI'o ' illiorls, it ,elf,'' Lowdv~en l eclar:edt le was unak-
Cnuf lt s were completed. Mole abuout thxe tax.- Elig ixo formal annoulxinicment of tisL
. ----i F"IESI'JVAIV'1W E'E'K ing of federal batik shares by statesi caindidacy ait this timxe. Tlin filingo1
"YOU AND JP IL Though tentative plans are underi' and the anti-labor injunction bill thxe affidavit was done in ordertot
1a w~~ay tor- the conduct oC Freshmen 1vspt nsbcmitercrs conform to thxe primary laws of thxat
r H AVE EXTRA ShO1' week next fall, no definite action wilstate,_hesaid
be taken until after the fate of the I -i saele-ad
Due to the late beginning of their University college project is decided INDUSTRIAL 10V IE l' A
week's run, Comedy club will offer by the Boatrd o' Regents, it wa~s ,TJB RE E TE ,i NG FR A
their presentation of Philip Barry's ' announced by Prof. William A. Fray-, CeWFERENG.: 1 CE HERE
"You and I" at an extra matinee per- or of the history department, chair-1 "Froam Miixe to Consumer," a pi;-'-
forniarlce on Saturday afternoon, The man of the Freshmen week commit- !-i'r depicting the process of the pro- Preliinary plans are now being
opeiing was postponed from Monday tee, yesterday. The committee' re 'ruction of copper, will be shiownx at mnxade for the convening in Ann Ar-
on account of the appearance of Mirs. cenrtly appointed is at work, and it :4 :1 5 o'clock today in Natural Scienxce ari of the Aixerilean law institute
Fiske at tlxe Whitney thxeater. Seats is probable that even in the event auitortliumx, under the auspices of the conxmittee (In the re- stateuxent of law
for the Barry cometdy have been in that the University college project j Schxool of Busiuxess adninistration. in conflict of law~s, accordling to
considerable demnand, and have war-Tepcuewa rdcdsoultol not be finally adopted 'a Tepcueb sptdu'~ Athe Professor [hhetF otah ft
ranted the extra performance. All seats Frsmnwe'uc h aea Pathescope companiy of Amerc fo avshol
will he eserved and will be spet'iallyi en rsntda n ro the arrangements last Yall will be!I is lucing wrelcbeteelatfAixnAArbl
1 gi.through naCope oman1nd 1 to .April 14 inclusive, and Pro
_I4 I PlROkESSORi. troghthe courtesy of the American 'eso'Godihsastatmn
I A review of last night's peor- C~ S Bras's conmpany, Detr'oit. thxe cotuxntry's prmnienit legal minds
formance of the Comedy clb PR F SS RCA L . This pictuttre is thxe second ofiia will behiere for the gathering.
pouto of"You and I" by I MO O H A series which is hemng ivixbyth
p..u , fi EAIM T R O A e byteAnxg those who will come to Aix
Philip Y Barry will be found in N 91 business school to familiarize students 'ro uigta ieaeWli
I the Theater. 'Books, and Music I.-- with actual conditions in industry, ant I Trno T _a poinn Piadl

Mor'e than $170 was collected yes-I
terday, the first day of the senior lit-
erairy class campaign, to provide a
class memorial when necessary ex-
penses are deducted at the end of the
current year. These funds will be
used to provide a unit class memor-
ial in the Burton Memorial 'Campan-
le project.
The cam'paign will continue today.
!tomorrow, and Friday. Reprelsenta-
tives of the senior literary class
treasur'er will be stationed in theI
lobby of Angell hall fromx 9 to 41
o'clock. Class officials wxere gratified
at the return for the first (hay.

Resolution Adopted Declares Interests
Of Students Would Be Jeopardized
'By Requirements Of Project

it is impossible to sectire canes, pro- FEAR TAMPERING WITH CURRICULA
graums, - Invitations, or Senioar ball I ____ ______
tickets, it was pointed out yte t e'- -
Rday. The senioi' dues have bueen set ecj ectilig lte ur(oposeti U iiversity' college plan buy a decisive ma-
at $5 I.orit ' tixe faculty (If the Colleges of Engineering and Architecture
yesterday afIternoonl gave a distincit set-back to the plan wich would
flfl lil ~av e rev'oltionizeldxthefirst two years oif college instructioun at the
SP[E~ tu NEST U niversj>' ity he action calme as tehe result of three protracted meetings
S P[CH. .ONT ST W N ; teldtol ctllsit lcr time subject, anid the final vote was 60 tt)-2a favoring
Itlxe'Fc soluitionia.aiist it.
President (Clece Cook Little ded not choose to make aiiv state-
BY~~ ~ OB O D J r LI ment til the rejection last night, and would not commit himself as to
-whtthe ns tpi ieyt e ti osdrdlkl ycertain

Winis Finals Iii Ex euitoraiueous j
Spechi Contest 1roin Three (Other I .lII m
Preliminary Winners Srin Mrun MISSING 1h
Ormnxd J. Drake, Spec Ed, won NAVAL [L I1 [AILS ar
first place in the extemporaneous ; a
speaking contest held last night ini the l ysterious IWsappear'ance Of Aviators j
Alpha Nu room. Nathan Levy, '31,1I Believed To Have Added \ew
was awarded second honors. Naval Tragedy
The general topic which 'was dia- I
cussed by the four men who were se- REPORT IS MISLEADING ti
lected from the preliminary trial to t
compete in the last contest was: "Is "(1Bv Assoiated Prss)
the new educational program fostered WASHINGTON, Feb. 28.-As dusk'it
by the University of Michigan a pro- ' j
pressive ste)pIthat all state universi- settled over the border of Chesapeake 14
ties should follow."- Drake, the win- bay nearly two score army, navy and t
ner, spoke of the advantages xhich marine aviators rettrned to their
will accrue to the University through various stations weary from a futile
the adoption of the new University c
college project. a all-day searcix for three missing navalU
The foni' men who were choseni to i aviators whose mysterious disappear- e
participate in the final meet last( ane yesterday is believed to have
night fronm the preliminary trials hteld added another tragedy to naval an- a
on Tuesday were Ormnond J.1Drake, pals, f
Spec. Ed., Nathan Levy, '31. C. II. s A single report that an airplane in
Uhrist, '31, amd Marin Mo, '30. All' was heard by a lighthouse keeper at U:
of these men gave eight minutei Thomxas Point light, Monday, two a
speeches on that particular phase of1 hours after an amphibian plane car-
the general question which wa's as- rying Con. T. G. Ellison, Lieut.-Com. a
jsigned to them at 5 o'clock yesterday Hugo Schimidt, and Lieut. Roger st
afternoon. , Ransehtousen left Hampton Roads, se
Drake by winning the extemporan- ; Virginia, for Annapolis, caused thea
eons contest received a University of nv deatntoshftemajot
Michigan wall plaque, and Levy, by search to the northern regions of the p
p1lacing second, was awarded a book. by u h os fMrlnVr
Both'of these prizes were furnished by ba.ndBut thCatofinaMalso andVi
the Oratorical association, which 'under the close scrutiny of fellow a
sponsored the contest. Lyle Elser- fliers until darkness prevented fur-
man, 130L, vice-president of the assn-i ther observation. y
ciation, was manager of this year's l o asmm' ie<oe1vshldta
event. report that a parahte was in a t
The subject ;vhich wais discussed at tea ea aglyFelVrgna
the preliminary trial was, "Resolved trena age ilVriii
that recent developments in inter-t might lead to the location of the miss-b
collegiate athletics will more ado- mg airmen. But investigation dis-b
closed, the navy department was in-
quately represent student intei'est's ! I etattermrha ofu-e
anid the aims of competitive sporit." fre.ta hermrhdn o
The judges of the final contest were ltion.
fon' unir ~xx sudets Ti'yare IReal' Admiral Robert E. Coontz,
Harry' L. Gervais. '29L, HRoier't F. I 1-ampton Roads, conimander of the
ISchwxar'z, '29L, Frank T. Zimnn, '29L, fifth naval district,_took charge of the t
Dahlerg.'"arcl iof the lower regions of theK
land Rtoy W. search,29
bay and~ extended the area of the t
ANN B IGOUNCE DR A w searchers to the sho'es of Virinia
FO B ID E LA : Eight een planes froun the iew air-t
_~ craft carriier Leiugon, to which the A
lkmIi'hgs in thle Ilt('lratel'ity' (lli'cI'5 xwee atlacleo, two( armyv
Bnritge tour'nament were annouincedth linips fromn Langley field, four ma-s
t yesterdtay by Berllal'ti P. Sherxootl. ( Vine anes from Quaitico, Virgnia,
'29, chairmlan of tie brid'tge commuit-'five army aipllanes from Boling field(V
tee. BI'ackrets will be poted't in a, and five naval i.i'h1laes troinxAia-c
w xindotw of Vanupoven's storet and xill cstia, carried oni the searchx in al-c
beit cor'recteid daily, alotedil legion's. t
Prizes for thIe toui'ixamt i't' alsoi The' amphihbian let hanipton Roadst
ondisplay in Vaul3oven w vindow. for' Annapolis at 2 o'clock yestemdaya
T hey consist of a la rge silver lovimig 'morning anti should have arrived
cup foir the winer of the tiainican-1, thre about 4 o'clock. The ighrthousec
test, a smaller cup tor'the winner' of keepr at Thomas Point light a.e-c
cthe consolation tournament, anti scv- hmpltediitiat le heard an arplanei:
creial briidge sets anti (lcks of playing about 4 o'clock. If this was the am-<
' cards for runes-up in both tourna- 'phibian, it as i1b miles fi'jonr its
' ments. destination where Commander Elli-
Eiiiistpoiblte asnsolon ateamr-sour was to meet his wife and visitr
namient i osbea ona emhis daughter, Mildred, aged 12, who
ohas lost its first match, according to is critically ill in the naval hespital1
t an announcement of the committee. A' heme
team is eligible regardless of the;
j round iin which the first match is lost WILDCA SDy T
~'IThis has been necessitated by several CATSDE EA
SIbyes in the first round brackets. CH'ICAGO QUINTET
Two dlays are being allowed by the ___
nconmmittee in which to play off a (By Asocated Press.)
b nmatch. In this way it is hoped that EVA NSTON, Feb. 28.-Northwestern
tplay will be finished in the tourna-i scored an easy Big' Ten basketball
Iment by the middle of Mfarch.' Infor- 'victol'v over' Chicag o tonight, 39 to 18.;
i station desiredi about the toun amemnt Both teams weiemagged in the first
can be secured by phonimng the tollow- half, although Northwestern had a
Cl ing numbers, 491, 7017, 6617, or 8981. safe lead of 15 to 8 at the half.
pg y (v v g +Alnmost constant substitutions gave
-MISS G LD R LEa Chicago fresh enthusiasm which
ot W/ILL SPEAK t HERE brought the score to 15-13, but North-
Missea western settled down to business then
MissViriniaC. ildesle, d amd gave Chicago little chance to
in of Barnard college, 'New York city, to the balgoatelatpotono
to will speak heme on the regular Uni-th gme
J-! versity series of lectures on Monday l rs - n A" %-rA A X.r" -,+

nsixersity of ficials, howevcxer, that
zview of the acceptance ofthe plan by
hree professional schools to the pres-
at time and the fact that the faculty
f the College of Literature, science,
,nd the Arts is at present considering
ction, the consideration of the pro-
ct will not be dropped.
Adopt Resolution
The final resolution, as adopted by
hie engineering tfaculty, is as fol-
ows :
"Resolved: that it is the sense of
he opinion of the faculty of the co-
eges of Engineering and Architec-
uire that the curricula of these col-
eges are at present determined by
conditions not fully controlled by the
huniversity, and that the best inter-
sts of their students would be jeop-
ardized by requiring them to con-
orm to the requirements as outlined
n the report of the com'mittee on the
J'niversity College (of Feb. 14, 1928)
ad therefore these colleges request
,he Board of Regents that they be
Mlowed,the 'privilege of admitting
students directly from the high
schools and otherwise functioniig as
t present until such time as con-
litions (shall render possibile com-
lete coordination with the Universi-
:y College."
The principal arguments levied
gainst the plan by the engineering
;acuity men in their three days of
:lebate were that the idea of cen-
Cralizing the contr-ol of the first two
ears of the engineering cuiriclumn
in the hands of a non-engineering
ody, as the University college would
e, presented serious dangers to the
ffectiveness of that curriculum- The
objection was also levied that the
xecutive committee of the proposed
University coliege would have had
he privilege of vetoing measures
which might have been in the best
ntcerests of the school.
At one place in the discussion the
point was made that the students of
the Colleges of Engineering and
Architectumre do not desire the Uni-
versity college, as evidenced by the
student conmmunication published in
The Daily on S'unday miiornimg. It
was held, also, that the school spirit
of the students of' engiering as
contm'asted xxithx University spirit was
not a thing to he discouraged, and
that if a graduate engineer was
asked anywhere what his alma nmater
was he would answer "in ten cases
out of nine" that lie was a graduate
of the University of Michigan rather
than a graduate of any school or
college of thle University.
Feel Enititled To ontiuice
The members 'of the faculty, also.
apparently felt that the Colleges of
Engineering and Architecture havi
led somewhat of a single existence,
apart~ from the University as a whole,
and that that fact entitled them to
a. continuation under the present
vys+em, or at least to admit high
lmol and transferred students di-
r'-'tiy to their own colleges.
The University college project, as
rejected, was proposed by President
Little almost simultaneously with his
arrival here, and last fall a com-
mittee authorized by the Board of Re-
gents was appointed from the Uni-
versity Senate to consider the mat-
ter and to draw up plans for its
installation. This conmmittee, includ-
ing men from all schools and col-
leges onl the campus, prepared a re-
part -which it approved unanimously
on Feb. 14, and it was then decided
to submit the plan of the University
college to the various college facul-



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