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February 29, 1996 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1996-02-29

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Tonight: Partly cloudy, low
around 10'.
Tomorrow: Increasing
cloudiness, high 32°.

One hundredJfve years of editotiilfreedom

February 29, 1996

jili 1!111 ' '.

E ca e12 members ofrre


of special
By Matt Buckley
For the Daily
Most people would laugh if chal-
lenged to make a canoe out of con-
crete. But a group of University stu-
dents has tackled the challenge and
pes to rebuild a University tradi-
n at the same time.
The University's chapter of the
American Society of Civil Engineers
is making aboat for competition in the
1996 ASCE Concrete Canoe Compe-
According to Engineering junior
Chris DeGood, this event is not new to
the University. "The University used to
field teams like this 20 years ago, but
then interest dropped off. ... (The team)
t started again about four years ago,"
eGood said.
The University's entry was worked
on by members of the ASCE, with
help from other students who worked
in exchange for lab credit from pro-
fessors. DeGood, who serves as the
team's captain, said he was impressed
by the turnout.
The group is used to questions about
how a concrete boat could float. "We get
Oked that all the time," DeGood said.
The canoe's construction has taken
place in several phases. The plans for the
canoe, originally designed by a naval
architect with a computer-design pro-
gram, were used to make two-dimen-
sional diagrams ofsections of the canoe.
After students constructed the indi-
vidual sections, they linked the sections
together to create a frame. On Sunday,
the team tied steel hardware cloth to the
Same, making it ready to receive the
ncrete. Special concrete was poured
into this frame, where it has been dry-
ing since Sunday night.
The team has had to consider several
different problems in making the ca-
noe, Engineering senior Mike Pniewski
said. He said finding the best ways to
minimize the thickness of the concrete
and to use the welded wire fabric for the
mold were the biggest challenges.
* "We weren't always sure that the
methods we used would work,"
RA choices
selected for
next year
' Carrie Keller
Daily Staff Reporter
University Housing announced yes-
terday the selection of 312 students for
residence hall staff positions for the
1996-97 school year.
Students were hired for Resident
Adviser, Academic Peer Adviser, Mi-
nority Peer Adviser Assistant and Resi-
ence Computer System Consultant
Assistant Director of Residence Edu-
cation Julie Lavrack coordinated the
three-phase evaluation process for the
517 applicants. She said applicants for
the four different staff positions were
evaluated under similar criteria and
application processes.
"We looked forqualities such as abil-
ity to participate in a group, ability to
deal with ambiguity, interpersonal skills
id the potential for peer counseling,"
Lavrack said.

Lavrack said the only significant in-
crease in the number of staff positions
was in Mary Markley. An additional 16
staff positions were created as a result
of doubling the size of the 21st Century
Students applying for the residence
hall staff positions began the formal
application process in January by com-
*leting an application.
Maria Job, an RC senior hired as an
RA for East Quad, said she applied for
the position based on her experience as
an orientation leader.
"I saw what it was like to be a re-
source for a short time and dealing with
that made me wan tin do it for a lin

sach comiltte

By Jodi Cohen
and Jeff Eldridge
Daily Staff Reporters
The yearlong marathon to find the
next University president took another
move forward yesterday, when the
Board of Regents announced the 12
members of the Presidential Search
Advisory Committee.
The regents also defined the criteria
for choosing the next president.
The regents unanimously voted for
the group, which is comprised of seven
faculty members, one alum, two staff
members and two students.
Law School Dean Jeffrey Lehman
will serve as the committee's chair.
"I can't say I wanted to do it, but that
does not'mean that I am not honored
and excited by it," Lehman said in an
interview. "To be asked to be one of the
small group is a tremendous opportu-
Dean since 1 994, Lehman was re-
cently named one of the 40 rising
stars in American law. The regents
received his nomination with great
Provost J. Bernard Machen said he
personally asked Lehman to serve as
the chair, and that the position has been
finalized "for some time."
Regent Andrea Fischer Newman (R-
Ann Arbor), who graduated from the
University Law School a year behind
Lehman, said he is well-suited to lead
the committee.
"He is terrific," Newman said. "He is
energetic. He is excited. I think he will
do a great job."
LSA junior Jennifer Norris, who has
participated in several charity, research
and Greek organizations, said she thinks
she can effectively represent the
University's 25,000 undergraduates.
"1 think I have a really good grasp of
what is going on (at this) campus,"
Norris said. "I think I can give some
input and represent the students well."
Pharmacy graduate student Doneka
Scott fills the other student slot.
Norris said she wants to get student
input before settling on any specific

criteria for the next president. She did.,
however, say the next president should
support diversity and be committed to
undergraduate education along with
high-profile research plans.
When Lehman addressed the regents
during the public faculty forum in De-
cember, he said the next president must
get along with the University's many
groups, including students, faculty and
"I think it is really important that our
next president be someone who is happy
and eager and comfortable with a broad
range of constituencies," Lehman said.
The regents approved the
c o m m i t te e' s
based on the rec-
ommendations of
Machen, who has
been collecting
nominations and
nominees. He said
more than 300
people were
nominated for the
12 positions.
Lehman "We carefully
reviewed again the campus and com-
plexity ofthe University," Machen said.
"Every single one of these nominees is
my decision."
Machen said he interviewed about
20-30 people, including five students.
The recently appointed advisory com-
mittee will meet privately with search
consultant Malcolm MacKay during the
next few months, researching and inter-
viewing the presidential candidates. It
will then publicly release all candidate
names, along with at least five recom-
mendations. to the regents in Septem-
ber or October.
"Every name given to this board is
under consideration," Newman said.
Machen said a few people he con-
tacted turned down a committee posi-
tion because of time constraints,
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor)
said he wished there could be more
alumni representation.

Presidential Search
Committee Members
8 Jefferey Lehman, dean of the
Law School (committee chair)
* Huda Akil, psychiatry professor
* Paul Courant, economics
Nora Faires, professor of history
at the University's Flint campus
* James Jackson, psychology
* Fawwaz Ulaby, EECS professor
Martha Vicinus, chair of the
department of English language
and literature
* Allan Gilmour, retired vice
chairman of Ford Mdtor Company
Mary Anne Drew, administrative
associate in the College of
Architechture and Urban Planning
U Mathan Norman, manager
Building Services
* Jennifer Norris, LSA junior
Doneka Scott, graduate student
"I know the alumni are concerned
about this," Baker said. "I think there
should be at least one other person."
Baker, who was a regent during the
hiring process of President James
Duderstadt in 1987 and former Presi-
dent Harold Shapiro in 1980, said al-
ums played a valuable role in those
"They brought insights that were ex-
tremely helpful," Baker said. "(This) is
See SEARCH, Page 5A
inside: Faculty members and MSA
react to committee choices. Page 5A

make the frame

Members of the University's American Society of Civil Engineers
for their cement canoe.

Pniewski said. "Many of our ideas actu-
ally did work,"
The frame will be removed from the
concrete Saturday, leaving a shell in the
shape of the canoe..
After some sand- **
ing, the vessel will Every
be ready to sail.
Preparation of I
the concrete was a
major part of the least l e
project, DeGood
said. bo d
A special type of
.particle called
Maorolite was
added to the mix-
ture. Macrolite is a trademark for hol-
low ceramic spheres made by the'3-M
Corporation. Mixing the lightweight
spheres with cement results in a con-
crete less dense than water.

A block of the special concrete can
float in a bathtub or water tank. "It's
really neat since you can make waves
with your hand in the water and watch

ryear that
)ne . at
- Chris DeGood
Team captain

this block ofcon-
crete move in re-
s po n s e,
DeGood said.
The team will
compete in a re-
gional tourna-
ment March 11,
hosted by Michi-
gan Tech Uni-
versity. Teams
from universities
in the Great

Lakes states are scheduled to compete.
The canoe will be judged in two major
areas during the competition. A display

to 10.0
%W Ul ZLILLU "--- L L21'"' LILLILV Z Vt "L'L:',Llzl

newcomers Alanis Morissette and
Hootie & the Blowfish were re-
warded for major debut successes
with multiple Grammys last night,
as the recording academy moved
to embrace tle cutting edge in
Morissette's jealousy anthem
"You Oughta Know" won best rock
song and female rock vocal perfor-
mance. Her "Jagged Little Pill"
earned the rock album trophy.
With 1995's best-selling album
"Cracked Rear View," Hootie won
best new artist and pop group vocal
performance for "Let Her Cry."
"You Oughta Know," with
graphic sexual references, was per-
formed word-for-word by
Morissette on the Grammy stage
but CBS-TV bleeped out the most
flagrant four-letter word,
Seal won the top songwriting
award, song of the year, for his
sensuous "Kiss Froma Rose," popu-
larized in the film "Batman For-
ever." It also was the best male pop
vocal performance.

Deal will stiffen
sanctions on Cuba

Marlah Carey and Boyz 11 Men practice before last night's Grammy ceremony.
ROCK PERFORMANCE BY A DUO OR GROUP: "Run-Around," Blues Traveler,
ROCK SONG: "You Oughta Know," Glen Ballard, Alanis Morissette.
ALT. MUSIC PERFORMANCE: "MTV Unplugged In New York," Nirvana.
* RAP ALBUM: "Poverty's Paradise," Naughty by Nature.
* COUNTRY ALBUM: "The Woman in Me," Shania Twain.
NEW ARTIST: Hootie & The Blowfish.

The Washington Post
WASHI NGTON -President Clinton
and congressional negotiators struck a
deal yesterday on legislation to stiffen
sanctions against Cuba, assuringthebill's
swift enactment as a bipartisan act of
retaliation for Cuba's shoot-down oftwo
civilian aircraft offits coast last weekend.
The bill was overwhelmingly approved
by a House-Senate conference and put on
a fast track for passage after a compro-
mise was worked out on a critical provi-
sion aimed at punishing foreign firms that
profit from property expropriated by Cu-
ban President Fidel Castro's regime over
the past 36 years.
Final passage
could come next Farem
"Farewell Fidel, t y th
that's the message
of this bill," said
Senate Foreign Re-
lations Committee bill."
Chairman Jesse
bill's chief sponsor Senate F
in the Senate, echo-
ing comments of
many lawmakers
that the tightened sanctions would dry up
foreign investment in Cuba and drive
Castro from power.
Clinton, who earlier had opposed the
measure, "will sign the bill if passed and
will encourage members of Congress to
support it," White House spokesperson
Michael McCurry said shortly after the
agreement was announced. Another
White House official said "we knew we
were goners on this legislation" after the
nlanes were shot down but were "pleas-


accepted a provision it opposed earlier
that would give Cuban-Americans and
others the right to sue in U.S. courts for
compensation from third-country firms
that buy, improve or expand property
originally expropriated from the exiles by
the Cuban government.
To win Clinton's approval, Republi-
cans and their Democratic congressional
allies agreed to allow the president to
delay implementation ofthe provision for
unlimited six-month intervals if he deter-
mines the delay is "necessary to the na-
tional interest" and likely to "expedite a
transition to democracy in Cuba."
The lawsuit's provision was made ef-
fective Aug. 1,just
as the presidential
*li Fidel7 campaign moves
toward conclu-
3 sion, making itpo-
of hlitically difficult
for Clinton to de-
lay implementa-
- Jesse Helms Clinton agreed
reign Relations to two other provi-
ommittee chair sions from Repub-
lican leaders. One
would codify ex-
isting executive orders and regulations
imposing a trade embargo on Cuba, mean-
ing they could not be lifted or modified
without congressional approval. The other
would prohibit visas for individuals and
family members ofindividuals who "traf-
fic" in any way in expropriated property
after enactment of the legislation, which
could include improvements or expan-
sion of existing investments.
The legislation would also seek to
bar countries from buying Cuban sugar

Unofficial M-Party slate on web

By Laurie Mayk
Daily Staff Reporter
A slate of Michigan Party candidates
for the Michigan Student Assembly and
the LSA Student Government appeared
on the Internet yesterday. And then it
The page, filed by LSA Rep. Dan
Serota on a personal homepage, pro-
vided a list of Michigan Party members
and identified presidential and vice
presidential candidates. The list named
i CA p o in-n R - an PrmhirApehta

the candidacies.
"This is an unconfirmed thing," said
Mehta, an LSA junior. "All it has is a
temporary list of candidacies that we
can't confirm because we haven't an-
nounced yet."
MSA Vice President Sam Goodstein
said he was not aware of the page, but
that the contents are not surprising.
"That's everyone's speculation as to
what's going to happen so that's not a
surprise that he'd put that on," Goodstein
said .

a homework assignment for a class on
the World Wide Web, Honors 251, and
wasn't meant to be interpreted as the
Michigan Party slate announcement.
"It's not an official document and
there's no link (to an official Michigan
Party web site)," Serota said.
Serota said he removed the page when
he learned that students were making
technological and political connections
to the document.
. "I didn't want people rifling through
my homework and making assump-




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