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February 29, 1976 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1976-02-29

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See Inside


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See Today for details

Latest Deadline in the State

Vol. LXXXVI, No. 129

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, February 29, 1976 10 Cents Eight Pages


Astro note

Remember Comet Kohoutek, the astronomical
event of the century? Remember how it was
going to light up the sky like an arc lamp?
Rem'ember how it was a dismal flop? Well, if
you'd like another stab at glimpsing a brilliant,
naked-eye comet, don't pass up Comet West to-
day through March 7. Residential College astron-
omy lecturer James Louden says there's a very
good chance West will turn out very much more
visible than Kohoutek, based on the best astro-
nomical predictions. Viewing time is important:
"Be all set by 6:15 a.m. (today) and Monday,
and by 6 a.m. sharp later in the week," he
says. Other viewing instructions: look to the east
(where else for a comet named West?), about
five degrees above the horizon early this week
and somewhat higher later on. Pick a location
away from bright lights and trees or buildings
obscuring the horizon. "Look for a bright, fuzzy
motionless 'star' with a tail sticking almost
straight up like a short searchlight beam," Lou-
den adds. And hope for a clear day.
Happenings ...
... are plentiful both today and tomorrow. To-
day's events begin with tapes of the Nathanial
Branden Objectivist philosophy, played at 3 p.m.
in the League's Rm. B on the third floor..
Worker control in America is the subject of a
meeting of the People for Self-management at
3:30 in the Union's Rm. 3209 ... three 14th cen-
tury mystery plays are presented by U' stu-
dents at Campus Chapel, 1236 Washtenaw, at 6
p.m. ... Happenings continue Monday at noon
with a lecture in the International Center from
Ginetta Sagan on political prisoners ... auditions
for "Dames at Sea" begin at 5 p.m. at Campus
Inn ... the Michigan Association of Gerentology
Students offers a lecture from Clarence Tibbetts
about the National Clearinghouse for Aging at
7 p.m. in Rackham's E. Conference Rm. ... Ann
Arbor Science for the People meets to discuss
the forthcoming recombinant DNA symposium
in Nat Sci Rm. 3056 ... The Coalition to Stop CIA
NSA recruitment demonstrates at City Hall at
7:30 p.m. ... an organizational meeting for any-
one interested in spending spring break in New
Hampshire starts at 8 p.m., 1439 Mason Hall ...
and a slide presentation by Glass Artist Marvin
Lipofsky starts at 8 p.m. in the Art and Archi-
tecture School Auditorium.
How to get your M.S.
Catherine King, a 25-year-old student at Lamar
University in Beaumont, Texas, handed in her
master's thesis on celestial navigation three months
ago, but it wasn't until Friday that the panel re-
viewing the paper agreed to accept it. The reason
for the delay was a lengthy engineering depart-
ment controversy over an illustration King in-
cluded in her 83-page document - and wheth-
er it should be withdrawn. The picture in ques-
tion showed King dressed in a red, white and
blue bikini, holding a sextant which she used
in making celestrial calculations. She maintained
the photo was necessary to show correct use of
the instrument, but the panel said it had to be
removed. King charged the panel with sex dis-
crimination but dropped a complaint she made
with the Departient of Health, Education and
Welfare. "I'm just happy to receive my degree,
the victorious King says now. "I'm just going
to sit down and look at it for awhile."
Button, button
The glutted presidential nomination field may
dishearten some perplexed voters, but Earl Gor-
man couldn't be happier - he's the vice presi-
dent of a factory that's raking in bucks from
a booming campaign button business. "The more
candidates, the merrier," says Gorman, and he's
already filled two 500,000-button orders from Re-
publican hopeful Ronald Reagan. "No other can-
didate has come close to that so far," he says.
The biggest Democratic purchase has come from
front-runner Jimmy Carter, who bought 100,000
buttons. And better times are still to come: "Our
business will really start to roll after the national
conventions," says Gorman. "That's when we'll
start getting orders for buttons bearing a picture
of the candidate."

On the inside * ..
Our Sunday Magazine features an article
on cryonics - the process of bringing people
back to life after they've been frozen - by Daily
Arts Editor Jeff Sorensen ... and Sports offers
all the details of the Michigan-Iowa basketball
game in a story by Rich Lerner.
fln tho iv ntedo

Maestro makes

magic music

Violin virtuoso and conductor
Yehudi Menuhin enchanted the
audience at Hill Auditoriumg last
night in a special benefit per-


Nixon gets
lecture on
Maois m
TSUNG HUA, China (UPI) - For-
mer President Richard Nixon, veter-
an of the finger-punching kitchen de-
bate with the late Soviet premier Ni-
kita Khrushchev, got a lecture on
communism from a Chinese farmer
yesterday on the last day of his visit
to China.
Nixon, who has been attended by
a Chinese doctor and followed by an
ambulance on part of his tour of
southern China because of fatigue
and recurring pain in his leg, visit-
ed the home of Yeh Yi-hung and sat
around a brown wooden table, with
two pictures of party Chairman Mao
Tse-tung looking down from the walls.
About half a dozen party propaganda
posters calling for increased produc-
tion and loyalty to the party were
the only other decorations.
YEH SERVED Nixon tea and
launched into a lecture on the joys
of communism like a political com-
missar. He told the former President
how bad things had been before the
Communist victory in 1949 and how
good everything was now. He said
his wife, three sons and grandchild
had all they needed.
"We have no worries about any-
thing," Yeh said.
But there was none of the fiery
argument Nixon gave Khrushchev in
1959 when he jabbed a finger in the
late Soviet leader's chest in the model
kitchen of an American exhibit and
attacked communism.




Denounces Castro as
'international outlaw

AP Photo

Fun with filters

By AP and UP
MIAMI - President Ford yes-
terday denounced Cuban Prime
linister Fidel Castro as "an in-
ternational outlaw" and warned
that the United States would
take "appropriate measures"
against any armed intervention
by Cuba in the Western Hemi-
In his toughest language to
date, as he launched a two-day
campaign swing through Florida,
Ford said Castro had committed
"a flagrant act of aggression" by
intervening in the Angolan civil
war with a 12,000-man expedi-
tionary force.
nothing to do with the Cuba of Fidel
Castro," Ford said. "It is a regime
of aguression."
Ford's remarks were prepared for
delivery to a naturalization ceremony
at Dade County Auditorium where
1,1-8 immigrants, most of them Cuban
refugees, were being sworn in as
American citizens.
Ford noted in his speech that there
are 35,000 Cuban refugees in the
Miami area who are technically elig-
ible for permanent resident-alien
status and drew more applause by
promising to cut the red tape in their
quest for citizenship or permanent
residence. The newly naturalized cit-


AN ALUMINUM Co. of America worker attaches filters to nozzles to trap
aluminum dust - ridding the air of potential pollutants.
Centrex knows all

izens can vote in the general election
but it is too late for them to register
for the primary, in which Ford faces
another showdown with Ronald Rea-
Ford announced he was directing the
attorney general "to place a high
priority" on reducing the backlog
of Cuban applicants for citizenship
and is asking that 10 Immigration and
Naturalization Service examiners be
transferred to Miami within the next
two weeks "to deal with the priority
Ford also directed the attorney gen-
eral to take all possible administrative
actions and, if necessary, to seek ad-
ditional legislation to assure that Cu-
ban ref igees can be awarded perman-
ent resident status without being de-
layed by the immigation quota sys-

Buried deep in the heart of this
campus is a secret room, known to
only a segment of the University
population; there the University busi-
ness continues unceasingly, 24 hours-
This mysterious place is none other
than the University Centrex system
-more commonly known as 764-1817.
The last four digits correspond to the

Native Americans wage
recognition fight at U'

year the University was founded.
"THIS IS really the center of the
University," says Janice Bataluco,
supervisor of the workers at this
vital and often unappreciated service.
"It's here that the first impressions
of the University occur," she adds.
The University system is very dif-
ferent from the typical image of a
switchboard. It is located in a quiet,
carpeted room, containing about 12
modern terminals.
ALL INFORMATION needed for the
system is kept on microfilm, and is
frequently updated.
The location of Centrex is kept
secret for "security reasons," ac-
cording to Bataluco, although "we
haven't had any trouble and don't
anticipate any."
She adds, "It's not a complete
secret, obviously it's not impossible
to find out where it is."
THE SYSTEM was a regular switch-
board operation until 1964, says Ba-
taluco-when the Hospital, dormitory
and Engineering Dept. switchboards
were combined into Centrex.
"Our girls provide more service
than most people realize," she says.
"Besides having to be polite when
people swear and shout at them into
the phone, they often end up going
abo-e and beyond the 'call of duty'."

"What, we're talking about here is
educational genocide."
Steve Crow leaned forVard in his
chair, his eyes intent, his hands mov-
ing expressively. He is an admissions
counselor, one of the six N a t i v e
Americans who work at the Univer-
"IT IS JUST plain sick," he said.
"They're playing a numbers game;
if you've got enough people to kick
up a fuss, to make some noise, then
you can get action."

tors, and unbiased courses in Native
American ways; and
-greater participation by Native
Americans in decisions on the Coali-
tion for the Use of Learning Skills
(CULS) program.
"ABOUT 98 per cent of Indian stu-
dents wash out of here," said Jim
Concannon, a student service assist-
ant in the Equal Opportunity Office.
"Maubl three or four make it in any
given year. What's the reason? Is it
lack of money?" He shook his head.
"No. It isn't," Concannon said, an-
swering hims-lf. "Indians pay their



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