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February 27, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 104) • Page Image 1

…THE DAILY f EVERY MORNING The Michigan Daily SUBSCRIBE NOW I Vol. XXV. No. 104. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1915. PRICE FIVE ARSITY READY F R NOTRE DAME SQUAD TODAY Michigan-Notre Dame track meet in Waterman gymnasium, 7:30 o'clock. BAND BOUNCE WIN CAMPUS'_APPROVAL Crowd of 5,000 Fills Hill Auditorium for Program of Song, Dance and Story WARRIOR OF PEACE STATESHIS VIEWS Dr. Geo. 3Y. Nasmyth Urges Discussion of Ter...…

February 27, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 104) • Page Image 2

…TriE MICHIGAN DAILY hIGH CLASS TAILORNG is the keynote of our success. For 27 years we have been masters in the Art of Tailoring. Our finished gar- nent looks right, wears right, and stays right 'till the fabric is worn out. These qualities are in addition to the distinction, individuality, and exclus- iveness that makes our tailoring stand out from the commonplace. Leave your order today for that new S PR IU S IT G.t. 1WLl) COMPANY Leading f...…

February 27, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 104) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHJGAN JAILY ft ,. ! . . I Down! Down! GET IT AT CALKINS' PHARMACY GO THE PRICES Removal Sale Now On Mens' Suits and Overcoats Divided in Two lots Do you know we served a ton of Malted Milk at our Soda Fountains last year? We mxxake 'emr Kijfht Ozxr New Ice Crea8.m We make it ourselves, and it is REAL Cream. No Gelatin. No Ice Cream Powder. Advance Sty|s for pring We are showing a complete line of Society Brand clothes for Sprin...…

February 27, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 104) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY T Y 0I UR Suits are rich in appearance, Ute pr fect in fit, handsomely hand- taI)red to your measure. You'll ow xn the most perfect clothes ever made if you wear a Malcolm made suit. We are showling the smartest fabrics in a varied assortment of colors and f1' patterns for the Spring Season. "' Your early inspection is invited.. Balmacaans to your measure or ready to wear. Pictures, like people, have Individuality. Good ...…

March 27, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 128) • Page Image 1

…e I i higan Daily N 0IV CAL . ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1915. PRICE FIVE 1 1 IINl I ECuHES / VEREIN PLAY WINS CR0 A'S APPROVAL CHIEF OPERA ROLE Ihs Been i Trying Out as Leading Mani Chess ion, TODAY and checker club meis at in- 7:30 o'clock. Wahlr, Ta kig Difficult Role on X0otice, Carries Out Part Successfully Short .ots HIREE ESDAY Various rs of the various ntal faculties of lay a prominent f the fiftieth ...…

March 27, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 128) • Page Image 2

…TiE MICHIGAN DAILY I aST"ER will soon be here and you should leave your order today and join the army of Wild's satisfied customers. Your garment may be selected from the largest and best. assortment of wooltns in the city and an order placed with us will be cut, made and fitted in our own shops by skilled workmen. Student tailors for twenty seven years. T HE MICHIGAN DAILY Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every mo...…

March 27, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 128) • Page Image 3

…THED MICiGAN LAID' s .r - f Overcoat Furnishings In all the latest and up-to-date styles. [ ., ' /. , y; w a - J . - { a GET IT AT CALKINS' PHARMACY 324 S. STATE STREET I WE CARRY HIGH GRADE BOX CANDY WHITMAN'S SAMPLER "The National Candy" THE GREAT 2fl% BIG S A LE OFF On all Suits and Furniishings. Only lasts till March 27th. Now is the time to get fixed up for Easter at have a line of SHIRTS NECKWEAR that com- es all of the no...…

March 27, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 128) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY dl SPRING It's in the air. It's everywhere. I'l trade you One of the new Model Kodaks for your old one and a reasonable boot" Bow ON THE SIDE IS THE LATEST N OW R EAD1Y Keep your eye on our window. We show the latest styles all the time. 4 The real "Spruce Up" weather, when men cast aside their winter togs and bedeck themselves with brand new Spring clothes. This store is the birthplace of good clothes, where "Malco...…

April 27, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 146) • Page Image 1

…MORNING $1.00 LOCAL Ie Michigan Daily SUB3SCRIBE N 0 w $1.00 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, APRIL 27, 1915. PRICE FIVE C IIRLERS TO HURL r !: Q N i ! I 4 FARRELL PREPARES FOR VARSITY MEET Probably 00 ill RSON WILL IN OUTFIELD tball Team, and lete for 'lace TODAY Senior lits meet in Tappan hall, 4:00 o'clock. Dean John R. Effinger will lecture .on the Cercle Francais play to be given Thursday, in Tappan hall, 5:00 o'clock. Webster...…

April 27, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 146) • Page Image 2

…TkE MICHIGAN DAILY . ,,... . ,a i 1 II4I, u ,1' LOOMING AT CLOTHES One b-comles convinced tha;t it is a difficult problem1etov ecide. Bu natot so if you come to us. No matter what style Suit you wish, we can build it for you. Furthermore, we guarantee it to be pure, fully shrunken woolen cloth, to wear. ' ell and fit properly, designed and tailored in our own shops. Our repu- tation is your protection. 0s i j We are agents for the only r...…

April 27, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 146) • Page Image 3

…THE 'MICHIGAN 1 AILY Spring Suits, Overcoats lats and Furnishings In all the latest and up-to-date styles. a, We have a line of SHIRTS and NECKWEAR that com- prises all of the nobby ideas Our prices are reasonable for seasonable goods. 4 ; , - -. Make your Kodak Autographis Come in and get one of the new backs that will make your kodak up-to-date. There is no extra charge for autographic films. CALKIN'S PHARMACY 524 S. State Street l W...…

April 27, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 146) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY a 1. .1 . e I Experience ved, we hope, that you can put i us, believe in us, have confi- 100 per dent. SATISFACTION E-. u to feel that way; to put the construction on it; to test our ar, and our guarantee by any-' ease. ireds of University men wearing Mal- thes with entire satisfaction. Why 1915 Kodak Catalogs, showing the new models, received this morning Oife to you for the asking NEW MODELS NOW ON SALE LYNO1N Mak...…

May 27, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 172) • Page Image 1

…THE DJ IALLY~ R BAAVN CE OF THE YEAR AILE)75ic LOCAL1 The Michigan DailytILED NO0w 75C I, Al. XXV, No. 172. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1915. PRICE FIVE GIVES TRACK SQUAD ROU SINGSEND-OAFF Crowd of ,00 Students Led by Band Gathers at Depot to Cheer Farrell's Varsity Athletes TAKES LIGHT DRILL AT FERRY FIELD BEFORE STARTING EAST Party Scheduled to Reach Philadelphia ' Today, but Holds No Practices Michigan's track team, ...…

May 27, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 172) • Page Image 2

… garments do not bear out our .ion that wedare originators and savers. We purchase cloth in uantities and have the work done our owen personal supervision. ters follow your measurements to on of an inch and with a fitting ult is a perfect suit for you! C(?,A 79.( -- THE MICHIGAN D AIILVI IOfficial newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Monday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbo...…

May 27, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 172) • Page Image 3

…MICHJGAN ja ILY I y I HATS t line in the City $6.00 GENIUNE BEACH SUITS 11 the latest Patterns $8.50 and $10.00 Make yoi Autog Cotie in and get one of make your kodak up-to-i charge for aut CALKI'S I 524 8. St ~itmrnuhic ftioi i WE HAVE A LIKE OF =t ar Kodak raphic the new backs that will date. There is no extra ographic films. PHARMACY t.te street Sport Coats, White Serge Pants Straw Hats, Palm Bcach Suits Visit the Daylight Sto ...…

May 27, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 172) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY_ Y. ( )F ONE TWO, PIECE ively the weight,1 r9 ti Alu u Another BigClean Up of Filly Slightly Worn Koas Prices start at from 3o%/ to 0%~ off regular prices, and re- duce at the rate of ten cents per day until sold. Every one plainly marked.' This is' the biggest snap you ever saw. i aw Hat SOO.on I i IS HERE LYNDO N .t LI . Po'si' toolest suit pussi~bu ltowear ;, , ri _ Q, m.. Warsrsm rs ready t ...…

July 27, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…PRICE 50 THE ONLY OFFICIAL P FOR THE REMAINDER SUMMER NEWSPAPER OF THE SUMMER Vol. VI. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1915. No. 15 i DRVY TAKES HIS MAUCV IN 100UONEY Necessary to Draw "Byes" in Singles and Doubles Because of Uneven Breaking TOURNEY TO BE OVER BY AUG. 6 By defeating J. C. Montgomery in a 6-2, 4-6, 6-0 match last Friday, C. Drury advanced in the tennis tourna- ment, and will probably play Chris. Mack in the third ro...…

July 27, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 15) • Page Image 2

…THE WOLVERINE Orpheum Theatre The House of Famous Plays by Famous Players. J"ly 27, T'esay- Bianche weet in "Stoles God' July 28, Wednesday - Marguerite Clark in "Gretua Green" (rebooke) Jely 29-,;0, Thurs.-Fri.-Ina Claire in "The Wild Goose Chase" (comedy), Paramount Travls. i T H E W O LVE R IN E hurry to a train in a taxi, and our head is banged against the top of the car as we jump from bump to bump. The official student newspaper for A...…

July 27, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 15) • Page Image 3

…THE WOLVERINE [ We charge you Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and FinishingPRNSO nothing for devel- in Ann Arbor is at ifNT O Ioping roll films if VN fll J' O19NTj veueVELOX I you can find a a £i E. 111 ,L 719vNorthiLUnivrity Avenue(the est paper made) I single defect (Two doors from Hill Auditorium) iI Established 1905, and growing bigger every day I1 - i'' TITTII EON tPPIN11iSN T EN'' GEEN ttiT PlAYERS SORtED SiNDIS LAC...…

July 27, 1915 (vol. 6, iss. 15) • Page Image 4

… THE WOLVERINE V. I'.IS110)P WILt. SI'('('ED IEDIt'.S A' 1LITS and around by the aid of three errors Y q o uka1; Bnk p(1 L.IRAItA N titilNEXT EAR ANt) LEAD) LEABi Ater the firt, however, te Lit. ,ITherarlers The m~Exquisite Corset Shop --played air-tight ball. capitlI41;',000. sn I ft 0 NekeaHosiery, Unre al Wit W. W. Bishop has been apponted (Cantiseed frosm pae if Benton pitched the irst inning, and For vaton toeds, or Travler, PHONE 162 li...…

October 27, 1915 (vol. 27, iss. 20) • Page Image 1


October 27, 1915 (vol. 27, iss. 20) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. - - i -- 1 ] ALL OVER ou try on the finished suit or t we have made to your meas- here will be no places where ment is too tight or too loose. t, you will have absolutely per- ting apparel, right in cut, right , right in every way. G. 11. WILD COMPANY g Merchant Tailors. State St. a . ' .. " l r ; s ' r b I 'i i ' ' ' 'j, i j' 14 . r i y 1 ,; ' : NEW AND SECOND-HAND A; Departments Drawing Instruments [. P. Note Boo...…

October 27, 1915 (vol. 27, iss. 20) • Page Image 3

…'T142 IMICHIGAN bAti 4~hW l V Ti I L d I FT qt r f1 1 I _ . . : , p +' 't orOGFrvr I l a I IRSI TALI TWICEYE1STERDAY or Recovers Fumble and Sprint. to Within 1) Yards of Gal Before Being Tackled FRESHMEN VORl HARD G FOR EIDELBURG GAME' FORHARSITYTEAM I'll Pre',ent Changed Line-up When it Plays Against Buck- eyc Squad Decide on White Numerals, Six in Height; Will Be Sewed Back of Jerseys Inches on After a week of inacti...…

October 27, 1915 (vol. 27, iss. 20) • Page Image 4

… i THE MICHIGAN DAILY. }d I FEATURES - FACTS - FRIVOLITY F EXTENSION SERVICEJ ORGANIZED FOR THE BENEFIT OF PUBLIC Department Was Organized to Meet a Growing Demand Upon the Part o People of the State A INISTEREI) BY HEADS OF UNIVERSITY FACULTES OFFERS MICHIGAN CITIZENS ALL OF THE RESOURCES OF E THE UNIVERSITY Including in its scope 10 divisions or sub-departments, the university ex- tension service is administered undery as many differen...…

October 27, 1915 (vol. 27, iss. 20) • Page Image 5

…THEMICHIGAN DAILY. I I .M , e 1 way ~The °itin-iJlocn Co., 1916. S.f CLOTHES FOI U. of M.MEN You will find Clothe here in The Big Stor that you know are rigF -Adler's for example. You will like to loo over.the new weaves shades, and styles th fashion making firm ha put out. The acknowledged lead- ers in men's fashions for more than sixty years, have correctly interpreted the style needs of the real American, as shown in . . Qth r L...…

October 27, 1915 (vol. 27, iss. 20) • Page Image 6

…SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY. SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY. tl ''' E a ll Walk-Over Fo ot- Wear FOR'. MEN . AND. WOMEN Same ,goad old raitiy sold in your Home Town. Larger selection designed{ e-3pecially for College wear. Guaranteed results are what I r f _ _ _ . . 0i you want in - Film eveaopen If you find a single defect, we charge you nothing rLS + 0 .C0 1, O' s t~ R Cart represents Style No. 733 i LYNDON , English Calf-skin Bal B...…

November 27, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…0 *arw rwnw. I, THE DAILY $2.00 NEW OF THE WORLD AND THE CAMPUS The M1'ich igan Daly Phones :-Editorial 2414 Business 960 TELEGRAPH SERVICE BY TH NEW YORK SUN A VOL. XXVI. No. 47. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER, 27, 1915. PRICE FIVE CENT ______________ .i _________________________________--------------______ MEXICANS SHOOT 2 UNIT E STATES SOLDIERSINGFIGHT EIGHT FALL WOUNDED AND TWO DEAD AFTER EXCHANGE OF SHOTS. M BELIEV...…

November 27, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 47) • Page Image 2

…THED MICHIGAN DAILYI I l NOTHING TO CRITICISE in the suit we make for you. Neither in the material, the style or the tail- oring will be found the least excuse for fault finding. We solicit an order for one of our new model suits, know- ing as we do that it will give such all 'round satisfaction that we will be your regular tailors thereafter. . H. WILD COMPANY Leading Merchant Tailors State St. I- / 1 I .r r. a LOOK LOOK Complete Gym...…

November 27, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 47) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILI PAGETHRE *'S-fl 1V i-I h. L r TT t r i 111 3 ot I 4 ___________________________J INTERCIASS FOOTBALL SEASON OF 1915 ENDS Senior U tU t iid Second po sition by V'irtue of Senior LAY Forfeit. SOPH LITS PULL COME-BACK, BEATING SENIORO ENGINEERS Touclidowi and Safety Wins thea for the Second Year men. Game) Uncover Wrestler in Greek Athlete When Mr. O. S. Westerman, in- structor of boxing and wrestling at the W...…

November 27, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 47) • Page Image 4

…THEI MICHIGAN DAILY. FE USic BUSINESS FEATURES The Advertisers' Club I ENGLISH COLLEGES HAR HT BY STRIFE ATHLETES DYING IN TRENCHES WHILE PHYSICALLY UNFIT RE- MAIN BEhIND. GOVERNMENT PLACES FOR DONS In normal times a certain propor- tion of officers of the regular English army have come from the universi- ties of Oxford and Cambridge, but since the beginning of the war no .other British institutions have been so vitally affected. The ...…

November 27, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 47) • Page Image 5

…-rHl MICHIGAN DAILt. _ ; r COME ON _ s r' , a r ,,; L, When you're out looking for your Winter (hercoat, just piay this store a visit. We don't ask you to favor us, but we do insist that you'll regret slighting us. There isn't a finer, smarter or complete slQwing of Overcoats than Burs in Town and we'll show you prices that you can't beat any- where. It's time to get a good Scrap Book, so well made that it will last all your life.* We...…

November 27, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 47) • Page Image 6

…PAGE S~ ~uIX TiE MICHIGAN DAIL . I h, I 11 1 i r STRIPES I Just Arrived!l MAJESTIC TODAY AT - 3 TONIGHT 1:30 and 9 Have the Call A io POUND BOY would be proud to become the owner of one of our new "Michigan" Scrap Books made especially to preserve the little souvenirs 'of your Days at Michigan. This FI' U We are showing eight Stunning Suitings of the very latest and most Artistocratic weaves for Men's Stylish Tailored Clothes ...…

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