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October 27, 1915 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-10-27

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Department Was Organized to Meet a
Growing Demand Upon the Part
o People of the State
Including in its scope 10 divisions
or sub-departments, the university ex-
tension service is administered undery
as many different heads. The divisions
are in charge of heads and sub-heads
of various departments of the univer-
sity and include a unique and compre-
hensive program of university exten-
The department of extension was or -
ganized to meet a growing demand on
the part of the state for such forms
of public service as may be legiti-
mately rendered by the state univer-
sity. The words of the university bul-
letin describe the extension service.
"It is generally recognized today
that the functions of a university in-
clude at least three definite lines of
endeavors its first duty is to teach
thoroughly and well the students upon
its campus; second to foster, as far
as may be, the spirit of research on
the part of the members of its various
faculties; third, to render to the state
at large such public service as may
lie within its power."
There is nothing new in the idea of
university extensicn. For more t an
a hundred years certain types of ex-
tension work have been in practice in
this cowltry and abroad. It is only
ithn very recent times, however,
thaat. university extension has begun to
tale donite form and character for
state andd ot1er universities as far as
the content and administration of the
work are concerned.
In some universities the extension
work 4s carried on by a special fac-
ulty which is necessarily distinct from
the regular teaching faculty. While
the plan permits of highly specialized
extension work, it is very expensive
and in general fails to foster a spirit
of co-operation between the faculty of
the school and the extension faculty.
Ather and better plan is the one
Which has been adopted by this uni-
vergity and which has now reached a'
good degree of efficiency. This plan
uses for the extension service the
members of the regular faculties. 'the1
work, is divided under 10 separate1
heads, each of which is under the<
jurisdiction of one of the special de-
partments in the various schools and,
Extension service is divided into the
following extension departments:I
University extension courses, libraryt
extension service, department of edu-1
cation and public service, museum ex-t
tension service, municipal references
bureau, architecture and civic im-L
provement, landscape design and civic
improvement, forestry extension serv-.
ice, engineering extension service, anid
_ public health service.

* * * * * * * * x : *



BEIN(M TlE IISTOJsY Smoke coming stronger. Three mena
OF A RE AL MOIDEL RUN with raincoats hunt stairway. Stair-
---- way and windows to basement located,
Fire breaks ort two blocks away. but not used.
Neighbor phones for red wagons. For- Wanted-A man with liking for
gets to tell wher -e fire is. Central dis- smoke. Still wanting. Let the hose
covers who tu red in alarm. Bells y do it. It does.

ring, whistle.; blow, wagons
They arrive. They dismount.
extinguishers are placed near
One egon. drives on. Smoke 1
* 4 WOW!
* TH
The Detroit Times quote
* news item which says, "Fa
* ~rs' boys are filling the
Ieges," and adds its ownh i
* comment, by way of ani
* mination, "In other wc
. father is making hay while
e son shines."
* * , * , , 't ' , t J

has not
es a
illu- x
ords, *
the *
, *

William English Walling. Henry
Olt & Co.

Roll call and examination. All
helpers unharmed. No hands or coats
soiled. All extinguishers still loaded
for use. The fire died of old age.
1istory of Columbia Football.
New York, Oct. 26.--The history of
football at Columbia has been varied
and interesting. Ever since the Var-
sity won a w6-3 verdict over Rutgers
in 1870, the pigskin sport has had
many hard knocks. Of course, in
those days it was a very crude game.
Sometimes there were ten men on the
team, sometimes twenty; there were
no padded uniforms, and of course no
headgears. At one time in the his-
tory lack of a gridiron made Colum-
bia temporarily abolish the game. An-
other time the game was hard hit by
the faculty because they claimedthat
it interfered with school work. Co-
lumbia entered into the then new In-
tercollegiate league in 1876 with Yale,
Harvard and Princeton. The associa-
tion did not, in the eyes of Columbia
authorities, accomplish its aim, and
in 1880 Columbia dropped out. One
year later the university rejoined
again, only to be forced to again drop
out because of the lack of training
facilities. Four of its '00 men, mem-
bers of what is considered the best
aggregation ever produced by Colum-
bia, made the All-American.
Automobilists coming out from De-
troit to the football games will find
that in the future the hand of the
law will be hovering above them.
Sheriff Oakman has ordered three mo-
torcycle policemen to patrol the roads
and arrest all speeders. He has beenI
compelled to take this drastic meas-
ure, he says, because the reports of
no less than 19 automobile accidents
which happened last Saturday after-
noon have reached him.

Over Half of the Anglo-French Loank
Now Withdra'wn For Investment
Balance Being Absorbed
New York, Oct. 26.----In connection
Iwith the Anglo-French loan, J. P.
Morgan & Co. have given out the fol-
lowing information.
Over half of the $500,000,000 has
been withdrawn for investment. About
$220,000,000 is left for public absorp-
tion. Up to last Friday approximately
$330,000,000 had been paid' in on the
loan, including first installments on
some of the larger blocks being held
for later sale.
Holdings of Wheat Large
Chicago, Oct. 26.-Farmers' hold-
ings of wheat in the west and south-
west are undoubtedly the largest ever
known at this season., In Kansas
they hold from 60 to 80 per cent of
their crop, of which 40 to 60 per cent
remains unt'hreshed, and in Nebraska
holdings are approximately 80 per
cent. In the Northwest and Canada,
howev;er, selling has been quite gen-
eral and threshings are being com-
pleted quickly.
Banks Make Mexican Loan
New Orleans, Oct. 26.-Members of
a syndicate of local banks explained
today that they had lent $10,000,000
to sisal hemp interests in Mexico and
not to the Mexican government, as was
Borrowers Get Money Wanted
Memphis, Oct. 26.--In this section
it is interesting to note that the large
borrowers are finding no trouble, in
getting all the money they want at
& and 4 per cent, whereas ordinarily
they had to pay from 1 to 2 per cent
higher. The effect of this cheap
money is having important conse-
Officers Elected by Mt. Clemens Club
Students of the Mt. Clemens club
met last week and elected the follow-
tng officers for the coming year: A.
W. Heine, '15-'17M, president; John
Whitney, '17E, vice-president; R. W.
I flrich, '15-'17M, treasurer; Sterling
Sanford, '17E, secretary. Plans were
discussed for the annual dance to be
fiven in Mt. Clemens during the
Christmas holidays.


* "The farmers were Okicking
* Saturday," declares a Detroit *
* newspaper. Sure thing they *
* were, tut after that Monday *
* night mass meeting we are *
* ready to warn the world that *
* he who kicks last will kick *
* best. Watch out for Michigan. *
Five Different Monographs Include
Work of Graduates as Well as
Professors of University
Five monographs in the Humanistic
Series of University of Michigan
Studies, and one monograph in the
Scientific Series, are in course of pub-
The Humanistic monographs include
the Greek manuscrip~t of the Psalms
in the Freer collection, edited by Prof.
Henry A. Sanders; the Coptic Psalter
in the Freer collection, edited by Prof.
William fl. Worrell, '03, now a pro-
fessor of the Hartford Seminary
Foundation; Robert of Chester's Latin
Translation of the Algebra of Al-
Khowarizmi, by Prof. Louis C. Kar-
pinski; Nicholas Steno's Latin Treat-
ise on a Solid Body ,Enclosed by Na-
tural Process Within a Solid, trans-
lated by Prof. J. G. Winter, with an
introduction and notes, and with a
foreword by Prof. W. H. Hobbs, and "A
Gold Treasure of the Late Roman
Period from Egypt," by Prof. Walter
Dennison, '93, now at the head of the
department of classics in Swarthmore
The scientific monograph is en-
titled, "Studies on Divergent Series
and Summability," by Prof. Walter B.
The proofs of the monograph on the
fPsalms were nearly completed when
Professor Sanders went to Italy, but
the publication will not be long de-
layed by his absence. This and the
other humanistic publications will be
illustrated by full-page plates of
manuscripts and drawings. The mon-
ograph by Professor Dennison will

IDepartment of Comnmerce Issues Final
Statement for September, With
F1iine Showing for Our Trade
Washington, Oct. 26.-New high
records in United States export trade
for September are shown in a state-
ment made public yesterday by the
Department of Commerce. Exports
last month were $297,766,750, exceed-
ing by $79,525,749 the total for Sep-
tember, 1913, and by $141,714,417 that
of September, 1914.
September imports this year were
$151,422,831, a decrease of $19,662,012
as compared with September of last
year. The balance of trade in favor
of the United States last month was
$146,343,319, against $13,341,722 in
September, 1914.
During the first nine months of this
year our exports aggregated $2,529,-
575,059, against $1,476,401,989 for the
corresponding period last year. The
imports for the same nine months
were $1,302,281,591, against $1,401,071,-
874 in 1914. Tlese figures show a
balancein tradeamounting to $1,-
227,293,504, in favor of the United
States for the first nine months of this
year, a gain of approximately $1,170,-
000,000 over the same period in 1914.
To Arouse Interest in Drama
Lafayette, Ind., Oct. 26.-In order to
stimulate an interekt in the modern
drama, three of the best modern plays
will be presented by students of Pur-
due. Last year this experiment was
made for the first time, and it proved
such a success that members of the
rhetoric faculty have decided to con-
tinue the work.
Four plays were presented last year.
They were as follows: "Frankness,"
"The Workhouse Ward," "The Fiftl
Colmandment," and "The Gentle
Jury." Mainly to avoid expense, a very
simple stage setting will be employed.
have also 76 illustrations in the text.
In August volume 5 of the Human-
istic Series left the press. This is
entitled, "Sources of the Synoptic
Gospels." The author is the Rev. Dr.
Carl S. Patton, who was formerly
pastor of the Congregational church
in Ann Arbor. The reviews of this
book which have thus far appeared
are exceedingly favorable.


In a year when Socialism is being
'discussed more than ever before, this
book will e welcomed as placing be-
fore the public a thoughtful and ac-
curate account, of the Socialist posi-
tion regarding the present European
war. The bocek consists of extracts
from speeches and documents made
by European and American Socialists,
-with especial emphasis on those pa-
pers dealing -i'ith the attitude finally
taken by the S ocialists of the warring
nations. It c"mtains a fund of val-
uable as well, as interesting informa-
WAR--WHIAT FOR? by George R.
Kirkpatrick. Published by the author.
In striking, contrast to Mr. Walling's
book, comes this red-hot pamphlet
against war, Illustrated with grotesque
drawings and filled with denuncia-
tions in bold-fhtce type and capitals.
Many strcrtling facts are here made
known 4n an im passioned and sensa-
tional fashion. The book is the gift
of the Socialist -party.
WITHIN, by A'illiam Barnes Steveni.
Twenty years :spent as resident cor-
respondent in 7various parts of the
Russian empire have enabled the au-
thor of this be ok to speak interest-
ingl'y and with insight and informa-
tim?, upon the ( haracter of the Rus-
sia:n army. DE ling with such sub-
lee ts as "The J avpanese War and Its
Lie ssons," "The t omhsacks," "The Peas-
am it," Mr. Steve i-s has succeeded in
m aking the Rus vian soldier, individ-
tvally and en inmt se, a very real and
b umane person.

- ---------- " i iOF WAR, by Fr'ederick Lynch, D.D.
Christian Science Monitor Intends, -to ChurchPeace Uni :.
" a With Last Year As secretary of the "Church Peace
The "Christian Science Mr Union," Dr. Lynch was in Europe on
The "hrisnti Srci.eJ.n ier" August 1, 1914, and in his little book
' tells briefly of conditions in Paris and
chairman of the faculty bora,,f of ad- London before and after the outbreak
visors to foreign students,, inquiiing of war. A large part of the book is
statistics conterning the umnbe ofdevoted to an account of the First
students in attendance onm the re- World Conference of Churches for In-
pubics of South and Cejtral America. ternational Peace. The book is the
The purpose of the i'.quiry, the letter gift of the "Church Peace Union."
states, is "to make comparison with THE DIPLOMACY OF THE WAR
last year and the year before the be-- OF 1915, by Ellery C. Stowell. Hough-
ginning of the itropean. war:' ton, Mifflin & Co.
Statistics corpiiled for the catalogue "The Beginnings of the War" is the
show that t'.st years ago there were sub-title of Professor Stowell's book,
nine men fn other American xepuh- which deals in a mntsterful fashion
lics and thie West indies. Last year with the diplomatic ne gotiations which
this I i1her was incresed to 15, ex- preceded and finally resulted in the
cluahi of the summer. schooL This present war. A most -cholarly analy-
year-the number is 35. for the first se- sis is made of the v rrio eificial pub-
mester only. Whe.ther this increase lications, such as the famous British
las any connectio-x with the wvar re- White Book, as well as the documents
mains for the "C hiftian Science Mon- of Russia, Belgium, France, Austria
itor" to asce-rtain and Servia. The appendix, compris-
The Monitor also desires to know ing more than a third of the book,
the increase fin percentage of Ameri- contains a chapter of probable ques-
can studentsi in the univers ity study- tions and their answers, as well as
ing Spanish This has been placed by a great mass of documents, speeches
Prof. C. P. Wagner of the- Spanish and letters, bearing directly and indi-
department, at 100 per cent. increase rectly upon the subjects, and they will
for this year over last year,, the larg- be found of great value to the student
est increase ever recorded. , of the present European conflict.


Copyright TH t'Sciiaffner & Marx


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