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March 27, 1915 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-03-27

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1 1




Ihs Been i Trying Out as Leading Mani


and checker club meis at in-
7:30 o'clock.

Wahlr, Ta kig Difficult Role on
X0otice, Carries Out Part




rs of the various
ntal faculties of
lay a prominent
f the fiftieth an-
the Michigan
, Wednesday,
of next week.
r, of the literary
chairman of the
erence; Prof. L.
mathematics de-
n of the mathe-
rof. C. S. Berry,
artment, as pre-
educational psy-
Prof. C. E. Case,
:ment, as chair-
phy conference;
f the Latin de-
z of the classical
Rich, instructor
n of physics and
s to be given by
,re: "Great Ital-
Prof. W. H.
department, at
r night, in Uni-
nfluence of the
Doctrine of Neu-
Reeves, of the
,rtment, at 2:00
on in the Ann
3 "The Future of
Conference," by
eld, head of the
artment, at 2:15
Hall. Prof. T.
oric department,
ture on, "The
:n of Letters," in
rium, Friday af-
lecture which
tir among De-
'hom Prof. Ran-
who will take
i are Prof. J. R.
echanical engi-
rof. Emil Lorch,
ollege, Prof. K.
Iraduate School,
id Prof. J. A. C.
Lan department,
r, of the Greek
W. Dow, of the
I Professor Ran-

Membership dance at Union, 9:00
Craftsmen society meets in the Mason-
ic temple, 7:30 o'clock.
Rev. Thornton A. Mills speaks on "Fid-
dles and Fortunes," at the Union,
3:00 o'clock.
Rev. M. S. Rice speaks on "The Appeal
of Religion," at the Methodist
church, 7:30 o'clock.
Charles Lazenby speaks on "The Unity
of Human Races," in Harris hall,
4:00 o'clock.
Charles Lazenby speaks on "What is
Theosophy?" at the Unitarian church,
7:30 o'clock.

Weather Causes Coach to )eclare All
Practice Off Yesterday
Wind swept south Ferry field look-
ed so cold and forbidding yesterday
afternoon that Coach Lundgren de-
cided to give his warriors a respite in
the day's work, and declared all prac-
tice off for the Varsity baseball candi-
Some of the energetic ones donned
baseball togs, and decked out in sweat-
ers, started out for a cross country
run to improve their wind. Others
who had made ,) appearance before
the strike was called on by the coach,
took a couple of turns around the
track before quitting for the afternoon.
While practice was suspended yes-
terday afternoon, the regular work
will be resumed today, and every man
who was on the squad at the time the
men left the gym is required to report
for -practice at Ferry field this after-
Doubt still shrouds the case of Fer-
guson, who -has been confined in the
university hospital for the last four
days with streptococus, which has at-
tacked his ear. His case will be decid-
ed one way or the other by the early
part of next week.

When the curtain went up on the
performance offered by the Deutscher
Verein last night in Sarah Caswell
Angell hall, more than 400 students
and members of the faculty were in
the audience to witness the presenta-
tion of "Einer Muss Heiraten," which
was ably given by a cast of four mem-
bers of the organization. Nearly every
member of the faculty was present and
several pronounced the play, and
dance following one of the most suc-
cessful in the history of the Verein.
Owing to the illness of Harold J.
Sherman, '17, F. B. Wahr, '11, who
had charge of the play, stepped into
the role of Wilhelm, thus left vacant,
and successfully carried away the hon-
ors, playing his part exceedingly well
on such short notice. Ruth Wetman,
'15, made a favorable impression as
the aunt, Gertrude, while Mildred
Nuechterlein, '15, as the shy young
cousin, depicted the young German girl
admirably. Bernhard H. Dawson,'16, in
the role of the eccentric professor, won
a place with all lovers of acting by car-
rying his part with extraordinary
What was most pronounced in last
night's performance was the, accent of
all members of the cast. All are of
German descent, with the exception of
Dawson, but he carried away his share
of the honors.
After the play an informal reception
was held for members of the German
faculty, and their wives, giving the
students and their friends an oppor-
tunity to become better acquainted.
Music for the dance was furnished by
Ike Fisher's orchestra. Approximately+
60 couples were present, filling the
hall and reception rooms of Barbour
gym. Punch and wafers were served.
Prof. J. A. C. Hildner, of the German
department, and. Mrs. Hilder chap-
eroned the affair.
Registrar Bail Belivers Talk; Music
Norms Part of Program
While Sugar, Karr, and Levin thun-
dered out their arguments in the de-'
bate with Illinois in University Hall+
last night, about 40 Grand Rapids stu-
dents enjoyed themselves overhead in
the room of Alpha Nu literary society.'
Registrar Hall spoke on, "Remin-
iscences of Grand Rapids," recalling
interesting incidents in connection'
with his associates in the high school
there. Music was furnished by a quar-
tet composed of: Fred Sacia, 'i5E, Her-
bert A. Smith, grad., Peter Hartsvelt,1
'16, and Melvin Anderson, '17E. Chas.
Lowes, '16,. sang a solo.
The club decided to start an advis-
ory system for the benefit of Grand
Rapids students. A. dinner, to be giv-
en in the home city during the spring
holidays in connection with the associ-
ation of Grand Rapids alumni, was al-
so arranged. -
Commerce Club Picks Outside Speaker
Two prominent men are in view as
speakers for the Commerce club at
their next 'meeting, the Wednesday be-+
fore spring vacation. Either Mr. Big-i
ger, of the Overland Company, Toledo.
or Mr. McComber, real estate dealer
of Toledo, will address the club._
Economics lnstruetor to Marry Soon
William Fish Marsteller, instructor
in economics, will be united in nar-
riage to Miss Lucy Mills Ballinger, on
April 10, at St. Andrew's church. Miss
Ballinger is the daughter of Mrs.+
Thomas J. Ballinger, 908 Forest ave-

in "A 1.11That Glitters," fr
Several IDays


Director Sanger and General Chair-
man Baxter have decided that Harry
Kerr, '16, shall appear in "All That
Glitters," in the role of Dick, the son
of Franklin Jordan, the American mil-
lionaire. Kerr has been trying out for
the part for several days, and after he
had learned his lines and songs, was
chosen for the leading male role in
this year's opera.
But four productions will be staged
by the opera on the trip during spring
vacation, as the negotiations with the
other cities fell through. Toledo, Chi-
cago, Detroit and Saginaw, in the or-
der named, will witness appearances
of the opera.
The seat sale for the general public
will start at the Whitney theater at
2:00 o'clock today, and tickets for all
performances will be sold up to the
night of the last production. Friday-
night .has proved to be the popular
for the remaining shows.
evening, but there are good seats left
The costumes and scenery for the
opera are scheduled to arrive in Ann
Arbor today, and this afternoon, Direc-
tor Sanger will hold what he terms a
"costume parade," when the cast and
chorus will appear for the first time in
costumes, in order to test their fit and
general appearance.
Director Sanger announced yester-
day that he would place the directions
and management of the opera in the
hands of Theron D. Weaver, '16E, the
stage manager, on Wednesday night,
and that he probably would leave for
the east on the night of the first ap-
Those who are to "put on" the spe-
cialty acts in the opera held a rehears-
al yesterday afternoon, and the com-
mittee and the director expressed
themselves as pleased with the result.

In Response to Coach1 Ilughiftt ' 4all,
Yearlinlgs Mt tinl Wat1'ermano:1
tAym at 1 :00 O'clock
Battery try outs for places on this
year's All-Fresh nine will take their
first workout at 1:00 o cioek this af-
ternoon in Waterman gym, in response
to Coach Hughitt's first call for active
work on the part of his candidates.
The squad which reported to tHugh-
itt at the first ee ingeof)yearling ~an
didates numbered 125, and with the
exception of pitchers and catchers, the
freshmen will probably not get any
workout until after the Easter holi-
days, when the ex-third baseman will
lead his charges out on Ferry field for
outdoor practice.
The squad this year is getting an
earlier start than the 1914 aggregation,
and with two weeks of preliminary
work for the battery men, the yearling
nine for the 1918 class should meet
with an even more successful season
than was experienced by the last
year's All-Fresh.

Oftieialcs 1esirous That Heavy
Shall Be Cast by Members
of Association


. three

. Jol

.C. Re
s are
1 the
tate A

e of "Ei
,s given
the orga
room. T

Thomas L
7; Albert B
ham, '16; J
'garet Bass
Helen Geor
'17; Dorot
, '17; Rutg
senga, '17;2

in- At a meeting of the senior law class,
of. held in room C of the law building at
ni- 4:00 o'clock yesterday afternoon, the
ed, appointments of C. W. Ferguson, as
ge. class orator, H. R. Schradzki as'class
ex- poet and historian, and R. B. O'Hara
at as valedictorian, were given out.
de- The selection of a fitting class -mem-
will orial involved some discussion, but the
general consensus of opinion favored
the bestowal of a chair for each of the
S six class rooms, and also one for the
ON practice court-room. The matter was
laid on the table to be dealt with at a
ner special meeting called for next Wed-
by nesday noon at 12:00 o'clock, to be
21 held in room G law building .
ni- No decision as to the choice of a
the class emblem could be arrived at, it
being a 50-50 between canes and blaz-
eh- ers, the latter being plain blue flannel
Hy- coats. This matter was also tabled for
os- future discussion.
ett, . It was stated that the Crease dance
ge, which takes place early in April
thy would probably be limited to the '15
ger law men, as the sale at present does
Al- not indicate that there will be an ex-
.ds, cess of tickets. The "Ragpickers" will
un- be featured at this event, and "The)
17; Crease," edited this year by H. R.
:er,1 Schradzki, '15L, will be given out.
All Tickets for Fooball 1mce Sold
ese Pasteboards for the all-star football
ity, dance to be held at the Union from
lub 9:00 to 12:00 o'clock tonight, were en-
Jil- tirely sold by yesterday morning. The
En- committee as revised now stands, WiI-
a," liam D. Cochran, '16P, chairman,
nts James Raynsford, '15E, Efton tames,
'15, and James 1B. Catlett, '17L.

Y. M. C. A. officials for the year. will-
be elected today from 9:00 to 4:00
o'clock at the association building, 212
S. State street. All members of the
association are eligible to cast their
vote, and a wide canvass of the mem-
bership is very desirous in this elec-
tion, according to the officials of the
The nominees are, president, George
P. McMahon, '16, Lewis C. Reimann,
'17L, and Paul C. Wagner, '16E; vice-
president, Waldo R. Hunt, '16, and Paul
V. Ramsdell, '16; secretary-treasurer,
Merle Doty, '18, P. C. Lovejoy, '16, and
IM. \V. Welch, '11.
The men elected will assume office
at the first meeting of the cabinet, to
be held after the spring vacation.
Will Ascertain Heat Conductivity of
Building Materials
First actual tests in the experiments
being carried on by the mechanical
engineering department of the . engi-
neering department of the engineering
college in trying to ascertain the heat
conductivity of various building ma-
terials will be started Wednesday.
Since the big box was made for the
testing apparatus, the department has'
encountered a number of difficulties in
making the outfit efficient enough to
produce valuable results, but it is now
believed that the ammonia coils and
electric thermometers are in good
working order and will register the re-
(Continued on page 4.)

.unior and Sophomore Engineers Start
Action to {et Consideration
of Many Ideas
Junior and sophomore engineers
yesterday morning adopted resolutions
at their assemblies which authorize
the presidents of both classes to ap-
point special committees for thecon-
sideration of an honor system for the
college. This action constitutes the
first step taken by the two classes to
increase the standard and understand-
in of honor among the students of
the college.-
The committees are to be composed
of two men each., and, together with
the same number from the senior and
freshman classes, will form a combin-
ed committee to investigate the meth-
ods employed in other colleges to bring
a sense of responsibility to the student
body. It is planned to nuake all of the
sessions of the larger committee .open
meetings for the reception of sugges-
tions. As soon as the senior and fresh
man committees have been arranged
for, an upperclassman chairman will
be selected by the combined commit-
tees, and the first meeting of the body
will be announced.
Dean M. E. Cooley did not speak to
the assemblies yesterday because he
felt that the impression was too prev-
alent that he was providing impetus
for a campaign against cheating. He
believes that the matter can be most
effectively solved by the 4".dents
themselves and is leaving the solution
of the matter wholly to them. 4
Considerable matter concerning hon-
or systems has already been gathered
together by the Michigan Technic, and
a part of the information, which it has
received too late for publication, will
be turned over to the committee from
the classes.
George Kyer, who is one of the local
merchants caught by students passing
forged checks, has made an offer of
reward to the person who will give in-
formation leading to the arrest of AIe
On March 1, a check for $10 was
passed at Kyer's store 'which later
proved to be forged. Kyer now offers,
$25 for information leading to the ar-
rest of the forger. ,He is unable to
describe the person who gave him the
check, which is- only ole of 19 which
have been floated the last few weeks.
Dean John R. Etlinger, of the lite
ary college, will represent the univei -
sity at the annual meeting of the Mich-
igan alumni association of Buffalo, N.
Y., to be held the middle of April.
While in Buffalo, Dean Elinger will
present a cup, offered by the Buffalo
alumni association, to the Nichols
school hockey team, which won the
city hockey championship this year.
The exact date of the meeting has not
yet been decided.+

ITnanimons Decision at Madison, N
Illinois Battle Ggs To
Michigan By 2 to 1
Discussion Hinged on Interpreti
of Words, "Anti- Trust
By winning a unanimous decisE
Madison, Wisconsin, and a two tc
victory over the Illinois team at
versity Hall last night, Michigan'
bating teams victoriously marke
opening of the Mid-west deb
league. Both contests lived up t
early expectations and were, "tw
the hardest battles ever waged o
respective college platforms."
Word was received from Prof. i
T. Hollister, of the oratory depart
who has charge of the team that
to Madison, that, "The team did si
did work in a splendid contest."
The question for debate was,
solved, That in Anti-trust Legisla
Labor Unions Should Be Exempt
Construction As Combinations in
straint of Trade." The greates
gression seemed to concern the
that there was a misunderstanding
that the words, "Anti-trust Leg
lion" were not being considered i
part of the-question. Considerabh
bate lodged upon these three w
and it continuedj throughout the
-Jacob Levin, '17L, who spoke
for Michigan developed his speech
four main divisions in which he
phasized the ill-effects of the a
trust law. "We argue in four p
cipal points; that the anti-trust
injures labor unions, because it
tacks the*recognized legal right
labor; that it destroys the means
essary to effective labor combinat
that it renders laborers activities
certain; and, that it applies a dest
tive force on labor organization.
ciai laws must override these resti
laws; the labor union, the boycott,
such laws; .they must supersede
anti-trust laws."
In the development of the del
Victor H. Sugar, '16, said, "Trusts
labor unions are radically diffe
and we cannot justifiably malke 1
unions suject to the same law;
trusts. A trust is organized for
creased profits for a few, while a l1
union bestows its benefits upon
who desire them. The former d
with the product and the latter
the services of the workers."
Harrison M. Karr, grad., contli
the argument in a forceable ma:
and stated, "We believe that labor
fers when it cannot enforce its
mands when those demands are
We do not believe that the publi
general suffers because a few stov
hats, manufactured under bad 1
conditions, cannot be sold. We beg
in definite laws for definite greva
while our opponents believe in'pre
ing present laws which have bee
jurious. Six of our states have
ready suspended labor unions f
anti-trust laws. In all cases, de
laws have arisen and secured n
justice than all, old, misapplied,
could ever have done."

Charles A. Seiders, of Cincin
Ohio, who was one of the judges,
out this - ;atement, "Mlic gan' a
had a clearer cone tiou of the 1
principle involved and consiste
pressed them home." W. G. Frize:
Dayton, Ohio, gave his decision it
vor of Illinois and added that, "Dice
delivery, and team work of both s
was extraordinarily good. -11i
however, seemed to have the cle
and stronger arguments."
Prof. T. C. Trueblood, of the ora
department, in speaking of the
contests, said, "I consider the Ill'
team the strongest team we have
debated. I felt it would be a div
decision, but that Michigan exc
them in rebuttal work, I am also
proud of the Wisconsin team, and
that we had two of the strongest tE
that ever, represented Michigan."
The results of the first contest
the league place Michigan, first,
nois, second, and Wisconsin, third

Pastor of the North Woodward Avenue !il. E. Church, Detroit
Subject: "The A peal of Religion"
unday, arch 28th, 7:30 P M"

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