[ We charge you Amateur Photographers' Headquarters for Kodaks, Films and FinishingPRNSO
nothing for devel- in Ann Arbor is at ifNT O
Ioping roll films if VN fll J' O19NTj veueVELOX
I you can find a a £i E. 111 ,L 719vNorthiLUnivrity Avenue(the est paper made)
I single defect (Two doors from Hill Auditorium) iI
Established 1905, and growing bigger every day I1
M a de to y orB e a sure-tt ct h g the a t tw o ceeks the tap- " Ae iShee to ops rN igt l's Aream " and In t e r c l l g i t
PTlhiBach column, containignw fit c;titettcommittee hos titaed the StSftl to'C(ontinr" er"aly
The Summer Comfort ,Clingnew ofiiitoseing people in teahrs' pos- Presented
In a variety of shades pear' in each issue of The Wolverine tottrs:idettsat e stl erreStarye__
unoucemntsto e mae i itsholdtoraldeKtlato, Wich.;nSSRtate Ben Greet's Woodlatd Players ste- ro. Frederictk L. Bach, teat of te
h K a c l e phoned to FaceLoan'1-4 spire, ast greets yias l1. I. acoded once sore itt caitiating tte iato ieptrtentt at Adrai cotege,
604E.Librt Sreo Mds ntret i h jo ooso h tteCarrot, Catilac, MlictiEsgtiish hic audiencessho wittesed tteperform-' anttSacs .Kot ea fteEg
60 .Lbet tee uhineetisbigshw yt e s itty,, atdiathetics; Miss Mary 13, ances at Satrday afternoott atdist tepartmnt'tfor th'pst svet-
ni_________________ s ounastuetint ihw ehepsdetsd c ILus shoeorgrs vnIing, The aiienceitt the evet-,teenyers, asta of Adriati college,
istotntnenttwoses ic citrbdetil mg'ih'MisasosBgmot.Los or less titted out, due hae re igneu, Prof. Bach sill teach
H]RU STION BRO wthnth'ttx.towekMisore o.Ma Spatisth Mr. t'hares Dwsn,
i~J.detertmite the chanmpiottshiti for the io ihShol rn ttit to the raits which treatetedithe play (next year at I tiielerg Untierity at
The~ Finest Billard Roam In he State sutttmer The same ruli'sshich are Ri i dssIoaB vis apinid tade some thitk tat the delight- Tifn, Ohio, tttd Miss Kntottt willgot
CIGARS and CANDY e'tsployett duritg le atitual spring tftMrl rniat aiiailtl Shaespeariatipty "A idsunm- Ws itae olgNs inig
""W Ty o rea Yu t t" tournanment wilt apply to this contest, Mrs LIse Cratdalt, Joliet, mer Nigt's ream" was to hi' givtt
- eTy- oTea o Rgt It is tnetessary for every otto wto in-11 Spanish 'ndI Gerisat; Mis Mar- in University Iall. t~,P
--,- t~~~~~~~ends to etter this totrnatmentitoSeSop toCoqe"gvnb
THlEANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK rrstrwthMs Wo t ahst till Scott Caliwell, Idao, history, "h tost oqe"gvnh
regstr wthMis Wod t arburttetlyers ithte aterttoot ws r5e- Arlie Mcks, of the Utiversity of
Capta.............. .$3eo, . it" t t esti Mics Lttcile Vilite, atty y icn i;i oue ostan w re
Surpus asd Undiviued rofit......$is,ow.oo gmtasotla oceI 'Mch,Englisl; Miss Latra cie ihtakdairvlIyeey ictsn stoe ostanwre
Resores ......,,-....... ... $3,ou,o.o I t 'et' Charotte Mich; Mr. Earl A oteswho witessed the perfortuatce ortt for the discts throw in the Olym-
Transacts a Genral Banking Business! Mrs. ates, social director atN'v i OtP-sttNertwlplassi Elsie Kearts was agaitn featured pegmst ehl ttePnna
b e etitts alsiSvueteuot erry Residence, will give sllincforts-a'ccitt the leading femnintte role, as Pacific exposiin He has gradually
C Ytus N But9 siness t~,51Cat a e thioaferuon ros 13 ]('c .'c, cc lcE. cirs y antI athletics; Me~Ms erspae ensorigIi a oadls il
Ch eerR Batco ia rs, 5iioe 7itz. I'a t za ILvin, Kalamazuoo High School, , - %Mis ean
W.oD.uarrima,ive-e., Car te,sBras,Asst. to: 0 o is'clockninnhonor omof3the ckgirls hsov tssFoec rsn oe-ths part ttt stch a way as tolin tthu of te greaest discs thrower sitce
~~~~bily;MsFlrneBonJoe-Csah'r, Wta, Waltz, Asst. Cash'rs aings ept. living in the dormitory atltu it ihGra and sor;r approval of alt. George Sotunes, as Jim ThoreteIiawsnat-
frietids. Alred Lussk Acig IHead o1 Gr- "Chtres Malos," the astful atd tear. Mcks is more than six feet
DETROIT UNITED LINES Sltt's -i'tt5 tfotaida rtmFetv iersto Ark stuttering lover and the eat of bar- tall atd weighs over 20 pounds,
Ste tRecovering FrmOertoaids, played thse part iti a very skill-
(asternRStnrdTALe) Lash Thonas, '6L, who was oper- ___ _______ filtnanner. Rlatnd Rushtons as Tny
_. Iaed upon recently for serious abdo- tLupkin, tiade a decidedl hit anut kept William Haines, coach of the Union
Lisited ad Epres Car tor etrit-cuts ital trocule, is retported as gettitng "3111aT'ravelling fr Pubtlishers the auietce in laughter through tost boat clu of Boston duritg te last
a. m, atid htoaly is6:to p.i., also :ts aotig very favrably at the niversity Sprncer Scott, '1, is now travelling o thu play, three years, is likely to succeed Vivian
Lca Cars tar Orteit-5I4 a. in., 6:05 a'im., hosspita, sant is expected to e tp and for the Hetry 11o11 Cmtpaty of Chi- "A Midsumer Night's retm" cwas Nickalls as rowitg coach at the Uni-
atid evryori hocusttao:0 p. cu., 7:05 P. arocuntd its a cotiparatively short ime, cage, antd haa charge 01 all the east- very beutifuly staged and etded the versiy of Pennsylvania Hanes is
an., -I55 . i.,t9.15 p. iu., tand10 45. IMt
Ta vpslanti snty: y:48 a. ,..., 8:20 a. m., errtc ditrict. He is also working it series of plys acted y the Woodland now a free agent, his contract expir-
,o a. ti., 5:05 P.Illic., curas P. Ill., 1=:s5 Adamts Accepts Empltoymnt itsShops a plan to place moving tpicture ma- Players iss Kearns scored a hit as ing this sumtmer. - He has had much
a. i., C 3a a. nt., t oo a. Is.
ListdCars tr Jasotn-4ca icsu Carter Adams, '13, u-it last year cuies in alt high scsosls where te "Heeia" wile Roatt uttston agaiti experietce in coaching a crew, for be-
-evr twa hours is y:48 ip. n, gratduated frontfse Bston Tech., has sclls Hetry Hll ditists and to rent tuleased his audience its the htmorots sides coaching the Union ot club
Loala Cars tr Jasass5It2a amu., 6:5o ax. left At Arr to work its the Marine the flmtss tthiss schouol. This plait is role of"Boltsm," thu man with the crew, he also coached te class and
aneery twoshoars to :5o p. mc., asio shops at Catsde't, New Jersey, cworkitig tt very successftlly, ass's head. scrub crews at Harvard
'9:[s p. cm., sst .r5p n
Calkins' Pharmacy COUSINS & HALL
324 S. Stale St.I . Izoriitir..
CaUrlyasd Sodta Water 1t02 S. UNIVERSITY AVE.
C ALKINS' PHARMA CY Boath Phases 115 Ass Arbor, Mich.
t~h~r Detroit
toZ r
Put-In-Bay-Cedar Point-
Every Day Excursions to Put-In-Bay 0~
Round Trip Fare Roundi Trip
Sasse Day on 60 Sundays tr ,g\
Week Days- Holidays -
Cedar Point Excursions--$1.00 Round Trip
On Sunday, Msnday, Wednesday and Friday
Cleveland One Way Fare -- Every Day -- $1.50
Big Steel Steamer "t-I.n-Bay"r leaves Detroit every day at
hiss0a. ma. Cesitral Standard Time/
Steel Side Wheel Steatmer "Frasik E. Kirby" leases Detroit week
days at ISi p. to, Central Time.
FREE DANCING--Finzel's Orchestra on Str. Put-In-Bay
Whole afternson at Put-In-Bay. Write for Folders "-
Three and one half hsours at Cedar Asl OD ti
Point, Visit Perry $1t,000,00 G
Memoariat. Tte Ctves, Casino, Passe Pa-, Steamer Line
vilions, Big Htel tring teacchrt, Aqsatic
Slideus, Botr Was,, Ridwar, Lagoons, Detroit, Michigan
-etcs'->o- r -
-dosid 'ontubell, '1J, has lefi Ass
Arbour for Philadhelhfiatwhere fcc has
secured a positions ciths the Untited
States Steel Conspansy. He wilt work,
its a school there for eighst mnths and1
will thsett travel for the company.
1tr ('Ctlist C'tpel~el Owesn, a grad-
u ate of thse medical college of thse Uni-
versity of Michoigans, whio has beets
taking a post-grauduate coutrse in the
'Chicago School of Mtedicine, will to-
Cate its San Bernadino, Cat. Br. Owen
is the sots of the late John Owets, the
ffansocts water-color artist.
-itReubeun Peterson has retusrsned
honme after saving spent several days
in the east. Br. Peterson was called I
cast becase of the severe illness of:
his niece. the was unable to give his
adudress before thte protuate jiudges, anud
was also forced to he absetit from the
meseting of the Clinical Society lash.
Alsn~s t Whorkisng OttlN, Y. 'riunise
Walter Wilgusa, '14,swho received
a degree frton thu Pulitzer Secool of
Journalism at Columbcia University
(this year, has taken a position on the
Nctc'fork Tribunse. cWilguts wodrked
for a timie on a smuall tapcer its Newt
jButlfoud, Mass., esnud cas only lately
offered thic positin. I le is asa the
t'ditor 01 the Belta Ul sitoit quartely.j
Musical Ittstrumnssts, Strings, and
jall. Musical Supplies at reasotnable
prites.- Schsaeberle & Son, Music
House, 110 S. Main St. if
( nun~eican '*,gTUT TLE'S1
Liberty and Main Sts. Openalsummr
lMost Convenient Place for Your , LUNCHIES and SODAS
Banking 1 33 . TAEST.
The New Cataloguioe
of the
Uiversity of lMichigan.
Complete information concerning. the eight Colleges-
and Schools:
Special Courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work,
Landscape Design, Higher Commercial Education,
inciuding Railway Administration and Insurance,
Architecture, Conservation Engineering, Education
(affiliated with Ann Arbor Schools for Observation
Study), and a course for those preparing for the
scientific administration of departments of sanitation
and public health.
For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement, or.
Individual Information, address
the Dean of the Schoni or Csllege in which interested, or
Secretary University Ann Arbor, Mich.