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July 27, 1915 - Image 1

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The Wolverine, 1915-07-27

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Vol. VI.


No. 15


Necessary to Draw "Byes" in Singles
and Doubles Because of
Uneven Breaking
By defeating J. C. Montgomery in a
6-2, 4-6, 6-0 match last Friday, C.
Drury advanced in the tennis tourna-
ment, and will probably play Chris.
Mack in the third round. So far the
following men have advanced to the
second round: T. B. McMartin, L. G.
Hulbert, C. Mack, E. L. Meyer, I. B.
Clark, R. R. Baker, and 0. J. Wil-
helmi. Other scores for the prelim-
inaries have not been handed in yet
though it is expected that all prelim-
inaries will be played of by the time
of going to press.
Since the singles will break down
unevenly in the third round, a "bye"
was drawn, and O. J. Welhelmi ad-
vanced to the third round without
playing his match in the second round.
In the second round, the following
are the games yet unplayed: L. G.
Hulbert vs. the winner of the Alex-
ander-Butler match; E. L. Meyer vs.
C. Mack; and I. B. Clark vs. the win-
ner of the Randall-Fields match.
The doubles will start tomorrow, and
the following schedule has been
drawn up:
Alexander-Macomber vs. Berry-Ved-
der; Meyer-Stoddard vs. Skiles-Ran-
dall; Baker-Clark vs. Wehmeyer-
Clowes; Butler-Walker vs. McMartin-
Offut; Wilhelmi-Drury vs. Hulbert-
Ballinger; Reeves-Fields vs. Mont-
As in the singles, it was necessary
to draw for a "bye," and as a result
Judd-Scott will play against Nance-
Powells in the second round, being
advanced to that round automatically.
Since there are men in the tourna-
ment who are taking work in the short
sestions of the professional depart-
ments, it will be necessary to have all
games played off by August 6. This
will necessitate the playing of all the
matches including the sepond round
in the singles, and the preliminaries
in the doubles this week.
Scores should be telephoned to The
Wolverine office on the day when the
match is played. This will save the
committee much inconvenience.
Former Varsity Star Has Average of
667 as Twrler;
fats .260
But ten American league pitchers
have a better average than George
Sisler, former Varsity twirler; and the
Michigan star is hitting the ball for a
.260 clip, which is well above the av-
erage figure in tast company.
Sisler has been on the hill in six
games for the Rickey clan. He won
two of these contests and is charged
with one defeat, which gives him an
average of .667. The black mark came
in a game in which Sisler lacked con-
trol, and worked less than an inning,
during which he forced in the win-
ning run by a base on balls.
In his other games, Sisler was used
as a relief hurler in games already
lost or won, so they do not figure on
either side of Sisler's account.
Eighteen hits have been made off

Sisler in his six games.
While Sisler has pitched in but six
games, he has taken part, as hurler,
first baseman, outfielder or pinch hit-
ter, in 21 games. His official record
includes 50 times at bat, 6 runs, 13
hits and 1 stolen base, for an average
of .260.

e 0 sHere will be no more additions in It had been expected, however, that
the economics department. Unexpect- the economics department would not
Today ed t n have a 1 be restricted, owing to the large num-
5:00 o'clock-"Schiller's Message to ber of students of the literary, law and
the World," Prof. M.. Winkler, West the violence of the falling out disturb- engineering colleges which take work
lecture room, Physical laboratory. ing all the occupants of classes in that in this branch.
8:00 o'clock-"The Conservation of department this morning. Additions are absolutely impossible
health," (illustrated), Dr. H. H. The parsimonious policy of the leg- at this time, however, as the Bur-
Cummings, of the Health Service. islature in appropriating funds for the rough's machine with which the de-
West lecture room, Physical labor- university has long made it impossible partment makes all its additions, was
atory. for Michigan to hold all her faculty reduced to scrap iron this morning
Tomorrow men, owing to tempting offers from when rolled down the stairs by a care-
5:00 o'clock-"Trial by Jury," Proft more liberally funded institutions. less instructor.
E. R_ Sunderland. West lecture -

Me'.s' rs. lc'Namara and Moore aid
Miss Struble Will Contribute
to 'oenert
Ann Arbor music lovers who attend
the fifth complimentary concert to be
given by the faculty of the school of
music in Hill Auditorium tomorrow
evening are assured of a treat. The
program will be of a miscellaneous
nature, and will offer a variety of
numbers such as have heretofore con-
tributed to the pleasure of the sum-

. n. , ett u , v a ie
room, Physical laboratory.
5:00 o'clock--Concert: Miss Marian
Struble, violinist; Mr. Edward Mc-
Namara, baritone; Mr. Earl V.
Moore, organist. Hill Auditorium.
5:00 o'clock-"The Earliest Form of
the New Testament as Found in the
Manuscripts and Early Trasla-
tions," (illustrated), Prof. HI A.
Sanders, West lecture room, Phys-
ical laboratory.
Receives Commendation in Editorial
'olms of Outlook and
Chicago Herald
Campaigning for $1,000,000 is the
task the Michigan Union has set for
itself and organization and publicity
are its main assets in placing this ef-
fort before the 35,000 Michigan alum-
ni. Newspaper stories have appeared
in practically all the journals of the
country and editorial columns have
repeatedly discussed the greatest of
student campaigns.
In the "Outlook" for July appears
an editorial which sets forth the
Union and its campaign for a new
bsilding. Speaking of the Union, the
"Outlook" says: "With its 6,800 stu-
dents, gathered from every State in
this country and from almost (every
foreign lasd, Michigan looks to its
student Union to democratize its un-
dergraduates, to give them a chance
to educate themselves by mixing and
mingling with one another; in short,
to gain that broader education whics
comes from knowing men, and to de-
velop the community spirit, whicls
ordinarily, sad to say, does not de-
velep in many college men until years
after their graduation."
The "Chicago Herald," also, includes
the campaign in its editorial columns
and says: "The University of Mich-
igan has taken up this matter in a
positive way. The plan of the alumni
to raise a $liit,000 fsund for the Mich-
igan Union looks toward providing a
club at which all the studests of the
unii ersity may meet."
The "Herald" contains, "The desire
to democratize the undergraduate is
wholly laudable. The acccmplishment
will be difficult. But if Michigan can
achieve a ssecess where so many other
institutions have failed, the value of
the university at Ant Arbor to the
nation will be enhanced manyfold."
The Michi an Union is gradually
getting its campaign before the whole
nation and no alumni will fail to hear
often of the movement.
The first issue of the "Michigan'
Union Bulletin" is off the to' ss and
contains the names of all the com-
mittees organized to date. The dis-
trict which contains the largest sum-
her of Michigan alumni is the Detroit
district with a list of 2276 alumni and
50 comtmtitteemen. The Chicago dis-
trict ranks second with 1750 alumni
and 23 committeemen. The organi-
zation of committees is rapidly near-
ing completion.

lIFE IN REtE 2700 . C.B
Tols Aebolt Advanced Civilization in
Anudent 'Tnes and the Jlodern
Rhensains of It ND [AL90
7esterday afternoon Professor M. lits Lose First Game to Doctors But
L. D'Ooge delivered an entertaining Defeat Engineers il
illustrated lecture on, "The Remains Second
of an Ancient Cvilization in Crete,"
Solo f in_1,'2t vu I c . * Old_ -
World lovers. * * * * s * *
Crete is one of the largest and most *
beautiful islands it the Aegean Sea. League Standing
The ruins of an ancient civilization in W L T Pet.
Crete were first discovered tn 1900 Medics . 3 0 1 1.000
by Arthur Evans, who uncovered the *Lits. 3 1 750
buried city of Knossos. Later further Laws... 13 0 .250 *
discoveries were made by Italians, Engineers. 1 4 0 .200 *
and others. This wonderful civiliza-
tion, which flourished about 2700 years * Wednesday's Game *
before the Christian era, and which Eng.-Law, at 4:00 o'clock,. *
was the ancestor of the golden age of
the Greeks, Professor D'Ooge pictured *
and explained. Palaces, theaters,
IBy Hap Church-
paved roads, beautiful pottery, artis-
tic carvings, crude sculpture, were By defeating the Lits 1: to 0 Satur-
shown and their interesting points day, the Medics went into the Vacation
charmingly described. The develop- league lead; while the idle Laws were
ment of their literature was traced, elevated to third place when the Lits
which finally produced a clearly de- came back in the seconu game of their
fined alphabet, the origin of our own.
The Cretians constructed their palaces double header, defeating the Engineers
with drains, plumbing, and arrange- 4 to L.
mets for the supply of hot and cold Saturday's games, which broke the
water. They isdulged in bull baiting, two ties of the summer session pas-
played creelers, or a game closely re- timers, were both out of the ordinary.
sembiing it, wore costumes curiously ..
l e rnts itdsrt' stusssmerespttusyBaribeau, pitching clever ball, shut
hibe msodernt drt'ss its sstse respects
and played on tyres, although it was out the Lits handily, his mates falling
thought until recently' that these in- on the offerings of Curtis, Lewis and
struments were not invented until a Nieman for .13 runs. But seven hits
much later date. were made by the Medics, however,
the seven errors of the Lits booting
MhAKiESPEAIE ('AMM PIREMENTS away the chance at the top round.
COMEDY IN 'E )ITABLE WAY It developed Saturday that Catcher
Schultz, of the Medics, had fractured
Professor Hollister's class in Shakes- his shoulder blade In the game at
pearean reading acquitted themselves Ypsilanti Friday, and Maulbetsch
well last evening in their recital of, caught for the Doctors yesterday. He
"Much Ado About Nothing." It prov- held up Baribeau in perfect fashion,
ed to be one of the most unique and and got on base -each of his three trips
interesting numbers on the summer to the plate.
program. Although women often took In the second game "Bill" Nieman
male parts, they carried them cred- pitched a one-hit game against the
itably and clearly interpreted the dif- Engineers, putting the Lits back in
ferent characters. Acting without the running if either the Laws or En-
costumes or scenery, the members of gineers can tumble the Doctors in one
the class gave to an attentive and ap- of the games this week Saturday.
preciative audience of 800 a well Baribean Unbeatable
rounded production of the delightful Sens ati
comedy. Sensational pitching by Baribeau,
Among those who did especially combined with excellent support, de-
clever acting and interpretation of cided the first game. The All-Fresh
thseir parts were thse fohlowing: Bess graduate allowed but four singles, and
ths air Camrs e eth sparate loiss

mer entertainments.
The faculty members who will take
part in the concert are Miss Marion
Struble, violisist, and Mr. Earl V.
Moore, organist. Miss Struble's ability
to charm an audience has often been
favorably demonstrated, and her ap-
pearance upon the program will meet
with general favor. The fact that Mr.
Moore is one of America's leading or-
ganists speaks in his behalf.
Occupying the premier place upon
the program will be Mr. Edward J.
McNamara,- protege of Mme. Schu-
mann-Heink, and one of our country's
newly discovered great singers. Since
being "found," Mr. McNamara has ap-
peared in many joint recitals through-
out'the country with Mue. Schumann.-
Heink. He has been favorably re-
ceived by many large audiences, and
the press always speaks well of his
performances. During the past ytar
Mr. McNamara has made his hsead
quarters in Ann Arbor, studying under
Mr. Theodore Harrison, head of the
vocal department of the University
School of Music.
Those in charge of the concerts
again wish to remind the music-loving
public that no admission fee is
charged for these entertainments. All
programs begin : promptly at 8:00
o'clock, and the doors are closed dur-
ing the performance of the numbers.
The program for tomorrow's concert
Lamentation, Op. 45, No. 1... Guilnant
Intermezzo ...................Rogers
Spring Song, "From the South"...
.. . .... ........ ...Lem are
Mr. Moore
Dio possente (Faust) ..........Gounod
Mr. McsNasnara
Ave Maria .........Schubert-Wilhelmi
Adagio, Op. 34 .............F. Ities
Miss Struble
(Organ accompaniment by Mr. Moore)
Midsummer Caprice .........Johnston
In Moonlight .................Kinder
Toccata .................... Boellman
Mr. Moore
Requiem . .................... Homer
Invictus .. .. .. . . ... .. .. .. .. .. . .Huhn
Auld Plaid Shawl ............ Haynes
Danny Deever ............. Damrosch
Mr. McNamara
(Accompaniments by Miss Francis
Louise Hamilton)
Health service officials announced
yesterday that an average of 20 stu-
dents are receiving treatment daily.
Most of those treated, however, suffer
only from minor ailments.
About 350 students, both men and
women, have received treatment at
the university health service during
the four weeks just closed. Students

Baker, Zella Farrar, Mary Ross, Paul
Schmidt, Dana Hopkins, Archie Leon-
ard and David T. Rosenthal.
Paul Dickey, '06, who while in col-
lege was a playwright, and played on
Michigan's championship football team

Brockman made the only fielding slip
for the Medics, when he had Kay
caught off third but dropped the ball.
Brilmeyer, leading off for the Doctors,
secured a base on balls on each of his
four trips to the plate.
Baribeau struck out ten men in the
five rounds the game went, and failed
to issue a single base on balls. Curtis,
who started for the Lits, got away as


that year, with the collaboration of well for two rounds, the contest for who desire treatment for any sickness
Charles Goddard, has just finished the lead starting auspiciously. Four are given free attention by consulting
writing a play which has been accept- hits, five errors and several battery those is ncharge.
ed. Miss Elsie Janis is to be featured slips spelled defeat for the Lits in The health service is located at 226
as the leading lady. The play is a com- the third, however, when seven runs S .Ingallo, and office hours are from
edy, and will be played this next sea- counted. 9:00 o'clock to 12:00 o'clock daily.
son. Mr. Dickey is also the author of While the Medics touched up Curtis Dr.k B.1. Cummings has ctarge of the
two other comedies which have been quite lively, it was really ragged sup- work a otg the ten and is being as-
very well received, "The Ghost Break- port which cost the Lits the game. sirted by Dr. Drury. Dr. Elsie Pratt
ers" and "The Misleading Lady." (Continaued ott page 4) supervises the treatment of women.

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