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May 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 163) • Page Image 1

… C/M r-74 r-T ZZZ) Cp V = -- OZ > -W 47 C0 Co W W a 0 Co a d a f2 100 f- i a 4 i i r i i l i i wi WNW i r. 1 c ., _ .J 4r ..J - f r . . _ ti d J . . ,1 ^+ ., f ,., ... r r "r f f .- .-. .-. ! ; : _ 0 O- 0 " - I I , - - I I I I- I I - 7 L H Q c~~ WFl nl ;f U -L 0 v 1 - w== a = 0 U L CD Fl4 0 i- 4.1 4y) v ca W H 0 W W 0 0 4) 0 a a) ..., 0 H 7 '!:r I >1 7-1 -17 * i _ 'j, - INI 4L o n 1 wi ) i.' U~ . .ww 4) 4 0S - -f-...…

May 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 163) • Page Image 2

…Npriit# and Summ er 1910 Our Spring Specials DE'SIOiNS -C>iinil iand Enouive COLORIIINGiS-the Ne'west FABIRICS-Deie inale -IN- Suitings, Vesitings Trowserings Now Ready for Yournc loination Ga H. Wild Comfpally TAIl LQinS 311 50 S. STATE STREET a! Jlan giii 1ditoi I ci' VV NI iE, Businest llnnger-CARL Itd0 ADAM, Nel iEditer. .,, ...lHar1(1 Titu N-sstn n' .ii .. .. .. . . . I i t . olzn i MNlusic aid Diama.I N'l . N ore 1'.\lihiin es and 1il...…

May 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 163) • Page Image 3

…EStra. quality Bags and Medicine Cases AT QUARRY~S Hotel Whitney The best piace in the City to dine Service A La Carte Sunday Dinners a Specialty T. C. CAPE~N, Mgr. Flit FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANKS MAIN AND HIURON STREETS Capital $50i,000 Surplus and Profits$iOO,O0t Genierai Bashing Bosiness. 3 percenti paid ox Time and Sasings Deposits. Safety Die- positsBoxes tn rent at $3.00 and upwards R. KEMPF,' Pres. 11. (' . PRET's 'sos Vice'-Prs. 1t. A...…

May 23, 1910 (vol. 20, iss. 163) • Page Image 4

…- _ s,1 ,-i t4 s Si heSasaehr oo -h st rs ofstioa m osfahhnait a ti i. ir ;}Gx tlst tlmatxh,1reeoelmog ohes ndpoottohi a alede righ llxwntxtNOW. Notlas jetr' shaes.' Lok ola SUITS $17.00 UP)f , xi ,. righ raongerNW.''No lstchoolr of Ladesc"ngok today-. I t Iirtixi yi ti IIIi1s5 NOtilxxLSt i IL.]) - MA 2zith t~x i I Cii xli xx's Cxx xi Si \xi ii I~ixi t THE CIRCUS I IOi.Clx S. .Coro. t ,at Ith St, WEDNE~SDAY, May2S CHARLES FROHMAN Pl] 'P4 ...…

May 23, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan ,.Daily Vol. XXL. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1911. No. 6 . _ .. . ADQIT fl~AT l TENNIS TEAM WINDS LUP VA SI Y EEATSU TRIP BY TYING CO)RNELLI. OBERLIN HANDILY, A4,chtgm ls touring teitiis tlayerstrait- tered into Ati Arb~or Sunday with te repor1t of a 3 to 3 tite iwitht Coronell as thte fincsh if the eastern trifp. The (fur- Frenz and Verheyen Share the tette dbid not uteet with the bnet 'of Se eso h nainbttetast P...…

May 23, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 164) • Page Image 2

…MICH13AX DAILY T I mill . H. Wk, ILDCO 311 SO. STATE iSTrREET me tWoens of ExcusveStyles OECATS, and TRUSERS T;Ldng Mrhant Tailors 31 SO 1IA7 TEEl [.d131 2 State St. Spac il Prces Quotk ..< ed trStdents . THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing Editor-Litz A WHT. Business Manager-NORMAN H. HtLL. EDITORS. Newt Editor...........Harold Titus Assistant .............Harry Z. Flz Athletic Editor...Walter K. Towers Assistant............ J. Fred Lawon Mtusic...…

May 23, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 164) • Page Image 3

…- so ,MICHIGAN DAILY This 1Space Reserved FOR Sam-Barclifiek ~ S& Co. Ann Arbor's Leading TAILORS 106 E. Huron St. Opp. Court House J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler Alarm Cocks 79e Alarm Clocks $1.00 Alarm Clocks $1.50 Alarm Clocks $1.75 Fully Guarantreed Wateli Repefrlrsg aSpealalty The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stock 300,000' Surplus $50,000 Resources $2,800,00 A General Baking tBusiness Transacted OrrICES: Chas. SE. Hiscock, Pres.; W. Do. Harri...…

May 23, 1911 (vol. 21, iss. 164) • Page Image 4

…- -- ---_ ___ is ting Buds' T f II Ai ugg ests the freshness and harmony of our ) lAW SPRING FASHIONS. Our models are i vidI of iels yet Superb in style rightness. We will fit you with uneering precision at a pikthat fits your purse! J. AL M ALCO LM 1 18 East Liberty GALL ANiD SE THiE n' English. Styles- xentry ndCompaeiny 71 N. University Ave. IGranger's School of Dancing Privatke.Lessons Given by Appointment r Pa ortiscala cay or Phonn 2...…

May 23, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 166) • Page Image 1

…Michigan Dai ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1912. THROAT EPIDEMIC THREATENS TOWN, WOULD HAVE SILBY ROCKS PRESERVED FRESHMAN APOLOGY Adopts ase is Contagious and Those fected are Urged to Consult Physician Immediately. Af- I Ask' Classes to Bring Glacial Rem- nents to Campus as Lasting Memorial. (The for FOR MANY.{ r the past week, an epidemic of a liar kind of sore throat has been ng through Ann Arbor. Rumors to the effect ...…

May 23, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 166) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ate Street n the city. r to those e In this city. ate Street ORS aw order your PING CARDE THE TIME IS LIrlITED ate and 00 Cards $1.25 We also have the ii "NOGIFT CARDS" Sheehan's STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE ' Typewriters For Sale or Rent r YPEWRITING 0. D. MORRILL 322 So. State Street PRESSED BY HAND AT S 410 SOUTH STATE STREET Overcoats Dry Cleaned and Pressed 75c SUITS PRESSED 25 OVE~RCOATS PRW35BD 25e THEM fCHIGAN DAILY...…

May 23, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 166) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY RESHMAN TENNIS SQUAD I _ . ... TAKES EASY GAME AT? Defeats Normalites by 6-Love Before Hundreds of Entlu. slastie Fans. YPSI. Score The freshman tennis team journey- ed over to Ypsilanti yesterday after- noon and easily took the Normal boys into camp, winning by a 6-love score. The match was played before a large crowd, and the presence of so many fair Ypsi fans made it hard going at first for the somewhat stage-struc...…

May 23, 1912 (vol. 22, iss. 166) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Its JUNIOR LAWS- ADD ANOTHER VICTORY Senior Lits Lose First Game of Year to Legalities Through Han. dicap Score of 4 to 1. STAGE FINAL GAME ON FRIDAY. By holding their opponents runless for seven innings yesterday afternoon while they were chalking up four credit marks on their own tally sheet, the junior laws added the scalp of their old enemey, the senior lits, to their broken string of victories and placed themselves on...…

May 23, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…i ' or !inn Arbor: P'air and cooler; mnoder-I !y wvinds. M' he chigan ily ONLY MORNING PAPER IN ANN ARBOR. I t 167. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS - I BATTLE I CAMPUS TITLE TODAY Junior laws and Soph Engineers Will Close Interclass Baseball Season Today; Teams in Fine Shape. 1IAID)ON ANi SPENCER WILL FIATIURE lIN PITCHERS' BATTLE Both Contenders Hold Laurels in Their Respecth ;)1parinents; have Heav...…

May 23, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 167) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Line of Spring Woolens Largest Assortment in the City Ready for Your Inspection, ILD CO. 31:1 S.. State StreetI .w ~NI ORS Dis drawing near when you will need VISITING CARDS all the latest styles$ Work Guaranteed Cards.......... ..$1.50 mnPlate..................90 IAN (O~ CO.kstore [IAN . C~o ooas o business business t inspire proposi- Street ,.j Aca.demn y a~f D ncin~ ery Wednesday and Saturday Evenings." g dat...…

May 23, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 167) • Page Image 3

…_.THE KICEIGAW DAILY. m .,,, I Notllust stylish' but correct in tyl To just offer you stylish clothing would be easy. for us but would soon set you doubting the value of our store service. We study the difference between style and correct style so that you may feel 'secure in any selection yon may make here. There is an individuality in the styles of Stein-Bloch .Smart Clothes that pleases the critical buyer--a glance at yourself in a Ste...…

May 23, 1913 (vol. 23, iss. 167) • Page Image 4

…TH~E MICHIGAN DAILY - -- -- -- ...- .,. -.. -.. . - - - .._.. . 1~-_ THIS ELECT OutingTrousers Free Let us make your "egoing home suit" and get a pair of $6.00 to $7.00 trousers FREE with every order. Our suits are beautifully tailored and they fit perfectly. All the newest weaves fresh from the loom. By placing your or- der now will insure prompt delivery. A Watch This Space This sewsom's popul~arshp- We ha ve thornm iTan or Wlack, c...…

May 23, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…The Ml(;higan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MAY 23, 1914. Vol. XXIV, No. 167. PRIGUVIVAN(31 SWARTHMORE'S NINE TROUNCES MICHIGAN 6 TO 5 Errors, Caused by Bad Field, and Sleep- ing on Bases Force Wolverines to Drop Second Contest of Trip SISLER WITH WRENCHED ARM CANNOT FACE PENNSYLVANIA Qunaintance Will Probably Be Used in Final Eastern Contest Today (Detroit News Service.) PHILADELPHIA, PENN., May 22.- Hard luck and poor fieldi...…

May 23, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 167) • Page Image 2

…. ... y Now On Display S Order Your Visiting Cards Now i ALL THEI AND LATEST STYLES COLORINGS FOR I I I 1914 e Largest Line of Woolens in the city to select from Plate and 100 Cards Script $1.50 Ple and 100 Cards old English $2.75 Plate and 100 Cards shaded old English $3.00 THE MICHIGAN DAILV Official newspaper at the University of Mich igan. Published every morning except Mon day during the university year. Entered at the postoffi...…

May 23, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 167) • Page Image 3

…- ---=- ... Y I' 43"o t a W, t 8 t KODAK FINISHING, Anything thjt you bring In today before 6 p. m. will be ready tomorrow night, sure. The Work Speaks for Itself as to Quality Calkins' Pharmacy Buy your straw hat at adhams & CO. We can save you money. The best Panama Hat ever shown at $5.00 We Announce for Saturday's Opening Display of men's Straw and Panama Hats In the new styles for summer 1914 we are ready to serve you with the new...…

May 23, 1914 (vol. 24, iss. 167) • Page Image 4

… SPRING CLOTHES The Best Cure for that "Spring Fever" is a .. T: I LYNDON' e a FA I KODAKS, IIAJESTIC li Tr.e Days Or y AJESTIC THEATRE FILMS, MA LCOL Tailored Suit ! Amateur finishing 719 N. University Ave. OBBY FABRICS SNAPPY STYLES PERFECT FIT SHIRTS TO ORDER ALSO was officially appointed. H. Beach Car- penter, Walter Emmons and Edward Saler as student members, Profs. A. S. Whitney, A. W. Patterson, R. W. Bunting, and R. ...…

May 23, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 169) • Page Image 1

…ich igan Daily 31AILlD SUIBSCRI lIED 7~ic -_ -- _.. _ ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 23, 1915. PDR: P.P.'A~ ;' hi _7 r t t r TODAY Fi 3 Re- ian NEW GYM PROJECT TABLED BY BOARD SOPHS YIELD HARD PUSH BALL BATTLE k RAI\NPEVENTS IBALL (IAHEAT1 t'NIVItITY OF PENiNSYLVSANIA Mihgall Scheduled to Win by Dope- stern; Squ1,ad Leales for A11nn Arbor Today by Dpo ofI Dr. Edgar P. Hill speaks on "The' demption of The City," Pres...…

May 23, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 169) • Page Image 2

…TnE MICHIGAN DAILYF .-. . . . ZMA. ..w........ w ...... '4 SEE. FOR YOURSELF if 'our garments do not bear out our conltcntion that we are originators and nioney savers. We purchase 'clothi in large qiuantities and have the work done miler our own personal supervisioni. Our cutters follow your measurements to a fraction of an inch and with a fitting the result is. a perfect suit for you! SENUORS Order your Plate and 100 Cards, $1.50, $2....…

May 23, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 169) • Page Image 3

…Tilt! MICIGAN DAILY RCADE THEATRE BIG WEEK OF SPECIALS! ie Greatest List of Photoplays Ever Offered in Ann Arbor in One Week NEW FEATURE EVERY DAY - -READ ABOUT THEM AND YOU'LL BE CONVINCED r, May 24. ANDREW MACK, the famous Irish character-actor, e Ragged Earl." Rebooked. y, May 25. CHARLES CHAPLIN in "By the Sea." Also a feature. day, May 26. BEATRIZ MICHELENA in "The Lily of Poverty one of Bret Harte's stories of the days of '49. ...…

May 23, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 169) • Page Image 4

… Theatrical Circles W. Ruskin will describe the pictures and, as he was ten years in the tropics and artic getting these five reels, his talk will be of great interest. The methods of getting the pictures involved they outlay of $250,000. The loss of lives of those who were engag- ed in getting the films together was an incidental happening. It is probable that it will be long before the equal of this film will be made again, and it is doubt...…

May 23, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 169) • Page Image 5

…THIiDMICHIGoAN 1 AlLT .. a Ir1is L Y IIR I M EN who select their attire with punctilious care, with an eye for exclusiveness and individuality as well as quality, are invited to inspect our showing of all that is new in Stein-Miock Smart Clothes, Hats and Haber- dashery for warm 'weather.--a comprehensive assortment to meet every need for town or city wear, for sport, vacation, travel or every day., The little subtleties of style presented...…

May 23, 1915 (vol. 25, iss. 169) • Page Image 6

…II DAILY - ,....._I _. __._ -_ II 11 1IYIlllf I i il I II YYI gNFy - } is a good, fair price. nd fair to the custome r. r PAY MORE? Guaranteed fit, sizes AA to E, 5 to 11 Another 'Big' Clean Up of Fifty Slightly Worn Kodaks Prices start at from 30%f to 5o% off regular prices, and re- duce at the rate of ten cents per dlay until sold., every one m ry We sell from a sample line but our clothes are tailored in town OUR PRICES RANGE FROM ...…

May 23, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…j TIRE DAILY NEWS OF THE WORLD AN~D THE CAMPUTS VOL. XXVI. No. 164. 1* i S ,; , .. .. ,.- - 7 , e ti q qb 1w a . , e. :' .. ,.', Vf. . ;'.i N'r' t ,. w " w f l . -_..-- a--.N :.:-- .. _. ...... --xaacx=ate -_ ::.: .=.-.r .- Phones :-Editorial 2414 BusIness 960 T1'iF P SVIEBY T NW YORK SUN ---i =' - . . ANN ARBOR,! MI:CHIGAN,TtEAY x'B.1 PRICE FIVE Cl f -7 WI1L COMPETE IN IS LARGEST SQUAD WICH HlAS EVERIIREPRIESENTED) MICHI- GAN AT...…

May 23, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 164) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Your Ease of Mind Self-possession and personal effici- ency depends largely upon the clothes you wear. If we are your tailors you will always have that feeling that comes with Clothes of Character G. H. WILD COMPANY LEADING MERCHANT TAILORS STATE ST. Tennis Rackets We are thle Agents.,for the- SLOTTED TH ROATRACKETS Rackets Restrpng tn Three Days. SHEEN STUDENTS BOOKSTORE >'iknwA DAlY GOWNS NOT WORN RIGHT 1h; I Offic...…

May 23, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 164) • Page Image 3

…--------------- N ir! i I _1 ) jl ,, S. f.... l,.. .. ,*S .... ,..... I --I WOLVERINE NINE BACK FROM TRIP Score Only Two Victories Defeats on Invasion the East to Four of IS WORST RECORD EVER MADE * * * * * * * * * * * * * *: .* :* Michigan 5, Syracuse 7. Michigan 4, Syracuse 9. Michigan 6, Cornell 13. Michigan 4, Cornell 2. Michigan 3, Swarthmore 8. Michigan 4, Pennsylvania 2. * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * With four def...…

May 23, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 164) • Page Image 4

…, XE FbtTR TH.E MI CHIGAN D'AILY ___ . _.__._ -r NIZTOSO SUPPORT ORPHANS ernities, Sororities Institutions to Help Children and Other French MOVEMENT BEGUN AT CHICAGO Having in view the relief of French children made fatherless by the war, a movement has been started to have fraternities, sororities and other or- ganizations all over the country con- tribute money for the purpose of sup- porting the orphaned children. This movement had...…

May 23, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 164) • Page Image 5

…ThE MICHIGAN DAILY ..W... .. 1i HATS HATS HATS HATS ... ., ,. , . r : , - .. HATS HATS HATS HATS r .. r Go To Calkins' For Soda Water For Thirty Years the Best ...rte ... .r., Have You Heard The Late We Have It OnRecord . .. - '. Ii ; DRUGS KODAKS Calkins' Pharmacy 324 South State Street CANDY SODA ft We are showing the latest styles in Suits, Top Coats Sport Coats, Hats, Caps and Furnishings Wadhams & co."s Corner' Main...…

May 23, 1916 (vol. 26, iss. 164) • Page Image 6

…0 1I SIX THE MICHIGAN DAILY -I WHAT IS YOUR IDEA OF A DESIRABLE SPRING SUIT? IS IT something in a snappy, English model of sparkling newness and graceful lines, showing those clever little touches of intensified fashion, or IS IT something of a stylish yet conservative cut with just a hint of waist lines and roll lapels- the kind of style that permanently pleases, or POSSIBLY you prefer a style in which dignity -. is the prominent feature...…

May 23, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 166) • Page Image 1


May 23, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 166) • Page Image 2

…I HIL MICHIL kN DAILY LN DAILY ....... Comfort in Summer clathes r M P RA4ISES GL[ CLUB Official newspaper at the University of Mief..gan. Published every morning except M-nday during the university year. PROF. A. A. STANLEY DISCUSSI W HEN the sizzle and scorch of a summer sun surcharge the atmosphere,you'll appreciate the cool comfort of an outing suit. Tailor-Made to your Inches from any of our many tropical weight fabrics-Palm Beac...…

May 23, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 166) • Page Image 3

…II- - -- 1-- RuIEIIuIIuuu mu 1917 SUMMER SESSION DRILL REGULATION AND WAR SCIENCE TO BE GIVEN Infantry drill regulations and mili- tary science are the two courses in military training to be offered during the 1917 summer session under the supervision of a competent officer probably detailed to the University by the war department. This will enable all male students attending the sum- mer session to take intensive training preparatory to be...…

May 23, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 166) • Page Image 4

…MICI6N ENIN WHO'SWHO IN 1917 Biographies of President H. B. Hutch-t ins and Seven Professors Con- tained in New Editioni PUBLICATION INCLUDES LIST 1 OF PROMINENT MEN IN WORLDt Dean V. C. Vaughan Was Division Surgeon in Spanish-Amer-. ean Wara Biographies of President Harry B.t Hutchins and seven professors of theg University are contained in "Who'st Who in 1917." This book containss the life history of the prominent men of the entire world, an...…

May 23, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 166) • Page Image 5

…1 17 Al %..~Z AA'..A~1l~ L.~fLLL~ I __ . ....y.....w.. _i STRAW HATS STRAW HATS Bring in your old hat and we will allo wyou 50c toward a new one. From $2.00 up. We have the Stiff or Soft Sailors, Ask to see our sport coats from $8.50 to $10.00. Flannel Pants from $5.00 to $6.00. White also a large selection of Panamas and Leghorns J. F. WUERTH CO. Next to Orpheum : ANN ARBOR, MICH. Wadhams & Co. State Street Main Street Your...…

May 23, 1917 (vol. 27, iss. 166) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ . . In fine tailoring; the cost of good workmanship exceeds the cost of the fabric. Workmanship is the ability behind the shears, behind tile nedles. It plays the most important p~art ini a successful suit, fixes the cost, the selling price, as wvell as the value of the garment. TAKE YOUR Amatuer Finishing to a Reliable Photographer who has an established reputation and you will be assured of Results that will not be ...…

May 23, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…or yt1rn ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1918. _r OYS WOLVERINES BEAT SOHIO BY ONE RUN RED CROSS GETS SOOO FIRST DAY LAW SCHOOL LOSES TWO FACULTY MEN FLY illiam .L. Phelps, of the ment of Yale univer- ver a lecture on the g Reserve/' at 7:15 r evening in Hill audi- of the lecture is to in- between the ages of 16 iteer their services for this summer. There choice of jobs offered r will receive the reg- ges. Some will work san...…

May 23, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 167) • Page Image 2

…*i has begun for him, as he not only does p j his bit but keeps on doing his share. For many of the high school stu- SS dents the war has not begun. y entitled We cannot, call them slackers, as news ds ise credit. they are patriotic, but they have not cal news begun to realize the importance of the struggle in Europe, or the importance 'ersity of of maintaining the upkeep of the -mor- Ar exc ale of the soldiers. Arbor as In the co-lleges men t...…

May 23, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 167) • Page Image 3

…th the winning run. One , no error. MICHIGANE I G " i I plate. No led to cen- g, Clark to >sed out by Adams fan- ror. : Garrett of second ned. Mraz no hit, 1no safe ider. left, leted not the Ones Player A.B. R. .H. P.O. A. E. Knode, ss ........3 0 0 4 3 0 Cooper,f .......4 1 1 2 0 0 Ohlmacher, rf ....4 0 1 3 1 0 Mraz, 3b.........4 2 2 0 2 1 Genebach, of .....2 0 1 2 0 0 Morrison, c.......4 0 .0 10 1 0 Garrett, 2b ......3 0 2 0 2 0 Adams,...…

May 23, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 167) • Page Image 4

…: "A great net of ,/erc ) dranm through an ocean of iunspeakable pain" afraid that..s all I can spare lar, red-blooded, true-blue American. You love your country. You love that ping old flag.~ Your heart thumps hard when the troops tramp by. You're LOYAL I to-you WANT to help win the wiar in a hurry.. N. Sure," You've been thinking. glht you MEANT that, too. "Just you wait till they really need it." And you'ye. yourself in t...…

May 23, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 167) • Page Image 5

…nen men Tuns r I f - . 9J ARTICLE BY PROF. HOBBS NEW YORK TiMES IS CONCIISIVE IN VYRN bUULV Dl LIIVLV BY SHORT ALLED DRIE Oxford eather 25.00 T PFEL & O*. CA AW1 DELIVER FLOWERS to any addre , at the tie required. Y'ou can order a box or a bouquet here with r ab)solute confidence that the fair one wli receive your gift at the time you direct. We sell only the freshest an1 most perfect blossoms. With proper care they will keep for days. O...…

May 23, 1918 (vol. 28, iss. 167) • Page Image 6

…IM, M! - f-iIUAN L) alk-Over- COLLEGE s MODISH s Comfort- h. woman is as young as her feet. Here are the very t keep your feet feeling young, vigorous and stylishly inged Tip and Military Heel Black and Brown calf, white Buck and white cloth. Either Boots or Oxfords. alk-Over Boot Shop., 115 SOUTH MAIN STREET c I tudents of the University of Michigan Id inspect our new line of very smart models in Young Men's Top-coats Young Men's Ga...…

May 23, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 166) • Page Image 1


May 23, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 166) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY || _________________________-_-_-__._--_-__-_-_-_ FRIDAY, - A I OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published every morning except Monday during the university year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. bIEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis- patc4es credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also th...…

May 23, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 166) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. .0- - 5 7e ft ... . 1f - I - BEST -Of TWO STATES IN NIGH SCHOOL MEET __ C ' - - HYDE PARK HIGH - SCHOOL CELS DATE AT LAST MOMENT CAN.I Representative high school track athletes from Illinois, Indiana and Michigan, will invade Ann Arbor this afternoon, before their participation in the' interscholastic track meet Sat- urday. Latest word from the promoters of the high school event assures the par- ticipation ...…

May 23, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 166) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY DOITIONAL SPORTS French To Adopt Yankee Athletics A compliment to American soldiers implied in the decision of the 'ench government to adopt Ameri- n athletics and physical education France. The task of inaugurat- g the system of American physical ucation In the French army has en assigned to Louis C. Schroeder, rmerly the physical instructor of e Young Men's Christian Association liege at Springfield, Mass., and he 11 con...…

May 23, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 166) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILA British Freighter Holds Cargo Record Galveston, Tex., May 21. -The dis- tinction of carrying the largest cargo ever contained in the hold of a vessel, is claimed by shipping men for the' British steamship Indore, which left here for Liverpool with 28,386 square bales of cotton.I MEN SIGNING UP FR HOYER DANCINGLE5SONS MAJESTIC ORCHESTRA Nightly-All Shows Sunday TODAY-TOMORROW CHARLES RAY "Grcased Lig htrillg" A R C"A D E S...…

May 23, 1919 (vol. 29, iss. 166) • Page Image 6

…THE-MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1919. UOO15TUDENTS CST iBALLOTS IN ELECTION (Continued from Page One) msist of freshmen, Alfred May and )hu Madden; sophomores, L. A. aies and G. G. Wetzel; junors, J. arbaker and L. Shindler. P. Mc- )uth was elected to the Student coun- 1 by the sophomore engineers. Architects voted E. D. Straith pres- eut of the Architectural society; H. oth, vice-president; A. R. Wagner, cretary; J. H. Page, treasurer. ...…

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