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May 23, 1917 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-05-23

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Biographies of President H. B. Hutch-t
ins and Seven Professors Con-
tained in New Editioni
Dean V. C. Vaughan Was Division
Surgeon in Spanish-Amer-.
ean Wara
Biographies of President Harry B.t
Hutchins and seven professors of theg
University are contained in "Who'st
Who in 1917." This book containss
the life history of the prominent men
of the entire world, and as its scopes
is much larger than that of "Who's1
Who in America,"- the honor is cor-t
respondingly greater.
President H. B. Hutchins l
President Harry B. Hutchins re-r
ceived his Ph.B. from the Universityj
in 1871. For four years he was as-t
sistant professor of history. Froms
1884 to 1877 he was professor of law,
and from 1887 to 1894 he was dean of
the Cornell law faculty. He returned
to Michigan in 1895 as dean of the Law
school, and became acting president in
1909 and president in 1910. He has
received the honorary L.L.D. from
Michigan, Wisconsin, and Wesleyan.
Prof. H. C. Adams
Henry Carter Adams, professor of
political economy and finance since
1887, was educated at Iowa college,
Johns Hopkins university, the Univer-
sities of Heidelberg, Berlin, and Paris,
and Andover Theological seminary.{
He is associate editor of the Inter-1
national Journal of Ethics and a writ-
er on political and financial subjects.1
Prof. A. L. Cross
Prof. Arthur Lyon Cross, a member
of the history department since 1899,{
was educated at Harvard, Berlin, and
Frelburg, receiving his Ph.D. from
Harvard in 1899. He has contributed
articles on historical subjects to vari-
ous periodicals. During 1909-10 he
was non-resident lecturer at Har-
Prof. F. G. Novy
Frederick G. Novy has been pro-
fessor of bacteriology and director of
the hygienic laboratories of the Uni-
versity since 1864.
Prof. H. C. Sadler
Herbert C. Sadler, professor of
naval architecture and marine engi-
neering, received his education at
Dulwich college and the University of
Glasgow. He has been consulting en-
gineer to various shipbuilding con-
cerns since 1900, and is the designer
of the experimental naval tank used
in the Engineering building. During
1912-13 he was consulting naval archi-
tect to the United States army engi-
neers on Mississippi river vessels. He
is a member of the Institute of Naval
Architects, London; Institute of Engi-
neers and Shipbuilders, Scotland; So-
ciety of Naval Architects and Marine
Engineers, New York, and the Society
for the.,, Promotion on Engineering
Education, United Statep. Professor
Sadler has written articles on the
problems of marine construction.
Dean V. C. Vaughan
Victor C. Vaughan, dean of the Med-
ical school, has been connected with
the University since 1876, and has held
his present position since 1891. He is
a contribuer to various medical pub-
lications, and the author of several
works on medicine. Dean Vaughan is

a member of the Michigan state board
of health, the Association of American
Physicians of which he was president
in 1908-09, the American Philosophical
society, the National Academy of
Sciences, and an honorary member of
the French Society of Hygiene, and
the Hungarian Society of Hygiene. He
was a division surgeon during the
Spanish-American war, and was rec-
ommended for brevet by the president
for his meritorious conduct during the
battle at Santiago. He was president
of the American Medical association in
1913. He is a member of the Army
and Navy club of Washington.
Prof. R. M. Wenley
Robert Mark Wenley has been pro-
fessor of philosophy at the University
since 1896. He was educated in the
Universities of Glasgow, Edinburgh,
and Paris and has studied in Rome
and Germany. He has written several
works on philosophy, and numerous
articles and reviews for the serial
Prof. H. A. Sanders
Henry A. Sanders, appointed pro-
fessor of Latin in 1911, is now on
leave of absence from the University.
He was educated at the Universities
of Michigan, Berlin, and Munich. He
is the author of numerous works and
translations on classical subjects. Dur-
ing 1915-16 he acted director of the
school for classical studies, in the
American Academy in Rome.

Frenchman Expresses Pride in
Americans for Entering Big WarK r

The following has been translated
from a letter which has recently come
from France to a professor in the Un-
iversity and is of interest in that it'
indicates the response of the intellect-I
uals in France to the message of Pres-
ident Wilson calling upon congress for
the declaration of a state of war.
"My dear master and friend:
"In the presence of .actual events I
wish to tell you how happy and proud
I am to know Americans personally,
and especially Americans having like
you for a long time extolled the poli-
tics which is now followed by your
great republic. Today the people and
the government of the United States
seem to have perfectly understood that
it is not a case of fighting for the
self-interest of France and England,
but for the future and the liberty of
the entire world.

and in the allied countries all the in-
tellectuals and the men of free spirit
have the same thought.
"I do not know whether your pol-
itical ideas correspond to those of
President Wilson, but I am sure that
in your view, as in mine, the voice of
your president has expressed the su-
preme thought of all humanity. It is
the first time that in universal pol-
itics one sees the appearance of any-
thing else than 'reason of the state.'
that is to say, something other than
national egoism and the spirit of con-
quest; it is the first time that a na-
tion has had the courage to substitute
right for force, not only in words but
in deeds.
"Also--1 that am a historian near-
ly as much as a geographer, since in
France to be a fellow (agreg6) it is
required to have made studies in both

letics have made her one of the most Five Thousand
perfect specimens of her sex. Toledo, 0., M
She was the first woman to estab- series of address
lish long distance swimming records, they affect groc
almost all of which have never been bers of the Reta
equalled. will attend a ba
In this production, 20,000 persons, auditorium toni
5,000 horses, a fleet of steamships and heavy inroads o
an entire island were used to stage the city which is
the entire picture. annual conventi
An island at Kingston, Jamaica, was gram included a
selected for the erection of the domain McIntyre, Daven
of a mythical sultan which is the New York; C. F
scene of the picture. 1ere minaret university, andL
topped palaces and imposing edifices Denver.
have created the illusion of a city
which has been standing for cen-

ay 22.- Following a
es on war problems as
ers, nearly 5,000 mer-
il Grocers association
nquet in the Terminal
ght that will make
on grocer supplies of
s entertaining them in
on. The day's pro-
ddresses by W.iB. M.
port, Ia.; W. F. Fiske.
. Kurtz of Iowa State
L. M. II. Attenbach of

"The " manner of the American re- these fields--i bielieve firmly that the
public's entering cooly into this ter- date of the message of President Wil-
rible struggle to defend an ideal of son will leave its trace in the history
justice and right, is in my opinion of the world graven more deeply even
the greatest proof of reason, force and than that of July 4, 1776, July 14, 1789,
self-abnegation that a nation has ever or the unforgettabie date of the Russ-
given; and I believe that in France ian revolution"
School of Music Pupils to Give Con- !Ann Arbor Times-News Co-operates


cert in Bill Auditorium
The students of the School of Music
will hold a public recital at 4:151
o'clock this afternoon inHill auditor-,
ium. Participants represent some of
the best amateur talent available in
this city.
All of these musicians are among
the most advanced and talented stu-
dents in the University chool of Mus-
ic. The piano, voice, organ and violin
departments will be represented this
afternoon as follows: Fiske S. Church,
'17, Robert Dieterle, '17, Mrs. Verne
Luther, and Horace Davis '17, of the
vocal department; Laura Henkel, and
Alzora Crowcombe, of the piano de-
partment; Emily Powell, '19, of the
organ department, and Lucy Cannon,
of the violin department.
A varied program has been arranged
and the general public is invited to at-
Keep Up Spirits with Candy and Lem-
ons, Says Dr. James
Lawrence, Kan., May 22.-Mothers
who did not raise their boys to be
soldiers ought to keep all their tear-
ful letters at home, according to Dr.
James Naismith of the University of
Sob letters are mighty pleasant
reading when there isn't anything to
sob about, but they are more than de-
moralizing when the dear boy is spend-
ing his hours in trenches half full of
mud and water and many unmention-
able "etceteras." As substitutes, Dr.
Naismith suggests cheerful newsy let-]
ters, candy, and lemons. There is
something thoroughly strengthening
about an acre of fudge and a crate of
Worse than the tender parents who
deluge their suffering sons with sob
stuff are the fond mammas who insist
that their sons shall never, no never,
sleep in "the horrid uniform" and ac-
cordingly send them dainty night
"Don't send your darling night
gowns," said the doctor. "Don't de-
moralize the whole glorious army by
telling how much you and the dear
girl next door miss him. Make him
truly virile with ukeleles, caramels
and lemons."
Washington, May 22.-Senator Nel-
son of Minnesota today introduced an
amendment for the administration
food bill authorizing the president to
close up dealers in grain futures whom
he may deem as working against the
best interests of the nation.
Congressman's Wife Dies from Poison
Washington, May 22.- Mrs. Mary
Louise Hull, 46, wife of Congressman
Harry E. Hull of Iowa, is dead here
today as a result of mistaking bi-
chloride of mercury tablets for head-
ache remedy. She is said to have tak--
en 12 of the tablets.
Junior Dents to Give Dance Friday
The juniors of the dental college
will hold an informal dancing party
Friday night at the Packard academy.
Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Howell will act as
chaperones. Dancing will continue
from 9 to 1 o'clock.

with Organization; Active
Interest Shown

Over $1,000 has already been raisedI* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

by the Ann Arbor committee in charge
of the campaign for the Y. M. C. A.
war camp funds.
The Ann Arbor Times-News is also
conducting a campaign in co-operation
with the Y. M. C. A., starting the sub-
scriptions with $100.
Rev. G. W. Knepper gave a lecture
in Ypsilanti for the purpose of rais-
ing funds, and the audience willingly
submitted, as $700 was raised.
An active interest in this work is
being shown all over the state, as
many other cities are conducting
similar campaigns and it is hoped that
the necessary $10,000 can be raised
by the end of this week.
Twelve Mufflers and One Sweater
Thus Far Received; Nearly
100 Promised
More workers and more money are
needed if the outfits, undertaken by the
women of the University for the naval
reserves are to be completed. Up to
this noon only 12 finished mufflers
and one sweater had been turned in,
although nearly a hundred of the
former have been promised.
Crocheted sweaters can be accepted
by the naval reserves though not by
the regular branches of the govern-
ment service. Government require-
ments call for knitted sweaters of
gray wool. The last shipment of the
gray yarn received at Barbour gym-
nasium has not all been sold, although
more will inevitably be needed later.
The pattern for the sweater is ex-
ceedingly simple and girls are urged
to attempt to make them. Wristers
are also to'be made of the gray yarn
and many more pairs of them are re-
quired for the outfits.


The Pathe Film company has just
produced, at the suggestion of the
war and navy departments of the gov-
ernment, a two-part patriotic film en-
titled "Our Fighting Forces." It will
be shown today at the Arcade, in ad-
dition to the regular feature with Mie.
Olga Petrova in "Bridges Burned."
This combination makes today's show
an especially attractive one. From
this, one can learn in the most de-
finite manner possible how well the
United States is prepared to enter the
great war.
The Senior society regiment of the
Michigan home guards held a banquet
last evening in honor of the new mem-
bers from the 1918 class who have
just entered the ranks. Dean Myra B.
Jordan, in her capacity of brigadier-
general, opened the program with
"Orders from Headquarters." Mae
White, grad., gave "Camp Fire Rem-
iniscences"; Mildred Mighell, '18, gave
a "Bugle Call for the Rookies," and
Helen Richey, '17, as commander-in-
chief, gave the signal "Forward,
Ten juniors were initiated into the
society, and were made to feel their
responsibility to the senior class, to
their Alma Mater, and to their coun-
Classical Club Meeting Postponed
The meeting of the Classical club,
which was to have been held last night
was postponed. It will be held at 8
o'clock Thursday evening in room A
Memorial hall. Next year's officers
will be elected at this time, and sev-
eral members of the club are to give 1
brief talks. As this is the last meet-
ing of the year, all members are urged
to attend.
Try a Michigan Daily Want-Ad.

Hand -Tailored
Palm Beach
Made to Your Measure
and Up
My New
So. Main St.
is prepared to give in-
creased service
Albert Sansl'e
217 So, Main St,

Majestic-Annette Kellermann
in "A Daughter of the Gods."


* -_ _*
*Arcade-Mme. Petrova in "Bridges *
* Burned," and International *
* cartoon.
* Orpheum- Fifth McClure Pie- *
* ture, "Seven Deadly Sins." H. *
* B. Warner in "Wrath"; also *
* Pathe news and cartoons. *
* _____*1
* Wuerth- Pauline Frederick in
* "Sleeping Fires"; also Black
* ~Diamond comedy, "A Trouble. *
* some Trip." *
* x
* Rae-Tiheda Bara in "The Vix *
* en"; also Fox comedy.
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
In "Intolerance," the D. W. Griffith
production which will be seen at the
Whitney theater, Saturday afternoon
and evening, May 26, love's struggle
with intolerance is shown through four
civilizations, ancient Babylon, mediae-
val France, Judea of Nazarene, and the
present time.
The massacre of St. Batholomew, the
siege of Babylon, and France in the
tumultuous reign of Charles IX, are
some of the incidents of the picture.
Mae Marsh, Miriam Cooper, Con-
stance Talmadge. Seema Owen, Lillian
Gish, Margery Wilson, Robert Harron,
Alfred Paget, and Walter Long are
some of the film favorities appearing
in the production.
Annette Kellermann thestar in "A
Daughter of the Gods," which is. now
showing at the Majestic, was very
weak as a child. Swimming and ath-

ARMY ANI) NAVY REGULATIONS call for certain standards of vision.
If you are in doubt about your vision let us make your visual test
and advise you about your eye conditions.
NO CHARGE FOR THIS nor will it put you to any inconvenience be-
cause you will not have your eyes paralyzed by "drops!"

If you need glasses we will

gladly furnish you with better glasses at

According to a letter just received
by Dean John R. Effinger from Paul
D. Womeldorf, '18, there are numerous
opportunities for farm laborers in the
vicinity of Waymart, Wayne county,
Womeldorf left the University some
time ago for Waymart where he is now
engaged in an agricultural capacity.
It is suggested that anyone interested
in securing a position of this sort com-
municate with Womeldorf.
A. B. Peck Gets Government Job
Mr. Albert B. Peck, instructor in
mineralogy in the University, received
notice yesterday of his appointment as
petrographer in the United States bu-
reau of standards at Pittsburg.
Mr. Peck has been instructor in the
University for the last three years
and reports for duty at his new post
on July 1, where he is to apply
crystallographic optical methods in
the study of cements and ceramics.
University Laundry Under Way
Excavations for the new University
laundry building on East Washington
street are completed and the construc-
tion of the foundation is now under
way. Practically all the building ma-
terial has arrived and the stone w'ork
is expected within a short time.
For results advertise in The Mtchi-
gan Daily.

Registered Optometrist With Arnold and Co., Jewelers









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