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May 23, 1913 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1913-05-23

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i '

or !inn Arbor:
P'air and cooler; mnoder-I
!y wvinds. M'










- I




Junior laws and Soph Engineers Will
Close Interclass Baseball
Season Today; Teams
in Fine Shape.
Both Contenders Hold Laurels in Their
Respecth ;)1parinents; have
Heavy h itter
When the junior laws and the soph
engineers meet on the Varsity base-
ball diamond this afternoon at 4:00
o'clock, the interclass series will close
one of the most successful seasons
that it has had since its establishment.
The winners of this contest will be the
campus champions, and will be re-
warded with numeral sweaters and
The two teams, who by winning all
their contests, have won their right
to fight. it out for the big
honor, are both strong aggrega-
tions and the result is hard to predict.
The junior barristers had little trouble
in downing the other classes in their
department and won from the cham-
pions of the. literary department in a
close contest by some timely hitting.
In the engineering department the
honor was also easy for last year
champs and they had a wall, away in
the fresh medic game.
Haddon will probably be the choice
of the engineers to do the serving act.
and Spencer will twirl for the lawyers,
Both box artists have been working in+
rare form this season, and if dope can
be relied upon the fans will see a
strong pitchers' battle this afternoon.
Lackey and Shepard are scheduled to7
do the backstop work.
In the slugging line the two teamsj
look about on a par, both having somea
real Cobb-like batsmen. Every game
that the contenders for the champion-1
ship have played has been featured byI
the extra base hits which have been
garnered off the opposing twirlers.
Shepard and laddon are the two menf
on the engineer's nine who are beingl
depended upon to give the most troub-
le to Spencer, while Lehr, Hippler,t
and Witherow are the trio of laws who
will be the terror of Iladdon.1
The probable lineups that will be'
used today by the opposing teams arE

After a slight illness lasting a week,
which had been diagnosed as a case of
grip, J. N. Beardslee, '13L, attended
classes again Wednesday. He became
slightly worse, and the attending phy-
sician called the case a slight attack
of smallpox.
The house was quarantitned at once,
and four other students, R.L. Emmons,
'15, L. H. Murphy, '13, Helen Webb,
'15, and Marie Boos, '15, living in the
house, were also quarantined.
Juniors Are Picked as Winners, With
Seniors Close on Their Heels;
Sophs to Trail.
Adhering to the prece(rent set last
winter when the indoor Varsity meet
was made an interclass struggle, the
Varsity outdoor meet on Ferrytfield
Saturday morning will be contested
among the four classes with the jun-
iors heavy favorites for first honors
A close fight is sure to develophbe-
tweea the fresh and senior athletic
talent for second position, while the
sophomores may be forced to content
themselves with the booby prize.
The junior's chances for pre-eminence
in tomorrow's meet is based on the
presence of such men as Bond, Sew-
ard, Jansen, Brown, - Green, Craig,
Kohler, and Cook. Bond and Seward
should make a sweep in the dashes.
Jansen cannot be headed in the 440,
and Kohler should garner 15 points
from the three weight events. Green
is picked to win the high hurdles and
Craig will of course lead the field in
Lhe lows. Brown is sure of points in
the half-mile and Cook will press
Oaskam of the sophomore class fox
first in the polevault.
Led off by Haff, and supported by
Lapsley, C. M. Smith, H. Smith and
Sai rgent, the seniors will be in the
running in every event with the excep-
tion of the hurdles. Haff will proba-
bly be entered in the halt-mile.
The freshmen will be represented in
the hurdles by Armstrong and Klop-
fer, in the dashes by H. L. Smith and
Lyttle, and by Catlett in pole-vault.'
With the points that their other entries
may pick up, this class appears to be
strong. Daskam is the only sopho-
more who seems sure to place, and
will work hard to spare his class the
shame of being goose-egged in the

Garden Party is Planned in Place of
the Installation of Officers
This Afternoon.
Organization of the new self-gov-
ernment council for women begins to-
day when the executive board and offi-
cers of the Women's League are chos-
en at the general League election.
This board will have full charge of
the council matter.
Ballot boxes are to be placed at
Barbour gym and in the general li-
brary from 8:00 until 4:00 o'clock.
The installation of officers will be held
at a garden party in the afternoon, at
which a play will be given by League
members, The results of the balloting
will be announced at the close of the
The new executive board will elect
20 of it members today., This number
includes ten sorority representatives,
five League house members and five
women from the independents. Fol-
lowing the election of the new board,
one of its members will be appointed
by the new president as chairman of
the self-government committee. Later
the board will appoint other members
of the council, which is to draft regu-
lations for the control of women's
campus affairs. This plan will be sub-
mitted to the non athletic committee
of the university for its official accept-
ance or rejection.
"Pandora's Box" a playlet, will, be
given at the home of Mrs. Henry
Douglas at 1620 Cambridge Road dur-
ing the afternoon., The garden party
to be held here starts at 3:00 o'clock.
The votes cast on the campus will be
counted as the play progresses, so that
those who are unable to vote on the
campus may ballot at this time.
The candidates for members of the
executive board representing the in-
dependent women at large follow. Five
are to be chosen: Marion Stowe, Eliza-
beth Kennedy, Frances Farnham,
Louise Robson, Florence Shelly, Louise
Markley, Jeannette Higgins, Sophie
Hennan, Elsie Dritter and Hilda Cush-
Candidate Withdraws From Race.
-Louise Conklin, '14, has withdrawn'
her name from the Women's League
ballot, as candidate for member of the
executive board.

"Contrarie Mary" Cast Will B( -Ente--
tained in Windy City Tomorrow
by Alumni Committees
"Contrarie Mary" leaves for Chica-
go tonight on a special train of three
pullmans and a baggage car. The
amateur thespians will arrive in the
Windy City at 8:00 o'clock tomorrow
morning, where they will be met by
committees of the Alumni association
and taken to breakfast, immediately
after which the final rehearsal will
take place at the Blackstone theatre
where the performance is to be given.
The time between the erd of th.e re-
hearsal and dinner in the evening be-
longs to the men, and they may do as
they choose. The association how-
ever has made extensive arrangements
for the entertainment of the men and
it is understood that all who desire
will be taken for automobile rides
about the city. The privileges of the
University club have been tendered to
the men during their stay, an:l their
headquarters will probably be made
Several members of the ccimpany
left last night, and a few are planning
to leave today. 'They will will meet
the special tomorrow morning. It is
thought that the show 'Will be over
about 10:30 o'clock and the return trip
to Ann Arbor will start at 2:15 o'clock.
They will arrive home about i:00
o'clock Sunday morning.
Director Bert St. John had charge
of the rehearsal at the Whitney thea-
ter last night and expressed himself
as well pleased with the way the men
went through their parts. Philip K.
Fletcher, general chairman, has
charge of the arrangements for the
trip from this end. Selden Dickinson,
'13, will direct the music.
Wyvern has selected 14 sophomores
as members of the junior society for
next year. The complete list is: Hul-
dah Bancroft, Honora Fogerty, Marga-
ret Foote, Catherine Reighard, Clara
Roe, Grace Marquedant, Marion Davis,
Alice Waird, Lois Townley, Josephine
Hayden, Laura Feige, Lucile Stroup,
Judith Ginsberg, and Lens Mott.

~* * .' * * * * * * * *
*-,-- *
Time-5:00 o'clock,
* Place-Palmer field. *
Students meet by classes on *
campus at 7:30 o'clock. *
Procession starts at 7:45 o'clock. *
Seniors meet at engineering *
arch, juniors between econom-
* es building and library, soh. *
omores at ig pole, and fresh- *
* men back of the law building.
Seniors wear caps and gowns. *
* Freshmen wear tennis shoes.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Chicao and Toledo to Run Michigan
Athletes Close Race For
First Honors.


I 1


After a lapse of one year, the An-
nual Michigan Interscholastic meet
will blossom forth with its full crop
of embryo Varsity material and high
school marvels at Ferry field this af-
ternoon. It is the fifteenth year that
Ferry field and Ann Arbor has wel-
comed the middle west youngsters and
it is no idle statement to predict that
this year will not be below the aver-
age of its predecessors and it might
be permissible to remark that there
is every chance of its being better. For
two days the track men will compete at
the field and be entertained by Ann
Arbor and it will be late. Saturday
night before the last of the festivities
is over.
The entry list for the meet in itself
insures some keen competition. Nearly
250 cinder burners and weight heav-
ers are listed among those who will
display their prowess and the entries
come from three or four of the middle
west states. The largest' entry list is
Lansing with twenty, while Kalama-
zoo, with a single, brings up the rear.
The entering of University High of
Chicago will mean that the Michigan
schools will have their work cut out
for them to keep the honor in the state
and Toledo will also add to their
troubles. Of course it is impossible to
attempt to pick any favorites, wut,
judging by some of the marks that the
men are bringing with them, there is
a good probability that Saturday night
may see a few records broken.
The entertainment will start for the
high' school men this morning when
they are to be driven around the city
in automobiles. At 2:30 o'clock this
afternoon, the first events will be call-
ed in both track and field events. Most
of the track events today will be qual-
ifying heats, but the competition will
be none the less keen. The field events
will be finals, so by tonight one or
two schools may have a substantial
lead on their rivals. The finals in all
the track events will come Saturday
The track events slated for this af-
ternoon are: first and second heats of
the 100 yard dash; qualifying heats in
the high and low hurdles; qualifying
heats in the 220 and 440 dashes; and
qualifying heats in the half mile. The
field events, which will be finals are:
pole vault, shot put, discus throw,,
hammer throw, broad jump and high
jump. k'

Cal) Night Celebration Planned to Be
More Impressive Than Ever;
Program Begins at
5:00) O'clock
Mandolin Club Will Furnish Musical
Selections in Place of
Varsity Band.
About a great bonfire tonight at
Sleepy Hollow, men of the class of
1916 will beat a spiral war dance into
the realms of sophomorehQod and
throw their little emblems of verdan-
cy into the flames. The 1913 Cap
Night celebration is planned to be the
most impressive demonstration ever
staged at Palmer field.
The parade will start at 7:45 o'clock,
headed by the seniors, and the other
classes will fall in line in oIder, fresh-
men corfiing last. The band was una-
ble to organize for the occasion. The
procession will march north on State
street to Huron street and then east
to Sleepy Hollow. The entire way
will be lighted by red torches, manag-
ed by a committee of sophomores to
be picked when the class gathers to-
After arriving, seniors will sit on the
hillside to the right of the bonfire,
with the juniors at their left. Sopho-
mores and freshmen will be seated in
front of the upperclasses, freshmen
nearest the fire. There will be a short
program of speeches, and music will
be furnished by the mandolin club.
Following the program freshmen
will circle the fire in a single spiral
line, tossing the gray head-pieces into
the flames. Ex-freshmen will then
withdraw to the south, and seniors
will lead the procession back to State
street, 1916 men falling into line last.
The new sophomores will be granted a
free show at the Majestic.
During the entire performance ev-
eryone is requested to keep off the
women's hockey field.
Councilmen in charge of the celebra-
tion are Harold S. Hulbert, '14M, gen-
eral chairman, Ralph E. Woleslagel,
'13D, bonfire arrangements, John .
Lippincott, '14, program, and G." C.
Grismore, '14L, arrangements. Other
councilmen will act as marshals of
the parade. Those from the engineer-
ing department will meet with the
seniors; from the professional depart-
ments with the juniors; from the lit
department with the sophomores; and
those from the law department with
the freshmen.
Y.M.C.A. Wants Men for Summer Work
University Y.M.C.A. employment bu-
reau has a call for men to work as
conductors, motormen and stenogra,
phers for a .railroad company in Au-
rora, Illinois. Men are also wanted in
the northern part of Wisconsin to
work in a lumber camp at $30 a month
and board and room.

as follows: linal score.
Jlunior Laws Soph Engineers --
Lackey...........C ........Shepard CHOOSE PRINCIPAL FOR PLAY.
With erow ........ ..1B ........ Cochran Senior Women to hold Full Rehearsal
Collette.......,.2B. ........ Caswell in U. Hall Tomorrow; Prof.
Lehr............ SS. .........Fowler Hollister to Direct.
Locke...........3B ...,........Budd Mary Ruthrauff will be unable to take
Pennell......LF.........Wilson her part in the senior women's play
Hippler.......... CF ..t.......Metcalf as she will sail for Europe, June 9. Her
Dobson .......... RF .........Webber successor will be selected at the full
Coach Douglas will probably act as reheasal of the play in University Hall
umpire, since he has done most of the tomorrow morning at 9:00 o'clock.
officiating in the series Rehearsals by scenes are now being
----- KEAconducted bythe five under-chairmen
in charge. Full rehearsals of the play
are to be held every Saturday morning.
Prof. R. D. T. Hollister will direct the
W ILL P')'EU C trainig next week. He will be out
of .town this week end. The play,
W l BESheridan's "School for Scandal, will
Phi Beta Kappa, at a meeting yes- be presented Monday evening of Com-
terday afternoon, decided to make the mencement week, following the sen-
annual address a public function. The ior parade.
address is given by a speaker of prom-
inence and has been presented only to Visitors Given Chance to Dance.
the members of the society at the an- This week's membership dance at
nual banquet and initiation of the new the Union on Saturday night will be
members. The banquet and initiation partially devoted to the entertainment
will be held as in former years. or the visiting interscholastic athletes.
The society also decided to invite The tickets which are now on sale are
the whole junior literary class to at- limited to 75 so that as many of the
tend one of the regular meetings of visitors who desire may attend. Mau-
the chapter, at which tme the aims and rice Lohman, '14M, is chairman of the
purposes of Phi Beta Kappa will be committee in charge.


Ninzey and Hopkins Confess Buying Sisler don Mound and Pitchers' Battle1
Liquor in Attempt to Explain Was Predicted; Team to Play
Conduct to Faculty. Lehigh Today.
Lawrence Damm, who was arrested (Special to The Michigan Daily.)
Wednesday for violating the state law PRINCETON, N. J.,May 22.-A heavy
in regard to the selling of liquor to downpour of rain stopped the annual
students, was taken before Justice Do- game of Michigan and the Tigers in
ty yesterday morning. He demanded the second inning today. The game
an examination, which was set for had started out as a regular pitchers'
Monday afternoon. Damm declared; battle with Sisler doing the box work
that he would contest the case, and) for the Wolverines, and was sliding
carry it to the Supreme court if nec- along at a fast pace. Princeton had
essary. j scored one run when J. Pluvius got in
The events leading to the filing of his sob stuff and prevented any more
the complaint are somewhat of a mys- battling after two innings..
tery. J. H. Minzey, '16, and Ward The Wolverines left tonight for
Hopkins, '16, the two students who Pennsylvania where they tackle Le-
gave the information to the authori- 'high Friday, returning to Philadel-
ties have maintained a non-committal phia for the Pennsy game Saturday.
attitude, refusing to make any state- Quaintance and Baribeau will proba-
ment. bly divide the work of the Lehigh
It is known that the two students game, with chances. on Baribeau start-
have been in some difficulty with the ing. Sisler will work in the Pennsy
university authorities previous to this game, as Rickey is very anxious to get
time, and it is understood that they a start on the Quakers in the three
(Continued on page 4.) games to be played between the teams.

explained by one of the officers. If
freshmen assemblies are instituted in
the literary department, it is possible
tha't the society will be explained to
the first year men by one of the offi-

Ethel Iinnord is Recovering Rapidly.
Miss Ethel Minnord, '14, who suffer-
ed slight bruises as a result of alight-I
ing from a moving street car last Sun-
day is recovering rapidly. The inju-
ries were not serious but the shock
occasioned by the fall has caused a
state of nervousness, which has keptl
her confined to her home the entire

The 1913 Michiganensian, which ' at 6:00 o'clock this morning, and
the campus has been awaiting for the manager Schoeffel states that if no ac-
last three days, xvill goon sale this cident prevents their arrival at that
time, they will be all ready for the
morning 'at 8:00 o'clock at the distrib- eight o'clockers.
uting tents on the diagonal walk of An installment of 350 volumes arriv-
the campus near the flag pole and on ed yesterday, but as about 800 are us-
the corner of State and North Univer- ually sold in the first hour, the allot-
sity. ment on hand was not considered
The books, which were delayed in large enough to warrant putting-it on.
Chicago, owing to an error in the ship- sale. The year, books will be sold at
ping instructions, are slated to arrive the customary price of $2.50.J

Soph Lits and J Laws Pick Members; Edward Kemp '12-'14L Charles
Fresh. Lits and i Pharmies
to Elect Today. Crowe, '14E, and Rowland Fixel, '12-
'14L, were elected to the 1913-'14 board
Harry Gault and Harold Tait were in control of publications yesterday in
elected as councilmen from the soph a quiet election featured by the close
lit class at a meeting held yesterday. running for the third berth. Five of
Junior laws elected J. Blakey Helm as the candidates being closely bunched.
their representative to the council. There seemed to be a total absence
The 'fresh law election, which was of the politics which marked the elec-
held yesterday afternoon, was protest- tion last year when 1,200 votes were
ed on a technicality, and 'the results cast, but the strength of this year's
of the balloting will be decided today. ticket served to bring out over 400
Junior pharmics will hold their elec- voters, a better than the usual show-
tion this afternoon in the chemistry ing. The candidates in order of run-
building. ning at the finish were Kemp, Crowe,
Fixel, Abbott, Hancock, Schoeffel,
Engineering Instructor Called Home. Thurston, Eberbach, and Murphy. The
-Frederick W. Weck, instructor in literary department led in the ballot-
German in the engineering depart- ing with a total of 206 votes. The en-
ment was called to Urbana, Indiana, gineering was second with 99, the law
yesterday morning by the death of his third with 94, the medic fourth with
brother. Mr. Wecke's classes will not 4, and the dent last with one lone
meet until his return Tuesday. ballot.

e breakfast will be served
n and women at Newberry
7:00 to 11:00 o'clock this
'he cost is 25 cents a plate.

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