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May 23, 1915 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1915-05-23

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ie Greatest List of Photoplays Ever Offered in Ann Arbor in One Week



r, May 24. ANDREW MACK, the famous Irish character-actor,
e Ragged Earl." Rebooked.
y, May 25. CHARLES CHAPLIN in "By the Sea." Also a
day, May 26. BEATRIZ MICHELENA in "The Lily of Poverty
one of Bret Harte's stories of the days of '49.

Thur., May.27. LILLIAN RUSSELL, in her famous success "Wildfir
Friday, May 28. "St. Elmo," six wonderful reels, picturizing Augus
Evans' world-famous American novel.
Saturday, May 29. WILLIAM FARNUM in Henri Bernstein's remai
able play of modern business life, "Samson." This is NOT t
Biblical story.

Andrew Mack, the noted Irish char-
acter-actor. is at his best in this In-
tensely interesting and humorous
play, "h'l Ragged Earl." It was
shown here several months ago, Bad
weathert preented many who wanted
to see this remarkable picture from
doing so. Those who did see it are
still taiking about it and no doubt
twill want to see it again and will tell;
all their friends about it. You can-
-rot start off the week more pleasantly
04.4 by seeing this remarkable pic-
lure, The brilliant wit and the ex-
cellent liaracterization of Irish life,
,is only Andrew Mack can depict it,
will give all who come to The Arcade
Monday a most delightful hour. Re-
Tmember it comes Monday, May 24.
Be sure to see It.


TiwsdAnr ~y 2").

The name of this actor is enough
to let you kpow about what to ex-
pect of this unusual, and original
comedlian. His style of touch-and-go
acting hes become famous the coun-
try over. Of course you will not want
to miss him in this irresistible com-
edy, eititled "By the Sea." Another
three or four reel feature will com-
plete the program for Tuesday. Don't:
forget the date and the place, 'JHe
Arcade, Tuesday, May 25.I

This picture based upon one of Bret
llarte's stories and put in picture
form by the California Motion Picture
Corporation will give photoplay pat-
rons an opportunity to see just how
the Argonauts of '49 fought with stub-
born Nature and fickle Fortune 'to
wrest the preciousm etal from the
rich gravels or the Sierras. Here is
the hurly-burly of a typical gold seek
ers' camp of the wonderful Golden
days of California. "The Lily" is
wooed and won. Beatriz Michelena,
who, as "Salorny Jane" delighted the
photoplay public all over the coun-
try last year, is cast in the title role
of this new and stirring screen-drama
of early California. Acknowledged as
the greatest and most beautiful artist
now appearing in motion pictures,
Miss Michelena's performance as the
belle. of the mining town is indeed
proving a new dramatic sensation, and
will, no'doubt, draw a capacity house.

This famous actress who has been
on the stage so iong is giving people
the surprise of their lives to see how
easily she achieves youth before the
bright light of the motion-picture
camera. She is the beautiful woman
she always was and she knows how
to# act, not only on the stage but for
the screen-drama as well as is evi-
danced by this excellent production.
The story is an exciting one and well
worked out. Miss Russell is support-
ed by an excellent cast including Lion-
el Parrymore and other noted actors.
Every admirer of really good acting
cannot afford to miss this play next.

In picture form St. Elmo is more
attractive than it ever was upon the
stage. The numerous rich interior
scenes are augmented with scores of
exterior views that the limitations of
stage craft excluded, and the spot for
the enactment of the celebrated duel
scene is peculiarly appropriate. Every-
thing that money could provide, and
skill and artistry contribute, was in-
vested in the photoplay production of
"St. Elmo." Tihe direction was ex-
ceedingly painstaking, every detail be-
in , worked out with the one idea of
making it the greatest six-reel feature.
in the history of motion pictures-and
you will decide after seeing this great
photoplaiy that the producers have
suceeded in a remarkable degree.

"ST. lf 0.."

William Farnum plays the pri
pal part, that of Maurice Brach
the dock laborer, who rose .to b
Samson of finance with terrific pc
and at times with a primordial fe
ity that is positively stunning,
Henri Bernstein's masterpiece, "S
son." A play of. tremendous force
sustained dramatic action, with cli:
following climax in startling suc
sion. It has been said by no o
authority than The Moving Pict
World that Mr. Farnum surpasse
every way in this play his work in
former appearance, "The Spoile
and that is saying a great deal.

«.j __ {

Year's Prospects Bright, with
hree Veterans and Others
to Draw from .

Institute Monthly Meetings in Fourth
Engineering Class; Last in
College, -

Large Colleges Pushing Movement;
"Y" Plans Course For Training
Men to Lead Boys' Clubs.

it is rather early to begin Monthly assemblies, mentors and
next year's prospects in mentor reports will be inaugurated

present indications seemI
an excellent one-mile relay

nson, Huntington

next year for the senior class of the
engineering college.
Following a resolution passed by the
1916 engineers April 22, to petition the

and Fon-'

be back with a year's faculty of the college to extend lhe

nirence, which counts for consider-
.and even before the present year
ver, this trio will all be running
ty close to 50 seconds flat. George
broke into the 440-yard game last
irday, when he ran the first lap on
'elay team which competed against
.cuse, and George surprised every-
by his showing. Fox has been run-
the middle distances all year, and
had no experience at the 440, yet
an the first lap in excellent shape.,
d" Robinson, the freshman track
ain, will be eligible, and the track
wers haven't forgotten "Robby's"
>rmance in the Varsity meet, when
watches caught him in 49 3-5.
>by" can run a sensational quar-
mile right now, and next season
id find him flirting with the Mich-
record of 48 3-5 which belongs
[ap" Haff and "Phil" Jansen.
ptain Smith intends to take a fling
Le quarter next year, and a great
y will be mightily surprised if
" doesn't run under 50 flat, after
as trained at the longer distance.
hy, the half-miler on last year's
, will be available when he works
into the good graces of faculty,'
"Cap" avows that this shall have
ened by next fall,
er, the half-miler and miler on
year's team, is a mighty fast
osition over the 440-yard route, and
experience and training should
off the distance in good time. In
ion to these there are several
s who are familiar with this dis-
e, which means Michigan should
out a mighty creditable one-mile

present system to include the fourth
year class, Prof, H. C. Riggs, head of
the department of civi lengineering,
has been clwsen head mentor for
seniors by 'Dean M. E. Cooley. Pro-
fessor Riggs will become the fourth
member of the mentor committee, now
composed of Prof. John R. Allen, Prof.
C. T. Johnson and Mr. W. D. Moriarty.
The addition of the fourth year class
to the list of those now holding reg-
ular monthly meetings gives to 1916
engineers the honor of having been
the first to start the mentor system in
each of the three upper classes, since
that class has been instrumental, since
its freshman year, in securing the
three extensions to the system.
The mentor lists for next year's
seniors have just been prepared, and
have been published in the north sec-
ond floor bulletin board in the engi-
neering building. Mentor cards prob-
ably will be issued twice each semes-
ter next yeal,
When the monthly senior assemblies
are started, it is planned to secure five
or six speakers from out of town to
talk to the class during the year on
subjects concerning the engineering
field at large, Fart of the $500 lec-
ture fund, granted to the college each
year by the board of regents, will be
utilized for this purpose.
Mentor cards and weelly assemblies
for freshmen of the college were first
instituted in the fall of 1941. When
the members of the present junior
class were freshmen, an extension of
the plan was asked for and in the fall
of 1913 sophomore mentor reports and
monthly assemblies were started. It
was not, however, until last March
that the faculty of the college gave its
formal sanction to the plan and placed
it under the personal supervision of
Dean Cooley.,.
With the recent reorganization of the

Chairmen of the social service com-
mittees in the various unit organiza-
tions of the Y. M. C. A. will have
charge of a canvass of all senior men
in the university, which is to be held
for the purpose of getting a registra-
tion 'of these men for the use of
churches and other religious bodies in
the cities and localities where they
contemplate settling.
This work will be done in the fur-
therance of a movement Which is being
pushed in all of the large universities
and colleges in the country, in an ef-
fort to connect college men with
some form of social service work after
they have left the university.
In addition to this, plans were also
discussed at the cabinet dinner held
this week, to take up the matter of an
introduction of a course in the socio-
logy department of the university, in
the training of men to lead boys' clubs.
A committee composed of Waldo R.
Hunt, '16, Dwight Jennings, '16, and
I. C, Johnson, '16, was appointed to
confer with Prof. C. E. Cooley on the
matter and report at the meeting to
be held next week.
Reports on the organization of the
unit cabinets were given, and it is ex-
pected that the personnel of the cab-
inets will be complete by the end of
this week.
In a report by the committee which
has charge of the Geneva conference
delegation, it was stated that to date,
11 men have signified their positive in-
tention of attending the conference.
Last year .45 men went from Ann Ar-
bor, and the committee in charge of
the delegation this year expect to raise
that number to at least 50.
Junior civil engineers are equipping
themselves with khaki suits to be
worn at the surveying camp at Doug-
las Lake this summer. Some time ago
bids were solicited from large clothing
manufacturers about the country for
supplying the class with United States
regulation olive-drab khaki uniforms.
A sample suit has just been received
from the firm selected, and orders will
be taken from class members during
the next few days.
The suit, which consists of a nor-
folk jacket, shirt, foot or mounted
breeches, and leggins, possess a dis-
tinctive style, and is loose-fitting, in
order to give freedom of motion. The
cloth is guaranteed to be stainless,
fadeless, and of good texture. The
sample suit will be donned by a class
member and exhibited in the Engineer-
ing society rooms over the engineering
arch. This is to afford an opportunity
to members for examining the suit and
for selecting their own.
It is expected that all will invest, as
a low bid was obtained for the lump
order. An opportunity is given for
any one outside the class to obtain a
suit at a low price.
Cabinet Club Will Elect Officers
Members of the Cabinet club will
meet at the Union at 6:00 o'clock today
to elect officers for the coming year.
A light lunch will be served before the
business meeting..

Michigan Central Authorities Believe
That Change Causes Confusion.
Trains over the Michigan Central
Railroad will continue to run on Cen-
tral time, notwithstanding the adop-
tion of Eastern time in Detroit. Mr.
Schindehette, local passenger agent
for the road, said yesterday that the
course taken by the people of Detroit
in their effort to secure "more day-
light" had already caused, and will
continue to cause, a great deal of con-
fusion. People living in Ann Arbor
who have business in Detroit, he point-
ed out, are now compelled to catch
their train an hour earlier, but on their
return they are forced to wait there
for one hour until their train, running
on Central time, is ready to go. Thus
for out of town residents, one hour
each day is lost.
Ithaca's branch of the Women's
Peace party recently sent a telegram
to President Wilson expressing their
appreciation of his action in the pres-
ent crisis.
Brown University's faculty has pass-,
ed a rule that in the future no fresh-
man can join a fraternity, until he has
passed 12 semester hours of college
work. The fraternities are taking sep-
arate action to institute plans for rush-i
ing and pledging.
Members of the 1912 class of Will-
iams college are making an attempt
to raise $25,000.00 to present to the
college at their twenty-fifth reunion
in 1937. This necessitates the dona-.
tion of $110 per capita which can be
paid in small yearly installments. If
the money is collected before the al-
lotted time, it will be put out at in-
terest in order to increase the fund.
Undergraduates of the University of
Minnesota will institute a swing-out
and cap night combined this spring.
It is hoped that the celebration will be
continued by future classes and be-
come a tradition.
Brown's board of fellows has voted
to admit new students both at the be-
ginning and' the middle of the acad-
emic year. This action is necessitated
by the increasing number of applica-
tions from mid-winter high .school
graduates. Courses will be arranged
so that students entering in the sec-
ond semester pan complete their work
either in three and one-half or four
Prof. William Howard Taft, of Yale,
has lately' been lecturing to the
student body at University of Wis-


GRAND RAPIDS, May 22--After more
than two weeks of steady practice,
Coach Laing, of the Grand Rapids Boat
and Canoe club; whose championship.
junior eight-oared crew will race De-
troit in the spring regatta at Ann Ar-
bor on May 29, declares that his ag-
gregation is in tip-top shape, and is
prepared to win from the Straits City
No changes have been made in the
personnel of the crew, which consists
of Captain Johnson, at No. 5, Hollo-
way at No. 7, Peterson at No. 6, Cress
at No. 4, Brummeler at No. 3, Lindler,
captain of last year's crew, at No. 2,
and Fowler as coxswain. This is the
same line-up as for last year. Captain
Johnson and Brummeler are both
graduates of Michigan.
In the Detroit junior eight, Coach
Laing's men will meet old rivals, hav-
ing rowed against them at Peoria, Ill.,
three years ago, and in the national
regatta at Philadelphia last August.
Detroit won the former contest, and
finished a close third to the local-eight
in the latter race. Next week's race
will be of much interest, being the
deciding contest of the series.,
In the singles, Schopps and Kortland
will uphold the honors of Grand Rap-
ids, while Coach Laing will enter Holl-
oway, Johnson, Peterson and Stiles in
the four-oared crew race. If any
entry is made in the doubles, Schopps
and Kortland will comprise the team.
Local alumni are making arrange-
ments for a special train to bear the
teams and rooters to Ann -Arbor next
week. Posters have been placed about
the city in an endeavor to stir up the
necessary enthusiasm. It is planned
to leave on the morning of the regatta,
and return the night of the same day.
Members of the Aero club Friday
guided the club's new hydro-aero-
plane about Barton Lake for several
successful trips. No attempt was made
to leave the water and this will not
be attempted until the pilots have
gained some experience in navigating
the craft on the water.
The pilots, L. C. Wilcoxen, '16E, and
F. E. Loudy, '15E, expect to have the
machine out every day next week, the
weather permitting, in order that a
flight may be attempted by the time
of the regatta, next Saturday.
Absolutely no faith can be placed
in the rumor that the proposed addi-
tion to the library will be made this
summer. Although it is expected that
Governor W. N. Ferris will sign the
bill of appropriation soon, the plans
have not yet been decided upon, and
it is certain that the construction work
will not hein for an var

Hopes to


Win' From Straits


Eight in Spring Regatta Here
on May 29.


With Removal of Department to N
Science Building, Collections W
Be Displayed Well,
Present plans for the departmen
geology in the new science bulk
indicate that it will rank with the 1
in the country. With the remova
the department from the museum,
siderable space will be allotted
museum collections which have h
tofore been placed in positions wi
little display or study could be 1
of them.
Prof. A. G. Ruthven, director of
museum of zoology, stated yester
that no definite plans had been i
yet as to the changes to be made
the museum, as the budget has not
been decided upon by the board
regents. The numerous collecti
which are stacked together on
three floors will be given more ri
for display. In the past students
terested in the collections have b
unable to make any extensive st
of them, because access to them
been difficult. The changes to
made are expected to attract more
dents to the study of zoology.
The exhibition rooms for the geol
department in the new science bu
ing will occupy the hall of the
ond floor, and a six-unit display re
In the second floor hall, cases wil
placed in which the geological col
tions will be put on exhibition.
preparation rooms, where fossils
be mounted and cleaned, will occ
part of the basement. Arrangem
are also beig mad~e for a special r
for the setting up of apparatus for
perimentation. An attempt will
be made to increase the collect'
and to exhibit them in such a mar
as to be convenient for study.
A special laboratory for physio
phy will occupy a room on the t
floor. Here the map collection of
department will be kept in nume
cases. A special case will be m
which will hold all the topogra)
maps of the U. S. so far publis
Another innovation will be a new s
map case to accommodate rc
mounted maps.
On the roof of the science buil
a thermometer shelter will be pla
so that observations of the wea
can be made through the entire y
Graduating homeopathic nurses
the number of 12, will hold their c
mencement exercises on Monday e'
ing, June 7, in Sarah Caswell Ar
hall. The aiddress of the evening
be delivered by Dr. George G, Ca
'86H, who is' at present professo
pedology in the Detroit Homeop
On the af'ternoon of the Tuesday
lowing the exercises a reception
alumnae will be held in nurses' b
number one. The exercises wil


have been posted in the
e various railroads, by the

kets 1
re be
in fa
he ra

of Ann Arbor, ask- sophomore and freshman mentor lists
be purchased by pas- so that each student could be as-
oarding trains. Every signed to a permanent mentor, not
res deprives the city more than five mentees from each
h passenger business class were given to each advisor. The
ailroad company, and total for each faculty man will now
its chances of recog- be about 20, divided among the four
3asion calls for the classes,
railway accommoda-
spending fare money STRENGTH IN ANNUAL CONTE ST.
e, not only is the city.
conductor's time is At Syracuse, the women have a
robability of the train chance every 'year to prove their
nation on time is-in- prowess in track events. Even the
most strenuous of the events are han-
dled to a nicety, including dashes, hur-
son's Name on Ballot dies, vaulting and the half-mile. This
Isson, '17, will fill the is -an annual event with the women,]
the ballot for assist- and several remarkably good records

Michigan's 1915 tennis record so far
compares more than favorably with
that of last year, when the Wolverines.
won but two matches out of seven
played. Johns Hopkins and Michigan
tied their match, so that the final
standing showed two matches won,
four lost and one tied. The teams to
beat last year's team were Wesleyan,
Yale, Georgetown, and Pennsylvania.
The Navy and Lafayette were de-

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