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January 22, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 91) • Page Image 1

…PAKISTAN AID See editorial page e~4it ~IaiIQ NO WINTER See Today for details Ninely Years of Eliftorial Fredomi Vol. XC, No. 91 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 22, 1980 Ten Cents Twelve Pages { Usy 'U' coaches, athletes split on Olympics boycott* By BONNIE JURAN President Carter's suggestion this week of the possibility of a U.S. boycott of the Moscow summer Olympics is receiving mixed reviews froni University coaches and athle...…

January 22, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 91) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Tuesday, January 22, 1980-The Michigan Daily Milliken proposes 9.5% hike for 'U'in 1980-81 (Continued from Page 1) for faculty and staff,'' he said. The state legislature, which must make a final decision on appropriations by early July, traditionally allocates more money to higher education than the governor recommends. Last year, Milliken proposed a $10 million, or an eight per cent increase, while the legislature approved a 9.3 per...…

January 22, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 91) • Page Image 3

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, January 22, 1980-Page 3 REINFORCEMENTS REPLACE DISAPPEARING TROOPS The Sovi scontinent combat9 replacing ting "like Soviets send new forces to Afghanistan By The Associated press airlifted in recent weeks into South ter, meanwhile, said former President was regarded as friendlier to Moscow. tified by name or nationalit et Union has mounted a tran- Yemen, the only Marxist-governed Hafizullah Amin was overthrown in ...…

January 22, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 91) • Page Image 4

…Page 4-Tuesday, January 22, 1980-The Michigan Daily t Is Khomeini still in control? I Ninety Years of Editorial Freedom Vol. XC, No. 91 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Pakistan aid plan is enough OVIET MILITARY action in 'Afghanistan has raised fears that the national security of neighboring Pakistan may be seriously threatened. But Soviet intentions in that area of the world have impl...…

January 22, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 91) • Page Image 5

…i- The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, January 22, 1980-Page 5 Ballet Canadiens leaps toA2 Cocker 'fades away By ELLEN RIESER Last Sunday evening Les Grands Ballets Canadiens proved that it is not always necessary to go to New York City to see a top flight ballet perfor- mance. Despite the dancers' un- familiarity with the Power Center's stage which is known for its hardness and noisy qualities, the company dan- ced strongly and showed itself capab...…

January 22, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 91) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Tuesday, January 22, 1980-The Michigan Daily Deserting troops force Soviets to increase Afghanistan forces (Continued from Page 3) THE AIRLIFT coincides with reports from Afghan rebel sources and Asian and Western diplomats in Islamabad that Afghan army troops are deserting by the thousands. "It's reliable information," said -a Western diplomat in Pakistan. Two Afghan insurgent groups with spokesmen in Pakistan claimed late last week t...…

January 22, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 91) • Page Image 7

…A. The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, January 22, 1980-Page 7 Georgia senate defeats ERA ATLANTA (AP) - The Georgia Senate voted 32-23 yesterday to defeat a proposal to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment, handing the controversial amendment its second defeat in, Georgia in five years. The vote came after four hours of debate in the Senate, where the ERA was hailed by supporters as "the heart of democracy" and criticized by op- ponents as legally unn...…

January 22, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 91) • Page Image 8

…If you find your name and address in today's Michigan Daily classified page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of State 1-2-3-4 Midnight Movies. L IL {1 uIE C 5 WINNERS EVERY DAY No Contest To Enter! Just look through today's Classifiec, Ads. Five U. of M. students will find their names hidden in this section. If your name and address appear, call our busi- ness office at 764-0560 (9 a.m.-5 p.m.), 420 Maynard, within 48 hours. Two free tic...…

January 22, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 91) • Page Image 9

…The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, January 22,1980-Page 9 PBB cattle, LANSING (UPI) '- Faced with fierce opposition to burying PBB-tainted cat- tle in Michigan, the state Department, of Natural Resources (DNR) announ- ced yesterday it is shipping 1,500 con- taminated cows to Nevada for disposal. The cows will be sent to a privately- *wned disposal site near Beatty, Nevada which currently is licensed to handle a similar toxic chemical - PCB. THE SHIP...…

January 22, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 91) • Page Image 10

…Page 10-Tuesday, January 22, 1980-The Michigan Daily { 0 McCARTNEY APPLIED AT MSU Wangler's uture is a '?' *tper WoI X331 ,%,.,../ V By BILLY NEFF Football season has ended but the questions linger about next season. Is Steve Smith, the highly sought-after prep quarterback from Grand Blanc, going to be Michigan's starting quar- . r, a4 +r a. 'r* .a. 4 b. terback? That is, if he comes here in the first place. How about a B.J. Dickey...…

January 22, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 91) • Page Image 11

…VAULTERS KEY TO WIN: Tumblers edge Ilini The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, January 22, 1980-Page 11 Minnesota, Michigan compete for Florida prep basketball star By LEE KATTERMAN There aren't innings, periods or *iarters. Only a single team member is on the floor at any one time. All of which means a gymnastics team can't come up with the 'big play' to capture victory. Baloney ! All those present at Sun- day's gymnastics meet with Illinois saw the ...…

January 22, 1980 (vol. 90, iss. 91) • Page Image 12

…12-Tuesday, January 22, 1980-The Michigan Daily 0l I I ., q _ \ IliI, III ,,, _11 ifi ilf'T 1 iIl 01 111I( f'/I! Getting ahead .is the game's name. And to get ahead, you need a company that will listen to your creative ideas. And so that your creative ideas can be executed, you also need a growing company that has the very latest in state-of-the-art technologies at its disposal. i But, you with above all else, you need a company th...…

January 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 96) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-One Years of I~ditoriaI Freedom E Sic igan 1E ai1 CLEARING Overcast skies should par- tially clear by mid- afternoon today. Tem- peratures will remain in the mid-30s. ; Vol. XCI, No. 96 Copyright 1981., The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, January 22, 1981 Ten Cents Eight Pages Carter reports ostages muistreated in Iran, From UPI and AP WIESBADEN, West Germany ormer President Carter, his eyes filled with tears, ...…

January 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 96) • Page Image 2

…0 ter! 7 t u Kennedys announce plans to divore WASHINGTON (AP)-Sen. Edward Kennedy and his wife Joan announced yesterday plans to divorce after 22 years of marriage that were plagued at times by her drinking problems and reports of his relationships with other women. The divorce plans were announced less than six months after the end of Kennedy's unsuccessful attempt to win the Democratic presidential nomination-a campaign in which his wife...…

January 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 96) • Page Image 3

…Poet Brooks addresses lHopwood Award winners By SUE INGLIS Although she has written hundreds of sonnets, Pulitzer Prize winning poet Gwendolyn Brooks said yesterday she does not plan to write any more of them. "I don't think this is a time for son- nets," she told the 11 winners of the 1981 Avery and Jule Hopwood Contest for freshpersons and sophomores, "It's a time for wild, raw, free verse in which rhymes may seem to creep in at times." BRO...…

January 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 96) • Page Image 4

…A OPINION Thursday, January 22, 1981 4 e '4 The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board merica must not renege LETTERS TO THE DAILY: Anti-porn frenzy is reactionary To the Daily: Firing a rifle through the win- dow of a Cambridge bookstore because it carried Playboy, leading mass marches to "cle...…

January 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 96) • Page Image 5

…ARTS Thursday, January 22, 1981 The Michigan Daily Page 5 MY 'GA TOR AND ME Preppy Handbook-life among the Izods Lease on Life for XTC By JULIE SELBST Once upon a time, man, Ann Arbor was the place to dump your hangups and get rid of all the psychospiritual *ensions society gives you. But, those days are over with. You've gotta make a place for yourself. Might as well dress the part because you gotta find a job. And so, conveniently, co...…

January 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 96) • Page Image 6

…/' a6 age 6-Thursday, January 22,1981-The Michigan Daily it you find your name and ad dress in todays Mchgon Daiy classified page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of CAMPUS or STATE 1-2-3-4 Midnight Movies CLOCKIORK Quadrophenia ORANRO~ii Listitgqof movies for a contest sponsoored by STATE THEATER MIDNIGHT SHOWS Fri. & Sot. Jan. 2324 S WINNERS EVERY DAY No Contest To Enter Jucc' aok through 'odor s(lono frnj Ads. Fn.0,U of M. "vdecc...…

January 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 96) • Page Image 7

…/ SPORTS e Michigan Daily First dyear cage r adjusting to Big Ten Thursday, January 22, 1981 Page 7 By JON MORELAND Among the illustrious group of Big Ten cen- ters-Russell Cross, Randy Breuer, Ray Tolbert, and Steve Krafsicin-that Tim McCormick has faced through the first four games, of the conference season, he has yet to find a pushover. And he won't, at least for another week, as Illinois' Derek Holcomb and Ohio State's Herb Willi...…

January 22, 1981 (vol. 91, iss. 96) • Page Image 8

…Page 8-Thursday, January 22, 1981-The Michigan Daily MSA member N res (Continued from Page 1) AN APPLICANT for a position on the judiciary panel, Jerry MacDonald, argued that Schaper's return to MSA was illegal - that Schaper should go through the same process other. prospective justices are required to go through, rather than simply being voted back in by the assembly.r Schaper retorted that since his resignation was never accepted, he had...…

January 22, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-Two Years of Editorial.Freedom LSIEriga i ai1 SLURPEE Possible freezing rain today with a high near 30, warmer tonight with a low near 32. y- - - - .. .. .. _ . ___ _ _ Vol XCII, No. 92 Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, January 22, 1982 Ten Cents Ten Pages i 'U' researcher making lung cancer inroads By LOU FINTOR In the wake of Monday's Cancer Society announcement that more than one-fourth of th...…

January 22, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 92) • Page Image 2

…Page 2-Friday, January 22, 1982-The MichigarvDaily 4 American firms sold Ann Arbor's Video Entertainn 500 E. Liberty, Ann Arbor 5 tokens Largest Went Center NEW LOW PRICES I weapons, WASHINGTON (AP)- Despite U. disapproval of Libya's radical gove nment, American firms have suppli its military with $53 million in weapo and materiel-with some sales comin as late as last year, governme documents show. The American-made equipment, e ported ...…

January 22, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 92) • Page Image 3

…-HAPPENINGS- HIGHLIGHTS Congressman Carl Pursell will talk on "State and Local Government or Private Sector Initiatives to Meet Transportation Needs," at 3 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room, UGLI today. The lecture is being sponsored by the Cer- tificate of Graduate Studies in Transportation Program. It is part one of a two part seminar and may be taken for credit. For more information call Prof. John D. Nystuen, 764-0343. FILMS Alt. Act.-A Street...…

January 22, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 92) • Page Image 4

…4 OPINION Page Friday, January 22, 1982. The Michigan Daily a6 l e Iichigttn + ttil Wasserman a Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCII, No. 92 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board 1' MSA takes its time with hazing policy I'M ?KE~1WWT OF A M'AJOR CORoRAT ioN1... ANDWVN LI6S NEVR a BURDEN 0 L1GI4T TAX% EKOK\ CON(If<ES %C N TAK...…

January 22, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 92) • Page Image 5

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Friday, January 22, 1982 Page 5 W Clubs/Bars Second Chance (516 E. Liberty; 994- 5360) Mariner, the local band that didn't open for the Stones not long ago, returns with top 40 rock through Sunday night. Rick's American Cafe (611 Church; 996-2747) The popular local group Sail Catz brings its special blend of rock and blues to the stage on Friday and Saturday. New Wavers Gary Pryka and the Scales perform on Sunday ni...…

January 22, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 92) • Page Image 6

…Page 6-Friday, January 22, 1982-The Michigan Daily I Lsi ofm isf aII contestMIM IMIIM II If you find your name and ad- dress in today's Michigan Daily classified page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of STATE 1-2-3-4; Midnight Movies Soy As You Are" (Adults Only) "Animal House"I Listing of movies for a contest sponsored by STATE THEATRE MIDNIGHT SHOWS Fri. & Sat. Jan. 22-23 5 WINNERS EVERY DAY No Contest To Enter Just look through t...…

January 22, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 92) • Page Image 7

…Official warns of cap on 'rising health costs V Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM Abduction attempt fails The attempted abduction of a Univer- sity student early Tuesday morning was foiled when the kidnapper was distracted by a passing car and people exiting a nearby grocery, police said yesterday. The victim a 19-year-old woman, was waiting at a bius stop in the 200 block of Washtenaw Place when a male suspect in his early 20s approached her, g...…

January 22, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 92) • Page Image 8

… LSP ORTS The Michigan Daily Friday, January 22, 1982 s Page6 Super Sunday features 'M' band By RANDY BERGER If students knew at the beginning of the year that the Michigan Band would be playing at the Super Bowl in Pontiac this Sunday, band director Eric Becher would probably have found 40,000 anxious Michigan students at his office door asking for auditions. Becher and the 250-member mar- ching band will be the subject of much envy from...…

January 22, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 92) • Page Image 9

… The Michigan Daily-Friday, January 22. 1982--Paae 9 POINT GUARD REMAINS OPTIMISTIC Starting spot pleases Pelekoudas By L ARRY FREED With 2:47 left on the clock and his team trailing, 53-42, it appeared that Dan Pelekoudas' Downers Grove South squad would finally see its Cin- derella story come to an end in the Illinois High School State tournament. -After a succession of steals and tur- novers however, Pelekoudas led his team to 12 untanswer...…

January 22, 1982 (vol. 92, iss. 92) • Page Image 10

…4 Page 10-Friday, January 22, 1982-The Michigan Daily Spartans hold off Blue rally, 64-62 'l Cagers fail to 1 12 By RON POLLACK After a doss earlier in the season, Michigan basketball coach Bill Frieder said that he and his team would "rip down the nets" when it finally won its second game of the year. A 28-22 Michigan lead at halftime against Michigan State at Crisler Arena last night made such a post-game celebration loom as a distinc...…

January 22, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…Abortion : The struggle continues See editorial, Page 4. C I hr Lit Yirau Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom IE3aIIQ Frizzle Chance of freezing rain today, high in the upper 30s. Cloudy tonight with a chance of rain, low in the mid 20s. I rVol. XCIll, No. 92 Copyright 1983, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, January 22, 1983 Ten Cents Eight Pages New 'free university' recalls spirit of the '60s By JANET COHEN I...…

January 22, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 92) • Page Image 2

…4 Page 2-Saturday, January 22, 1983-The Michigan Daily Spy satellite nears Earth's atmosphere WASHINGTON (UPI) - Emergency teams the world over stood ready yesterday for the fiery return of fragments from Russia's atom- powered spy satellite, expected to rain somewhere on Earth Sunday or Mon- day. Part of the remains of Cosmos 1402 fell to the fringe of the atmosphere yesterday morning. AS OF 6 A.M. EST, the satellite was dipping as near as ...…

January 22, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 92) • Page Image 3

…'U' prof says Riley case may hurt court image The Michigan Daily-Saturday, January 22, 1983-Page 3 U.S. open to Soviet ideas for arms reduction LANSING (UPI) - An attorney representing former Gov. William Milliken suggested in a brief filed yesterday that the reputation of the Michigan Supreme Court could be af- fected on how it handles the case of Justice Dorothy Riley. James White, a reknowned Univer- sity of Michigan law professor, made t...…

January 22, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 92) • Page Image 4

…4 OPINION Page 4 Saturday, January 22, 1983 The Michigan Daily Roe v. Wade: Ten years later By Richard Carelli WASHINGTON - It began with an un- married woman, known only as "Jane Roe," who was too poor to leave Texas to end her un- wanted pregnancy. So she stayed home and gave birth. Then she challenged the state law that outlawed the abortion she would have b preferred. a Jane Roe didn't know it when she went to court, but she was ...…

January 22, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 92) • Page Image 5

…The Michigan Daily-Saturday, January 22, 1983-Page 5 1983 AOUTC Photos by Jel DETROIT I SHOW" ff S chrier Chevrolet's aerobatic dancers do the "Four-Wheel Drive"' Chevy trucks. dance to introduce customers to the new line of Just punch in a number and the computer will tell you any fact about any 1983 Buick. Tim Roman is contem- plating the purchase of a fully loaded Century model. Justin Allen seems confused by an upside-down Volkswag...…

January 22, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 92) • Page Image 6

…4 Page 6-Saturday, January 22, 1983-The Michigan Daily - . . - I I - * . - . - I - I - . I - * - I - I - * - I . . I 1* I *I- I_ I -, & -k Raw - - .1-'- Annie Hall Kentucky Fried Movie Harold and Maude Story of Joanna (XXX) Pro-Ball Cheerleaders (XXX) If you find your name in today's MICHIGAN DAILY classified page YOU WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of STATE 1-2-3-4 MIDNIGHT MOVIES .1 ,iii, I .1 - I - a i a i - a inau I - I - IinI ...…

January 22, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 92) • Page Image 7

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Saturday, January 22, 1983 Page 7 Dancing on a higher plane By Julie Winokur rJHURSDAY NIGHT'S opening of 1 Dimension by, 2 Dimensions by, 3 imensions by, 4 Dimensions ... cap- tured much of the University's glowing young talent in a special display of creativity and ingenuity. This performing arts dance concert at the Michigan Union Ballroom defied the boundary 'between art and enter- tainment by daring to be exp...…

January 22, 1983 (vol. 93, iss. 92) • Page Image 8

…4 SPORTS The Michigan Daily Saturday, January 22, 1983 Page 6 WITTMAN, KITCHEL LEAD HOOSIERS Inconsistent Blue faces No. 2 IU If _ I; full court PRESS By LARRY MISHKIN Special to the Daily BLOOMINGTON, Ind. - The chan- ces of Michigan winning today's basketball game with the Indiana Hoosiers in Bloomington are roughly equivalent to the chances that the falling Soviet satellite will drop in the Diag. That's not to say that the Wolver...…

January 22, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 93) • Page Image 1

…1# A Ninety-four Years ofr Editorial Freedom p . I Sit Wan 43 all I Deliverance Partly sunny today with a high in the mid-20s. Vol. XCIV-No. 93 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Arn Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, January 22, 1984 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages Hoosiers humbled by Blue, 55-50 Record-low temperature puts city in By JEFF BERGIDA Only Bobby Knight could upstage a down- to-the-wire Michigan victory over the defending Big Ten champ...…

January 22, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 93) • Page Image 2

…4 age 2 - The Michigan Daily - Sunday, January 22, 1984 Sen or: 4fter the storm By SUE BARTO He is witty, articulate and eminently refined-hardly a candidate to stir con- troversy. But Thomas Senior, a professor of electrical and computer engineering, was in the eye of the storm last term, when student groups took over his radiation laboratory twice in one week to protest his Pentagon-spon- sored research. Senior says he is not bitter about...…

January 22, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 93) • Page Image 3

…HAPPENINGS- SUNDAY Highlight Mary Kay Blakely, Contributing Editor to Ms. Magazine, is the keynote speaker for the last day of the Seventh Annual Women's Weekend sponsored by the Residential College.,.Blakely will speak at 3 p.m. in Room 126 East Quad. Films Mediatrics - Absence of Malice,7 & 9 p.m., Nat. Sci. Auditorium. Hill Street Cinema - Angel Levine, 7 & 9 p.m., 1429 Hill. Classic Film Theater - Oklahoma!, 3, 6, & 9 p.m., Michigan Theatr...…

January 22, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 93) • Page Image 4

…4 OPINION Page 4 Sunday, January 22, 1984 The Michigan Daily . . ........ . 1 t1 Conduct code, tuition: It sure is cold U.S.-SOVIET relations may not be the only thing returning to the Cold War days of the 1950s - at least if University ad- ministrators have their way. The ad- ministrators, possibly tired of almost two decades of student protests, are preparing a code of non-academic conduct to present to the regents in April! Accordi...…

January 22, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 93) • Page Image 5

…ARTS The Michigan Daily Sunday, January 22, 1984 Page 5 SPop goes the 'U' Orchestra By Pamela Starrett O N JANUARY 6, 1949, Leonard Bernstein set a modern version of Romeo and Juliet to music. "A novel idea...Can it succeed?" he wondered. "It hasn't yet in our country..." On January 24, 1984, the University Symphony will perform a Pops Concert. A novel idea. Can it succeed? It hasn't yet in our city. When asked if such a concert will become a...…

January 22, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 93) • Page Image 6

…i Page 6 - The Michigan Daily - Sunday, January 22, 1984. I I F1* r I. - - ~ - . '.- - -. "Come Back to the Five and Dime Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean" MEL'GIBSON IN Road Wrrior" II If you find your name in today's MICHIGAN DAILY classified-page You WIN TWO FREE TICKETS to any one of STATE 1-2-3-4 MIDNIGHT MOVIES "NEW YORK BABES" and "FILTHY RICH" BOTH XXX His ~ Hangups Are m Hilarious! .1. *.4 * I *1 : . : . 1. r; i i i:1.1 I wI...…

January 22, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 93) • Page Image 7

…Wrestling Michigan vs. Purdue Crisler Arena, 2:00 p.m. SPORTS Women's swimming Michigan vs. Michigan St. Thursday, 7:00 p.m. Matt Mann Pool e Miehigan Daily Sunday, January 22, 1984 Page 7 Broncos bust iccers, By TIM MAKINEN Western Michigan's Dan Dorion put on a picture-perfect performance last night at Yost Ice Arena as a hushed audience of 2,937 saw the Broncos stage a 7-1 rout of the Michigan hockey team. Dorion, a sophomore right...…

January 22, 1984 (vol. 94, iss. 93) • Page Image 8

…4 Page 8 - The Michigan Daily - Sunday, January 22, 1984 McCormick scores 16 to sink Indiana A (Continued from Page 1) court," said Rockymore. "I knew my offense was off but it's hard to do both. I wanted to stop him because he was averaging 20 points a game." Temmate Pelekoudas echoed the sen- timent that stopping Alford was the key. "WE'VE SEEN their films and saw Alford really hot. We thought if we could shut him down, that's a big pa...…

January 22, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 92) • Page Image 1

…Ninety-five Years of Editorial Freedom I P Lift b i ai1Qj The chill Partly sunny with blowing snow. High near 23 degrees. Vol. XCV, No. 92 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor Michigan - Tuesday, January 22, 1985 Fifteen Cents Ten Pages Group protests'U' rape policy Johnson meets with students By STACEY SHONK yVy YThirty students and Ann Arbor residents staged a sit-in at University Vice President for Student Services Henry ...…

January 22, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 92) • Page Image 2

…4 Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 22, 1985. Cult classic moves to By AMY D. GOLDSTEIN After six years and hundreds of showings, the cult film classic Harold and Maude has moved from the State Theatre to a new home-the movies at Briarwood. The State Theatre, which has recen- tly come under new management, decided to discontinue all their mid- night movies according to Bill Sturland, a manager of the Movies at Briarwood. State ...…

January 22, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 92) • Page Image 3

… The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, January 22, 1985-- Page 3 Aui's retirement softens sting By KERY MURAKAMI Muhammad Ali, graying and speaking to autograph hounds in an uncharac- teristically hushed voice Saturday night, was only a shadow of the boxer who could "float like a butterfly and sting like a bee" in the '60s and '70s. Ali who recently has undergone neurological tests, was at the Nectarine Ballroom to sign autographs and to en- dorse pi...…

January 22, 1985 (vol. 95, iss. 92) • Page Image 4

…4 OPINION Page 4 Tuesday, January 22, 1985 The Michigan Daily Cramer :4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan r Vol. XCV, No. 92 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 VdoW1~t1SE PA ST FEW DAYS RAVE BEN soM6N1 EN& ALL THE HPE ... ALA THE. OLAMO(A?%. /9 e 4 ALL T14W MONEY INVOLVEb , ALL TIE ?OOZE..TNE TNRoNS OF ?WPLE,.. INAURTmoN? Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Administr...…

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