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January 22, 1980 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1980-01-22

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Page 2-Tuesday, January 22, 1980-The Michigan Daily

9.5% hike
for 'U'in

(Continued from Page 1)
for faculty and staff,'' he said.
The state legislature, which
must make a final decision on
appropriations by early July,
traditionally allocates more
money to higher education than
the governor recommends.
Last year, Milliken proposed a
$10 million, or an eight per cent
increase, while the legislature
approved a 9.3 per cent increase,
or just over $2 million more than
the governor's initial proposal.
an 8.6 per cent hike in funding for
Michigan State University, and a
6.8 per cent increase for Wayne
State University.
Shapiro said it was difficult to
say whether a pending recession
in the state would affect the

governor's figures. He believes
the recession should not be a
problem by October, when the
state's fiscal year begins.
University administrators and
budget officers will spend the
next several months attending
budget hearings and presenting
the University's case for an even
higher appropriation level.
Sixty per cent of the Univer-
sity's general fund comes from
the state. Another 30 per cent is
provided by tuition and student
fees, and the remaining 10 per
cent comes from gifts.
The governor also recommen-
,ded a $824,000 hike for the
University's Dearborn campus,
and a $597,000 increase for the
Flint campus.

Bush even with Reagan

(Continued from Page 1)
Reagan's strategy had been to avoid
personal appearances here, and rely on
his high, poll standings and widespread
name recognition for a strong showing
at the caucuses. But Reagan was forced
to abandon that tract and take to the
stump on Saturday, in the wake of a
new poll showing Bush and Reagan vir-
tually tied.
All of the candidates had been down-
playing their own chances for success
while setting up their competitors with
unrealistic expectations. Kennedy told
crowds at every stop that he would con-
sider himself the winner if President
Carter could not get 50 per cent of the

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vote. Carter's national campaign
manager Tim Kraft, in turn said
yesterday that the president would win
the caucuses if he led Kennedy by more
than 10 percentage points.
STEVE JOHNSON of Kennedy's
Iowa campaign staff said yesterday the
Iowa caucuses were not really impor-
tant, although Kennedy spent $480,000
here since announcing his candidacy.
Johnson said the first real test between
Kennedy and Carter willbe Illinois, the
first primary state outside of either
candidate's home region.
On the Republican side, there were
few real issue divisions, since most of
the candidates-with the notable excep-
tion of Rep. John Anderson (R-Ill.)
agree on just about everything. So
while Republicans concentrated their
efforts on attacking Carter's ad-
ministration foreign and economic
policies, each were harder pressed to
explain why he should be nominated
over any of the other Republicans.
Baker told supporters here that he
was the candidate most electable in
November since he could appeal to
Democrats and Independents as well as
Republicans. Bush told his supporters
that he was the only candidate with
foreign affairs experience (he was am-
bassador to China) and the only one
who had single-handedly built his own
LIKE THE Republicans, Kennedy
also had a hard time enunciating why
the Democratic party should nominate
him instead of Jimmy Carter. Kennedy
repeated his call for moral leadership,
but rarely specified the issue differen-
ces that led to his break with the ad-
ministration as far back as December
1978, at the Democratic midterm con-
Kennedy was originally a two-to-one
favorite among Iowans back in August

of last year. At That time, political ob-
servers such as House Speaker Thomas
O'Neill (D-Mass.) were saying openl
that Kennedy could have th
nomination if he wanted it.
But several things happened to turn a
sure-bet for Kennedy into an uphill
struggle for political survival. First, a
mob of Iranian students captured the
U.S. Embassy in Tehran, taking 65
Americans hostage. Then, three days .
later, Kennedy announced his can-
didacy and became subject to the kind
of criticism and close scrutiny to which
he-was immune as a noncombatant.
By December, Carter had tied Ken-
nedy in the Iowa polls, and the senator
was robbed of another potential trump
card when Carter-citing the Iranian
hostage crisis and a new crisis in
Afghanistan-refused to appear on a
long-awaited national debate.
Daily Official Bulletin
Daily Calendar:
Center for Afro-American Studies: Ronald
Walters, "Black Americans and the Domestic
Political Agenda in the 1980's," 115 Lorch Hall, A&D,
Physics/Astronomy: W. H. Weber, Ford Scientific
Laboratory, Dearborn, "Surface Plasmons, Energy
Transfer and The Surface Enhanced Raman Ef-
fect, " 2038 Randall,,4 p.m.
Resource Policy and Management Program: Gun-
tar Schramm, "Maco and Micro Considerations in
Irrigation Planning: Mexico," 1028 Dana, noon.
Law School: Daniel' Bell, "The .Third",,
Revolution-and its Consequences," Rackahm Air
phitheatre, 4p.m.
Museum of Zoology: Barry Q'Connor,
"Evolutionary Aspects of the Associastions Between
Astigmatid Mites and their Arthropod and
Veretebrae Hosts," 1033 'Kellogg, 4p.m.
Bioengineering: Denis Lee, "Recent Advances in
Medical Sculpture, "1042E. Eng., 4p.m.
Geology & Minerology: John W. VALLEY, "Fluid
Flow in High Grade Metamorphic Rocks," 4001 CC
Little, 4 p.m.
Computing Center: Forrest Hartman, "The MTS
File Editor-1," 1 MLB,4p.m.
(USPS 344-900)
Volume XC, No. 91
Tuesday, January 22,1980
is edited and managed by studnuis at
the University of Michigan. Published
daily Tuesday through Sunday morn-
in gs during the University year at 420
Maynard StreetU Ann Arbor, Michigan
48109. Subscription rates: $12 Se tem-
ber through April (2 semesters) ;13 by
mail outside Ann Arbor. Summer
session published Tuesday through
Saturday mornings. Subscription rates
$6.50 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 by mail out-0
side Ann Arbor. Second class postage
paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. POST-
MASTER: Send address changes to
Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109.

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