See editorial page
See Today for details
Ninely Years of Eliftorial Fredomi
Vol. XC, No. 91
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, January 22, 1980
Ten Cents Twelve Pages
'U' coaches, athletes split on Olympics boycott*
President Carter's suggestion this week of
the possibility of a U.S. boycott of the Moscow
summer Olympics is receiving mixed reviews
froni University coaches and athletes.
In keeping with the opinion of the American
population, which favors the boycott by a slim
one per cent, according to a recent NBC-AP
poll, coaches and athletes seem split down the
middle as to whether or not the U.S. should par-
ticipate in the games.
"I'M NOT IN favor of it (the boycott)
because I don't think that boycotting the Olym-
pics will do any good in getting Russia out of
Afghanistan," said diver Kevin Machemer. "If
I saw a good reason to boycott, I would, but I
don't see what good it will do the U.S. The ,
Russians will still come out ahead."
Men's and women's diving coach Dick Kim-
ball expressed firm agreement with
Machemer. "I think any athlete or coach would
give up the Olympics if they thought the
boycott would do something," he said. "But I
think (the boycott) is an off-the-top-of-the-head
decision without a lot of thought behind it," he
Those who support the U.S. withdrawal from
the Olympic games seem to feel that the nation
must do everything in its power to stop the
"I don't think a lot of athletes understand the
seriousness of the situation," high jumper
Michael Lattany said. "Boycotting may not
hurt the Russians, but it will bring a 'damp
cloud' over their society," he added.
MEN'S TRACK coach Jack Harvey echoed
Lattany's sentiments. "People who think the
Russians don't care about the boycott are
wrong. The Russians think they are going to
beat us and look good to the rest of the world
and they are going to be disappointed if they
don't get that chance," he said.
Both those in favor of and opposed to the
boycott seem to agree on one issue - that the
Olympics is being used as a political weapon,
something it was never meant to be.
"It seems ironic to me when people say there
shouldn't be any politics in the Olympics
because we are making it political," Kimball
said. Lattany agreed with Kimball, saying he
was "disappointed that athletics had been used
as a political tool."
One issue that prompts differing opinions is
that of whether other countries will follow the
example of the United States if a boycott is in-
ACCORDING TO diver Barb Weinstein,
"Whether or not the U.S. goes to Russia, the
Olympics are still going to go on. How much
damage we can do is unknown because we
don't know if other countries are going to do the
"I think other countries are going to go to the
Olympics whether or not we decide to go,"
Kimball said.
As to the suggestion that the Olympics be
moved to an alternate site or even postponed
until 1981, diver Vicki Kimball viewed it as a
"last resort," while women's track coach Red
Simmons called it an "acceptable solution." If
the move to another country becomes a reality,
Kimball suggested Montreal or Munich. Lat-
tany said he thinks Greece would be an ap-:
propriate site as Greece is the country in which,
the Olympics originated.
Meanwhile, the athletes in training for the,
games are finding themselves in a state of lim-
bo. Said diver Weinstein, "TheU.S. is isolating,
these athletes in the hope that this (the boycott).
will work. But the real question is, will it?"
Carter ahead of
Kennedy in Iowa;
Bush, Reagan even
Special to the Daily
DES MOINES-At press time,
President Carter had taken an early but
commanding two to one lead over his
principal challenger for the
Democratic presidential nomination,
Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) in the
caucuses here. With 22 per cent of the
precincts reporting, the breakdown
gave Carter 60.1 per cent to Kennedy's
30.5 per cent, with 9.4 per cent of the
delegates pledging an undecided slate.
AP Photo
SEN. HOWARD BAKER (R.-Tenn.) gives his Iowa supporters a final pep talk Sunday night in preparation for yester-
day's Republican presidential caucuses.
On the Republican side, with 13 per
cent of the precincts reporting, for-
mer California Gov. Ronald Reagan
and ex-CIA director George Bush were
virtually neck and neck, with 30 per
cent for Bush and 29 per cent for
Reagan. Tennessee Sen. Howard Baker
was a distant third, with 15 per cent of
the delegates.
Although Carter's lead was unlikely
to hold up at two to one, White House
Press Secretary Jody Powell and Cam-
paign director Robert Strauss, who are
both here, were sounding early like
Powell said, "I think it shows it is
possible for a president to make a tough
decision and be supported by the
"The American public has shown
confidence in the President," Straus
added. "It's a long way off to the con-
vention and we're off to what looks like
a good start."
Asked whether caucus voters were
rallying behind the president because
of the international crises in Iran and
Afghanistan, Strauss said, "I believe
the people of Iowa believe in the man
and the presidency. The people of this
country deserve tremendous credit for
the support they've given him, for the
understanding they've given him."
DES MOINES, Iowa - the ten com-
petitors for the presidency - three
Democrats and seven Republicans -
poured more than $2.8 million into
Iowa, in a vote that means virtually
nothing in terms of delegates to the two
national nominating conventions. The
Democratic and Republican delegates
picked last night will go on to county
conventions and then state conventions
before selecting the actual national
convention delegates.
But the Iowa caucuses are significant
since they are the first test of strength
and organizational skills between the
candidates, and since the winners here
can go into the New Hampshire
primary next month with one victory
already under their belts.
SO THE candidates took Iowa quite
seriously, and several staged last-
minute blitzes through the industrial
centers and rural farmlands across this
state. George Bush, sensing a possible
upset of frontrunner Ronald Reagan,
had been campaigning in Iowa con-
tinuously since Friday. Sen. Howard
Baker (D-Tenn.), buoyed by recent poll
standings showing him closing on Bush
for second place, came to rally his sup-
porters in a three-day campaign swing
beginning Friday morning in Daven-
Miilikn asks 9.-5% hike for 'U'
Gov. William Milliken yesterday
proposed a $14 million increase in state
funding for the University for fiscal
year 1980-81.
The $14 million figure would jack up,
the University's income from the state
to $160 million, a 9.5 per cent hike.
the state's 13 colleges and universities
is $680.4 million, up 8.4 per cent from
last year.
State colleges and universities are of-
ten the first to suffer cutbacks in rough
financial times, and University admin-
sitrators admitted they were somewhat
surprised by the proposed increase in
funds for the University since they had
received warnings from state officials
about cutbacks in the education budget.
"Given the difficulties in the state, we
were anticipating that there would be
difficulties in getting the money we
asked for," said Acting University.
Vice-President for Academic Affairs
Alfred Sussman. "We were treated as
well as it could be expected."
SUSSMAN SAID he believed the state
appropriation hikes were relatively
high because Milliken has indicated
concern about the state's future. He
said because the state will have to plan
for it's future, "this University will
have to be very far up on his
(Milliken's) list. I believe he has to rely
on us to a significant extent."
University administrators also noted
that the University has been near the
bottom of the state's funding list in
recent yeats.
University President Harold Shapiro
said he hopes the amount proposed for
the University is a "final recognition of
the special kind of University we are."
SUSSMAN SAID restrictions on
spending might affect the University's
flexibility. Administrators have not yet
seen detailed budget figures, and
Sussman and Shapiro said the increase
may not do much good if there are ex-
tensive spending limitations.
The University, with the largest
budget of any Michigan school or
college, received the highest recom-
mended dollar increase, and the
highest percentage raise over last
year's state appropriations.
A request for $30.4 million in state
funds above the 1979-804fiscal year was
sent by the University to the state
budget office at the end of October, and
Milliken's response was 46 percent of
that requested amount.
SHAPIRO SAID, however, that the
gap between the $30.4 million requested
and the $14 million recommended still
posed a problem for the University.
"We continue to believe that request
level is required to maintain programs
and modestly improve compensation
See MILLIKEN, Page 2
See BUSH, Page 2
City Council rejects
Platt Rd. interchange
*Shapiro: some undergrads
missing quality, education~
City Council last night rejected plans
for the construction of an expressway
interchange at Platt and Ellsworth
Roads and I-94 southwest of Ann Arbor.
During his first night on the job as
Ann Arbor's new city administrator,
Terry Sprenkel also watched council
pass an ordinance to "control derelic-
ts" and discuss a measure that would
cut property taxes. Council tabled con-
sideration of the 1980 capital im-
provements budget until Feb. 4.
According to the new ordinance,
which Democrats considered "un-
necessary," a police officer can arrest
persons who are loitering, threatening,
or menacing other persons illegally,
consuming or concealing alcoholic
last November. For the past four years,
Sprenkel servd as city manager of
Ames, Iowa, a university community
described by some as a smaller version
of Ann Arbor.
As an alternative to the interchange,
Council urged the Washtenaw County
Road Commission and the Michigan
Department of Transportation (MDOT)
to construct an Ellsworth Road over-
pass over IP94. Only Councilmen Louis
Senunas (R-Third Ward) and Gerald
Bell (R-Fifth Ward) favored the inter-
change because of its long-term role in
the area transportation system.
Several council members said the
MDOT is not likely to approve the
Ellsworth Road overpass projectsat a
meeting scheduled for tomorrow in
After a cursory review of 100 recent
University graduates' transcripts,
University President Harold Shapiro
said he is concerned that some un-
dergraduates are not obtaining a
Shapiro yesterday told the faculty
Senate Assembly he requested the
transcripts of "marginal" students in
an effort to determine the quality of
education undergraduates are
"AT LEAST AS' a first ap-
proximation, it's really rather
shocking," Shapiro said. Although he
conceded he has not been able to do a
systematic and conclusive analysis of
the transcripts, he said, "I'm at least
somewhat troubled."
Shapiro said exploring the quality of
undergraduate education is especially
important "because our attention has
not been focused on it. I have not seen
the same level of concern and commit-
ment as there is in other areas." As a
result, Shapiro urged members of dif-
See SHAPIRO, Page 3
beverages or controlled substances or Lansing. ACTING CITY ADMINISTRATOR Godfrey Collins introduces his successor
blocking the free passage on a street or despite united opposition from the Terry Sprenkel to the mechanics of Ann Arbor's'government last night at
sidewalk. four Democrats on council, the group Sprenkel's first City Council meeting. Sprenkel arrived Friday from Ames,
CITY COUNCIL selected Sprenkel approved an increase in police control Iowa, and Monday'relieved Collins of the post Sylvester Murray vacated
for the city's top administrative post See CITY. Page 3 in September.
was Mendler's own idea. Although Texaco makes gasahol,
the company doesn't sell it in Michigan. MIendler buys his
gasahol from an independent producer. Mendler's only
problem with gasahol is that it may clog the fuel filter on its
first use on older cars. Any car can use gasahol safely,
though, so happy guzzling.
Wishful thinking'
Nearly two-thirds of the nation's college freshpersons
move into their first dorm room with the goal of being
financially "well-off," the 14th annual survey of "The
American Freshman" reports. The Class of '83 is more
materialistic than any other entering class in recent years.
enrollment of black first year students was higher in 1979
than in any previous year - 9.2 per cent up from 8.1 per
cent in 1978. Total minority enrollments were up from 11.9
per cent to 13.8 per cent. n
in so tired
Those who considered charging the Japanese gover-
nment with not treating Paul McCartney as a run of the mill
accused criminal after his arrest for marijuana smuggling
received- a decisive reply when Japanese officials banned
McCartney songs from state radio and refused the ex-
Beatle's requests for his guitar. The national broadcasting
station has ceased to play Beatles and Wings songs for the
time being, although commercial stations continued to play
this peaceful routine, his fans are rallying to show their
.support. The leaders of the Tokyo branch of the Beatles Fan
Club were planning a massive demonstration at the
Budokan concert hall where McCartney was to have held
his first concert. This and ten other concerts in Japan had to
be cancelled when McCartney was arrested last Wed-
nesday while trying to enter Japan at the airport. McCar-
tney has reportedly offered to reimburse Japanese officials
for the estimated million dollars they would have made on
the tour which ended when the star went to jail.-[
On the outside
Despite repeated threats that winter will make a long-
term appearance, the pleasantly unseasonable weather will
I - I