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January 22, 1984 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1984-01-22

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Ninety-four Years
Editorial Freedom

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Partly sunny today with a high in
the mid-20s.

Vol. XCIV-No. 93 Copyright 1984, The Michigan Daily Arn Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, January 22, 1984 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages

humbled by
Blue, 55-50

puts city in

Only Bobby Knight could upstage a down-
to-the-wire Michigan victory over the
defending Big Ten champion Indiana
Although the technical fouls and
emotional outbursts by the Indiana
head man commanded much of the
crowd's attention, a game was played
at Crisler Arena yesterday. Tim Mc-
Cormick had 16 points, including four
on technical free throws, to lead the
Wolverines past Indiana, 55-50.
THE TONE was set with eight-and-a-
half minutes remaining in the first half
and Michigan holding a 16-7 lead. In-
diana's Stew Robinson was charged
with a personal foul and Knight's
protests led to his first technical foul of
the afternoon. Knight felt that Michigan
coach Bill Frieder interfered with his
coaching. That incident prompted a
post-game tirade by the dean of Big Ten
coaches that included several descrip-
tions of Frieder in language one would
not normally hear in- a house of wor
The technical also fired up the
Hoosiers. After McCormick converted
the free throws and Dan Pelekoudas hit

a 12-foot jumper, Frieder's club was out
to a commanding 20-7 lead. But Knight
hasn't compiled 376 career wins by
letting his teams roll over and die.
Indiana outscored Michigan 15-6
during the last eight minutes of the half,
sparked by the play of guards Steve
Alford and Chuck Franz. The pair ac-
counted for 14 of the Hoosiers' 22 points
in the first half.
FOLLOWING intermission, during
which Knight allegedly called Frieder a
name implying he had relations with a
close family member, fine team defen-
se on both sides helped keep the score
down as Michigan could not stretch its
lead beyond two points.
Michigan's defense shut down Alford.
The freshman; who is averaging 19.5
points a game in the league and
shooting 58 percent, made only one of
his five shots in the second half, largely
due to the efforts of Michigan's Leslie
Rockymore. The junior guard shrugged
off a horrendous offensive game (1-0
from the floor, three points) and did an
outstanding job on the sharp-shooting
"(I had to) pressure him all over the
See McCORMICK, Page 8

A record low temperature


of 21

degrees below zero yesterday sent Ann
Arbor citizens to University Hospital
for frostbite treatment and students to
bars for hot drinks.
Yesterday's temperature shattered
the previous record of nine degrees
below zero set in 1924, a spokesperson
at the National Weather Service said.
In Detroit, Henry Ford Hospital has
set up a 24-hour hotline on winter health
care which warns anyone venturing
outside to first stretch their hamstring
muscles and always tell~a friend where
they are going.
At University Hospital, Clinical Nurse
Specialist Barbara Delancy estimated
that nearly ten'frostbite victims showed
up in the emergency room during her
eight-hour shift yesterday.
DELANCY SAID the very young, the
very old, drinkers, smokers, diabetics,
and people with vascular disorders are

most susceptible to frostbite.
Many students are apparently
ignoring her advice about drinking,
however, as students filled more bars
yesterday than libraries. Rick Novak,
manager of Rick's American Cafe, said
Friday afternoon's happy hour was
"one of the biggest ones we've had."
Novak said customers are ordering
more shots of whiskey and coffee
drinks, and seemed content to stay in
one place rather than bar-hop.
CARS ARE ALSO suffering in the
cold, according to David French, a
dispatcher for the Washtenaw County
Sheriff's Department. All over the city,
stalled cars were hooked together with
the infamous red and black cables.
There are a "vast increase in
problems caused by gasoline freeze,"
he said.
Ron Hieber, Batallion Chief for the
Ann Arbor fire department, said that
See ALL-TIME, Page 3

Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Roy Tarplev controls the ball between his legs as an Indiana player hits the
deck. Michigan beat Indiana, 55-50.

'Speak Up' tests out free speech

Bundled up to brave the cold yester-
day, about 20 people took turns standing
on a soap box at the corner of North
University and State Streets in a free
speech exercise called "Speak Up."
Modelled after the Hyde Park
Speakers' Corner in London, the hour-
long rally gave audience members the
chance to speak out on topics, ranging
from the University's proposed code for
student conduct to the presidential elec-
"THE AIM OF (Speak Up) is to
celebrate the First Amendment and the
rights it guarantees us," said Jonathon
Rose, director of student legal services
and one of the rally organizers.
Speaking from the soap box, Rose
criticized the University's recently
proposed code for non-academic con-
duct which would allow the University
to punish students for disruptive
behavior such as vandalizing the cam-

pus or another student's property.
Rose said the code is unnecessary
and infringes on students' rights.
AFTER ROSE spoke, a student step-
ped onto the soap box to assail
President Reagan's economic and
military policies.
"Reagan scares me. He's going to get
us all killed," said the student, who
recommended an unusual replacement
for the President.
"Forget (Walter) Mondale, (John)
Glenn, and whoever else might be run-
ning. There is only one man that has a
chance to beat Reagan.
"He's recognized throughout the
country and is popular with everyone
and is qualified for the job - I am
speaking, of course, of Walter.
Less than 10 people spoke, but the
audience was lively, hopping and jum-
ping to keep warm and freely throwing

in comments during each speech. Most
of the speeches were brief and many
people scurried into nearby stores and

restaurants to escape the cold.
The second Speak Up is scheduled for
early March, Rose said.

Anti-abortion protest
marks high court ruling

Asking for God's help to make them
effective, a group of 50 abortion op-
ponents marched from the Diag to
Planned Parenthood on North Main
Street yesterday, marking the 11th an-
niversary of the U.S. Supreme Court's.
decision to legalize abortion.
Singing hymns and waving signs that
said "Some people make a living killing
children," the group of students and
city residents endured the frigid

weather to protest state-funded abor-
MIKE HOPPE, leader of Students
for Life, the anti-abortion group on
campus, said their main goal is to prove
"that pro-life exists and we're
numerous. We're not just an old ladies'
tea group.",
Hoppe, an LSA junior, said he hopes
the rally and a series of pro-life com-
mericals which have recently appeared
See ABORTION, Page 2

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From AP and UPI
President Reagan, resisting advice from aides that
red ink in the budget will keep flowing without new
taxes, yesterday railed against "doom criers" and'
their "hysterical" deficit warnings.
He said he would press forward -to reduce the
deficit through more spending cuts and economic
growth instead of new taxes while "doing things more
efficiently without hurting people in need."
LAUNCHING the opening salvo in this year's bud-
get battle with Congress, Reagan used his weekly radio
address from Camp David, Md., to criticize
economists, Democrats and, apparently, some of his
own advisers.
"If recent history is any guide," he said, "the ex-
perts have some explaining to do" about their claims
that his tax-cut and budget-cut policies wouldn't
work. "Many of the doom criers had warned it would
push inflation through the roof."
Instead, he said, inflation has plummeted in his
administration from 12.4 percent to 3.2 percent, with
a halving of the prime interest rate.

of future deficits, too."
And the way to cut deficits, he said, is not to raise
taxes but to cut spending. Reagan came into office
promising to balance the budget by 1984, but after
implementing the bulk of his budget cuts, tax cuts
and defense increases, 1084 is expected to produce the
largest federal deficit in history.
Although White House officials have not said
publicly what will be in the election-year budget
request going to Capitol Hill Feb. 1, it has been widely
reported that he will ask for relatively small spen-
ding cuts-about $5 billion or $6 billion, compared to
$38 billion last year-and will propose no big new
taxes to alleviate a deficit projected at more than
$180 billion.
IN MAKING HIS decision, Reagan rejected the ad-
vice of his chief economic adviser, Martin Feldstein,
and budget director David Stockman, who had ad-
vocated tax hikes in future years to wash away some
of the red ink.
Analysts worry that the government's huge demand
for credit to finance the deficits will pinch businesses
and consumers also wanting credit.
competition for cash likely will lead to higher interest
rates, which could stifle the economy as soon as 1985
or 1986, they warn.


ALTHOUGH HE acknowledged .that "deficits do
matter," Reagan told his weekly noontime radio
audience he believes "those who underestimated the
strength of this recovery may be wrong about the size
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Daily Photo by DAN HABIB

It may not make the fashion page,. but this man's mummy-like get-up
shields him from yesterday's record-breaking low of 21 degrees below zero
as he heads for the Diag.

Parking problems
ANN ARBOR drivers aren't the only ones who
have problems with excessive parking tickets-
Park Ridge, .Illinois, requires police officers to
issuesa certain number of tickets each day. The


quota. The quota system, begun in 1977, required an officer
to issue an average of .8 traffic tickets a day during a three-
month period. Begg gave out an average of .4 tickets per
day in 1979 and .15 tickets a day for the first three months of
Medicine man
D ESPITE CRITICISM from a prosecutor, Sheriff Julius
DeLaughter says he'll continue to dole out confiscated
liquor to old folks who say they need a shot of high-proof

Low-cost lovers
PALPH AND Alicia Ditzel won't have much in the way of wed-.
ing debts to pay. The couple opted for a budget-plan wed-
ding Friday at Sears. They chose the site because they met
at the store where they both work and because they wanted
to invite their co-workers to the ceremony. Knothe, 27, a
shipping manager, and Ditzel, 30, a secretary, were flanked
during the 10-minute ceremony by a store manager as best
man and a sales clerk as maid of honor. "We were on a tight

justify their choice of a pass-fail course." Students usually
performed as well (or as poorly) as they did in their graded
Also on this date in history .
* 1981- University President Harold Spapiro told studen-
ts that declining state support and imminent shrinkage of
the University would have a significant impact in the enxt
*"1973 - Activist and former Daily editor Tom Hayden
and actress Jane Fonda were married in Los Angeles.
" 1970 - The Residence Hall Board of Governors voted to



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