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January 22, 1981 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1981-01-22

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Ninety-One Years
I~ditoriaI Freedom


Sic igan

1E ai1

Overcast skies should par-
tially clear by mid-
afternoon today. Tem-
peratures will remain in
the mid-30s.


Vol. XCI, No. 96

Copyright 1981., The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, January 22, 1981

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

in Iran,
From UPI and AP
WIESBADEN, West Germany
ormer President Carter, his eyes
filled with tears, embraced America's
52 former hostages one by one yester-
day and told them their ordeal was a
"despicable act of savagery" their
country will never forget.
Carter, who flew to West Germany to
greet the returning hostages as
President Reagan's representative, let
bitterness held back for 14% months
come out as he said the hostages had
Seen mistreated "much worse than had
been previously revealed."
The former president's description of
acts of "barbarism" leading to
"abominable circumstances" for the
freed captives followed reports from
hostages' families and the U.S. State
Department that the Americans suf-
fered physical and psychological abuse
during their 444 days in captivity.
The State Department issued a
statement here saying, "on the basis of
See CARTER, Page 2

Reagan not set
on hostage deal

From UPI and AP
WASHINGTON - The Reagan ad-
ministration yesterday refused to
commit itself to carry qut the
remaining provisions of the agreement
ending the hostage crisis until the
document has been thoroughly studied.
The settlement, fashioned by Carter
during intensive negotiations that en-
ded only a few hours before the former
president left office on Tuesday,
provided for the return of previously
frozen Iranian assets in exchange for
the hostages' freeedom. -
HOWEVER, SOME of the mechanics
of the agreement, including the ship-
ment of remaining military spares,
would have to be completed to carry out
the complex deal, in which the 52
American hostages were traded for
Iran's $12 billion in frozen assets.
State Department spokesman
William Dyess, stressing that he was
speaking for the new team under
Secretary of State-designate Alexander
Haig, said, "The Reagan ad-

ministration doesn't want to commit it-
self without having had a chance to
study the documents.
"Historically, administrations have
been bound by international agreemen-
ts," Dyess said, but added that the new
team "wishes some time to study the
know any great details of the
agreement," he said. "It took the
position it was the responsibility of the
Carter administration. We could not
have two presidents, two secretaries of
state. So they decided to stay out of it."
Alexander Haig, the incoming
secretary of state, was asked last night
about reports that the Reagan ad-
ministration may not fulfill the terms
negotiated by Carter's administration.
While acknowledging the Reagan
administration has begun a review of
the documents, Haig said he did not
want to put that review "in the category
of severe skepticism."
Reagan's national security affairs ad-

viser, said Reagan and Haig will con-
sult with Warren Christopher, the for-
mer deputy secretary of state who
directed the negotiating team in
Algiers, about the settlement.
Allen told reporters not to expect
anything definite for at least the
"next day or two.
Asked several times if his comments
indicated Reagan might not accept the
release agreement, Allen sidestepped a
direct response, effectively leaving the
door open.
U.S. officials said about $8 billion of
Iran's assets were transferred to an
escrow account Tuesday morning
before the hostages were freed.
However, an additional amount,
thought to be more than $4 billion, is
still under U.S. control, in the form of
contested funds in banks or "other
assets" - real estate, securities and
other property.
Under the agreement, such property
will be handed over to Iran as it is tur-
ned into liquid assets, or as legal
questions are settled.

AP Photo
FORMER HOSTAGES toss autographed newspapers down to the medical
staff on the U.S. Air Force hospital in Wiesbaden, West Germany yesterday.

SA member resigns
.anud controversy-again

Off and on during his off-and-on career in University
student government, David Schaper has been accused of
.,ishandling student funds, fixing elections,- and man-
pulating his political opponents. He describes his, 10-year
career as "colorful."
And the 27-year-old Law School student has just resigned
from the Michigan Student Assembly judiciary for the
second time in two months. His most recent resignation,
submitted under pressure from other MSA members, marks
one more milestone in one of the longest, most controversial
careers in student government history on this campus,
IN REFERENCE TO allegations that he mismanaged
more than $40,000 when he was treasurer, Schaper said
recently, "I've fixed elections, I've screwed people left and
right, but I never, never took any money."
Later he said, "That was a hyperbolic statement, made
essentially to assert that I've never taken any money. The
comment was made in the heat of the moment. No, I haven't
rigged any elections.
"I didn't say that I haven't pulled, at the very least, some
aggressive political maneuvers. I perceived political con-

frontations as wars, and my opponents as enemies." Schaper
"BUT I'M NOT into that kind of thing anymore. The need
isn't tcehe was elected director as a freshman in 1972,
Schaper held a number of positions in student government
before he resigned as Chief Justice of the Central Student
Judiciary in November.
Despite his controversial record, Schaper has never been
officially convicted of any wrongdoing. And many current
members of MSA praised his recent work.
SCHAPER INITIALLY resigned for "personal reasons"
from his post on the judiciary. At his request, he was reap-
pointed by the assembly earlier this month.
The Central Student Judiciary is the arm of campus gover-
nment that deliberates on legal disputes within and between
student organizations on campus. It is a full court system
with a group of judges and a chief justice.
His reappointment was challenged Sunday night before the
Court of Commmon Pleas - a CSJ lower court which
Schaper himself was instrumental in establishing last year.
See MSA, Page 8

Campus Management Older and modern 135 units List available
663-4101 buildings; apartments about 100 avail. now
Campus Rentals Apartments and houses 72 units List available
665-8825 2/3 avail. now
Dahlman Apartments ,5 modern apartment 88 apts., 8.houses . List available
761-7600 bldgs.; 16 houses 3/4 available tomorrow
Duane Black Apts. in older houses- 90 units No list
effic., 1, 2, 3 bedrooms openings unknown available
Forest Terrace 2 bedroom, modern 30 units List available
769-6374 apartments 15 avail. now
Maize and Blue Modern apartments; 166 units No date given
761-3131 1, 2, 3 bedrooms "Small turnover"
McKinley Associates Apts. and houses; 500 units List available
769-8520 effic. up to 6 bed, about 450 avail, now
Modern Management Apartments and 180 units List available
668-6906/663-3641 houses about 120 avail. Feb. 1
Old Towne Older houses split 200 units List available
663-8989 into apartments about 100 avail. Feb. 2
Park Terrace Modern, 2 bed- 21 units List available
769-5014 room apartments 12 avail. now
Post Realty Modern, 1 and 2 135 units List available
761-8220 bedroom apartments about 67 avail. Jan. 26
'Real Invest Modern apartments and 120 units List available
996-5929 older homes about 70 avail. now
Reaume and Dodds Modern apartments; 68 units List available
434-0550 effic., 1, 2 bedrooms openings unknown mid-Feb.
Red Oak Modern apartments; 175 units List available
662-3347 effic., 1-3 bed. about 75 avail. now
Sang Y. Nam Efficiencies, 1, 2, 82 units List available
662-0351 and 3 bedrooms openings unknown Jan. 30
Tower Plaza Modern apartments 294 units Applic. taken March 1
769-5551 and efficiencies openings unknown list avail, in summer
University Towers !Modern apartments 240 units List available
761-2680 and efficiencies about % avail. Jan. 23
Vernon Hutton Modern apartments. 80 units List available
663-9268 and efficiencies openings unknown now

woman suffers injuries




An unidentified woman with a bloody
head wound collapsed on the ground
floor of the Michigan Union last night
after being assaulted in a music room,
police and witnesses said.
The victim was taken to the Univer-
sity Hospital Emergency Room with
lacerations on her head and left wrist.
Further details on her condition were
unavailable last night.
ANN ARBOR Police Det. Jerry
Wright said the woman may have been
struck with a chair in music room num-
ber four.
A police officer at the scene about 8

p.m. said it had not been determined
whether the woman also had been rob-
University students Ken Roth and
Sean Mulrony said they saw the woman
running from the music room as they
walked through the ground-floor hall at
7:45 p.m.
"YOU CAN SEE how much blood
there is on the floor, and there was
twice as much before," Roth said.
The woman "pointed behind her and
mumbled something," and then started
to fall, Mulrony added.
The men said they rushed to help the
woman, and then they called the 911
emergency number on a nearby phone.

Roth said he thought the woman said
her name was "Song," and that she was
36 years old. He added that the woman
seemed to think that two men attacked
Mulroney said the victim was "pretty
incoherent" and they could not obtain
any other information from her.
Roth, Mulroney, and another bystan-
der said they did not see anyone exiting
from the music rooms.
Other witnesses reported seeing two
males leaving the Union in a "hurried
manner," police said. No suspects have
been apprehended and the case is still
under investigation.

Wilson White

Ho using
as ever

Some things never change - like
the annual search for housing near-
True to tradition, apartment hun-
ters will likely find that housing for
next term is expensive and that the
search is competitive.-
DESPITE SOME rumors last fall
to the contrary, the off-campus
housing market seems to be as tight
as ever, according to an informal,
survey of 19 of the largest local ren-
tal agencies.
Several local firms reported a few
vacencies last September, but Vice
President for Student Services
Henry Johnson says there is "as

Modern apartments
and efficiencies

200 units
about 150 avail.

List available
much demand, if not more, for
housing this year."
"It's going to be tight," he predic-
A VACANCY RATE of less than one
percent near campus means high
demand, which leads to high prices.
This year, rent increases are run-
ning an average of 10 per cent, but
range from zero - for some tenants
who resign their current leases - up
to 12 percent.
Landlords cite the increase in the
cost of living as the major cause of
rent increases. Last year increases
ranged from nine to 14 percent,
reflecting the higher rate of inflation
See HOUSING, Page 8

Scribblers, draw your pens
T'S TIME TO refill those pens and sharpen those
pencils. Tomorrow, John Hancock's birthday, is
National Handwriting Day. The Writing Instruments
TMZan,,nd-fiivt A sneininn i srgina gcrihhlrs


ficult for habitual scribblers-many of whom started
scrawling at an early age-to quit cold turkey. The
program is geared to phased withdrawal. They suggest
scribblers ". . . work up to legibility slowly, one letter at a
time, then one short word, then a polysyllabic word, until
you finally achieve an entire legible sentence." Good
All gifts, no errors
In these times of soaring patriotism, baseball has reaf-

Musical operation
Upon finding a depressed patient, Dr. Rich Muller calls in
three colleagues for consultation-on what to sing. Then the
four Hartford Hospital physicians will emerge from their
huddle as a barbershop quartet called The Spinal Chords,
and launch into an a cappella rendition of "Margie" or
some other standard. "I've always said that no one can
listen to a barbershop quartet and not smile," said baritone
Muller. "We even go into the intensive care unit and sing
for people." Twice in recent months the Chords have sung

the ordeal of the hostages. Yesterday, managing editors
across the country were offered an exclusive first shot at
the book for a fee of $6 plus postage. The deal comes to your
from the Associated Press in conjunction with Rutledge
Press, a New York-based publisher, and is promoted as "a
dramatic book on the ordeal of the American hostages."
The 192-page "444 Days-The Story of the American
Hostages" contains more than 200 photographs from AP
files and a text written by AP newsfeature writer Sid.
Moody. But the average consumer will just have to wait for
the enic tn hit the stnres. Or mavh an eiting new movie



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