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January 22, 1982 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1982-01-22

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Ninety-Two Years


i ai1

Possible freezing rain
today with a high near 30,
warmer tonight with a low
near 32.

y- - - - .. .. .. _ . ___ _ _

Vol XCII, No. 92

Copyright 1982, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, January 22, 1982

Ten Cents

Ten Pages


'U' researcher
making lung
cancer inroads

In the wake of Monday's Cancer
Society announcement that more than
one-fourth of this year's American can-
cer deaths will be caused by lung can-
er, University researchers yesterday
id a breakthrough in treatment may
be on the horizon.
A team of medical scientists headed
by Dr. Ronald Natale is researching a
combination of three drags which ac-
cording to Natale have shown some ef-
fectiveness against previously un-
treatable cancer of the lung.
"We began doing actual clinical in-
vestigations at the Sloan-Kettering In-
stitute approximately four and a half
ears ago," said Natale, of the Univer-
sity's division of Hematology-Oncology
in the Department of Internal
Medicine. Of the 12 experimental anti-
cancer drugs tested, only three had any
effect on lung cancer, he said.
"The average survival rate in patien-
ts with advanced lung cancer is three to
four months," according to Natale.-
"With the multi-drug treatment, the
average survival rate is currently
beyond eight months," he said.
* Eventually, the new treatment may

prolong life for more than one and a
half years, he said, adding that but
while the new treatment looks
promising, the results are still
"The treatment is classified as in-
vestigational and our results will have
to be confirmed by independent in-
vestigators outside the university,"
Natale explained.
The three-drug combination -
Cisplatinum, VP16, and MGBG, all
chemotherapeutics used against
various types of cancers - has clearly
improved 60 percent of the advanced or
terminal lung cancer cases on which it
has been tested, according to Natale.
Ultimately, he said, the treatment will
be even more effective than it is now.
Another aspect of Natale's research
involves the successful cultivation of
different types of cancer cells outside
the body
This technique is very similar to
"growing bacteria in a petri dish," ac-
cording to Natale, and allows
physicians to test new cancer
chemotherapies on tumor cells without
subjecting the patient to the uncomfor-
table side-effects of most cancer drugs.
See CANCER, Page 7

Pontiac bound
Michigan marching band trumpeter Scott Taube practices in the new Michigan Fieldhouse in preparation for the band's performance in Sunday's Super Bowl
at the Pontiac Silverdome. See story, Page 5.



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Counseling review,
By JANET RAE the counseling services review is the first effort,
uriseling services review committee is to examine "Category III" programs-those
g completion of a study which ad- that involve two or more administrative units.
ators.hope will serve as a model for ex- "Across-the-board cuts are just the opposite.
e. reviews of other non-academic of good management," Sauve said. "If there's
ms. any possible way we can avoid it, we will."
committee, which is working on a One of those ways, Sauve said, is to cut down
inary format for the review, expects to on the administrative waste that can occur
eport with Vice President for Academic when a program is spread out over several
Billy Frye by the end of the month. areas.
the areas they will investigate are "THAT KIND of decentralization is probably
nic, career, financial aid, personal, and quite expensive," Sauve said. "At this point,
4nseling. we just don't know." ----
SAUVE, budget assistant to Frye, said University Counseling Services Director

process n
Harold Korn, spokesman for the five-member
review committee, said a major component of
the review is expected to include personal in-
terviews with University deans and officials of
counseling centers.
"WE WANT to find out how the University's
resources-meaning money and person;
nel-are being allocated," Korn said.
Counseling services at the University are so
diverse that no one can estimate how many
centers exist, Korn said.
"That's one of the things we expect to find
out,," he said.-
"IT'S KIND of a learning experience," Sauve

iay serve as model


said. "We've never done anything of this type' prelir
before. We'll just have to see how it goes. to im
"I'm really tickled about their effort," Sauve Categ
said. "On the basis of the progress they've widel
made so far, we suggested to the executive of- Exter
ficers that they start two or three more Lear
(Category III reviews)." Sport
He said that even though Frye and his staff The
have not made a decision concerning further units
reviews, it is likely the next area to be goal 4
examined will be academic support services, form,
such as admissions, financial aid ad- sums
ministration, and registration. publi
CATEGORY III reviews are the last in a

.~~~. .. .... ..;;~.>.. ..

with rally
A crowd of about 40 gathered on the
Diag yesterday in this year's third rally
at the University supporting the Polish
labor union Solidarity.
Speakers from the Campus Labor,
Support Group, which sponsored the
rally, and representatives of other
organizations criticized President
Reagan's foreign policy and called for
an end to martial law in Poland and to
U.S. intervention there.
"REAGAN MAY sound sympathetic,
but he is using his sympathy for Cold
War manuevers," said Paul Lefrak, a
member of the Campus Labor Group.
Peter Pesch, a representative of the
campus Latin American Solidarity
Committee, accused Reagan of hypoc-
risy in his domestic and foreign
policies.° Reagan has urged support of
the strike in Poland, Pesch said, while a
similar strike in the United States is
illegal, according to the Taft-Hartley
"The United States needs a coherent
human rights policy to support freedom
See RALLY, Page 2

rain, snow
for today

From staff and wire reports
A winter storm watch is in effect for
southern lower Michigan today with
freezing rain and possible heavy snow
accumulations predicted for the Ann
Arbor area.
The storm that could hit Ann Arbor is
expected to dump heavy wet snow
across the Plains, upper Mississippi
Valley and Great Lakes areas.
In Minnesota, where a record one-day
snowfall of 17.1 inches fell on Wed-
nesday, forecasters said up to four ad-
ditional inches fell yesterday and more
was predicted today.
Storms swept over Northern
Michigan this week with 8 inches of
snow and moved into the Eastern
Seaboard, ,heaping 6-inch ac-

ninary series planned by administrators
aplement their retrenchment program.
gory I budget cuts included last year's
y publicized reviews of ;Michigan Media,
nsion Service, the Center for Research on
ning and Teaching, and Recreational
second category included administrative
or sub-units that were reviewed with the
of saving smaller amounts of money. In-
ation services,, housing administration,
mer commencement and University
cations were all targeted in this area.
cumulations on central Maryland and
dusting New York City.
Taking no chances with yesterday's
snow, the White .Iouse canceled a.
Baltimore trip in which President
Reagan had planned to meet with 15
mayors and business executives.
"Conditions really aren't.that bad"
on the Baltimore-Washington Parkway
where the presidential party had plan-
ned to drive," said Maryland state
trooper James Harris. "It's just a little
bit slushy."
The storm expected to sweep into
Michigan today and continue into
tomorrow night threatened to wreck
travel plans for football fans with
tickets to Sunday's Super Bowl at the
Pontiac Silverdome.

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Reagan reconsiders 'budget pla

WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Reagan postponed final decisions on his.
1983 budget plan after having "second
thoughts" about higher excise taxes to
narrow a burgeoning deficit, ad-
ministration sources said yesterday.
Several officials, asking not to be
identified, said the president ten-
tatively had agreed Wednesday to seek
higher excise taxes on cigarettes,
whiskey, wine and "luxury" items as
part of a plan to raise some $15 billion in
new federal revenues in 1983.
YESTERDAY, however, the
president was described by one White_
House official as the "lone holdout" in
the face of a unanimous recommen-

dation by his economic advisers that he
approve the budget plan, including the
new taxes.
"The president is reluctant to give a
final sign-off" on boosting excise taxes
"and probably will be mulling. it over
the weekend" before deciding whether,
to go ahead with it, said the official.
"He's having second thoughts," the
official added. The president plans to
disclose the major elements in his
budget Tuesday, when he delivers his
State of the Union message to Congress.
REAGAN'S reluctance is said to stem
from his concern that any move to seek
higher taxes would indicate a lack of
confidence on his part that his

economic program of spending cuts and
income tax reductions was not working.
In addition, Republican leaders in the
House have warned that raising excise
taxes on consumer goods, such as
alcohol and gasoline, would be a
political mistake for the GOP.
In a recent letter to budget director
David Stockman, House GOP Whip
Trent Lott of Mississippi andRep. Jack
Kemp of New York, one of the earliest
advocates of tax cuts, complained that
higher excise taxes will hurt the "little
guy" and risk political defeat fob

Daily Photo by PAUL ENGSTROM

PROF. ANDREW Ehrenkreutz, who spoke at the Solidarity rally yesterday,
said he supported economic sanctions against Russia.

Duck, duck Freeze
UCKS AND GEESE THAT didn't have the sense
to make the flight south this winter
nearly froze in their sleep on the
ice of Lake Ontario-but some kindhearted humans
helped thaw them out. The Toronto Humane Society
rescued about a dozen ducks and geese, birds in no way
__W _ ....LI.... .« ..i;.b..i,.c. lein a .. fr.- ta

New York's Finest
Embarassed officials at New York hospital have mailed
out a correction to a first-aid guide sent out to 115,000 New
Yorkers, which warned the fine inhabitants of that city that
the original instructions should not be followed. Diane
Goldin, director of public affairs for the New York-Cornell
Medical Center, said Wednesday the original guide had
been prepared by an outside consultant and mailed in
November to people who had made donations to the
Manhattan Hosnital.B ut the Emeraenv First Aid guide

University Health Services was holding a.Logo Design con-
test. The Daily correctly supplied most of the infdrnation
for the contest, except the telephone number. People in-
terested in entering the contest should contact Ellie Puffe of.
UHS Patient and Public Relations at 763-4384, not 764-4384
as the Daily previously reported. Puffe explained that she
was a bit worried that some poor patient at the University
Hospital was receiving entries to the contest, and was
probably not too pleased. Puffe said she had not been able
to get through to the previously listed number,- but she knew
it was a University Hospital extension. C

the Second Chance night club, netted nearly $15,000 in
profits, 50 percent more than the goal of $10,000. The money
will be used for general operations of the Theatre, including
special programs and maintenance, according to Theatre
official Ray Mesler. And how does Mesler describe the gala
event which provided his organization with badly needed
funds? "I've never enjoyed something as much in my
On the inRid




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