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December 17, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…Vi X i.ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, S.\' 'l' f) \ 1', 1 IS , 'l tt t Fr. N.o., vol. XXI. THINKS ICIGfAN JOl'Oif lip'S 1MUST EL1ECT T flhl NO 1Tllrzfl1Uf11Sr,'r.'1:I:i< W7ILLI./I I T RETU hit4'lldeft oilrhperseltt\. Director Bartelme Can See No Itoter ' t'l tenoon, rfe tott 11 O.e Possi bility of Reentrv Into itftt ipt\lIlregac1 t oc'c' l tY te junitortlit clasto fittllthe office. Conference "I heel'surethat there «will h 1lw n ____\_n__letin, till P...…

December 17, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 63) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY :. (I II. 1 -I MUSIC AND) DRAMA IL. Sn-ic From Cover to Back (Gargoyle ECea- <s 4atgr NANi If. 11U. tures "Crimson Chest" -______________ 1 c t 2 . - c. i ii Fa 0 an Witer1 Style S AU L L DESSUITS It ll S IESEE wrtr Supply Co. Occusoto Miccstici ca~ Ne ji ;j Me i. _cal ' : ~ok ini Michigan Scn-Hand~c Law Books I Sawcii Medcal Dictionaries ).iiBoks. etc. s CoicelNe Nw and Sec- ond-hand. Oimnlctaksen:in Exchange C.J ...…

December 17, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 63) • Page Image 3

…VHR MICUfICAN'DAILY A Blue Serge L- oms t> i irio-t)tr anidysforaso of atire. Flxcecieot rvalue to your roteasioe $25i s i eI he I X'L(I QI l 'Sean do-Monk t'rcN i S lleeGtblti 1,n~I5o A sports xndp Stnnes. *7 .5 ci!q 0( %aIN OSpr Ness in ! S1p1 t is aP A. G SPA OI G('S.Bt S 254 Wondt'na g rr t etlitcSit. -S(It NDSltF(N.itu.~i tanitu t1 ~ r Sur plus ad rs ,i i i00,000 ,i t 5 5 r-s rr jrr 5paird 55. 5 rs, t's irr. ' 'rrrrr'r Asst. s-S 5 srr-r....…

December 17, 1910 (vol. 21, iss. 63) • Page Image 4

…<EAST L bERT 5:«r i or odyat 54th St., NEW YORK KEPT BY A COLLEGE MRAN College "Men+-Always elcome Special Ferms for College Teams Ideal Location. Near rTheatres, Shops and Central Park New, Modern, Absolutely Fireproof 4ransient 1ates, $2.50, with Bath, and Up. All Ousd ooms. Send for Booklet. ar P trmanfrir17 -77174n 1 i K. . f~ir~t~rn, Iurie~ 0(1with otel \Wood1ward 'I THE MICHIGAN ft'u'- UNIVERSITY NOTICES F li eo l lol skate ' 111s.1 lj...…

December 17, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…iigan ID GAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1911. A |ARTISTS FOR' MAY COL FESTIVAL NAMED C DUE TO ALL;I higan Union opcr1i. last night when Ra- love and longing for auties of 4,000 years nal potioh of Isis and rgeous mummy case. on a scene of riotous ; and the finale was and again by the en- ce. numbers which have re again much in evi- given encore upon en- ned effect, scenically Alma Gluck, Gerville-Reache, and Thomas Orchestra Will take Part SE...…

December 17, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 65) • Page Image 2

…,.e T c t.a U I, vI[ -11) 1 T1 . DAI LY Unliversity I- AI I :e1 Published every morning except Mon01- .day throughout the school year. ntered at the iPost Offiee at Ann Ar- bor, Mlichigan, tunder Act of Con- gress of arIch 3 187i9. MIANA#GIiNtGEFITI. Walter R~. Toys-rs. BUISIM"'SS \MAX1<GLR Albert IR. Diley S S U N D A Y L, D E C f 1E R 1 7 , 1 9 1 1 . Night Editor--II. BeIch C.'rpenater. e~ ill to " ian t Roller Tlowels if -They are tF...…

December 17, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 65) • Page Image 3

…Union Offers Special Sunday NIenu. The following dinner will be served at the Union today from 1 to 3 and from 6 to 8: y .CLASSIFIED ADS. *k Canape de Fois Gras. Consomme Julienne. Pearl Celery. f ;y Olives.I Broiled Lake Trout, Maitre d'Hotel. Julienne Potatoes. Roast Spring Turkey, Cranberry Sauce. Steak Minute Colbert. Roast Prime Rib Beef, Natural Gravy. R & W Ove r- coats I 1 Potatoes O'Brien au Gratin. Stringed Beans. Candie...…

December 17, 1911 (vol. 22, iss. 65) • Page Image 4

…I MUS }: IC AND DRAMA 1 Y SELECTION, - I _E I I iedy Club Reconsiders First Choice And Decides to Present "The agsre. ST PLAY WAS TOO DIFICULT. nanimous disapproval of "The oolmistress," the choice of the Com- Club for its annual production, .e to a climax yesterday, when the rd of Dramatic organizations was tined, on behalf of the club, for a uge of play. The petition was a-I ted and .a grant was given for the sentation of "The Magist...…

December 17, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 66) • Page Image 1

…Local $2.00 j Mail $2.50 The Michigan Vol. XXIII, No. f. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1912. PRICE IVE CANT NEWPLAN FOR TRACK AWARDS IS PRESENTED Board of Directors Takes Favorable Action on Agitated Change in Old Method of Giving M's. TENNIS MEN WILL GET CAPS. Thomas Gilbert Appointed Interelass Basketball Manager; Starts Duties at Once. At a meeting of the board of direct- ors of the athletic association held last night, pre...…

December 17, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 66) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Select your Fall or Winter iITH-E fIICIIAN DAILYI Suit from the I largest line in the city. Dress Suits a specialty c" H. Wild Co. Tailors and Importers 311 South State Street U_ Holiday Goods We have the finest line of Christmas Cards in the city. MAGAZINE SUIBSiCRIPTIONS At the lowest club rates I ]PRIVATEC CHRISTMAS CARD S With your Initials and Address Leave your orders now at Student's ShU~eIeans Books...…

December 17, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 66) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY BOYS we wvant you to see onr Ne Flat Englishi Custom Lasts the very latest with the new flat 7}8 inch heels, in black and ta,'-i light or heavy weight, $5 to $7 per pair. N9 ri PAID FOR IN ADAQN CF. FOR SALE. For Sale-Hand-painted dresser set of 8 pieces. VVIll sell by the piece or whole set, Busy Bee, 313 S. State St. 66 LOST Last, Thimble- silver, gold lined, set with turquoise in sweet grass thim- ble basket, on State...…

December 17, 1912 (vol. 23, iss. 66) • Page Image 4

…TH MICHiGAN DAILY ... in praise of Malcolm's fall suits and overcoats,those club checks are all right, others will show them in the spring. Chinchella Overcoats lead all others this season, why not B a first year man? MalcolmYn shows a very large range ofIU woolens, has a good suit at $20 and $25 buys a suit you will B proud of. Speaking of style, and individuality reminds you at once of MALCOLM M604 E. LIBERTY DETROIT FRATERNITY JEWELERS A...…

December 17, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…I I Alg r .a me ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 191 PRIC In NHTO NMEN mui ,ind1 hlool at Rest gan Daily For Michigan" i 38 years of 't_ existence, epairtment of the Universi- an has sent into Hit world sful dentists. There are ons which account for this ental department at Michi- es the finest and most com- museum in the world; it tic which is second to none ed states; no American utistry has a better build- acilities...…

December 17, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 68) • Page Image 2

…'HE LEADING .CHANT TAILORS 1111 Christmas Gifts Till daty dur ICHIGOAN DAILY paper at the University of Mich- d every morning except Mlon- university year. a WTe offer to you the tailored suit possible ie most suitable price. kmanship the best. y suit built to f it, stock of woolens of Iilghest quality. The Est assortment in the to select from. 1 11 a few sBzg- gestions- Harrison Fisher's Beauties, Harrison Fisher's "A Girl's Lif...…

December 17, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 68) • Page Image 3

…GIFT-SUGGESTIONS words could make you feel the comfort--could make you realize the style=-could make you know the values of Stein-Bloch Smart Clothes, you would be hur- I I for Father, Brother or Friend Bath Robes Neckwear. Hosiery P~aj am as Gloves ?Mackinaws Canes Umbrellas Shirts D~ress Vests Dress Neckwear Dress Scarfs Dress Gloves Dress Links & Studs Opera & Silk Hats D)ress Shirts Silk.. Linen Steamer & Auto Rugs rying to this st...…

December 17, 1913 (vol. 24, iss. 68) • Page Image 4

…1Shoes Latest English Lasts Indian Moccasins :More Comfortable than dlippers 6First Choi1ce Christmas u~rts No. 1- Kodaks--All prices from $i~oo to $65.oo. The Vest Pocket Kodak at $6.oo is the one that will please the most fastidious. N0. 2- A New "M" Book, better than ever-same size but improved binding scheme. Sure to please-"he would treasure it," or "she would be delighted.'" NO. 3-- Photograph Albums--A new lot at decidedly lower pric...…

December 17, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 69) • Page Image 1

…" . I Ie Michig9n Daily NOWV ,2. 0 $2.0 mp %%I- f9. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1914. PRICE~ FIVE CENTk I- _______-_______--_____________ I- ERS MEET INCSCORESt UAIO'N TO CONTINUE SATURDAY D AN4E04 T t~IVTIR,1 al 0TTrT IV t CA 41110 MIfCJHI(AN MEN OF NEW YORK 1CAMP PLACES THREE "M" MEN FRA 1rE "ONE PER CENT" CLUB' AMONG 100 SUPERIOR PLAYERS , -_ - ~1~-';;. /- -l W l -__-.-. f Michigan Society E...…

December 17, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 69) • Page Image 2

…iIGAN DAILY A Ii in A-~ I ires, Pe- >ns, Club made in [be long f + ra iii j s jj l I' \ r '' - l/ , . , Ii /f' o G' Michigan, Published every morning except Monday daring the uiversity year. Ente> c satte post.ofice at Ann Arbor as second-clasp matter. Offices, Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- by carrier .50 by nail, j.r. art ad. stations: Quarry's,Ui.Pam C, C i. D>avis, cor. Packard and State. Business Offce Phone 960 Editorial Office Ph...…

December 17, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 69) • Page Image 3

…AIL" I _._.. . Sale Nov. 28 Cailkin's PharmacyI I Ir 11 - I AM We are forced to move, therefore we are corn- off lwhitman's Eastmans 11 x s Candies Kodaks & Overcoats r kinaws &Batb Robes Nlow $11.25 13.50 GL15.00 LL16.50 iG18.75 21.00 SL 2 2..5 pelled to give you ti great opportunity of: suits and o'coats 1/4 o f We Deliver Free Up. to 150 Miles 324 S . State street I furnishlings, 207%; 0 and suit cases, 20%. 1 I4 ...…

December 17, 1914 (vol. 25, iss. 69) • Page Image 4

…TIS LMICHIGAN DAA.LY 11 Dress Suits re Artists to J'ake Them Righte L ITTLE touches mnake the diferce etenhigh cla s wrmnhpand the other sort. We taike pi in ak- ing sure that every sprit that bhar, o,,r in re, as maker has a vrydistincti eetur>>e ii at marks the best tailored product. Yet even with "is artistic quality of woakmanship we make a silk:- lined garinent with la hevy cord silk faclInI at.,.. . DRESS SUITS TO RENT J. K. MALCOM 60t ...…

December 17, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 64) • Page Image 1

… 4. r. a-. ,- ,_. i . .- i:r f)t .^'. a'1 Y i y,4y~s ' > r i MiW~ IP UUi WofrL xA , i Y Michigan Daily Phones :-Editorial 2414 Business 960 TELEG~RAPHI SERVICE BY I NEW YORK SUN -~ rfl" ~A" ~.2~C4t ~ ANN ARBOR, MIICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1915. PRICE FIVE V T 0 o FUINO S O- PC11lRT 'UPP alIES' Swl ti e, er asli ges e THIS I. G UD F AOWltES This is the d y el aside for vita f to rally his forese m sad golld cheer througho...…

December 17, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 64) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. +T. _ d ° - " 1 2>' 8: "r - . a.-..'x6S 3CXCRi 4 S u<< n,' 6 F < :.%'; 4 + h.; 7 { ' \\ ! ' ;f L : ryle W. C , i 111 I I M ; p.syYri THE BEST DRESSED MEN have their clothes made-to-measure. It is not a fallacy to say that 'clothes reveal their origin even to the casual observe. Ard there's an air of dis- tinction to _,ur clothes that can come only from- years of experience in tai- loring garments. We have satisfied your ...…

December 17, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 64) • Page Image 3

… .._, i It . *I ... _ .. _. . j ., 1 f4 I° -A. -r.:..,v=..-.. : VTR ....w_ ,.,., ... c n- z f ' . ( '. _. ^L 4 n j ,". f ,,Z ; =, _ '- - _ , ' <L. ,x . _ _ ._ _ . :a. ~ _ {:-- i - -. s ON YOUR HOLIDAY TRIP Take the Lehigh Valley Railroad Through service between Buffalo and Philadelphia, New York and FRESH LITS TAKE THIRD FORFEITURE J-Lits Fail to Appear, While Soph Lits Lose to Architects; Engineers Tie AUL-STARS DEFEAT YEARLI...…

December 17, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 64) • Page Image 4

…- - -- TH:.F MICHIGAN DAILY - - ... . r ... .. S ater o Those Who Demand the Best in r:. Workmanship end Service IP HO N E 807 and Deliver all Shoes OUS HOE 01 8. STATE ST. REPAIRING CO. NORTH OF' WAGNER (D. CO, ___________________ i ROF, SCOTT TAKS ON USE OF GESTUR lustrates His Theory by Flashlight of Recent Fresh Soph Rush flOWS RELATION TO HIS SPEECH Prof. F. N. Scott gave the third of lectures on the evolution of speech este...…

December 17, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 64) • Page Image 5

…F"HE AT TCHIGA': "~ E v ~ igTh is cu t represen ts o u r Fu ll D ress'Si s m d by t e t in 2 1 c C . a~nd which are offered at a special price for the holidays at $35.00. Pll Dress Coats .. $25.0 Titiedo Coats ....25.00 \fIj Full Dress Pantaloons. 6.50 Full Dress Vests 3 .50 Full Dress Suits ... 35.00 'These Suits are all made by the Stein Blfoch-Co. awl we will sell you any part of the suit atl the above price, these we carry in stock and a...…

December 17, 1915 (vol. 26, iss. 64) • Page Image 6

…tE IICHIGAN DAILY c TEN MINUTES AT THE WALK4 VE R P I n a w ise C Ii r 1 s a mf a s shopper can oetie his or her gift problems to their utmost sa isfaction cd sptnd less money than they expected to spend am a wwwIN BUYNG FOR WOMEN-Walkover Boudoir p;-ter, tCmfy Sippes, Party Slippers, Patent, Satin, Bronze or Dull Kid and Phoenix Silk Hose. FOR MEN - Walk-Over House Slippers, Moccasins, Soft Pullman Traveling Slippers in soft leather cases, ...…

December 17, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 66) • Page Image 1


December 17, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 66) • Page Image 2

…- , t ' ' ' n l F 1; , ' a .fti b a " r, ,, 7, : E' ~ . fs.J ;a ' ., t ,, ,,x , a 'r: j , Sd Treat Yourself To A Nedv Suit or overcoat for Xmas. Come in to- day and select the cloth from our as- sortment of elegant and exclusive fabrics from the very best mills. The cost wil not be unreasonable. And our reputation is a guarantee that the st le and tailoring will be irreproach- able. G. L.Wild Company Leading Merchant Tailor State S II Hopon...…

December 17, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 66) • Page Image 3

…STILL UNCERTAIN J7en upon Whom AlluCritics Agree Are Pollard, 7ierry, and Oliphant, New York, Dec. 16.-A consensus of! Pollard, Oliphant and Berry have a the numerous so-called all-eastern runaway race of it for backfield hon- football teams selected at the close of ors. The Army halfback, formerly of F Athletic Offiee Makes No Confirmation of Rumored Football Dates' CASE AND M. A. C. NOW ON LIST Rumors from various camps have it that they h...…

December 17, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 66) • Page Image 4

…ff FELL DANCING PA At Armory, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1916 9-I FISCHERS FIRST NINE PIECE ORCHESTRA TRKOMBONl-"Louie" Otto QORNET-"Doc" Dimmockh SAX A PflON"L er" Aldrich DRVMIS-"Johrnny" Schwer "IKE" FISCHER. AT THE PIANO VIOLIN="Tony" Hizss BANJOIUNE-"Erd" King BANJORINE-"Cot" Cottington PICCOLO="Al" Kempton MATRON IN ATTENDANCE THE FINEST DANCE FLOOR IN THE CITY $1.00 Per COupIC Limnited 125 This Dance is Strictly for Studenvs Tic...…

December 17, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 66) • Page Image 5

…|| Calkins Drug Co. Two Stores 11' DON'T FO if ts a that please then. 324 So. State and 1123 So.University Ave. Xmas Candies-Kodaks-Perfumes-Ivory Sets-Manicure Sets, etc. To Get Your Sheep Lined Coat And Patricks Mackinaw Neckwear and Hosiery in Individual Boxes. Extra Coods at reasonable prices G. H. Fong Writes Second Article At The of Series of Light About China J. F. WUERTH CO. New Day Light Store next to Orpheun Wadham...…

December 17, 1916 (vol. 27, iss. 66) • Page Image 6

…I S T M A S MERRY CHRISTMAS THOUGHTS CHRISTMAS CARDS KODAKS - - 75c to $100.00 Christmas lvill soon be here e prepared. You are better able to reflect the pirit of the Season if you are becomingly dressed. hand-tailored suit, tnade from one of the hundreds of -wool fabrics we are showing, cut and fitted to your idividual measure, will enhance your appearance and Id force to your CHRISTMAS GREETING. There's something behind it, when the ...…

December 17, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 66) • Page Image 1


December 17, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 66) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ------ uri Y OFFICIAL NFWSPAPER AT TH UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Published, every morning except Mondayt durg the university year by the Board in Coutrol of Student Publications. MaEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESSf The Associated Press is exclusively entitled so the use for republication of all news dis-a patches credited to it or not otnerwise credited an, this'Asper and also the local news pub-S lished heein.r Entered at the...…

December 17, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 66) • Page Image 3

…la. THE MICHIGAN DAILY --.~ k rt. " , ---_ '2 =-- -.,- . V. - - t }s. 6OETZ HEADS 119 WNOLVERINE EEVEN Player's Ability to Block Punts and Capture Fumbles Wins Him captaincy Position NEXT YEAR'S GRID FANS TO WITNESS STAR LINEUP Angus Goetz, '19, left tackle of Yost's war-time 1918 football eleven, was elected captain Sunday morning, of next year's varsity grid team, when the letter men assembled at a local studio to have the official...…

December 17, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 66) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY .. __ iazlne Subscriptiodns or XMAS GIFTS WFFLET'S Newsstand BUY Ili ANN MagaineSubscriptions for XMAS GIFTS 1ARg In IJRSTOFFLET'S Newsstand The 2lppreciated CANDY Gift.- MORSE'S LO WNEY'S BOOTH'S A PPO LL4) Let Your CHRISTMAS GIFTS Be Useful (}a line of goods is couij osed of suc te icles as are nieedIed CeveryId)playl l1w e cr. 1Fowhdil in es, %ttet3- Raiois, (Cloth lBrasbes, ha ir Brushtes, T~oiet Article...…

December 17, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 66) • Page Image 5

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY . . .._ .. .... i AMERICAN BODIES BEING RECOVERED London, Dec. 16. - Latest reports from the Island of Islay state that 241 bodies known to be those of Am- ericans who lost their lives in the sinking of the British transport Otran- to, have been recovered, 15 having come ashore within one week. Of these 20 have not been identified. There are 149 other bodies that have been found, 'but whethermthey areI those of Americans o...…

December 17, 1918 (vol. 29, iss. 66) • Page Image 6

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, DX NWMN'S VOTES TO MIKE CHANGE IN ELECTIONS POLITICIANS XNABLE TO DOPE OUT COMING ELECTION OUTCOME (By Associated Press) Jackson, Dec. 16.-The eltion au- horities of this and, it is understood, ther cities of Michigan, are already vondering just how the big increase 1 the vote, due to the voting of womr- M next spring, will affect the already rowded- election machinery. There as already been some discussion long th...…

December 17, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 68) • Page Image 1

…fbp r ' DAY AND NIGH SERVIC] N~ ,WtZlK' ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1910, 0 ,0 PRE;. THI F "... e'PRI1VE '111 4a ,F FEW COPIES OF DIRECTORY LEFT Selling 1,100 copies within 110 minutes establishes a phenomenal rec- ord in disposing of copies of the "offl- cial Students' Directory, according to Charles Stewart Baxter, '20, manag- ing editor of this year's publication. As fast as the .1919-20 edition was off the pr...…

December 17, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 68) • Page Image 2

…-2-! - 1residE name- ain style of car anda will visit a every surmer of his life to see on the door is: polished~ till it .Official M during the Univer- 'uhlijations. PRESS led to the use for it or maot otherwise shed therein. al news Ann Arbor. Michigan, as second1 .rd .street. cords, if signed, the sig- ,but as an evidence of bed in The Daily at the led to The Daily office. consideration. No mnan- .incloses postage. rse the sentime...…

December 17, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 68) • Page Image 3

…nazoo Nor- m the vaca- TEAM SHOPWED ITS STRENGTH til Dec. 31, AND POSSIBILITIES IN am of Pon- D. A. C. MEET t city. On )n go to Recognition by the athletic authori- in Ignition ts is what the student swimming >sing flue. team is now working for. All who have best in, the seen the team in action are one in test of, the their opinon of its strength and pos- sibilities. Coach Drulard is greatly will be in pleased -with .the development of his nga...…

December 17, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 68) • Page Image 4

…Positions OpenI At the appointment bureau they are getting in more applications for teach- fers to begin work at the beginning of next semester than they can fill. This is always the case at the first of each school year, it was stated./ /Frequently it is exceedingly hard to find a student or experienced teacher to fill just the position desirepd. For instance, calli comes in for a man to teach. history, economics and Cakle char'ge of athletic...…

December 17, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 68) • Page Image 5

…,AL t Xmas, 1 toI .Tice's Drug -Adv. Store, 1171 ,. MOORE THE MAJESTIC Cass Floyd has his own methods of settling disputes and eliminating riv- als and he employs them to the best of his ability in "Louisiana," featuring Vivian Martin for the last times to- day at the Majestic. When he discovers Louisiana Rog- ers, who had been his sweetheart up; in the mountains, walking with Law- renceiF'erol, a young playwright, he at once becomes int...…

December 17, 1919 (vol. 30, iss. 68) • Page Image 6

…IN ENGLAND I I. Wv l Silk Neckwear Knit Neckwear } Underwear Pajanmas Night Robes Gloves Hats and Caps Silk Shirts Sweaters Co. -cade~ t Cold? k. Pair of Those Lar 4 Buckle Arctics' kapely English, Lasts r Medium Widths (By Associated Press) Carlisle, Eng., Dec.16-A campaign for the nationalization of the manu. facture and sale of intoxicating liquor was inaugurated a few days ago at an Important trade union and labor con- ference h...…

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