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December 17, 1915 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1915-12-17

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Phones :-Editorial 2414
Business 960

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T 0
Swl ti e, er asli ges e
This is the d y el aside for vita f
to rally his forese m sad golld
cheer throughot t ArborithDtheS X
help, of the h Good Fellw,
and if p resent: lan w loutas x-
pected there .e11111, few '(t hungry
in the town hn'ti 'last load ofStu.
dents depart next flu esday,
Autos will cali aL ey fraternity
and sorority liis, a town his after-
noon to ollee boo old clothes :ad
any other useful ay ole, hich will
be distributed amo the oedy fam-
nlies of the city unt wort auspices of
the Federated tioofastld of Abr
Besides thset 1 nSOeneos tri
butions, which aie expected to b
lane, reports sho , that the won yd-
nations have reac e a germihd lg-l
ure. The amount s thus far received
are as follows:
App. ,............. $0.00
Sphinx .. ! . , ... 950
Grifi" : >...1
V i cans .. . ..o-.. 5.00
A. Te. .io. fee. 5.0
J-Laws .....;...... 33
Senior Lits 3.7
11iscellaneouA . 3.00
This mies tim Lproximate iotal
of $55.00. The hov list does not in-
clude all the gifts hwever. Other so-
cieties not .-ntIone l aiove have been
busy also. ;"h. wonen of the A1Aia
Phi sorority l'ap e promised to take
charge of te (ld .die Home aid
see that all of ihe ±1<adiea fre renem-
bered. -The (Ti' rix.4,. nplaing
to clothe one e id npletey, the Phi
Delta Theta xratorr ity has planned to
provide for one wale family, and two
medical frater!iiitie ha, gnurah eed
to look after t e1s pit
Starting the pr-Christmas festivi-
ties, the Delta 'au 1elt fraternity en-
tertained and fitte out six small boys
last night, and' Alp aa Delta Phi prom-
ises to do th sa e for 10 more to-
night. The 9rorsi an Kapp Alpha
Theta sosorit es b ve been at work all
week makin a i filling Christmas
stoe ings fo po( r chldren. These
are , few o the many efforts being
ma 3: to spi ead good Fellow cheer,
and ;ake Clristmas spirit a reality to
fo n-' es which otherwie would have
litt cause : sa, "Merry Christmas."
S irday giight at the Union will be
held "Goo Fel ows" dance, the pro-
cee of wL-Och will go to a the poor.
As further s ggestion for doing
goo' and nel ing a dollar bill to
aid r e olvemeat., a reader of The
Daily sent 1'he t'llowing letter to the
Good Fel 4 1dii or:
"Good Fe W ! Iitor The Michigan

o m Feo ovement
to help othe rs f % ,_"i::, 'et us not
stop e ahristmas
Spirt - i make our
New s of which
shod l'f hvei ossession
any aril'~~ osntblng to me,
I wil t nc~h - lo e owner
at o e e thIt i eahes him
son eho, a tes n w )mourning

War Revenue Act
Extended in House
{ hi *p and Spur Used on lIemocrats
o Pass Resolution
Washington, Dec. 16.-hacked by the
amendment of the party caucus, the
administration resolution extending
the life of the "emergency war reve-
nue act" from December 31 next, to
January 1, 1917, was passed by the
House today by a vote of 205 to 185.
The result was brought about
ibrough the use of the "whip and
spur" on many Democrats who were
opposed to war taxes and who sup-
ported them with their votes today on
the assurance that an opportunity
would be given later in the session
to amend the emergency law. To-
day's proceedings brought home to the
Democratic leaders a realization that
with a margin of only 24 votes over
he combined minority there will be
many cases in the session when party
or administration measures will be
inenaced by the consolidated minority.
Five Democrats jumped the reserve
today, in the face of the plea of the
administration and the House leaders,
that if the extension resolution failed,
the treasury would register a deficit
at the end of the fiscal year, and that
this would react on the party politi-
cally in the presidential election next
Decide Against New System of Filing
Class Photographs
Senior engineers at their regular
meeting yesterday decided to retain
the class picture instead of inaugurat-
ing a new system of filing the pictures
of the class. The idea of the filing
system was brought up to solve the
problem of expense, but sentiment
was strongly against it.
The business session was followed
with a talk by Mr. J. M. Rigg, gen-
eral manager of the American Bridge
Co. Mr. Rigg spoke on the success of
the technical graduates. He made a
special plea for the men to carry the
ideas of the ponor system which they
had gained at school into their prac-
The newly organized student branch
of the S. A. E. held its first regular
meeting Tuesday night in the engi-
neering building at which time the
constitution of the society was read
article by article and voted upon.
After the consideration of new busi-
ness the topic of the evening's discus-
sion was brought up and the six men
appointed at the last meeting talked
on the relative merits of the four or
eight cylinder car as against the six.
Barristers Initiate Two at Luncheon
George V. Labadie and P. H. Stev-
ens were initiated into Barristers, se-
nior law honorary society, at the bi-
monthly luncheon which was held at
the Delta Wednesday noon. Prof.
C. H. Van Tyne of the history depart-
ment spoke to the society on "Pre-


Parkham &eads
Poems To Grange



Decide to Let Medical Sup-
From American Red Cross
Enter Germany

London, Dec. 16.-The Saloniki cor-
respondent of The Times, telegraph-j
ing December 14, says: "Today in ac-I
cordance with agreement between
Greece and the entente powers, the
Greek troops began to withdraw from
Salonigi and the neighborhood, evacu-
ating the trenches and fortifications.
It is believed, and the military staff
are said to have been warned, that
the Germans are preparing for an at-
tack on the French and British troops
at Saloniki.
British Allow Red Cross for Germans
London, Dec. 16.-The British gov-
ernment has decided to permit medi-
cal supplies consigned to the Ameri-
can Red Cross to enter Germany.
French Blow Up Depot
Paris, Dec. 16.-French trench guns
blew up a German ammunition depot
near Quennecieres last night accord-
ing to an official communication.,
Mann Shoots Seventh Plane
Berlin, Dec. 16.-Lieut. Immel Mann
yesterday brought down his seventh:
enemy aeroplane, a British monoplane,
says an official statement. The allied
aeroplane attack was directed at
points in Baden, but the sole military
damage was the breaking of one hos-
pital window. One civilian was killed.
Italians Minus Two Sbips
Rome, Dec. 16.-An announcement
in a semi-official note telling of the
sinking in the Adriatic of the Italian
destroyer Intrieco, and the Italian
transport Reumberto, discloses the
first official news of the Italian expe-
dition in Albania. It is known now
that an- expedition has landed in Al-
bania without suffering any losses on
crossing the Adriatic. The crew of the
destroyer and the transport were
saved, with the exception of 40 men
aboard the transport, and three on the
Two Attacks Planned on Albania
Rome, Dec. 16. - The Diromale
Z'Italia publishes an interview with an
anonymous Albanian, foreshadowilig
two simultaneous attacks on Albania.
One plan is by Albanian officers com-
manding an Austrian army. This is
to come from the north, while a sec-
ond invasion predicted, is one by the
Bulgars from the east. Greece has
been promised southern Albania, in-
cluding the Adriatic coast below the
River Schkambi.
Serbian Refugees May Starve
Rome, Dec. 16.-Approximately half
of Serbia's rural population have taken!

In .alk at Hill Auditorium Poet Ex-
plains Several of His Creations
"It is a fortunate thing to be born
on a farm, and an unfortunate thing
in many ways to be born in a city,"
declared Edwin C. Markham Thursday
afternoon in his talk before the State
Grange in Hill auditorium. "For in
the country one comes into contact
with nature and learns to know what
industry really is. Above all, the man
born on the farm lives the serious and
simple life."
Mr. Markhami talked with rather
than addressed his audience and at no
time during the course of the three
quarters of an hour that he spoke did
he get away from the simple conver-
sational style of talking. His remarks
were full of anecdote and his stories
of his own experiences on a farm were
sympathetically received.
The poet said that one of his favorite
sayings was that "wisdom consisted
in knowing what to do next and what
to say next," and in illustrating this
read several selections from his prose
works, among them "The Gang Plow"
and "The Coyote." Mr. Markham
brought forth a great deal of laughter
when he referred to the coyote as
"watchful waiting on four legs."
Mr. Markham went on to show the
value of the country life and the hap-
piness of the simple life, by quoting
from his poem "The Shoes of Happi-
ness." He explained that the story
element of the poem consisted in the
hunt of a Turk for the shoes of a hap-
py man, and how, after he had search-
ed through the ranks of the rich and
the poor, he had found the only happy
man on earth in a corn field--but this
man had no shoes. The poem is full
of beautiful references to the country
and it had a marked effect on the eight
hundred Grangers who heard it read.
This last poem was to conclude Mr.
Markham's talk, but the applause
brought him back to give his "Man
With the Hoe." Before reading it,
Mr. Markham explained its meaning
and defended it against the criticism
which it has aroused.
Following 1Mr. Markham's talk a
meeting of the Grangers was held
where the committee announced the
selection of Lansing as the place of
the next meeting in 1916. The further
matters of business are now before
the committee on i6gislative action
and will be brought before the meet-
ing Friday for decision. ^
Thursday night the reception of ap-
plicants for fifth and sixth degrees
was held in Hill auditorium. Over
one hundred and seventy-five took
the sixth degree, while one hundred
received the fifth.
Austrians and Germans Are Leaving
Berlin, Dec. 16.-All persons of
Austrian or German citizenship or in-
clination, are packing up in prepara-
tion for immediate depatture from Sa-
loniki. A state of siege is practically
in operation, under the direction of
the Anglo-French, who are making it



W. W. HIarris TIelsI Embryo Journal-
ists to Get Ealy't'raining on
Contr Uaper
Speaker Contrasts Modern Mrethods
of Gatlherinig War News With
Civil War Period
That the newspaper profesion of-
fers opportunities not only In itself,
but also in many other activit s, wa
the assertion made by ' Mr. W.
Harris, managing editor ofs th
York Sun, in his address yesta
Mr. Harris strongly adv ise le
man or woman who proposed taking
up the work to begin on a small town
paper. This, he stated, was only a
smaller, and less pretentitious proto-
type of the greater metropolitan
dailies. One could thus get a better
insight into the workings of the vari-
ous departments than if he took a po-
sition upon the larger paper and were
forced to specialize in any one set de-
In regard to the question of prep-
aration, Mr. Harris advised that one
read as much as possible, that he
write at every opportunity that might
present itself, and that he learn to
observe. "earn to know what the
other man wants to know," said he,
"and then learn to write clearly and
forcibly that knowledge." The speak-
er stated that a school given over en-
tirely to the teaching of journalim
was only able to turn out "good raw
material" and that there were things
that the newspaperman needed to
know which could only be gleaned
from actual experience. The ability
to take notes in shorthand was a det-
riment to the reporter using it, he
declared, inasmuch as a wrong mental
attitude was cultivated, and that the
reporter became merely an amanu-
Modern methods of gathering war
news were contrasted with those em-
ployed by the papers in the time of
the Civil war. "No longer does the
war correspondent ride booted and
spurred across bloody battle fields, or
dash madly to the nearest telegraph
station 300 miles away." Every paper
or press association has a representa-
tive at each of the European capitals
and these receive whatever reports the
government sees fit to give them. "Al-
together," Mr. Harris concluded. "the
newspaper game has undergone a
wonderful reorganization, co-ordina-
tion, and systematization, and, as it is
today, ofers one of the broadest of
all fields for those enteing into it."
Good Fellow Tickets to be Turned In
Good Fellow lecture tickets should be
turned in at The Daily office today.

Austrian Reply May be Consdered
Fusatisfactory at Washington,
Is Report
London, Dec. 16.--A dispatch from
Amsterdam says that the reply of the
Austro-Hungarian government to tre
note of the United States relating to
the sinking of the Ancona, was hand-
ed to Frederick C. Penfield, the Amer-
ican ambassador at Vienna, on Tues-
day. The Austro-Hungarian -'govern-
ment expressed sympathy for the
American victims of the Ancona, and
its reply states that it is prepared on
principle to enter into a thorough ex-
change of opinion with the United
States, and that it leaves it to Wash-
ington to draw up the Individual
maxims which the commander of the
submarine is alleged to" have violated.
Washington, Dec. 16. -Following
dispatches received here from Amster-
dam, it is known that the Austrian re-
ply will be considered as unsatisfac-
tory by the United States. It is not
likely, however, that diplomatic rela-
tions will 'be severed, without a fur-
ther exchange of notes with the Tu-
tonic government.
Although the tone of this last re-
port sounds favorable to peaceful set-
tlement, throughout the past 48 hours
rather conflicting reports have reach-
ed this country from the two factions
at the Austrian capital. It - is prob-
able that the affair will be patched
up, largely through the restraining
hand of the Kaiser in Austrian dIplo-
The United States government is se-
riously considering the sending of an-
'other, a more sharply worded note
than that which Ambassador Penfleld
delivered last Saturday. The prelim-
inaries which have thus far resulted
from this note have been highly un-
satisfactory to official circles at Wash-
ington. The Austrian admiralty re-
port is sure to play a part of funda-
mental importance in the discussions,
because this document of Austria's
has already admitted that the Ancona
was sunk while passengers were upon
the decks The reot als admitted
the fact that thesubmarine shelled
the vessel before and after torpedoing
Berlin, (via London), Dec. 16.-The
fact that newspapers printed the con-
script of the Austro-Hungarian reply
to the United States note on an inside
page, is taken to indicate a lack of
interest in the matter. There were no
editorial comments. The conscript,
however, of the reply did not reach
the morning papers until very late.
British Islands Suffer from Drought
London, Dec. 16.-The Melbourn
correspondent of The Times Tele
graph says: "Advices from the Sant
Cruz and Solomon Islands report that
a drought has caused the death of
4,000 natives.. Some villages have
been depopulated, the advices say, and
no one is left to bury the dead.

refuge in Albania and Montenegro into an armed camp. There is danger
In both of these countries, it is feared 'of the Teutons sweeping over the
the food supply will be exhausted be- Serbo-Greek border at almost any
fore winter sets in. time now.
Turkish Losses Heavy
London, Dec. 16.-Turkish losses in J-LITS HOLD "CHRISTMAS

Prof. J. C. Knowlton Not Improved
The condition of Prof. Jerome . C.
Knowlton of D'me law department was
not improved yesterday and for the
second time this week he was not able
to meet his classes in contracts. Prof.
Knowlton is suffering from a severe
Name Committee for Cleveland Dinner
Tho committee in charge of the
Cleveland club dinner is as follows:
J. H. Schmidt, '16E, Robert Kimberly,
'18E, and E. M. Murphy, '17E. Tick-
ets for this event are on sale at the
Union desk or may be had from the

the recent Mesopotamia battle were I
between 1,000 and a,000, according toj
a report from General Townsend at
London, Dec. 16.-The Scandinavian-
American steamship Oscar II, bearing
Henry Ford and his peace party, now
at Kirkwall, will proceed on her voy-
age today. The reason for the deten-
tion of the vessel at Kirkwall was
owing to the demand of the British
admiralty to examine her cargo, but
the inquest had nothing to do with
the character of the human freight.

Practically all tickets have been
sold for the "Christmas Party" which
the J-Lits are giving at the Union to-
night. The remaining pasteboards
will be disposed of to the campus at
large, and may be secured this morn-
ing at the Union desk.
Music for the affair is to be furnish-
ed by a special feature banjorine-
saxophone orchestra under the direc-
tion of "Ike" Fisher. Christmas fa-
vors will be one of the novelties to be
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bassett and Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Haislip will act as



Technic out, noon.
Good Fellow Day.
Webster society meets, Webster hall,
7:30 'o'clock.
Jeffersonian society meets, Jefferson-
ian tall, 7:30 o'clock.
Peace contest, U-Hall auditorium, 8:00
J-Lit dance. Union, 9:00 o'clock.
Michigan Union dance, 9:00 o'clock.
Montana club banquet, Mack's Tea
Room, 6:00 o'clock.

*' :

Ad. W. Riter says:-
There are but -'- - - - -
more shopping days before you
leave for your Christmas vaca-
Mr. Student, are you heeding.
the holiday ads?
Mr. Merchant, are you adver-

t .,__ _

... .. r v s w s ...




Don't Wait !
Call up
The Whitney
and Reserve
Your Seats

N =

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