4. r. a-. ,- ,_. i . .- i:r f)t .^'. a'1 Y i y,4y~s ' > r i MiW~ IP UUi WofrL xA , i Y Michigan Daily Phones :-Editorial 2414 Business 960 TELEG~RAPHI SERVICE BY I NEW YORK SUN -~ rfl" ~A" ~.2~C4t ~ ANN ARBOR, MIICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1915. PRICE FIVE V T 0 o FUINO S O- PC11lRT 'UPP alIES' Swl ti e, er asli ges e THIS I. G UD F AOWltES This is the d y el aside for vita f to rally his forese m sad golld cheer throughot t ArborithDtheS X help, of the h Good Fellw, and if p resent: lan w loutas x- pected there .e11111, few '(t hungry in the town hn'ti 'last load ofStu. dents depart next flu esday, Autos will cali aL ey fraternity and sorority liis, a town his after- noon to ollee boo old clothes :ad any other useful ay ole, hich will be distributed amo the oedy fam- nlies of the city unt wort auspices of the Federated tioofastld of Abr Besides thset 1 nSOeneos tri butions, which aie expected to b lane, reports sho , that the won yd- nations have reac e a germihd lg-l ure. The amount s thus far received are as follows: App. ,............. $0.00 Sphinx .. ! . , ... 950 Grifi" : >...1 V i cans .. . ..o-.. 5.00 A. Te. .io. fee. 5.0 J-Laws .....;...... 33 Senior Lits 3.7 11iscellaneouA . 3.00 This mies tim Lproximate iotal of $55.00. The hov list does not in- clude all the gifts hwever. Other so- cieties not .-ntIone l aiove have been busy also. ;"h. wonen of the A1Aia Phi sorority l'ap e promised to take charge of te (ld .die Home aid see that all of ihe ±1