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December 17, 1914 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1914-12-17

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Michigan Society Expects 200 or 300 TODAY
to Atteid Annual Convention Mr. Carl Marston, on "The Art of
to Be Held in Copy Reading," seminary room, West
January hall, 9:00 o'clock.
ALTSTRALIA N PRIME MINISTER Cercle Francais Soiree, Sarah Caswell
MAY BE CONVENTION'S GUEST Angell hall, 8:00 o'clock.,
____Senior engineer "Spotlight" party,
Joint Vatliering With Detroit Branch Michigan Union, 8:30 o'clock.
and "Social Day" Among Forestry moving-pictures, Arcade the-
Features ater, 2:30 o'clock..

1A ICM 11L-I OJ il tU Tr lIAa fi
Dances will be held every Saturday
night during vacationi at the Michi--
gan Union. The first of these parties,
which will be conducted in the same
fashion as the regular membership
danices, will be held next Saturday
On December 26, the following com-
mittee will have charge of the dance:
H. B. Abbott, '15E, chairman, Chester
Ross, '15, Christian Mack, '16, and M.
}J. Jiroussard, '15L.
The dance on 'January 2, will be
. conducted by Hugh Allerton, '16L,,
chairman, W. Lee Watson, '17E, L. C.
Andrews, '17, and J. H. Drake, Jr., '16.
The Union clubhouse will be kept
open during the entire vacation, for
the benefit of those who remain ini
Ann Arbor.
J. B.Angl11, .It . Ballentine ,R.
M. McKean and Harold Smith will rep-
resent the junior lits on the Junior
hop committee, according to the elcc-
tions held by the class yesterday. F. G.
Dratz will be the junior dent commit-


reen 200 and 300 engineers are
ed in Ann Arbor to attend the
g of the Michigan Engineering
to be held on Tueday, Wednes-
d Thursday, January 19, 20 and
he meeting is being held under
:ect auspices of the university,
any of the engineering profes-j
itend to take an active part in.
'etings of the society, while all
:obably attend them.
S. J. Hoexter, of the mechanical
Bring department, who is see-
of the organization, is busy
b out circulars and announce-
of the meeting to all members
society, and to the senators and
mtatives of the state, a number
nm are expected to attend. If he
s this country in time for the
tion, it is hoped to have as one
guests of honor, Hon. Alfred
. 'first prime minister of Aus-

Organ recital, Hill auditorium, 4:15
I Verification club meets at homeopath-
ic hospital;7:00 o'clock..
Junior law dance, at Granger's, 9:00
Leland Powers in "The Pigeon," Uni-
versity hall, 8:00 o'clock.
Illinois club special car leaves Mich-
igan Central depot, 1:17 o'clock.

speakers is not yet com--
lifferent committees have
Prof. H. E. Riggs, of the
ent, will give the report
d committee.
Johnston, of the survey-
it, will give a paper enti-
eed of State Supervision


Michigan." Mr. C. E.
-al manager of the
Is, will give a paper
ment." The course.iin
ring, which the uni-
in February, will be

On the second day of the convention
a joint meeting with the Detroit Engi-
neering society will be held. This
same day is to be "Social Day," and
special entertainment is to be provid-
ed for the ladies. Sectional meetings
of the county drain commissioners.
and surveyors will also be held..
The students of the senior engineer-
ing class will aid in the entertainment
of the visitors, acting as guides
through the university, and also as-
sisting them to find places to room and
board during their stay in the city.
Dr. Arthur Cuchny, formerly a pro-
fessor of materia medica in the de-j
partment of medicine, but now with
the University of London, has written
to friends in Ann Arbor concerning
conditions in the British capital since
the war began.
"This war is a great trial of patience
and faith," writes Dr. Cuchny, 'And it
is unfortnuate that we know so little of
what is actually going on. Almost ev-
eryone has either some one to mourn
already, or some one in danger at the
front. Everyone is anxious for his in-
dividual friends at the front, but there.
is no anxiety as to the final result of
the war. It is interesting to note that
the anxieties expressed by everyone
are in regard to individuals, and not
as to the final result."
Graduate Forester Returns For Visit
G. H. Duthie, '08, national forest
supervisor, of Laramie, Wyo., is
spending part of his vacation with
friends in the forestry department.
Since graduating from the university,
Mr. Duthie has been employed on the
Medicine Bow forestry reserve in Col-
orado and Wyoming, where he has
risen from the position of assistant
forester o chief supervisor of the1
entire reserve. Mr. Duthie was presi-
dent of the forestry club in his senior
.art, Acolle e

Leland Powers to Offer "The Pigeon"
on Oratorical Association's
Leland Powers will deliver a lecture
in University Mall tomorrow night on,
"The Pigeon," under the auspices of
the Oratorical association. In former
years he has spoken before a Michigan
audience 18 times.
Mr. Powers has a reputation as a
public reader and lecturer on the dra-
ma. He is a graduate of Phillips acad-
emy at Andover and the Boston School
of Oratory. He is widely known as an
interpreter of Dickens. As one of the
foremost advocates of teaching the
finglish language as it should be spok-
en, he founded the Leland Powers
School of the Spoken Word, of which
he is the head. Mr. Powers is author
with Carol H. Powers of, "Talks on
Some Fundamentals of Expression."
In tomorrow night's lecture, the
principal mission of Mr. Powers will
be to interpret pieces of literature in
such a way, that the morals and les-
sons which they contain, will stand
out and impress themselves.
Admission will be by season ticket of
the Oratorical association or by gener-
al admission, which is 25 cents. Gen-
eral admissions will be on sale at the
box office of University hall, tomor-'
row night.
Report Diphtheria Patients Improving
i. M. Allan, '17, and D. G. McIn-
tyre, '17, who have been confined to
the university hospital with diphtheria,
are reported by hospital authorities to
be improving. So far no other cases
of the disease have been reported, and
university health service physicians
believe they have checked the epidem-
Kentucky Club Travels in Specipl Car
As in the past, the Kentucky club
will have a special car again tomor-
row, in which its members will travel
to their destinations for vacation.
Reservations have already been made,
for 29, and any other Kentucky club
men wishing to go, are advised to con-
sult with W. S. Kammerer, '17, either
in person, or by telephoning, 1054-M.
Baptist Guild Gives Burlesque Tonight
"Sending the team off to Harvard,".
"Convocation" and other campus ac-
tivities of the year will be the subject
of "take-offs" at the Baptist Guild
Christmas party, to be given by the
young ladies of the guild to the men
in the Baptist church parlors, at 8:00,
o'clock this evening. All interested
are invited to attend.

teema i.
The junior engineers will elect the
general chairman and three other
members of the committee this morn-
ing, and a meeting of the full com-
mittee will probably be held tonight
or tomorrow. Junior classes in al
departments are entitled to one repre-
sentative, and the laws have two, ac-
cording to the tentative constitution.
Mr. A. F. Hurlburt, of the French
faculty, and Marjorie Adams, one of
the stars of Kermess, will take part in
the musical numbers, which will open
the Soiree of the Cercle Francais at
8:00 o'clock tonight, at Sarah Caswell
Angell hall. The Spanish dance, which
was a featnre of the recent. perform-
ance of the university women, will fig-
ure on the program, A skit, Moinaux's
"Lies Deux Sourds," will follow, and
the evening will conclude with a dance
in Barbour gym. Cercle Francais
tickets will admit.
Transfer Place of Meeting frolu Hill
Auditorium on Account of
Earlier Vacation

Organization May Offer Financial Aid
to University By Donating
From Estates
At the annual -meeting of the Uni-
versity of Michigan club of New York
during November, the formation of a
"One Per Cent" club of Michigan men
was suggested. The idea was conceiv-
ed by Rolla L. Bigelow, '05E.
The purpose of the organization is
to give financial aid to the university,
by having each member of the club
Provide in his will that one per cent
of his estate shall go to the university.
At the last meeting of the club, the
oficers were directed to refer the en-
tire matter, as a suggestion from the
club, to the president of the general
alumni association, with the request
that it be brought to the attention of
the alumni advisory council.
The committee- drew up a tentative
plan of eleven parts and a resolution.
Membershjp in the club is to be re-
stricted to matriculates of the univer-
sity. No man will be permitted to
give more than one per cent of his
estate through the club. It is to be a
part of the club's constitution that the
amount of a contribution shall never
be made public.
In order to stimulate interest in the
proposed vacation basketball league,
the intramural department has sent
out postal cards to the various frater-
ities and house clubs, as an an-
nouncement of the league. Because of
the scarcity of men who have signified
their interest in the proposition by
signing the cards, the committee has
adopted the idea of having teaiw from
the house clubs enter the league, a
con ple of houses joining to form a
team, where there are not sufficient in
one house to turn out a full five.
Add Vaudeville Sti nis to J-Law Dance
Leroy Scunlon, 'l614, will assist iHar-
ry Wood, '16D, and Lyle Clift, '16L, in
entertaining the junior laws at their,
dance at 'Granger's dancing academy at
':00 o'clock tonight. Prof. I. W. Aig-
ler and Mrs. Aigler will chaperone the
party. s

Captain Raynsford, Maulbetsch and
Cochran are the three Michigan men
on the list of the 100 leading football
players of the year selected by Wal-
ter Camp, the dean of gridiron critics.
Harvard is the only team which the
Varsity met which has as many play-
ers in the list, the Crimson receiving
seven places. The players on teams
which Michigan played this fall whom
Camp mentions are:
Harvard-Mahan, Bradlee, Logan,
Pennock, Trumbull, Hardwick and
Cornell-O'Hearn and Barrett.
M. A. C.-Julian and B. Miller.
Mount Union-Bletzer.

Professors to Attend Science Meeting.
Dr. iH. M. Randall and Dr. A. W.
Smith, of the physics department, will
attend the meeting of the American'
association for the Advancement of
Science, which occurs in Pliladelphia
during the first part of the holidays.
I'residents of Summer Military Meets,
for Students Report on
According to a lette recently receiv-]
ed by President Harry B. Hutchins,
from the advisory board of university
presidents of the summer military
camps for university and college stu-
dents, the board is glad to repeat the
recommendation of the camps, which,
it made a year ago. a
The letter follows:
"On the basis of the work done in
1914, we are glad to repeat with added
confidence and emphasis, our recom-
mendation of the camps of instruction
for college students published a year
"The problem which faced the United
States authorities in 1914 was a more
difficult one than that which they had
in the previous year. The number of
students.-seeking instruction was much
larger. The uncertainty regarding
the situation in Mexico made it more
difficult for the department to spare
the required number of officers and
men from the work of the regular ar-
my. In spite of these difficulties, how-
ever, the work done was even more
thorough and more successful than it
had been in the previous year. The
excellence of food, sanitation and
medical care was fully maintained.
The average standard of discipline and
achievement was even higher than in
the prevous year, because the experi-
ence of 1913 attracted boys of serious
purpose, and discouraged those who
sought for play rather than work.
"On the basis of two years' experi-
ence, we feel justified in saying that
the experiment has proved itself a
success; pleasant and profitable to the
students, and important to the future
of the country."
Forestry Club Shows Movies at Arcade
Modern logging and the life of the
forester will be pictured in movies at
the Arcade theater at 2:30 o'clock this
afternoon. Through the courtesy of
the Forestry club, under whose aus-
pices the films will be shown, compli-
mentary tickets will be issued to all
forestry students. The pictures were
taken in the southern pine forests and
on the Pacific coast, and show how
lumber is produced.

Near-Professional Ability Revealed at
Last Night's Performance
Given Before Crowd
of 3500
"A Man, a Maid, a Lamp" Appreciate4
By Audence; Olier Numbers
Well Received
Spotlight effects revealed to an au-
dience of 3,500 how nearly campus tal-
ent can duplicate the performances of
professional talent on the high class
vaudeville circuits, when the Mimes
presented their show at Hill auditori-
um, last night.
Selections by an orchestra which
might have graced the appearance of
a vaudeville star, gave promise of what
was to follow.
The most successful part of the pro-
gram was the playlet, "Hyacinthe," by
Leon M. Cunningham, '16. W. L. De-
Lano, '17, by the supplr ess of his
figure and his languid carriage, prov-
ed that he is a real "find" in female
impersonation. M. C. Wood, '17, as
Jack, the son, portrayed the part of
a young collegian, a part in which ex-
aggeration did not detract from amuse-
ment. Leon Cunningham introduced
into the character of a nervous, loose-
living father, some of his antics as the
French maid in last year's Union op-
"A Man, a Maid, a Lamp," provided
opportunity for the blending of the
voices of Gorge M. Moritz, '15, and
Chase B. Sikes, '16, in a skit with an
artistically arranged stage setting.
Their songs were appreciated by the
audience. The pantomime work of
Moritz, who played the part of a mod-
est miss was good. Selden S. Dickin-
son, '13-'16L, played 'the accompani-
ment to the songs.
T. M. Murphy, '15L, displayed " clev-
ernegs as a monologist, and his hold
on the audience was constant, even
through a somewhat melodramatic en
core. His work as an impersonator of
Irish, negro, and Italian was fniform-
ly good, and when his monologue turn-
ed to a Jewish subject, he won loud
L. E. Hughes, '16E, although he
danced well with his partner, Ii. B,
Bartholf, '16E, did not deceive hi au-
dience as to his sex. However, both
men were graceful.
A combination of the "Rag Pickers"
and the "Midnight Sons" of the Mus-
ical clubs proved their songs were as
mellow as the program predicted. rix-
cept for a little artificiality and awk-
wardness, the act "got across" with
T. J. Doyle, '15L, and C. H. Gernert,
'17, offered a colored dialogue, in the
course of which Doyle executed some
clever jig steps.
On the whole, the Mimes deserve
credit for the performance which they
staged, and last night's audience will
look forward to future productions.

Stud nts Leaving for Vacation
Carry Copies to All Parts
of Comutry



Dr. Edwin H. Hughes, of San Fran-

'Take a Michigan Athletic AnnualI

cisco, bishop of the Methodist Episco- hnome with you."

pal church, will be the speaker at the
second union religious service, next
Sunday evening, December 20. Be-
cause of the change in the time of va-
cation, the meeting has been trans-
ferred from Hill auditorium to the
Methodist church, and the hour has
been changed from 7:00 to 7:30
o'clock. This program is given by the
Methodist denomination.
Bishop Hughes was prominent as a
pastor in the suburbs of Boston where
he worked for 10 years. He left his
pastoral work to become president of
DePauw university at Greencastle, In-
diana. Seven years ago he was elect-
ed a bishop by his denomination, and
has since occupied that position with
his headquarters at San Francisco. He
comes from a family of clergymen and'
scholars, and is ranked as one of the
best public speakers in the MethodistI
While in Ann Arbor, Bishop Hughes
will be entertained at the home of Prof.
T. C. Trueblood.
Applications for the positions of
managing editor and business manager
of the 1915 Wolverine are being re-
ceived by Prof. F. N. Scott, president
of the board in control of student pub-
lications. All applications must be
in the hands of Prof. Scott by January
9, and men for the two positions will
be chosen some time during the month
of January; The board requests that
all students applying for the positions
should state their qualifications for the
offices, and any recommendations they
may have.

The campus is responding to the
above catch-phrase, adopted 'by the
management of the little year-book.
As a result of the heavy sales, more
than 1,000 annuals will leave town
Friday for their pilgrimages to various
parts of the country.
Interest in Michigan athletics is
keen in all sections, and it is for the
purpose of informing those with whom
students will come in contact at va-
cation time, in regard to Wolverine
sport history and prospects, that the
annual is being pushed for "going
home" use. The booklet has already
.)crn circulated to the extent of 1,700
cOpies, and it is expected that the re-
mainder of the edition will be practi-
cally exhausted this week.
Through the courtesy of the "M"
club, 450- copies of the Athletic An-
nual have been mailed to all living
wearers of the Varsity monogram. The
booklet has met with an enthusiastic
reception at the hands of old Varsity
athletes, and its distribution among
alumni has been large.,
:Several hundred copies have been
mailed out-of-town by students, to rel-
atives and friends. The postage for a
single book is three cents. The an-
nual sells for 25 cents a copy, and it

S. C. A. Plans Vacation "Get-togetbers"
Iowa to Follow Lead of Director Rowe Informal "get-togethers" for the
Following the visit of Director Floyd students who will stay in town during
A. Rowe this week, the authorities at vacation, have been planned by the
Iowa university are endeavoring to se- Students' Christian association and the'
cure $5,000, as the beginning of an in- various church denominations. Parties
ter class athletic system patterned af- will be held at Newberry hall at 7:30
ter that at Michigan. The Iowa men o'clock on Monday, Tuesday and Wed-
were impressed by the completeness nesday evenings of next week, and
of the Michigan system, and will fol- will be continued throughout the vaca-
low% it in inaugurating their plant. tion, if 'the students wish them.

is on sale at all campus stores and at
the Michigan Union.
Webster Picks Mid-west Contestants
Webster society held tryouts last
night, and elected out of 17 contest-
ants, six members to the debating
squad of the Mid-west Contest. They
were the following: S. J. Rosensteen,
'15L, A.J. Michelson, '16L, G.C. Classen,
'17L, L. W. Lisle, '17L, M. Weinberger,1
I'16L, and W. A. Neithercut, '16L.

Gym Will Be Kept Open Over Holidays
Doctor May has made arrangements
for keeping Waterman gym open dur-
ing the Christmas holidays. The gym
floor will be closed after 5:00 o'clock,
and the showers and basement will be
closed at 5:30 o'clock. Two hours in
the morning will be devoted to the va-
cation basketball players, from 10:00
o'clock to 12:00 o'clock being allotted
the league.
Prepare Field for Inter-class Games
In an endeavor to ultimately fix the
field south of Ferry field for inter-class
contests, the athletic association has
had a force of men grading the land
this week.

Prof. J. R. Allen will address the
junior engineers in their assembly this
morning, on the spring trip of the me-
chanical engineers. Prof. Allen hopes
to dispel a misapprehension, which has
arisen in past years concerning the
trip of the engineers, and is bringing
the matter up at this time, so as to
allow the students an opportunity to
discuss the trip with their parents,
while home during the Christmas holi-
days. After the conclusion of Prof.
Allen's remarks, the assembly will be
devoted to class business, chief of
which will be the choosing of the gen-
eral chairman and the committeemen
for the Junior hop.
'May Change Chess Contests to Spring
Acting upon the request of the Uni-
versity of Michigan Chess and Checker
club, the officials of the Western Inter-
collegiate Chess association have an-
nounced that the annual chess confer-
ence of the association will in all prob-
ability be postponed from the Christ-
mas holidays to the spring vacation.
The chess club of the University of
Chicago, where the meet will be stag-
ed, reported itself in favor of the later
date, and it is thought that the other
colleges will not object.

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