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May 14, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 168) • Page Image 1

…bei x ANN ARIBOR, MICH., MO1NDAY. MAY 1-, 1900. No. 168. 1 Spring Announcement G. H. WILD & CO .41$ We have just received or line of spring woolens for meen's wear. It includes everything in staples that are suitable and de- sirable for the season. We are also showing full ranges in nov- elties, in quality and style to suit the mot exacting taste, consisting of Top Coats, Suit- ings, Fancy Vests and Golf Trouserings. We invite you to call a...…

May 14, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 168) • Page Image 2

…2 THE UNIVE~biI Uf MICEIGAN DAILY * being thse second to admtit wotoen. Yet attltttat swatsnecessary thtat a woman , tl t enter anty cottege stas to obtaitn Cie coos- senl-t of ttte colege boaret. In 0849 wttett Pubirshed Datty (Sunatssexepeted)t detag the Elizabett Blackelenettered the tmedical; Cottege year, at cepeynttoent of a NetwYortk college, THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, ttottett ontthte street pottlesi their shirts tsitte itt potssit...…

May 14, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 168) • Page Image 3

…THE UNIVERSITY DIr MAICHIGAN\ DAILY. sr JUST A STEP AHEAD IN STYLE-NEVER IN PRICE. JHI L DE B RA ND TENEAIO a 120 WASHINGTON ST. MlICHIGAN CENTRALa ',The Niagara Fails Route.' CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. Taking Effect Apri1 19, 1899. Detroit Night Exprces...........555 A. at. Atlantic Expressa..............7 45 Grand SRapids Expresse...... i....1t1o Mail and Express...a.........347rP. x. N. Y. Boston Special ............. 5 FastfEastern...........…

May 14, 1900 (vol. 10, iss. 168) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY GjOLF If you want... DRIVERS, BRASSIE DRIVERS, ~LEEKS, MILL IRONS, LOFT- .ERS, PUTTERS, CADDIE BAGS AND GOLF BALLS..... 'ou can find them at Sheehan's 'We carry the largest assortment of all makes in the city. Onr clerks are up to- date Golfers, -and will gladly give you any in- formation desired in the pur- Thase of outfits. We are Ann Arbor Agents for thc following well-known clnbs: WILLIE DUNN, M/cGREGGO...…

May 14, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 167) • Page Image 1

…J gI 1 AV jA .9 4 VOL. XI. ANvN ARBOR, MIOI.. TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1901 .Our Special Line of.... MAYOR COPELAND"TAKIN IN" all gamn anti will furiish all the _________ "ingiii" Ipossible. Tliey re tlking ®I'elg~l and Domest01 of mrhingot to the 14aogm ~ ndDoesicThe U. of M. Ceebrities Increase Their iiab)y Membership-Peculiar and Unique -- FA R CSMethods of Initiation-Off- MEET THEM HALF WAY FOR SPRING es and By Lwse Athetc Bard Offers te Pay F...…

May 14, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 167) • Page Image 2

…. THE UNIVERSITY 01? MICHIGAN DAIL Y. Pubislied Daily (Mndays exceptd)drig .Cllg nearat THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAIN OFIE BACIOFFIE A&rgs BdgMiSt. 33S Sae Sret. Boil 'phons 13. Ner SatairPiirar1. MANAGING EDITOR, . H. BAS, '01 BUSINESS MANAGER, s . 'NEtrIAooi, 101L EDITOS ATHLEToIC Eta, ior - C AS. Doro A.D.MriovooIi.,'Of E. G.C. toitor, 'otob MsstL,. KS'AuoIN'03 "W. A. Xlhu,i','tt, It H. Woourow,'04 W. P. Cz,r'0L0 W. A 1, OTErRi, '03 E. ...…

May 14, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 167) • Page Image 3

…TEEDUNIYEESITY oy -mit 131GAA 1) A1LI , 3 iiEr~rr r .ifrE "£ r t . [r I E pU MYgdi~FgITY OISr1' i IBIGKN I) iX1. 3i *pt*!rt rr fA WhWh i t ichi af entrl NIAGARA FALLS ROUTE THlE SHTORT lNT - ANN ARBOR EO CHICAGO BUFFALO NEW YORK AND BOSTON W0ith direct connections at (li cogo for St. Louis, KassCity, St. Pool and the west. fo infortionandlhooo,.litecscllo ANN ARBOR TIME TABLE TakinggFffect, Sunday, iMay 21t, 1899. Trains (rare Ann Arbor by...…

May 14, 1901 (vol. 11, iss. 167) • Page Image 4

…- THE UNIYERSITY 01 MICHIGAN DAILY 4 TH UNIERSIY 01MICHGAN AIL Jerseys We have them on all kinds of coibination of colors alsmake ahetm to order for class tais in any colors selected wiii numer- als, letters or monogram at club rates. We also make cloo8s caps to order with anymionog am design sub- mitted. U.NIVERSITY BOOKSELLER, d , o South State Street You can get d AT P 33 hea th St t St. Y4gy Rent. For Sale. Thesis Work Carefully Done. '...…

May 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…I w I,... _ l _ - ' . o . -° ', 'f. . =,. c' _ - - _ " E7 r t !;, '. v .^ z a r .. . } ' ' C1 . ' i :.i - 1 "° J -r _ 4 1. °° w ._ ~ a + t" W n-t -. ;/s, t i i F t " r Ilk. Y \ r .j . ........ i k l d 1. -_ -. m ., ... ... J ,._, 4:. r- ',,,,,,,,,. ...t , r--1 ',? r/'y ' Y ', j W . - {G } .1 i '" r C I , .. I r . , va I- LUJ LL LI .nom-.-, t' '- '_' ' - ^ " J^ "" v -a _ . -y '{. r J ^ ' " = v, fI . O ,!: ~ i r N i , ,y- J: - >... .le J ....…

May 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 161) • Page Image 1

…171 n i f cp ;- r7 f " r -. - . P. .... - s " a _ .._.. , _ r r f - : % _ _ "_ Y . /. -- _.. , , ' - - '- r 7., - - 1 _ w r f - _ - _. r- ._ c - r-t J -+ r - , r "- - ""-" r t. '' %' _ .. n a ' - tU _ _ - ,- .. _ _ t- _ ._' t . 'f. {p ~ t- 't W _ - , ; i ; ,. _ -- v, .. n "; : ._ _ __,_ , 77 J=. ( = " ._ a m -a - 1 m x_ =-; n f ..-. n' 77 Ca I. - - - r r ti r is 2) 7- ^, ,,H i Gt C f. f. . j zr: r c ca cr *. :?; 0 , ; to n' :-r 7 7 :7 7- :7 77...…

May 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 161) • Page Image 2

…F'j j111tK { MCI(TAN DAILY--NIES to OmN zr 0r xf Poo 4) O 0 12 pll LUz h 'R1 I l -, Im.K A , -MAN ~ II . NI I iI- T o v ii (It' i.() I i l i l t' li a lt '. tt ri slO . I \Aloo t IIv. I~sl. 11t~ t'r .A 11t'I I ItN'tit" lll li t.11 l I. 1i ll II(.I o ftc i 1 1: i ] l t ? 11 1 II 1,tI i lt : . S II\t si I I lll III 'll IIl o vi i I I I 1c llilt'i llii ft" il il, 1 i i11 S I 111 v1- I Ol 11wi I .I 'T In l 1 0 1 il"'it Ill i Nl il l v a III lii l ...…

May 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 161) • Page Image 2

…111N(I A")1" m ' ;:r: 0) "I 1tr ! oz t _ t, Titi 'F .ik'. ! t x I C { ~ 3;1 Y0 U 4,'jMICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS PUB. Co, I F'.'. . '. H. V A~,.INC .EDITOR. £ ms. - Visiting F=dii'F 11FFt s- $3, 1.0 , 1FFetslid line.-2001 AT Wahr' s Bookfstores t I 1 4 1 1 ; , , 11 1 I i. .1I ,F ill' %,iI ii { {)i' 1.4 +i [i tl i"i' III "l "ili Iti 31 II", 1 f"^ Strawbe rry ' IFt! isli1 AND) F H l 1'+i 15- CE NTS 1;tpI iI , ATSI1 ; l (01) '[0 A01 E.l. JOLLY"S F... For...…

May 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 161) • Page Image 3

…TIlE MICIGAN D.AILY -".EWS + ++++++++ +++++'I +++ ++ ++++4.44.4.+4+++++41++++F444.+++++ 4.++4++ 4.+4++ +4.+4.++++ .4.4..4.4.44.+4+d++4.+++++++d ++++++44.4.4..4.4..4.4# +Among- the Smaller Things of Life 2 WII a c - Inni iIr1Jtcal nede ii ia f rz~l HS STOR oF lt[D U SlRS FOR MUM'S ilRISINGS (" + Q J 1Veek I (icyi ..ts. I h ic Mliiiiiiiii t$1.50, $2.00,.$.50 ind $2.75. I'::,14icy' ashtI ,.L\ ~ Pit>t~ii o $100'$f.50, 2 ,ii S +. iet11's Ak rc I $....…

May 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 161) • Page Image 3

…THlE MICHrIG AN DAILY-NEWS Amnong the LSmaller.Thing fLf 11'l l 151 On oo ii 1115 10111 11+' 1 '1' 1 il + r. RI 1 1 C i's IRi! o Cor.n1thi:cveekrN S1S)l~i .lt50. S2.00. 2.50 ,.ut 2"75. 1 r i "i , ;0 1 ' "t;., o o <tr lS1 0, 1l5 ..2 r .3 + +KAHMYEN & KLUL . 'JOHN JSOH- ANZ-OHAS. DIETAS' N lTAILORS 601 EAST WI LLIAMS STREET EX,.ELSIOR La'JNbKX D~kY WORK R I= S CIRLTY' HlPkNDWORK 11-)IV7WE ST 11 V IT 1,N) ST., Phone 5()6 Ihi spzcfdo s to ood Coav...…

May 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 161) • Page Image 4

…TUE ' IIIGAN DAML NEWS TAI LORS, 123 SoUth i lain Street. PiGKWIK Billiad dParImradlBowlinlfj BTTrER TI-N EVER 707 NORTH1J UNIV!ERSITY AVENUThe SCHLEEE * ~ ~ fl 3 TEMPORARY BIDER TEHOOKING VALLEY R.11' t lla. toa to . That mean s e batof eto ytinqtto 11 1ICf [itt It F T adrO ADMDoi9 aIYI his froI i1.00 u V 13PIxior Ca500 TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS F. 1. s $500 E Write J. W LiANDIAN, General Traveling Agent, .e St.tteS. DET ROIT, MCHIGA~N. FULD You Tak...…

May 14, 1902 (vol. 1, iss. 161) • Page Image 4

…TAi'~i t ) I LO ~R S'1.:1 illtsll'I 123 Cll:i3('toli ilainC STi 1treet. '.1'S \ 11. 'tVitWtiOti t1'"A i';A muk B~kIilliard Parlors ad dBowlingj 707 NI.) 111 NI1F R1V.10 XX I THE HOCKING VALLEY RY. H That measth )est 1 of ryting: 11 100101 " 1 t II T u ROI)B).0 w ti0 arlt a'TOLEDO TO COLUMBUStJ Wtrite J.W. LANM~AN General Traveling Agent, BETTER THMN i VER rn The SIRLEEDE TEMPORARY BINDE 50oE0.1 0mie twnj $n ta 1-(W L F. J.SC1LEE0611 so S. Stat...…

May 14, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 164) • Page Image 1

…Till U.Or NoDIY VOL. XIII. ANN AIIBOR. MIH.. THURSDAY, MAY 14, 1903 READY FOR CHICAGO (ik i 1; hildci h deiht. :vMAY FESTIVAL cSee featiureofel dnceflintehow's irosgil od judgenie . iesele to Track Team will do LigttWork Until of the llilci-, viiich i to b ve- cgoodI'OpnsnoThis Evening XWith "Carata- S turday-Michiga n Expects to wiiid ihe ai-aiiieieut of ite iiorii cus"-The First Production of Win tashoo and Quarter-Mile twii calzeso iiivsrey...…

May 14, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 164) • Page Image 2

…THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. v SpigTH~E U. OE M. DAILY MICHIGAN NOTES.- Enteed xt ecolt-ercv mater t An Abor Sink .& Ilowaril.official agents for W eJ sel fnI i ' o'ta na tt AnnArt the May Festival librettos, Ihavte at- Uer ite It all oe a ndupply on saie 1 a.a iii titi anlaiyN - ntiiio eaelt of the cotncerts.C _______________________________ Com ac, To tic- lottttoitte the titi at o tt f ___________________________ stonlptrons iof the _l...…

May 14, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 164) • Page Image 3

…Th)g UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. WHITE VESTS FANCY Lend tone and quality to your ya..tist yj drrs.. You -11 be more than plescd with the y 4 . JJ ncwst}les4r^fabric '' I If you want to know what smartly dressed men will wear this sea- son ask to see Stein= Bloc Smn~art Clot hes [in ~1(11i1[ A ptel We carr a complete line of Standard Apparatus for Qualitative'1a1d1Quaintitativ Urinary Analiysis Aceording to the most approved anid practical me...…

May 14, 1903 (vol. 2, iss. 164) • Page Image 4

…THlE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY STF-"''CU TTING n4 , REYER Two=Piece Suits in Tweeds, Serges 119-111 E. Washington and Flannels. G. J. BUSS, Mgr. RENTSCHLIE, ARTISTIC FRAMING lYou Witl ne as ortment of It's Time PHIOTOGRAPHER. AT RENSOLERS P 1CT U R To Buy a Cor. Main and Huron Ss. Phone 389, 3 Sriabegors. _-nan u te r weddinat d KODAK AMUSEMENTS CALENDAR ohrgfsa Lome in and see the new a tdo'n\Pri Minstrel: are seh1edied May' 11 o1 ilay 1es...…

May 14, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail. VoL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., SATURDAY, MAY 14, t904. No, 160 A BRILLIANT SUCCESS Production of Dream of Gerontius Ex- ceptional-Chorus Does Admira- ble Work-Soloists Are Per- fect-Flashlight of Chorus. The second day of the May Festival was a veritable triumph. Both con- certs were well attended, and the hearty applause which broke forth spontaneously many times, plainly tes- tified to the appreciation of the audi- ence. In ...…

May 14, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 160) • Page Image 2

…s LL THE MICHIGAN DAILY tf~ffffff ~fffff ff THE MICHIGAN DAILY is not complete if they do not hoar * * also the best; music, and in that re- * I rd : as eo,,d clasa s.tier at tic Ass spent, what an advantage is offered Ansif ratOto' to Michigan students over those of f .H W ldC ~ l 1] l-he al y (Mndayexep~tdinuing the moat other colleges. To have the bs yer.atI]rE.eahig nstreet, singers in grand opera aptpear before Leadinlg Micr 811Iilt stn ...…

May 14, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 160) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY State Savings Bank. W..1.Bootl 111. V. Sheehane ciA\.N Dlii Wil.(ArBlliDr.V. C.Vua Jas. If W ad1 . 1. dills k .11o. och'reof. 11 . 5.Carhart 'It is not -n ecessarty to . eak of :<++++wfs +s++++a+a+++++«++a++fas+e++f + the variety of our candy stock, bu utaword a othe qdual- :t<r_ ity. At the samneprice as is L asiked for the facetory intd, 3 adveertiei, ihrec muouths 01(1, <<_ iotlicii5 filled 'sith pleservativces clo-« r ~...…

May 14, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 160) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY JUNOTICE. rrtN Spriig Line of Puritan Shoes and% o, en Oxfords now in. See our new Save_____he__ ______ ___ r Tans in window, button or lace, in / . The WC. Kern Co. the "New Spud Last." f 411 E 57th St Chicago . I . - . / .4 tips tnd Cons made to o- I ttider audtnt Itt il )H , ifd For the benefit of our custonmers we wish to say that the frt (itt ii> crried Puritan Shoe C/o, has-beeni madle very mnuch strotnger by going an ...…

May 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…(,, r^ . (~ ' ,T 1 - f ... r ,,,,., (" I . f. n. r i- n -- 'i : r:. ' : , r, ^ +; ,1 . t. P: n "*--' _ '" =. r r r " ' r , f O :5 71 . ! C f. _ r FJ lam. Q" c-t- ' -' l; r} ': .- _ J C ,r" .. -' _ _ .. r* ^.." r: r; C: r f ' , ,. f"'. f..: .rt _ . ' Y, Y. rr J - i l , ' 1, i .=i 1.; v ~ f, ; . ^,..,, f r. n " , f "'. ', J, J .J . :f. ten,,, -- . 7= f, r 1 i. r 1 r i. r ly J t - f '! - rr-r G i + r- . '- ± W . r. r; - i y'- a y " u ! i! J pp . ...…

May 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 160) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. ooo~oooooooo0 0 'r[H EF11ItC H lOAN DAILY. ISpring Arbr 'c i 1i I i'lisii e.d ii. X i 41 a too it curnnth * t.i ro ati i11?1. %VXs)oiniitunoostreet it~l 'oot s9:! t0 'ion i. T hj, Managing Editor-, J. STANLEY RALEY. IRI~rlnoBusinss uManager, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. t< * swl o +; tl'110'lioi *NeVws - -iosig :THE NEW SPRING VORIIii1, .STAFFl: Ade *A. 111, Graverlarry I nrw WOOLE S ARE1. WiteO Jayne Geiorge A.0-POsbon Arthur T. Ou...…

May 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 160) • Page Image 3

…t4 II 0 U N ,. O 3- r- z 0 r, O J _ J Q Sul 'J 'J 7ZZ 7:: J 7Z: I J f, . f \f J .+ _ ..: - . r. _ Mr r. __ - r. r. - f... i .J -- 'J .--. . . J " 'J r .. f r y ^r - .f ' "' $-a 1. i 02 a x n ,. y -- - :r , z _ _ o ::. - *t fi 4 Z' ; V; 'L ' ' - __. - r _ - H " F- .. O y j- : ^' 1. , ,..., /. W J ! I . . f. Il ' ,. ' ' _ ... 'I. .. .-. i .. .. . …

May 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 160) • Page Image 4

…: i- r, : f -" r . J - 7. H C .. 1 (.V P 7 :r - _ r "y r I- J: _ _ r r } - , '^f,, r _ r !; . j, _ _ I r ^ r. ... r- f f .,, J. .. , _ l .. -..' " J ''' f, I v u A v r - u . r , , . ,_.. '! f: ..t 1=. r, e-* h y _ r .y .u - .. V f ' - .f ~ v r. 1. .j r f J- r JY 1 J r . J. . . ^ , J r '_' V ,J r r ~ r f. jJ r ' - ; . ., r I= rr r . .. . f. f "j~ 11 .r f r i. r f T i / ~ -- f. f. J, r _ ^ :f, a J .J . 1. 77 r r " J. r 1 f Q ."" y am-, _" '._t _...…

May 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 160) • Page Image 5

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. 1 SBuielifield 's Lie1J-loin Trade Guarantees... You the most killfal and latistic aserviceto ho had anywhere. Se alads cam- a'e acid comleIte. lint of seasonahle wool- en.'Weh at 'iv a I Reach &NewenlasCustom Shirts, and cn so o a batilad excluasve iineof ahirt- Burchfield's fine Tailoring Trade, 106 E. Huron INDIVIDiUAUIY ;IN CLO 1iI[S It's lililt I alitot 1 G a t 11 s t l* on '' 1 oo in voII u-lle youhavoonila osl...…

May 14, 1905 (vol. 14, iss. 160) • Page Image 6

…il-IF MICIHIGAN DAILY. + Stf.denvts Like Coat Shirts. Th'rht e so easy. to slily on, andI ire less liable to be torsilby t * 1 i .idr} . (whichi fr 'equtly inake coat'' shirt s out of the otl *sortt. We offei for quicik slie a tot of S . anue coat sii Cutting, Reyer & Co. * 109=111 E. ashinigton 5U. a $3.50 SOS$3.50 f tie *j rts 9 f f 'i 1 TANS PIG PAT Ph, [Isk ey have arrived and just wxhat you watt UNS NT LLAIHLRS Oxfords MNI' AXCALF INWIINA...…

May 14, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 162) • Page Image 1

…T 6he Michligan Daily 4isZDANN \I RR, MI C \I V 1111 \N I I SI) \\ \I \\ 14 1 907 . VOL. XVIL LAST PRELIMIN ARY 'Di MRI) FIIL i~~~i lete or until I ,m il> tyYEAR BOOI( GOES fiE IE L Y I ll,-oly game i vlihthe varsiit FItyG GA ES it 11ialI who1 111111 rmain wl1;v he1R10 kMESARE LAYE FORSPRIGGMS..h mhehont tdn Cti ON S ALE TOMORO Freshmen Defeat '08 Laws and 4: 5 (i ely ield.1111 ith111the1\iliallll Upprclassmen Selected to Offi- 111111r 1 cla...…

May 14, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 162) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICHIGAN DAILY _. _ New Sprilig 1907 Ii. U. Wild Co. 311 South State Street If You Need Athletic Shkoes track Nvork, or sok wilIbe fomnd toontain t h 1arrest selection of sizes andI sle s. o'll) find1 a fin ine o1 (f Golf a11( SHIEHAN & Co.'s The Sudnts Booktor Banflers and Pillows 14 Oft at DARLING & MALLEAUX 224-22 S. Sate St. THE MICRl1 ,AN DAILY. c. e5p{ sit no K tfailana iili equ a)srengthili that itahe Ilsoph iio resl -X- lso_;X...…

May 14, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 162) • Page Image 3

…j . THE MICHIGAN DAILY t, Ai Colle~e Branxd Clothes Are smart enuf to make their wearers look smart enuf for the degree of B. S.--Bachelor of Style. Worn IN every college of the land, but made so well that they're seidom WORN OUT. Extreme in style, NOT price. ~ )~xj~xA F~u11 Lin~e of Spring Vr~derwear e~ '~4 * ~Cooper spring needle porosknit garment, iwo- ;'' pieced and union. A' B. Y. ID. athletic style, knee length, union and two-piece. STA...…

May 14, 1907 (vol. 17, iss. 162) • Page Image 4

…i14t MICIGAN DAit UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOi Quarter, 1907 Aj THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO r GLwOVES mayhe right acid not he Vow ne :,but they cant bh and not he right. ALAR1 C OCKSGO ~wil atWe, the undersigned livery- Cnapman's Jewelry Store men, will accept no more credit. 206 OUT MAN SRI:~r' Terms strictly cash from now on, and all bills moust be paid by. l~li i:, i t lilt irt ill Thu ll, J ..une 10. IT IS NOT BY ACCIDENT I BRAANCHI S1010. Al ...…

May 14, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 165) • Page Image 1

…The MIichigan Da ily ANN ARBOR, NilICi \IIILN' RSI)kY .\YM\ 14, 1908. VOL. XVIII. No. T65. WABASH BLANKEDI IN OPENING GAME Michigan Wins Opening Contest,I Playing Without Errors-O. S. U. Track Meet Saturday. MICHIGAN vs. \VABASB ittitits T 4Of \\~tassh brougtitis aunciessitisy weasther h oodoo withit iy estedaluiit the teams s ietditin cometiii-ig ts- seesrynme ofinn sisgs iefor I Bidige ail to cll te game Bsid thl oodi o oute Hoosiers 1 o...…

May 14, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 165) • Page Image 2

…;; ' , _ r THEP MICHIGAN DAILY __ -- -- G. H. Wild Comipanly Our Spring 198 line of fine Imprted and Domestic IWOOLENS]I Is now ready. It incdes all the latest Novelties, Shades and Up-to-Date Patterns in Moose Brown, Caribou Tan, Leather Shade, Grays and Fancy Blues. Your patronage respectfully solicited. G. H. Wild Companly 311 South State Street A New G;olf Ball The Kemphall Water- Core is finding favor with golfers generally this y...…

May 14, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 165) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Now is the Tme -TO- SAVE TIME Shave yourself BEFORE you wait. HOW? _With a Gillette Safety bought at QUARRY'S Money Loaned Oe Watces, iDiamonsds. Sacw[Seols. or otbesr personai propert5y. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargains in Watches & Diamoands Office at residence 331 E. Liberty St Ann Arboe. Hours 8to 1:3 . .1to . 130 and ito 9 p. M JOSEPH C. WATTS Spring Hatsl Spooms Post Cards ALUMNI BNDORSE- BOARD OF CONTROL Loyal...…

May 14, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 165) • Page Image 4

…IT'S EASYET CLIMB The ladder of social and business success when your garments bear evidence of sound judgment and refined taste. But a color or a design unsuited to you, lowers your stock in other people's eyes. First we consider your built and cornplection and then suggest becoming fabrics. We price our gar= mnents to please your purse. Better drop in on your way by. AMU I3"'N Ts New W jney Theatre B3ELL PHONEC "80 HOME PHONE 200 HENRY B.HA ...…

May 14, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 160) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dil ANN AR ii( li .MhICiI RIAN\. I{941 A, MAY 4, 1909. VOL. AX. No. I 6o. SYRAUSE OSES expeseI ithrop singleti to centeran SY A UELSS pifeiedisecond1.Fotanolm-l with tscrtch thirdadFahr FIRST OF SERIES ohed o Ranb. I1)0th mit toletfo Wolverines Bunch Hits on the ~~Olsn. tweno itiwrthstttttedotIl Methodists, Captain Sullivan ter, sand Olson scored.Snowoos tt Steals Two Bases and Hiome. Power to Sculy retirnthettcside. Sy...…

May 14, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 160) • Page Image 2

…G. H, Wild Comlpany MERCHANT 'TAILORS : Have received a large line of woolens for SPRING and SUM- MER in (Ntenium, Light, and Dark Art Leather) Sitver Drab, Grecian Drab, Light Mate. Royat Gray, and King's Tan. We have the Blarney, Hudson, Cumberland, Chester, Orient, Pel- ham, Australia, Cymric, Bullion, Federal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish Boating Tweed, and London Wors- teds, Please come early and have your Suit reserved. G. H. Wild Comnpally 31...…

May 14, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 160) • Page Image 3

…iiEMICHlIGAN blAtt Sam BurchificId's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burchfied Q Co 10O6 &iCo . EAST HURON ST. TVUTT LE'S for -Hoit luches Ice Cream iSodlas BaanaFlops 338 Sousth State Street THE11 FARMEIRS AND MECUHANICS BANK MAIN AND HIURON STREE~TS Capital $50000 Surplus and Profits$90,0OO G eneatlBanking Biess. 3 per cent paid on Time andl Savings DIeposits. Safety De- post Boxes to erent at $2.00 and upwards K. E. (eeI's. ...…

May 14, 1909 (vol. 19, iss. 160) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY tia~P&~ ~UNIVERSITY NOTICES ~~cr lit ii 1e l cl e Trd .t A h'ii tll, tllt ci OUR taisle andtiiours may differ con the 'It )ipt11i hi tti (c),t o)titi i rcI 'm' shade orticwva\-e--prob~ably so. So I iiiii it-e show s e thousand different fahrices T ii a 2 i litoato dcide l Ii Our t .s;te as iiodest as a June ''lle W,_V A.ha\: \ee; \ nlill trul i is irngas an African hunts- Iiiirp I il i i liSi W ii iii. Iii l%'e ciil iit rll...…

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