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May 14, 1909 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1909-05-14

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The Michigan Dil
ANN AR ii( li .MhICiI RIAN\. I{941 A, MAY 4, 1909.


No. I 6o.

SYRAUSE OSES expeseI ithrop singleti to centeran
SY A UELSS pifeiedisecond1.Fotanolm-l
with tscrtch it.to thirdadFahr
FIRST OF SERIES ohed o Ranb. I1)0th mit toletfo
Wolverines Bunch Hits on the ~~Olsn. tweno itiwrthstttttedotIl
Methodists, Captain Sullivan ter, sand Olson scored.Snowoos tt
Steals Two Bases and Hiome. Power to Sculy retirnthettcside.
Syracuse looked dangteoostoltth
In tm fetttredi 'ariely ity'costly sixth. Scutyoptenttctiothit hot to ceu
miiiljtiSO Ott the piar t te visitors, tr totstoic secointi ittt int so dii
.Michgan efeatd Syacuse -niv rit tiedhis itnkic 'ndo u li at he ttcafe]t
int he irt oot t o-amisris n er, ratttbisssfotr him. i'iase Hud '
Fer iid yesteridtyi afticnoont byi a i ts' it t c t ull nlitc thc tutu ic it~
"5 i o ttho trie fe h eod i ritin e inoetg sithrete t ut iicordert
ifac i tmtco ttsirthan lsititiar.Thiti anTuewiet tiemiep ted thct vttt it rs
tirchcdIitsofeiims y hniees soring ~ci i'iiiii iii cih
Kln; s ie-trs hitt iit si ii t'eehm sssti'the

ce va

1? n ith Ot co torsoh vstos
istii al iiiitte ts of the. ii ;i att .
A timeos -aueloedm r iepe
sch l l isthani It striigSv-i si y
van, iiioiiwtire"ciitheiHstiiili'r'i
Of Ivnncrepete wit fe torste
hes \\as "Suly'" tea ho e iii thitit

tutu Woilverii ~ine ieie t 0cc a"iWcit
their halfof t tiisi t ii sec reititi
more u s.i Iii t gtiiiot isplaysssuuos its
cii ie o tt ttak irtic olowngi w ic
inw t 5 otcat well placedi'ssiit
pthd hl h ii tic ''ui theiichest.
c'tiiieiiwenti iup sithe is. Ile imIiita
toe ecoiootoul g phs-tind

t itt<
' iii'n

A SON S GIVEN Il'" 1Cl\(1 1 11L
C O M M1YE IM O R A TIO N tli'oi crtiitshrfi cilts t o h
rt Witherspoon, Miss Per- the ctubtu iltiriiiittheotltd title ovos tis-
alAllen and Dan Beddce uCitittdIiaitteor isytio ititlrlihenctior
nish Great Display. ciovcietisttameuitofi cLe Citee Fraui-
(.Ic0imicthtstears fe tiva po- itt ity--it deutoWit moti reti LaIkit-tanid
;eii ieffot t itas maes o ots ii t i t heii i iitiicr t ttiteti h tcee.liii ee ic-
at h c i tn iiitof i lii ii sitc ' it hu in z toi ciistitm.i hi y '26 is set
it] of ttn siittci sttt i r t .T he'tic tse evu t sc tilos ycai
cii it ii tosii tiiiwiii iiivet tote- ''l( nua eor f t otea ue
ittill theiConce rt last oiiiht. s o s it tut ilIste sicre ittitottie
"'1w ,S asns ac s iiio te s itrtl s Iisstsom iiis'itiStoyar 'c'iitit
it tof ine duaitis o the of utet t t usieitbeent rtivnc es--
iot n otsacieveditit1so it-., the icar utnv oig i con sitr isli ex-
W ' ' iitttist pCA o 1la~ t (1S('ii nd i e ti' t si'tc wsc'iisr its'-
!a (ii ttt'it i5 Sit clrad h fctstra Css,btthiti'e'xcelileit sais'oitasstiate
dcl~tiiic t aiii ltivc'C-uent tstiptickeshstsoutt caire'tuiliimanage-5'
seIes h a tiits ti 'iit"hav ie ii ?et maiiis tihes ceaur a os'ccess fromti
isac t~ s irtis itiiinetl
,tn i zt cyOt iso" S t iii isisl'
d sar ofaplase t tsibeiiRegent Fletcher Conducts Ceremony
r 5555\ih ~ sntttiiccitvoce Today Before Many Alumni.
S Stilih~tt ,v ti ere 1 for it artc herei foii t heuii edsiction o f'ii tei
tic listl~t wh ch h ha la t re r t is ater oon iche iii iii t ~itsity
uci t? <>t fth- it s 1';ti''tii is isfili itio ttt it ii orth
v. t Ittr Su C\ltit ? rl{ litt iiifens t il re e tgt et ttll
ltl t .i iett 1 uc cs fll in th t i i tot 'icu t andi O tisc iii i t5 tiii P e -
nt t e W( it Ang iswil aCiepticc rtihits aity, u
it-ti iistisititc tii ii src pitiis itnsthe
ctli h ltt, "1h t D l it ," c ifo ite iro esi o o t hettt sitea test
\\111,11 reek ived liiie tts it g w il a i ey e o a e o h
ofth c c~t ~r itedo'' aitt i iby ithe si tidets, alumni0ii and

lUnderclasses Will Attempt to
Pull Each Other into River;
Bag Fight at 7 O'clock.
freshminie onss ttechoticce f ide~ts fot
tie isig-ot-tear. i its tilt us it t their
l t ut u i tlit ttte ' Si t' sufrt' t he
ti'l ' ii'itea . i ii ifSui teiamtis i itill mee
:It 3 o'lokaeitaisist sr~ wl
maht o t he li ii ii The tintlist iit
tic' withithe iiig iilt tic Sevnt wic
'oitts iioetoit is-itse't ittnit sck
t oe I teitittutea s i ll i ii o m(
liste in i their'i''itt i i''iiii S is-itt
ib u ( o n s as it e l Iii i ts i it t
iottitt 174 SitSnis.
Promptit ;ti9 ii7 o'clioctk te csic t i'
lit; i Ii ttini 'seepy lii ii .i ii 11_
ifth it t ciictsts ini twihi c iitery sitS

l 1.


r ii'se tits' S, the uilgS CX)C
1wtic prestctiest (ifii leiii(i''ts.'
coiit twosi i nt sil dStitu S Sti t a
ti h Sides iii t heii itic'55551 w
hule hoit frciiesiets
oti'hs-ti ti en i i- i t-p it s
in isist yert he tey c'

tt it to
till ha-
iittt tibt


i , .


l),s>1r 'itichicittioiiuis si itiy CORNELL MEET IS POSSIBLE 1li(1
si()(std t ' cisitti co ldui i

a sngl ht a iee. ( c slioft it
si efa snt u i'= ueiito
;Men. I o c-e idd sla ing- on5ttutu art
tice f sthe tcti tha is soupsorst ws
ra< cd. Ie wen lahea andtitchedut
Theii i tvisiossuopened theiigameiin t il
ittaintter i wh~ Sich te otal ootesuititiuip.
fre h is tite ais tso ndiut a I tew
'I'cn '1ask r en a len iiist as t
popilyto ~onita otheoinning.
si ng t wi titthu t it'' ii s its. c S ully"c
dr uia 'sits itt' -i Isie.and' s
suit. 'SullivanustirS c'sully. Stills''' oit
thir uudtisis Po ti ie, sitalig
Is -itutodt-ibotses lW ihtotic inig,
Sullivi-litscorss' t in te -t-ow i.
the iccond whenuistus'Situusci s uts'wluts
towassrdi tsit. lite tipikedu p the stll
suitdtrews" outyIsiSus isllsy.lThe hostse-
hide s-s i les ,ic rosllingusasofar1st thue
tfoot~thl hi lec rs. t~i lei fouur sitf te
Syrtueteasts ucct tsosuit?:listit Snouw
Inthse tiirdt i higaniiisicameti'iutt ocr
situ snitelu a a ttiiig lie us Stein's

Tennis Team May Arrange to Play -i
at Ithaca This Yeai. (
T rei still a os sblt thtM c - e gn en is ts tonill m e Con l. t
Secverut ee toutheConits lma(
its oliuga tintus t ake1 the s its as-iti litS
o Ithcis n dvncng fi-i its rISi t
} ini t ts Iiia th rs i itof mn r pot s
noi itpis' deemu ini'ttmlisit e to awat
its-ri' isousitl I s ussi.csi' 55 i
Upon issitrn, 1[r ssisul ,tt
tlsiIing ithCptainsPricofttns
te m o de-i i di- ite stoirqsti C rnllso-6i
ti-tic'its 'to'eecmet.tui'tutiii o "I
itot ti'sisMic-m iteali leu-c- ito 5 ois usi
Asit , -i oIssreply' ts tis r sils 5 ii
been reeceve. itwevecccitrsgenetrally
itslit-ic-iltuta t utitsrter ttti's ltistvl
tue offeredi and'situ l tet e nius u ctutm wilsi
ta tihetittrill as arrn e.iC
D~r. G. . Hllerisc e crtr f te
muedicaild etmsitI sttedi tsha t sus
ws nolii 1oundat1 tiont ofitt h l tt'-
luenuttso stheefct tht s ve' t eenii 55Seir!'u
mtesies siutuitlnot get5: i ther tut luis t i
slits year. Itit ssuiot trustsbltsa5sit li. it
Hubiter, u:hati moure tsh us si isis i m-
t)ee, os-itcit is sis n ratlly suit mori t ha tso
iort e c uwil liiil ts's"! thit- it-o
wtithi theior tsk. Atthslut l at o
outs csan ii makte 'tillauthi ttiu s otatsic a
msc-t as lte inal't mi atuins 51h15 veito t

-I csr jr sit teater oon
H. 'his inclde te tisittis Is-
Otittcle i I tcsuti C ull ssIthe
hi -)ral, c tutuIcI I ic ctib slthe
r;. 'li iret's i's e fth
s > ht May 11th- t tF'id the
mot Seo c to hius iuti Jiti
'I'Its'NSt IS'
it sic' '1)) r t ut ie siOfth e

El1 IiiiI'tl>; Nh'M I
ThreFschr prtisiat uregiuariin-
itosb is o tpopuar thtssts'e'committee'itn
' siters' orcstu t raoi from) s its is i utitetsi
\ Iiplay isir tisfluth anifit al prtits ,l
ithse hoc tic t sssssusr s it ctil lustjo
themseivish u e ft i 'sc situ'
us uuc ss inn idts- sev ts -itte. "Pe~sift (ci ay5
ibttosss criits-fiv rearcitects still han-
Sills at t1elu tisetluTiler iiDti t,
sits iso ight, h-toy to. 1Pof. Lords
suit 1r.his ht suit sill saccomsipanyst'hii
studens ts siltu t ri pi.
hil st'S uof relitu- iis is us on t tu
s2ockituu- todays.

Large Audience l'aced the Senior
Music Last Evening.
ilt tog ts te c s cc itt' -cc
ts-c lfirst st ekyM sings liiut
ight. ''Sisuis'' 5' suits us itr uswills ]Iss
suie- fsit lit li tt sit ics l is te ustilt
hug ;grantstit s. Hisst suits ind
-hYg liii'cfusi tutu igal, 1
lutist-ittiandtid"tti ]ilus tiinits>tr
sst the us'xt.isi I fo litii
hI'INNIS 1 0iLT NhhuNl;N1
LCastatinu Picei'fit henis t (itttl -
stituc's iliaCt tinultsp in lg r-
sueuut osill hue playds of.itilt onSlce,an
wsishs aluit osptivesS suts suts 1s t
lh-irnasut onc' cthelistr151isis uportsi si
terry tieittto ssltsetvarsity ,i(,,,pis
ta wlbitckedulargei ly ass rc:s
sit the shoinss-sg intlste I ssurussssuusie. Alt
menssifsitassitiy 5cslitber asuit:ilt i~lr
sit prevous o setcitd-clasOIss ttiinatuiiits
sire expeeto hseunlice fitsot-c1isstluis-
ondii-clses. Prclas siltlibt uacardtc t
btiitrottudshond-cla 1sissstins.stlts'
enitry-ftethoss beenus tlacedit st lt'e nomu it
s1o111 5f ltenty-five ets. hntiestimaoy
its mad bss eiy tlephounesss' sill thCaptain
trice, 031, Drasni. tA-ens, S8t, tsr tPaul


ilst ia5
outlh (}t 1shi
11411 stri

t ilt

oIitaiII 111 ore va-
1111- --t "-, ;",

luctit wowre biss-ssith

iss c

th slu et tt he s 3: I / \'XCt f'1 \"%' SiJf,t''/1131 /S'
it! dif ltsjsettsuscribaersc tic The
tics lstiutim 11110
sil he s"uvcesu'spitt-s fsituceuidthstls'fth'isctuitts be-
suit isi '<t suhssnptstn /tunuta1:i. Officie /ot'cu t to 2
fit sul / 7 30 to S:3c3 P.-its2. llifli.

lie econsidlered.-

I t,

V are now on sate at the State Street Book Stores. The sale has been larger than was anticipated and the
17 199Mciannin 25
$ 1 7 5~f remaining supply is very limited. Those who have not yet procured books should not delay buying $o5
I longer. Address mail orders to Business Manager, Ann Arbor Press Bldg. Ann Arbor Mich.

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