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May 14, 1909 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1909-05-14

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G. H, Wild Comlpany
Have received a large line of
woolens for SPRING and SUM-
MER in (Ntenium, Light, and Dark
Art Leather) Sitver Drab, Grecian
Drab, Light Mate. Royat Gray, and
King's Tan.
We have the Blarney, Hudson,
Cumberland, Chester, Orient, Pel-
ham, Australia, Cymric, Bullion,
Federal, Empire, Raeburn, Irish
Boating Tweed, and London Wors-
Please come early and have
your Suit reserved.
G. H. Wild Comnpally
311 South Stale Street
WYe CcltrV atcomtlete lte
of Tennits Sttpplies
Our Prices on Rackets
Prim - - $7.00
Sears - - $5.00
Longwoodd - $3.50
Spalding Gold Medal
We guarantee our Rackets.
Tenrnis Balls
Wright & W~tson, ar d (ioodrich
Sheehan & Co.
Students' Bookstore
Porto Rican Canes
hti0;h 'I (It(walk i oy -tocks of 0native
wioods, oran; -(' "((Cr-wod,1(T111n, 1te.
(n three :sizes; $1 , s$t.0 and $2., post-
paid, 15i(st\( 8cextra lAddles
Mayaguez, Porto Rico Box 424

I THiE MICH~IGAN DAI LY.1 111iidetof r-c c o, t o cn . 71. Jc iP I.I . ,
whc hlro itts.i tro itll eg u:--
8 ls a g o ig m a ll a ( 'rA1 (((1 1 0 o f t h e fal c ul t yc t r l 1 1 I t l , l c o 'i a dio l g h e a n o f li ' 1 - (i c a r d lh e l t 01 , t t
C soxceI. Ertaooo. . ~lt-(
Ireport :of a '111.LId a Ilt s 1itlt -lI : 1,c ; d t
EDiIToO. cly t he w(thisfabult1 n (7grt, at ry)
N'ells.... .... . .Fred F. ;ooailtg sider e e (((((oart 1' 'tctt 1 ((((1 Stet): hCt.YO
News (Asst.).... . I. B. Mc111thlg11 t(Io((
hlhetics---......Wilbur I.). P1)011 te ~a r tlc as5 pcOt (It i itoit1tics I 1 - tItis
Llronia. . . .i.... Jh T. Ketiiiy ait tdcsire to 11 jiea clo h*I- buyV't>
Music ........ . . IHollisS. Baker l 1; dt(' sit t misd 1 1111(1 1 V itll
etxthetiactsthattools 1e1oI Os-I 11(1(1ft.e11 (itadI d 1 'a.
tortOOIAl, sISTAF. inocetll \(()I(, i arly t 1 casd( he1,I
Jam0es K. Watkins ilorrison Shafroth Consi'ee of thelp(I retat or. 0(ct1Yrk
Charles Good G. S. Lasher wutinngchclt er of te I iroitmkesitt- 1I C hca-o
it especalt ly a~oigi , (11 1(1 1(1h h 1 w l
Lee A Whtite Fred Lasstont eotoeitg tiareties, ii o0isosshotin c t ~us
Walter K.'Tossers 11. A. Msikrsel hl old Ih e carefull aositd. Phelps1
Dalia ii. JtCes . 05.1,_1.:1

:r 1l 1

RotetenD~LIIIIPool Greer
Samuel It.iMorris \V.IT. Contklin
G. C. \\'illsoo 1Dion1Birney
h1,. Show, Jr. IHarry tily ser
torlI-1I. C). .edam1
C. ..Bowmatn Norimtntt11. Hill
Address: MICHIGANs DAILY, Press Bldg..
Maynard Street.
Managers Hours: I-a p. us., 7-8 p. in.
daily, except Sttnday. Both photne-
FR tlIM\Y, _MiAI 14, ]1)(X).
l diti' - Tid y-P sit. (tote.I'
T1he seittimete-xpressedl at(lie sno
lit cltissmteseitg Wednetsdin fiaoi
evr da itili ultt gives exptrssiontothet
iesirt-tiofitmitiy andergraduaittes ((til
eitn turthie atnd 1requtest ftaetllstiiuet
anl gsadute Iltetslito apeain telie
tiltites ttfoc testiCssptaicetSotimebe
mecmn.In Lftropeottcoun tries all
t'e studentts andilfacllty eni aearth
roe otinuttlly douringg lie 11ay5,texcepit
at recreat iitioriiids. This,-it couttroe-
asumtgOfte ca~pandiigoiwnblith11(
(((Cios ilorh~g their loot iris- weeks o
((((ci ily (str k, ((tlltlsoiy h1 e facutt-
fttt thle fnl wI ~eIksofeelthi-ye,wol
ttighste a itoo raicalt cItne ot
tcs-oithIouldieettwilt dccideid f-(ot
onthe part of the se'ioitr laisots. Fo
itic remindiler if the year,Ihowsever
(mTucsdays ottd/Thutrsodays.
F/reshmenti, go sois-witourloyalt1y- b(
(((tie yu~rgraty caps.

juCC oo'olsti ittwsuldss -tthat the
stetiI as aiIltin hs epetwth ' ' it
ltug tll. o hswd toeo h li

If the SI FstvaPc ra' ntdv
--"IN the atitc elmn-i h
p ga (lits oldse- ht h hktig
stlr o th to m y it s isu ost C(try-
A n ercts frmuth - i~c ts
Wile tetoesiu t aperm d
starsd Gtilr ies i h t f it'.
ferner t io th oe a im

oi aeI li

Thle -wo-aytheir m4nehas
a good deal to do with
the iway they isear.
c(I 55 l 11~- -C ' 130, t11'- '

We hare for otte inspect-
ot, tt)ig/ht d if Ilori scoi-
plete litte of
Tennis Rackets
01 1 stpples.
The tew ito SootStr
Rod-il is a beaut-Othter
leders of tis srontglie of
Rckets ate the - 'itoi the
"C'imjtbe'lt antdlthe "1II1an
ctttl TI'I t1
Everyone Guaranteed
University Bookstore
G. [. I6AWiB[[[
Lartgest Sltoc n it1chigatn
Secotnd-Hand Law Books
La mtt id1 M edicaltDicttonrie
Quiz Boo ks, etc
Cotmplete litte New ((tillSe-
(oltd hitoks tkent i lixt'lange
Second Floor Tel. 71
14 n ArOlde
Better cut wisho ther9ex-
sk p ens es han tave ih
out K o kak. Thre c-
to- riae eoddtyu
V actionilrigac

you look it over.
Belier see us, Brownies
$1 to $9. Kosaks $8
324 South State Street

Dtrstitpapi s t ha(t otha't{kte i Ii('(6o t- 'tte -5
f \ ess otaiii , ] it iad t ait I mi W ot 7 , a ,t - - f 11pitii


Office SuapliesI
Direct from the Manufacturer to Consumer
In order to introduce our line, for a short time only we quote
following prices on high grade goods:
100 Sheets A No. 1 Carbon Paper $1.19
500 Sheets A No. 1 Carbon Paper - - - $4.79An wegt812x1Io81-x13inbuprlorlak
3 High Grade Typewriter Ribbons $,0
2 Dozi. High (Grade Typewriter Ribbons - $700 Fraymcie nprlbu rbak oyo eod
Above quotations for delivery throughout United States.,
Factory Rebuilt Typewriters
OLIVER, No. 3 l1ode!, $25 to $35
SMITH PREMIER, No. 2, $25 to $34
REMINGTON, No. 6 and 7, $22 to $36
Underwood and L. C. Smith at reduced prices. All Type-
-writers sold by us guaranteed for one year.

of near milk, almost meat, and not quite leather,
you're not always sure of what you are getting
for your money. You may get quality and you
may not. So far as shoes are concerned, you
can do away wtth all uncertainty, by buying
e- - There isn't anld there
never was any tIn-
certainty about tlie;r
style or comfort c r
.00quality. If you hay e
;; - worn them you know

TanTwo Eyelet Tie
Price $5.t0

$3.50, $1CO, $5.tO

It115 South-Rain Streed

1 WshIngton .The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack Props.

Phone 598

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