n4 , REYER
Two=Piece Suits in Tweeds, Serges 119-111 E. Washington
and Flannels. G. J. BUSS, Mgr.
RENTSCHLIE, ARTISTIC FRAMING lYou Witl ne as ortment of
To Buy a Cor. Main and Huron Ss. Phone 389, 3 Sriabegors. _-nan
u te r weddinat d
Lome in and see the new a tdo'n\Pri Minstrel: are seh1edied May' 11 o1 ilay 1estia. itIE
thinglts. to iapea t the Athens YTeatre ri A aM1n' 1 I]!tants svs.t)5 I ts inTO
C A K I S' P H R M C Y tla n e v enin g , ' a y t5 . G id e o s co tin a -I 1rhig h S ch o o l Itt n .
t,, is 1 hd on~h. sit he b stFRA('IN. A SPECIALTIY.
324 S. State St. di hsoee donnthe lo t .nllt v1-t3Jeisv.wne ffrti adssm Itebstktnowniicotoredt Sn 14Iiiiimet switti catigot.o l n~ ak
111-Fsosuv.ti1ral IEay& E m n s aiidtetitioite stage settiiis. ti-ii
*eu .., A.,'.hes in i thIttit .tee HNtSME StUVEItROT.I W ooth nnS hehn
* ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W * iiio....oc..a..,tatu aArnold liii C Vnoh a
E 3 r1. ier hris, tlan Ies ])tinis at W a nealt 01eiidedbtosttexJoH Wade F F Mlii
F S N ET F1urneri~ S\'mry WtrIiitrnk irk whoh ivei s'e'niit to bete tiieist lw no Koch Prof11S01ha
FOR DECORATINU. iiid'eisoii. prietd Sb ie iaii siiis'eii er 'irgotten Finn P iaier Christian Mrtin
121 FEast Liberty .St. -utha jst m1eiapa nei p a1cBn
he Mas rth~e t1r 'ou:~ ot- the'hles of ta21-page boolet, ius' Do fln Arbor SaVIIu5 Bank
" ' y w il b C th e ,t h a r iu n a t h e ru it t i i ii i 'ior s e a i i s v i es , ' s pti t s to k , 85 0 000. S u r tu ,it o. 00,
PiORTLAtoNDr oCoAFEet iu wtiiing h s'iit iitiii~iOrganizedunder the Geterat[aking Laws
u 0.. iii n stloitayeveinig o '''ht.' Yetlowi'and Ittto for'ii'aii johthin stte
ecetes iepoetsnbos and aeli exchange
OP N D YALIIH . SL)Ntl tx t:V INt,1 ATt ittti iesi,io'itaidt iopyiigti ted b hs II i 0 1 hed upon proper idetificaton
W. C. BIND ER, prop. l 1Ct.i it iiitnQtiolitsle b (tiy Vi hSaet l :t~iIoe i ikreWD
20 E HtironiS iSthe M o iany e'ctclii i tactiee )tTeto'I'tii ' iiiiuiii, b 5' er I een L ariat i'- ;M.1 FitCahir
DEALER IN PIc cliiinlai Saturday inigtt,:i to 12 nih liiieii is iii ttishtii'i t tiisiolibus, Ates,tGali poi. Charestoi, W.
of Stoe'han & to. A Irg'.Il wilt ..and te Souh. Ask your agent or
Fresh and Saltheats. o'cock ha i itelopic ti 501-apply ico I.P.tIows, P.'5A.. 7Fort t.,
607 lE. WiIlltim St. 'T'etpro'issona~lt sithools ofi hei ' ii' G'i ii001 ii sic'ii slt. . A .. Toledo, I0
~o ec''o v~e'u - c i it .1of l cesilitre tbin' raid cl u L st--an tnoga Isi pi. 1 id D,Y.. A. A, & 1. FY. Standlard Tim
B Y Y U'g im~ istrucitioin i'll :ii':tiiiiol i1hs itciltAtti iitls For Detroit half hourly fron 6:15 a..
BUrORe.5li~... ciciciri''acurd. Cti m until :15 p. m. Then hourly until
ir 6 1 TG O S t or'a o i Siniste r, lit'hiy hsi ' tl, 11:1.5._______ lla For Ypsilanti only, at 12:15 a.
Lr gp tie I asic r ait the 'ea hr. t hie Eve glsoon repared new enes at m and 12:45 a'i. For Jackson hourly
At BROWN'S DRUG STORE. fi.oto dctoni bu oocp IIEIS .1EWELRtY STORE. from 6:15 a. m. until 7:15 p. m. Then
Corner Main and Huron Streets maii~gificiettquarters fni a s1ateialy cnliii5pm'nd1:5 .m
stru tel bildng fontng at he 'id-Waiingroom Huron St.. W. of Main,
wokrpiig e ftigto frtl he slieclil ttondt ngrhas t' 1,Cu lg's Pharmacy. ANN ARBOR RAILROAD
Ga <~ g }f' lt' t .,issSchool ss'tiiihilslt te r'aity fr .&st ?IO ~ an~t L X s~ .7
ato ti otails' ii ~iunaiy hrst l' ife n s stro iicent e n iei f] Trains eane Ann Aror y Central Stand
sknies, seas, razors it.cuss no aur at h se rE ltgnCo. egneigard Thoe.
ales grotnad. Corss Ini iietith:iii:'are gien in on sutlies Inituire at 331 Packard Effetiva Ot. 2, 102.
4lN RAL tiACHI NE WRK pQNB u l':ithtewrko u Mt tre .7 otet .Seia circlt, irlaitbte __________ __xolmu___
W?.1. WEAUGR, 113 E. LibWrY Street cettoiiaplitinti o the it' v'ieirsity Say estivaticets.bogt and Not- . NoI-bSA..
oftCtrnieagi, hCago Illiiois old at Skiiber's. 63 No 2 l i . i. No.-it p. a.r
Emery Student.Should 1r o A iP.x c. ;. {54x
vest 10 Cents PICKWICK BILLIARD PAR"LOR & BOWLI nd Ttedi nly4° 'labtae ~
.knd get the Detroit FiePressr Univrsit Said Tledo nly. - -xeg~uda
sye~y morning and Vihe AnPIrizesgivet each tdAy. 01 N. UieriyAve becroaon ,hadI iauy e. .da
Aror Daly Argus ev'ery even- WI__________ ~T.WRILL, A
ng. 'Tle est p wir' h eJ. J
slate and city for tIhe one price
o16 cents a week TL ave or- Before joining any Greek ( jH LT
ters for the combinion at letter fats'" et into the F I 4.
Stolhetts,121 51ain St.,Meyers, Tr"raiaho--le~TiE pORT LI te
ave, 3f0Southa Min S ne. sty of the MOGU0L CigaretteA~ BRJ
T R T T E. TWO a ' {+ hy cc tho kys to to club NKt BRT
TRfHE T O o Ie clgood tobacco. CHIA00
Pillows and Banners Aplication blansk at t J, ,BUFFA 0LO
AT cigar store. NEWYORK
DALIG& ALEUXSPlain and Cork Tip. wth irtcone~n at Cd ago bor 1S
Lais Kneefty W1pulant thaWet
Fancy Goods atid Notion Store. S1o Informafptin 1og titao anns
Cor. State and Liberty SsJwie t . nCS,.att,.a ro
Single admission 50c, $1.00 An-essential part of your college equipment is a Tickets, entire course $.00
Students Lecture Associatio
The Association sells tickets, not to'"make money," huttCo he able to hring, to the Watch this pae for S. L. A. an-
University sf Michigan the greatest orators, lecturers and entertaiiners o1 the 'world. All nucm nsad4ts
money is returned to the student in the form of lectures. nucm nsadOts
NIIL VAR ' pring of'o3QWooes have arrived cprta-
M I WA ing prettiestlie of Hione-Spuns ever shown