bei x
ANN ARIBOR, MICH., MO1NDAY. MAY 1-, 1900. No. 168.
We have just received or line
of spring woolens for meen's
wear. It includes everything in
staples that are suitable and de-
sirable for the season. We are
also showing full ranges in nov-
elties, in quality and style to
suit the mot exacting taste,
consisting of Top Coats, Suit-
ings, Fancy Vests and Golf
Trouserings. We invite you to
call and inspect our line at
108 E. Wsbigtoro St.
Artist thstcofAit
Materials mrand okstr
nd hveadeet-
ito te senunt ii
isenwd omlee
Wilder's Pharmacy
THE DFoevneralweek web
IJL ee laingn stckfor
by, and nows are ayw
Premos I
15 per cent off
20 per cent off
25 per cent off
Alt suppies at low ptces.
In New Styles and Patterns
MICHIGAN ON TOP Inines . . .....12 3 4 56 789 VAN KEUREN ELECTED
_ 4Chto 4 ....20 60 20 0 30Li Seue h5reiens oh
Platers for the Wn hcg..... ..Windy CittejGet Sole beses-lcGeeeeees Bleoe, i Scr th Pesdnqote
Turned Under. Besle (2),\eeroee PrueeVest Patteen. S. L. A.
Michigan teured the tableseo00 Chicago Tee asbeehlee-MGnns.s Three basf Saturlay ornineg at teesoclock te
Saturday and defeated her 00nler ome sts-Davi es (2). HomereseMri- electors of tie Stodenets' Lecture Asoci-
groundets in tespfresence of a inoisy crowdt field Piece. Stetck ott by Roger s (2); ation mses it roooi 9, Univerity tall, to
by a core of e8 to if. Both teanmsemae by Seethel6 eby Bestle 3 Bses oe choose the officers for tle esineg year.
" tnumerots errors seer Chicago seemedec to balls-oft Roges 1I of Smithle5; off Tiec igt for tesp~residecy eas betwen
eo emore of elat kined of wcor.c thoae dd Bestle, . Ht by ptled ball-by tese]is aed lows. Tle lis lad noem-
ler opp~oneents andcthtise fact coupled wills Bestle, .t Wsid petle-Smith.l Passed iated C. J. Vanerence andthie lowss
MAicleigees's ability o it tie bail is re balls-Benstt 4;H-select i Tmei of Vs illere A. Kight. Before tie election,
sionsible. for tile.higih score. Saggoam-estee j olsisre-3 mlii. Alted boevsetie fits d sceod amaejority
sleted see so Ict Rogers do te trowing acec-Soo of unecotested electors by a comb~inaioi
foe listees ut iste th ird il-e Wo~ler-s rihteesemtedics oad dets. Tereuponi
ilts ste-igteneed out sic of his creto Enqineers Enjoy a Banquet te lows wsihdresv teir cadidate for
for e iets os-e of themet being a three- pesident at-d ssorked to scctre Iis ele-
b-sggeriby Bave s oacd Smeithew05 substei- Saeetiayevenig faceltyat- sttdents toneas cotrespondcing secretary. Bt thee
truee. He cdid' eem te-e o do as swel as of ele egeereilg deartmenet gotee opoisngeceomebiatioi cold i-ot be brok-
le ddcheleeWssednesday- for int the ixhe fortetie tee-tesannutal bonquet in Hng ee sed elected its full ticet. Tere sas
andeagaso teste i-se thesleCpiousMcGinnis sterferstll Good cl-eer predominaedcfsmewhaslet of a figt othesecotesed
and leh sis eneded ott the sphere sitl-sandlthe st persois preset-t ejo-ed electors Teclotecop, at-d tethe lit.-
ishsccs n four and five rites themeselstt to the utmost. The class of engneet elecor were seaed and the
wete.added o te lec~lttinof the vs-nit-nsit wasreprsenteid by "Sally, conteting elects-ofrootsethe pharnec d-
tor.Ltienecaptoeat-d ctcher one lst yeartar1505enct Te swo extra lost electors
Beneett si-seld it to coldsc l thegonecV-sisity baesebll tease-sand Jameis 3 Stsswre. sot seaed. This tilede 23 electors
betlis suceses setmetd to be of a rthe Cl-ire. bols of whlome aresnos located iiolteg sTelose electors did not soe
Vindtiffet ltleture. and after lee f-ad let Detroi Of ltheielrgrdteasthses fota uftlilicet so that ti-e li. catdiates
Sfontrtpassed ba lf be scored against himt-see. preeneneiiors sere itt the maejoity fo pesdett, recording secretary and
VsWeitey ssteiseeto set if le could ot tprob-shyibecaethis1s-ssas list last opteeeasedid ot lae anys-sopposiion.
setlesov e. tponithee.gameehle payed lst fport1nit10fotheitstto "jolly tp' sithte i ele othetr offices te voe sas 13 to
VWeinesdayoe idd so in il-at io error selthememeseof tic dearltet o except for corresponding secretary ssay sed only two caes. Hle 3Tlee commiesttee see charge consising of whche sas to to i. The officers elected
-secur elfedht -sed a risesittheseoffensiveH'if Sedg se se, 'oo, P. AV ratz, '00 sces sfollows:
p.rtothegme. . Beistcegainsh iowed andstELV.'sN fteer, 'ot,-proided ate at--pit PsioentPCss. VoKesree.'o, of
himeself helt hles opoetsloswnitanqieti te elsessfstabl5els thle mieu tsts li
fairl-ssel bet t -another tieth le gamee c0t5ssig0o'sVse pteident, Herbert B. Loss'es. '1
lee pitchedightrot hte w one o handiily.P0-sst '3srey D.H of Po0rtbHuron.
Stee ltesssootheiithioserseesetss--WNsine.Jelly-sCostresodting scretary re Egel-
sll 1st slo-seed thstisiswildnesssoweitn ee Sltelam Sra110his had 'iL..of 'este 'Arbor
tist fact that fise Chicagosmenerse sl0ive leceosding -csescar, If. M. Rids. '01
sllio'd o es-lto first. flescetded hSndsich~ies Rols 31 of Aness'Arbor.
its-s lstr engtts"sehlree e.His stickFiuits it 5- r. N. H. 1Lcitougll. 'os C:..of
-s-oil rsultetted si i iets-sfone reesewhilt Steai-serrtei es Ice Ceam Y Npsia5555
iltefedn-h sgle caonce.aneessist, ssarted sCake5s-snseesrerE' c. C. hnaptp, '02
wsaceped~s. Coffe of Blefieid.
Rgr piueseled thlse innsings t iasCs's-sittes Dretos for ithre crE. B. ''sPie-
hSmite ssit, asndelea. elsowsedeleight Iits. JN'Walser od ,ws omse e N'sof C s Pt . andl ig-sst H.
ietw ees shem iheysrck-oust eghtinenan,'is e abriefeistrsedecinbe o th' Ni. 1. f IEri, Pa.
andelgaee stxfpass,l of swhiche goes toipresieote else egeeie s -goietyGe. Saturda's 'froth Meets.
sitow55theat os's tntu re ritwaycso st Nssur .Wees chtosol carieeo01thee ps-orsac
o it leseesote bali. cGieuiis sanesh Shsttt sed see heapi-seeciieintroeueecc' hesuc Sueday tosss o dyof trck. uttots
se sen Ich iise ed tiuir battieg ees-ragss csseSlikr. Tetosseets erehaohoflthoughut thees=-. Ilinieois scnd Cii-
tlie v erye 1 appreislyIcy seceuring three safe.a mee or. culess joisnegnt-ure-steelsetnyscago pu0lleitd off a dulon ssMarshall field,
hitsec. eMc lso scored fise tissespa t sed lcho.itis swere sprunsgas ltetheher t-s simeig esily b-s aiscore of po
so eleat it s ets eetet ti-st le h-ss regaine uprograme progressed i lerene 5shcito 34.InEastson, Beoit scccunebed to
hs eed ~chottthee.bae-. Ben-sooeplayed -ser-s;-afteruse5foloingt mannueruits hee-sgrecter -pedtanscdtrengt of Nrti-
settit es i lte Dusies ctightthee flis 55)3. ..... J LE'sc fee tweteenisatletes adsitesi so--s posinotts
"tie-t c-suitoese right fiel. The formere ANlfttle child she l tute." cemarket do-seesstide teuir 39. lHre thee
- only accedluh freclehances ut of ights192,, ,,-s. . . .P,,, , . C. Cueeueeer stbs teals ot a rortyp hndcp srace
cslshtecnd is till siteopene lrpose- "Get thy cheststhee srigig seesrdbesst,' a emade thee wininfeg esat e incg pr-
tison.e Iitssticklswork nwasoodg-sahugh.esgai sesoussr edesi dosbfuli sdssne aunshitsoustrentedttietie a hadsomeesofa tpilow, the
fit f1iltd itstely u-seaoathis seven se.miuesgifs of teseinteested younug ladies. At
theantc uslsaespoeet oser hifs waif-s Iot. . ....Geo. D. Hud-tts-sleots \eDamGsueatians~guarmeuet sfith
N'sedesa-suttlure is still cases-sfoe G Bd testdiscourse. I sill etche-i-t Pfrdeeheentd fIndisanasethee
soute-sud it is tbhaeloed thast this true thissueac-r"euputed sff. Nore ases, as always at
sill n-utlesseebaisfe-eathee fortm hee at 900- - - --....15.. ..rdtLoudott-ilaus t ooed upisimhe uwiner by scring
titch out theeacrlier os-e, duringthee 1Ftoutstheeasschswse-cts footthe'-cea." 76 p-she sesto sa totel of 59 gfr Pureduecau-d
ssrng etees.Heerecoered Iis etces-sn3Te1echniec-......Afrd Lndaus ite cst Clifornia
a meaisure os anddstraighteeduee lt one '"Bok-re seeeel.dheit nocttussle-s 5.5etetieidhy tPriceton. Heronolsy
of tietti-sal-sodeouthat collieIis say books; a fews well coo-s." ist tplacescouneted fortpoit ad ue
Teswokt f thee rest of thee eases sas Prof. C. E. Gese scre stood o fr Pnsectosn agaisst a
usesfras sechbgood though at imes a bt NAheiit to guid, a rod to chtis the fat Calforia. Hrtons of Priscectons did
listless EsversaoneisutBenneet suceede rring- -sed telreast'1usfet is ic leces its the ple vaust.
sisshiting the bll. McGisnnis gtting otto Prof. Geo. N'. Pattersan, Jr., Hoesvcrd also defeaed ale bzt 1Y2it.
two- bagger and avies o three. 'A toots of high voltage and great chfic- Theehost prfomitateses of tl~c western
Thle summaeesry beowos'fails 10 showeils the cy" men,1.those swliaise wt sill it-sot is-sti-e
susnber of tisses at hat sathat the per- Prof. ANlexndiefr Zewetswesternit iercoeitee ae give-nuithle
cetage of isannuot isoe ialtulatedl unttil 'Thst b-ssys- w itgras-ven afiso- follosingtummary:tu
fle reteursn of the tastsrsnugs ue official matical hol." zoo yard efes-Lffisseel, Cicag-
scare ook to lasd. Prf. Chs. enisaon tisse, o seconds
MJ ICH-IGAN. "Ilie is thees-r-s pink of polteess.t c2o yourd das-Siack. Chicag, atd
R. H. P. A. E. Prf. Jn. R. Alet Cayae, Ifins tied-tsme, c2 seconds.
M'scGini-is, is-sf -....5 3 3 0 0 "Altime!I Whiat perils doa etvirone that 440 yard testsStureiroas Northwesernt
Conedon,the.. .........20 1 502 00 easn w'lo mueddls ithiroe.' -timee, 53-5 socnds
-Snows, . fI---.--..-----.3 0 1 0 0 Carrl . Joies 88o yad itun-Lord, Chicago-tenem, a
MYattson, s .......- - 0. 3 I 3 0 "Thifs is a gaody sort of fellow." minuts 6 - seconsd.
L Baies, r. I ...0 .:.2210 50o Prof. Mf. E. Cooey to yard ighs hurdes-Herbert, Noure
Besncoe, oh ......... 0. 5 0 3 "He's bon btseser tts.' ame-timue, the seconds.
Bennott, e0.... - 0... 0.o 13 0 cco yard lost hurdles--F. ifolone, Cii-
Whlitney, ct-.... - I...1 5 20 0o0 Postponed to Thuradaq cag-tune, 2oseccands.
Pieshmer, 3b.s-........1 t1 42 Mle un ie-BaerNrhwsestrn-time,
SBeiste, p..... -.1i1t 1o 0 Theo annual 'Varsity si-sct which sas to 4 msiutes 354-5 seondes.
have boost sld Sturday sas nmatelut- Runnsing higs jumtp-Edsley, Purdue
Totals... - u. 8 f167 1se5 possible owing to the conditions of the t0 feet 5iche.
CHICAGO. trae attd field ffer ti-s rain. Itt sill be Runing soad jue-p-Garrett, Illinois
Merrifield, 3b..... ......a 1 0 4 0 held next Thursday afternoon issted. -distance, 002Ifee.
Place, in. fI............2 1 o o a If the mearks set its practice are any cit- Pole vault-Ensley, Purdue-hecight
Kennedy, b .... ......iio0 50oi e rion as to the ability of theenitnew -height, o feet 5incies.
Version, oh ............2 I 4 r o 'Varsiy records sill be made isen-ore Shot pt-Woorlsey, Caifornia-dis-
Ewing, 1. f ...... ........ o t 1 a than one eentt, especially in the field. tasce, 4 feet is incies.
VanPatten, s. s.a ... n 3 o 3 The poe eault, discus and possibly ham- Hammeer thro-Pians, Califoria-
Smith, r. f., p.a .... s o o o ser throsw records sill e shalltered. distance, 151 feet o inches.
NWoods, r. I............0 o o 0 1 On the track te ihaf-nmile and qarer- isous tro-Eggeman, Notre Dame
Rogers, p.......... ,...00o0o0o0os-ile records n-ay go. 3he latter ha -distance, tot feet. -
R. Merrifield, r. f..I. oi 0 a0 o sood at 59 3-5 seconds since. Hodge- Qarter-nmie bicycle rae - Brown,
1 Harper, c....... ......0,o t'r 9 3 02i-an nade if in 185 bt eith Teetel, Chicago-tune, 33 seconds.
- -- Barrett and Nufer running, an excellent Cone-mile bicycle race- Goodenow,
S Totals............ II 7 27 p9is1performance may be looked for. Chicago-tinme, 0sinutes 19 2-5 seconds.