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November 13, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…1"TheMichigan Dail c ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN , -WEDINESI) AY,\ O V EM ER 13, 1907. fi Vol,. XVIII. Nor. 44. STUDENT SCALPERS TO BE PROSECUTED Plans For Mass Meeting at Field Complete-Lineup Practically Settled. 'the Athletic Toard of Control last -ght passed the following resolntion re- garding sudnts whoc ausse the privi- ilege of reduced price tickets: "I has ubenreportedl ticthsboard tat certain suseits hase seriously -bused the privilege...…

November 13, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

… u W - sA * -. vowr - -} . 'r. '!. * ' L X W G o L oI * -' * - 'f LU H ( i C * - 0 -i ,f 'I. V v4 f .._ i r i v ; . .._ r _. _ w ' f. ~ r u ; f. % .' i r, _ .. r. / ? , ..2 ' .. f ..y : sW f' :+, u ; _.. ,_ _ 't ' -. i_. ... - .. ;. t ' .- 1.-. :J t W SO - SH ,_, : r f j ._ ,r ^, s _ 'f w ,f' . cr, t _. ri r .- w v ,f _ J. ... '-- Cl. 'f. f f r "" J w f. i "-' .. ... 1 «- day nH _^ "^ r M w wr «+ ... CZ L- J. ._. f rf --' …

November 13, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…Wbe- fl 4 ( 9~ AiL-* VOL. XI. ANN ARBOR, MICH., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1900. No. 45. Announcement S Our special line of- foreign and domestic fabrics For the Fall and Win(- of 1900 has arrived and is arraiged for inspec- tion. The nuno careful attention is'given to the styles and fiishs of every suit, whether to be used for business purposes or for full dress occasions. . H. WILD CO, io8 F. Washington St. BATH TOWELS AT ALL PRICES FOR YOUR R...…

November 13, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…1 77- i. 'r ' f lI f ; . .. ;.," ! : 7,% . f cro I H. d -3 --- x0 ' CsJ II ,. ."/ i ' ', "' M:i ir. , "..r F y y M " F Jy r y J %; ^ r r i f I f r 1 l ^} f s ~ V .~- ^ .y. , ", .- r ' --' .--. 1-.r i '1 . ; ., s r -= .; s .-, - _ . ' _ J. "- ~J " wr r ^' ' ! v " ..r , 1 ti ..: .: .. ._. J, ,.... , r 7 z 7, ' ,. . I _ 5 r rt r r s 'J f U 11 :7, y . f tn ~- (/) ~ I-ri H I" 7 i. 7 i 77- - is n., - -. !emu' .- " J -Con _ ...…

November 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…The Mich1g i1 DaOldy VOL. XV. VOL XV.ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, NOVEM FBER 1i;, 1904. N.4 No. 42 to ''' .1f!I'rightl-Asistanst toacs Fote, S tualr tD e tree. t, lao'iis, hats isO, Patrick. tlottorow 'OO-Triner Fii 1itzhtat ril, l''o itliltnonid, ('iiisiShtulte, IHeston ('ali le . totgmani, tailosr, C'acts 'Yost. Stu ieitt ilatiager Aotosttery Norcrs s. "1 I lAN I8 C A1PION! Wolverines Win First Honors for the Fourth Time-- '1a roonsFkght Gamely...…

November 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…The !ichigan Daily No. '4 ANN ARBOR, MICH.', TUE2SDAY, NOVIIMBER" 13 1904. IRNING CONCERT. Of Choral Union Series Friday Night ''ates Fixed for May Festival- Thomas Orchestra to Assist in the Fistival Concerts. sTith musialsasn ifor Ann Aror burgs on Priilihnighithni ii litt- burg 1rchestra i ad ll nt c i tiii lO 1 nt i 1,;. iirh ips teii rals lit( h eui ni oi Thomas, Orvl~tii'i i i I sooe. F lloingi is in eiiliso Feb 14 \i ri F iotei onrato g...…

November 13, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…UNVRST OF MIOHIG ~~~~~~ y.11N L) i v < .xx;<.K STAG'S H~xB~C~~ CLSS HA~PIOSHt Di u x:n~ A ~,5i2. lst L m s i ;;ix3 ! tI3 J 'I t X' , l i" , : i3 1 {:iti i ~i t ' :rl. 11' if; Mu ixii'Not (= ... Turn Ou,, i _x .. …

November 13, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…N11MT YEA. ANN ARBOR, MICII., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13 1901. No. 44 TICKETS ARE GOING. THE COMEDY CLUB. SENATOR FAIRBANKS. _ A CONSOLATION PRIZE. Geat Interest Shown in Chia Chicago The "Mask Bal," a Farce Comedy in The Noted Indiana Statesman Will The Teams in the Final Class Game Game Both by the Studnt Body Three Acts, Will e the First Speak on "The Spanish American Want the Athletic Board to and Alumni. Play Given. War." Reward the Team. The...…

November 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Daily VOL. XIV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1903. No. 41 FIERC[ SCRPI""AG[. '"4~'~ ~ ''"zz~"~I K, K ~ ' 2Z~22~.~' rONSIER fr1[TING. Yesterday's Practice Harder Than f MONSTER MASS MEETING. f Coach Yost, Dr. Fitzpatrick, The Band Ever-Condition of the Team- f * and Members of the Team Will Badgers to Spend Today at Bat * UNIVERSITY HALL; 7 P. M. TONIGHT. f Positively Be Present. tle Creek. v a,^, 4 g, f V 0 What prom...…

November 13, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…The Michigan Dail A\so\ PsI3ORIICII(AN\,FRfD.,Y,\O\ FMBEFR 13 190g8. \'Ot..XIX. \ (). 40. RIVAL TEAMS REST ON EVE OF BIG GAME Yost Completes Michigan Preparations by Snappy Signal Practice, Whil1e Haughty Quakers Loat at Detroit Training Camp. la ti. e 1atsfaction of Seeing i111 (Spocialio 'Clbs MiciganDailly.) act1ion (-1l(at 111111itle-thestem lwhich (0111111) (101, iDetroit, Not'. 1 a-1110 weill lace Penns1ylvan11ia nteso ii sh15in11 51...…

November 13, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 44) • Page Image 2

…fF!~ M!C~!GA~# eiAt.Y ____ G. H. Wild Comfpany The1 1argest Stck incheCity Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS' For Getlemen's Wear ;vrtling1'equ ied fo Suits, Ovrts, tit'PIn'y \estings. ani Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Comipany 311 Suh State Street R~un A Michigan Flag Up tIti ytur iottse top the day cH i i tg an play~s tittits X e'retffr ittg tieKt visaite in the twnin aiiatas oboundi lit s' t..ltid flag ;x iitzec.for $2.50 Wet avlix .ht...…

November 13, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 43) • Page Image 2

… 1 . C II7> 0 r -S 0 o 1 6U 1! t-I1 m cv G tv s C ..- IQ +-.- .-- + C} v W ft> ! ,-- V c r -C Co* ~~N MI =un = C 'a __ won -.1 '/. . i -. *-Y ' .' ~; 'f. = m EMN m U U -5 U G1 -. ; f -.. - f ,, f ,, J I_. i .. . r "-; _" -' ; :y 'f. f , .. .J _ r., .s . , s .rt - I , *t j 12, M -J Z, S f 7 77 :t" L T f Ff V+ a T, T : w " - -> t-.r ..a .e Y, + "'t ^.^. © .+ vY { L.y w1 N ." ... 0a ^ CS, C7 s 0 0 -:. a m-ay] - Va M - - 0lr...…

November 13, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…2 THE C{'NIYER SITY OF MICHIGAN -D.A, L E-,Y . ..H.NVRST FMCHGNDIY (Published tDaiy (Mondt seeped)dring the Colle yer,at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MAIR 01rrICE BRAsNHOr tee Both 'Phones 13. Ne.w State 'Phone 183. MANAGING EDITOR, 0. iH. HAN'S, '01 BUSINESS MANAGER. EDITORS: AT~HLTICS, - G. D. itt L)NT,'01 E A.. B. tcDotiGA.LL,'Oi E. W. A. KsNI(we '51 1L. MISS L, X. SAstR. n'03 Cus. DVORAK '01 In rviewin lg the work of tlit'' r- ity Sturdat...…

November 13, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 35) • Page Image 2

…TIHE MICHIIGAN DAILY TH~E MIjCHjIGAIN DAILY. gniiiimiititii tefr~ itid ii i iii w-fi i' huh i'ltiri G. Hr Wild Comfpally 'isi iechicl'opl i I PIvI,,hri-:ch Mlfangng dilnoi iiiii ii ic i ll" : MERCHANT TAILORS CLARLNCE F. EDtnE. T rri11;sii l'ipe Businesss Vlanage Bi i i:~ CRL . (4 ADAMi. l i eii enst hn iiti :urr;, We have complete lines ld e*;ofte ril[ l i il odi, of fine Woolens for Suit- ltrs'MctsN lIsjrr lghr ~ t tsci iitattre. 'iii isnhit...…

November 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

…THE ICHIGAN DAILY - ew re H lfCtiIli.N 1)AILY. 1 n.'Iii iin i . f,raket,>t ioiiso. *W1E WOULD H~AE eaii rri 1 ir mar m faiiihree vYour T !v YOU TO KNOW ai wbal ft f if iii thg41taltget * 4bK i>> i.s touer iAL 1):'A.iff[LOiM etOSON ~ n ifc f ihr 4arMa h ve dtapp inte0yel .,ihe'endorset 3Q ot tt Sre ifiiid idredfie t of theipeople. e * p i51- hi 1.litrirktheel v-nd i I ppoint hae d iayo tad hre th O inNgE al STORE ® mpicovrid? tsil l on fumle ad...…

November 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY ..........................Z THlE 1ICHIGAN DAILY. RESERVES HAVE GAME. _ _ _ _ _ 2 E WOULD HAVE Inis is as cod-clss ciiira the Ann Second Team Will Play Alma 00- trbr otttice. lege at~rand Rapids on Thanks- Y our YOU TO KNOW f___gvngDy f lahfutri I r t icsyeerildoriog the C andida te f*j 1,'.Yr.tet t i 1vaslestt nsesri"t. As a slight compensaton to th f " g: f(bit-otnl a,,it o linuance)t h any, l3r Rservers for their hard work...…

November 13, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 45) • Page Image 2

…TIIE MCllI(-A.N DAUIY rEWF r. y'I * t 3 ) II 'lJ u ( t I ~ , \\'Ztj~'I~1 S TII Ylui ~ur *B I 'KSr: ~'Why" , 'I 1yKr, (imas iur ti. BUIN1ESS I NA(JF-, EDIITORS , At lt01-E ,F:t5 MICHIGAN NOTES. N x. > I iiid' iilu A l 11( ,1t ir tlu ' 11 ,I" : i il : 1 SiE' i nnt' I~l.i. /l 'it '". ,, Ulited S t- es Steel Cofporkations, VOTN HOLST'S s.Coiltitutional Histor of the Uited States. u ~,utI5CuI) '2'~ "2 4 In IrI( .11 1 A'E+ \'1 s't 11: 1li iXlt IS O ...…

November 13, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 44) • Page Image 2

…THlE MICII~tiAN DAILY-NEWS WILD 60. LEADING MERCHANT ifiILOR8 OUR FALL LINE is the best we have ever show4n, containing ALL THE Black and Blue Styles, and a very fine line of Fancy Suiti ugs and irouserinZsI in the latest patterns and color-. ings. The largest assortment in: the state. WILD (30. io8 E. Washington 5t. Tutti Frutti One of our famous Fountain beverages, served in origin- al style at QUARRY'S CAMPUS DRUG STORE, R. E. JOL.LY'IS LIA...…

November 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 41) • Page Image 2

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. I Fall, Annlounlcement.. The Largest and Most Complete ine of.. WOOLENS in Ann Arbor will be' found at G. 1-. Wild & C's, 108 Fast Washington St. (real pains have been taken in the selection of all suiting, tronserings & overoatings for this season. G. HI. WILD CO 108 E. Wash. St. Stewart Edward White hIie I II'Tra,-io," c THE FOREST Thomse ~aFog~arty $1.0 NET. ; A book full of the charm and I be mystery and the wonder...…

November 13, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 40) • Page Image 2

…THE, MICHIGAN DAILY GH.Wild Conpally 1aaging editor-ARCngR F. RITHE U I Bsiirss MaagerJoRNF.Wuxi. the itst News ............Lee A White of ~Athletics......:C. E. Eldridge Exchange........Robert Mountsier 5 } Music. ......Hollis S. Baker 6 ~~Drama. ....Raymond Visscher Wsomens'sitor.. Louise Van Voorhis THE -MICHIGAN DAILY Ilt.'sRl) (itt' tottONi'S'sW11,11 \_N.sI1-? FR (NCI I 58113'Cit IF Atsto o'clok todathe bs or i c, .grits ss'sll meet iin ...…

November 13, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 44) • Page Image 3

…Sam Burchfidk's Fine Tailoring Deliver ~Sam Brc fiA & Co. EAST IURO0N ST. IZOET Lil ty i ALARMI CLOCk $1.00 1)I.50 $1.75 MIC'11.i AN PIN'S AM ) F161. 25Oc 1tp1 P' $3.0 'INE WATlCI141.1 PIIIINO A SPIALTY.1 ( «latoh lnspeo'1e'1h the 6~n , .' ti 6, hilrasO J. L. C:H\ A AN 2116 S. 1616 S"'. The Reao o Iy it1 , 1 (IC\' Watch the Window0 M1RS. J. R. R10' :u1SW FASHIONABLE I Al_ AF ER ,. 1 lairoods, Hairdr'essing',, Shlaoo 16 manuicuring, FACE Ba.=ag...…

November 13, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 43) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 IT WON'T COST YOU ANY MORE 10 COME EARLY AND GET 11113PICK OF 11113S IS s ~ Overcoats and Ra in coats c ml e13rr-1 \ ii 111 t les 1 lt!I- ;' ii ca t STAEBELER 6(181 WUE'R TH 1l,1\1(), \1I T 11I 11 "I T it I' 7 -I' ;i1 ik' II f r V L ( 7tx~c~l rom Pae )te.)1 V 1 School of musk i >ck{ 1a l( ~tl e-fluv, wi. 1tIet, ((r 1(r 1 ( ilill{ 1> 11 r tt 11 1 I <t s I I t 1 l I11111 . 1 I"t i )t ttlf~ '~ t' t aWnlk=-Over Sho...…

November 13, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 45) • Page Image 3

…THUNIVERSITY OFMICHIGAN DAILY. 3 . EI E Fg~fE 1E~~irf f'l f it FEE !E***. p-IE:tE9**. ti4#F ESEEle~l Q iSfE trw C***Cw e Notice to Magazine Readers. We have obtained the agency for all the leading periodicals . ~in this country and are in the position to offer them in c+ at about half the publishers price. If you read such ma1 '!* McClures', Cosmopolitan, Pearsons', Review of Reviews0 it * yon to inquire. ** ~ioodspeel's rcc~~cc~ c~. ~ ccr...…

November 13, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 35) • Page Image 3

…THE MIC1B~aAN DlAILY_ T CLASSIUD ADVERIISING 1 10 \®rI lM uic Wn Dama if (lcd Sitd its tottrin sati ndtssii ii ii toi ii (i German 02ti it liii) S 0lntl st inn 1'oa d _\i uliii mueiii .Sts s irtl 4 ____________________________ it ilte h55551 a~iisil m) A l (lti-C st...ii iu L Cli. ciii in illiuissit ha ia~ niht NIi 111 f4 . i tii ii ( .\(iiiiii( L i s (,Ilsisis he in l ius s~ toe fisi Lost -A Delta ifni Nr tii highiinu school ii ls "(((7 . fac...…

November 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY Hoag's Home Supply Store{* Corner Main and Washington Streets; Fish Nets, Padlocks, Waste Baskets, Brushes, Card Racks, Purses aud Pocketbooks, Knives, Scissors, Tacks, Pic'tures, Ash Trays, Paper Weights, Smookiug Sets, Soaps, Towels, Strops and} Pipe Racks at popular prices. Tis is the pllace,' .4 4 E. G. HOAG. ~ .B ur chfi el d's Fine .Tail1oring * , Trade Guarantees... You the mosit skillful tadt artistic service to he h...…

November 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY a "a fis 'h~s [' 1'' *Ypa''+i L'''' 't i { *l- i*1 h 4 4''+ -r''*i 3 i 4 T" 9"'V - f i h q- *aw -f tx 1 -* - 'F'- - ' -0- Do You Know the Game ?I The good clothes game is a very easy one to learn, andilvexy t man can excel in it-if lite plays it rightt. Drop into or store. + We'll tell yott alt about it-pttt yott next, as it mere; get ou ott the inside-of a Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suit. That's all there t is to-it, except tit...…

November 13, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 45) • Page Image 3

…TH AIC IIIGAis'DAILY--NEWS 'WHITE VESTS rANC Y f' i y If you want to know what siuartly dressed This is worthy YOUR ATTE,-,NTrION tten wilt wear this sea- ]±' , L 4 i,?;+,<< ,trlr i s4on ask to see 3 TE OLG.bLO X ati__ HISTOLOGY o0 .-TIOLOG Snar~atesIstiNiet4u Fri0TES N Iinrl~uhmit P~ BRAH& O, UATRR . I 1 ..,, ,. u.. L3I"Z I1L:It JLOf C UII OLUlC .Jt. AI.ACE AND PARISIAN ,AU<o" u 11' I- n SOUTHERN IKNICOKE RBOCKER All the new effects in - I rY...…

November 13, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 44) • Page Image 3

…T1IlE A11lClIGAN DAILY-NEWS t~4.+++++.++++4++-.+44+4+4+.44+"l.....44 4.4.+.4...+4.++4~+l-I4C-: l1 II Il--It NI!14 of-I- 31 I r Theo Most GonvluGino Thing that we could do that would tend to induce you to biy w STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES would be to introduce you to a tiarl who has worn them. We cannot commtand the language withs which to tell you how good these clothes are. The miakers attach their label be- neath the coat collar of their coats, at~d...…

November 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 41) • Page Image 3

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. LEook for tbe IH. S. ' fM. Label In your coat. It's the greatest security bond ever issued. We have Hart, Sehaffner & Marxt Suits and Overcoats FROM U $12.00 to $25.00 The Clothier, Io endless variety 207 SOUTH MAIN STREETJ 12 JPHOTO6RAPHER _121 E. Washington St. *: leCia O f ferings in ; ~~ Fre' urnishings 3 $6.00 All Drool, Fantcy Bath RIobes, priced at $3.98 j $150 Adler's , treet and Ress Gloves, - $1.00 - $4.50 Men s...…

November 13, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 40) • Page Image 3

…Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver THE MtCHIGAP4 DAILY RI \\l TEAMS REST t i ne Sthie play. Th~e entire wveek, so O IM OEVE (1 GA lIII far a s defeinsiewiork is conceerned, lots ten devoted to te'achintg tkhetitei to foil (Cit ntiuetod SOtaPage: 5.) Peattsh ritattiatto~nhit to sget awa Oholetices a fs'w ysears ago, so itathe ss kiS thfr ri Ipssesandtioitstopilteii has iSnaneSSatlirers inth iis seeion of lAN kick:1thro ugh te li...…

November 13, 1907 (vol. 18, iss. 44) • Page Image 4

…17HS MICHIGAN DAILY _____________________ COLLEGE STYLES I Where will you find style at its top-most pitch? In the great universities, to he sure.f The college youth knows fashiou as the small boy knows the farthest corner of the jam closet. "College Clothes" is a phrase which fallsj trippingly fronm scores of tongues. Manys- tailors claim them -mighty few protduce them. We invite von to ''size"' us up---your judgmient will tdo the rest. Au...…

November 13, 1906 (vol. 17, iss. 43) • Page Image 4

…A1 U'HE MICHIGAN DAILY ;,: _ __ ALARM CLOCK HACK AND CARRIAGE HIRE HOAG'S Cor. Main and Wt simnoon FOR 10 CENTS %VW %l I] v<lIt A Pictures, Pipes Leather (Ornamfeilts aild Stationery 25 Cts E. (. 3O O Chapman's Jewelry Store IIRANC" 51010. Al 204 :youth State Street Si P_11 < 2 i Ij7'2' 1i i -it\ r'I :1( \ i s , Al 1 ) tI i \- "ii F Ill ] 11} a 1z it 'il 11 fil of tl iii 'oi l i 1 X' 1 ii ~1,,t '(} m lt t tr l ll \ :1 '_.. ii( P IM _!...…

November 13, 1900 (vol. 11, iss. 45) • Page Image 4

…THE UNIVERSITY -OF MICHIGAN- DAILY TALES OF TH-E EX=TAN KS 'A Book of Hard "Luck Stories By CL&ANciOLouis (DULLE Re-published fromn the Sunday edition of the New York Sun "Any man whoe can appreciate a a good thing. and fails to read this hook, will be camping ot-that's all." FOR- SALE E$Y Sheehan & Co. 320 S. STATE STREET. You can-get a HOT LUNCHn AT Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade.. . Our, sartorial skill is equial to the best-in the sta...…

November 13, 1909 (vol. 20, iss. 35) • Page Image 4

…THEI CIGAN HA Li GOING FAST Our tailors are certainly busy with tape aud shears. We're uot surprised. The fabrics we're exhibitiug for Autumu and Wiun-~ ter are simply irresistible...a They've kept us moving at aIw lively pace scince the season opened. If you want to see duplicates of the shades we're featuring and the models we're endorsing, you'll have go to the :Fifth Avenue shops in New York. We're a season ahead theav- erage tailor iu st...…

November 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 4

…TBE MlnotC AN DAiLt KEEP IT ON YOUR TABLE. Ii , I "=, . . . tr , Cutting, eyer& Co. 4 e! 4! 4 2' 4 I You will find PETER' J,°J CHOCOLATE Not nlya i cOiusCcnfeti onIbut a or is" andilsustatniii ii,oc3 digested.'lDestnt oiea 0'h Insoist Upnii P PIII'$f. The initatio no ore 1 lss,:po0 '2' j rSOLE AGENTS. * Leading Clothiers, : nishers. 109=111 Eant Washington St. '4 'r C 11 1.4e I Hatters andpFur- ontinued row page 1wo.i) 0ha , i'o' .00 ' tArkans...…

November 13, 1904 (vol. 14, iss. 42) • Page Image 4

…TIEMICH I OAN IJAtIA ,. .-.--....-._._..____ . . 1 i { 3 i [33 or "con and Women $4.00 WALK-OV[R I1OIIS Formerly sold in Ann Arbor under Puritan label [or the rainy season get into a pair of our Water-Proof Shoes-heavy tar tans, s double soles, Balace tongues, rawhide middle sole, thoroughly viscolized. WA[K-OV[ER HIIO[CWIPANY, HE[AVY WINTER OXFORDS. 111 South M1ain Street. GOODYEAR RIUBBER. H ._.._. .-.- -.-. t ... . Study with a Good Light *...…

November 13, 1902 (vol. 2, iss. 45) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY-NEWS E FR ME k.1 NOTHIN BETRAAYPIE 191 If ou re articular and hrdtofi c tIU Ru' .Vbber oods, GymSoe," 11S. AI Fne Shoe kepairitng.I ...-r:cR:. y -" ','^ " 7 " j'+ ^^ : I^""1 "'^ P°+vnm-""'iT^ rc-.- . qr R-+r t '.,r .. .r.. ... r. _.. , , a w - .,++nw^r-qr qr -n o p -w > . - . ar+w:,+u*'.w in:st+r xr r.'nv -c yyv,-r.. e--. rAr: w'w' ^'. . - IIR "r'1? t 7 :r"+ T' 1p s-u'.+'; .'^'-c vR -- ...._ , r.. 1-.:s ... rv. ,. ... , .- ....…

November 13, 1901 (vol. 1, iss. 44) • Page Image 4

…THlE VICHIGAN DAILY-NE WS i i A N WeI &aO re flliy p rrol wit a "tr(ong" selction V + & .ot neforeign ndidornes ia oontfr the ap- TAILORS5 proaching aeason. It youe cesering any- S23 South Main Street thing torimen't ear ltl a talk itover with yits. KILLER'S AB3RIDLGMENT BETTER~ THAfN E * COMPILED LAWS MICHIGAN it4: Being a twecetion (it the most important statutes arrangred and rn ANNOTATED) for thec use of tudieits. ONE VOLUME, - - $3.00 CAL...…

November 13, 1903 (vol. 14, iss. 41) • Page Image 4

…THE MICHIGAN DAILY. '1' 'd' '+*9 i+I"~ I"I d'+ 'd ~ i'+11,THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND O RTSTEAL RI (,-eALIES. r OU T I OR NGITrains leave An Arbor by Central Sadr :FTime Standard:. DEPART ENT.,. Effective October 2, 1W_ *Not 0 :W0A. M. No. 1-9:00A. M. No t'3A. M. N. 5-12:30 . M. gaining in popularity, Come and see ns be-* No 2 P. M. No. 3-4:53 Y. M. / , fore placing yor order.' Trains No. 5 andS6 rn between Ann Arbor ) ans 1 3 4 5and Idaiy...…

November 13, 1908 (vol. 19, iss. 40) • Page Image 4

…I-4tM I CH 1GLNifOAITLY Steer Straightp when ordering yorstmnn garb or p01y ouloatryi style or fit. Wie ,ludc scores5oftoen aright.You reputation as a ioan of0ot taste aodsound Judgmeti safe itt oar hands. Or fabrics comeprieos new and lode eriblesad endorsed lbt Ne on k' smtart set. 'li~t s ,ti tres. es plads antdiiches in i e tl leg sVariety. The tmodels ten spot s rel'a iion lae t(Iittcn. \We'll tmake tlhe garlll-tts as cInsvt iv -n- c a y...…

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