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November 13, 1903 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1903-11-13

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The Michigan Daily



No. 41

FIERC[ SCRPI""AG[. '"4~'~ ~ ''"zz~"~I K, K ~ ' 2Z~22~.~' rONSIER fr1[TING.
Yesterday's Practice Harder Than f MONSTER MASS MEETING. f Coach Yost, Dr. Fitzpatrick, The Band
Ever-Condition of the Team- f * and Members of the Team Will
Badgers to Spend Today at Bat * UNIVERSITY HALL; 7 P. M. TONIGHT. f Positively Be Present.
tle Creek.
v a,^, 4 g, f V 0 What promises to be the largest
When scrimmage time came las and bet mas meeting ever held in
night the rooters who looks advantage University Hall is scheduled for this
of the final opportunity to see the , CONDC[D THEL CLINIC. PRO. frcLAUON"LIN. evening at 7 o'clock p. mn. Yesterday
Wolverines in action, were escorted ___ President Angell consent to allow
to the gates, sod Coach Yot sent his Dr. Rowell Park, Renowned Surgeon Washington Visitor Lectures On Con Univeriy Hall to b used for an
men through their work, safe from and Specialist, of Buffalo, Is Guest stitutisnal History-Greeted By a evening meting, and the athletic
prying eyes. Michigan's coach tul- Large Auience-Plan of the management is making every effort
filled his promise of a stiff practice, of Dr. Nancrede. Lectures, to have the meeting a record-breaker.
and the scrimsmage which went. on be - As a result of tir efforts it is ps-
hind tebre a a n fte 'h mediral (departmet was yes yeserday afternoon at three o'clocklieyanucdttth bndwl
hin th baredgat wa on oftheterdas tfavored with a isit, frmDr Putessor MLaughlin delivered thebepanucdttthbndwl
fecsofthe season. be present to assist with tle songs,
fiercest of ~~Roswell Park otIBuffalo The reg- frrt ecure othe series which e adt aetig neetn e
Ealyinth afternoon te'ast a ltrot clinic at he hosiltial wilgieott tConstitutional Hitory." tenyls oc otwl pa
and the scrubs lined Sultfr exchangewainakte yls CocYstilspk
of punts. Haddock doing Ile kicking wasrindchwooetisofnem fwo et Iabtr h orfrtelcueto the students for the first time this
forormedrtwolarserwhile BoneltotbSentda Sarge croswd had gathered, and swhen 's'ason, and the big coach will doubt.
fth e gularsn he e ow Ptsutenlua ttn~ h titSic iitoyteooesrarvda ta nHl less have something to say that will
thepigklion he etuns.l~oh mn Dr Paris is oteo(ithett most noted Sie letre roost was crowded with b fitrs oeeyn.Drco
got their kicks off quickly -aed for sb fitrs oeeyn.Drco
good distance, although the big tackleFsirgtrictiniithe Unitetd States andtstdtents 1st openitig, Professr M-F'tttrc wilasbepsnad
had the better of the argument. His promdteteatitittOPri agttitsttdthth qfl uit at will talk, atd several members of the
wit Sh ovl lst igh mit-dent McKinley after le traey at home tSe again before a Michigan team will add to the enthusiasm with
workBuffaotinitt9t01t He is asot he chief History ("lass
cites that he will probably Se select- hr pehs
strgeotn at teSnisisersity uSfBiffal.Ti hhrtseehs
ett to do the punting against thre Bad- -'e lars uS Sits series of lectures, Wt l h~ trcin h et
t-is visit to Ann Arbot was an titcau ttt ySepoesr st rn n vi ohls earuigoe
gers. ourman anti Wolfe also a tno infcnefrte ttdb h rfsoi obigigwl obls earuigoe hwdterpnigaiiis n eia u h rtclpolm hc o-an v~yn hudcm u n
the former nay get into Saturday's sttetsThe labtrattries othSletptifSitdsttthSis contriy bteween he helit with his voice. This will be the
per P.as en sete distmissetd for he tt aSS wtqtstoi ntels1 iprttiybfr h aet
game if Wisconsin potves titexpect- yuft17rt180;tot queinontriter astStatrunaltbemrettitgaeat
edlyr utrtng oinethisatdepartment at
elstheoscinthitagepwicar iweit enhte'ntnc soipitity o ttstttttcialhi story to be tdwe'tpractice tie songs, and probably the
In - whic~~~~ted h cnayu ilt aulvpptunge yAlfti iitit~tlyi tprsnt t erCahYs
A.the exuptlsion of the ttonloo ers, t e wh h ma y opc dv n gete to
'Varityshoed reatimirovmen iro'cttckttht' anpthitheater at he ct-a I .TSe ight of individuals as over and Director Fitzpatrick this year.
stopping the Wisconshin formations (tarnts. i ,-"ciuvl e t hority gais heSteoeitigo.ven-SEAT SALE.
At no time were the scrubs, who habust ar'sctductite pea-Thet xt f lict'utetiteinocurtistrnn
Is en gives possession of the but, able Mc neetisbgnig so
to aincuisectivhyant Sie 'ar-ins showsed ittintSibSe te utaster itt ni ttius.ut, Itin. inTa'asn Hal itself as the hie before- the Michign
sity line presented a stonue wall de- o hc i scnuss't ' i e 'ui''urMlauhi sagaut Vstni game shortens. Students
tes. yreete uaiern opt.uheratituns ftr canotomy was aatfMebsigansitudwas a member oiiire bginnsgipungeByrpetd toeig o dlcasoete ujecuilaafurfei Fautyfom18 uttint erte crwhatb d vanwa
gains, averaging less than a yard,. the teiaetstsesuiuctcts iIti iu ~ett rttSfttttils srtesoewl be, and everyone x-
setb"ucedu i rt-igte' ar- thus' ttldtbabescwt' was uttrtswitu)a ueiod tifaisost twenty-five yeas cussceddincosn h t-pesshease to beas warmly coss-
A tdu'tressittn is its sltul.'Ilhe Sstet'erLast year the was alleud totWashing- testenilas te tne hell sits erry il
sity gal lue. Ttuard te cisue ot thelbsctildmadeute Sis'uterat iontontiut ("h, to th et te histouical stusu- lastThasksiving.
the scrimmiage the reguiars were gsv- moedfiut u i rvdscesultafrteCrege-nttt.H
sn thse ball, ansd haul ni troutle mtein hett ut ttiirt ueislu sStte rugulnsitl.H arge unsber iofthe seats have
main utitatalgtus 'u ta'snever tteless wentS toiWasliusugtosina leave of ab eesies esved, and a argenme
omiss susaeialmaisdmTuheu~ems The'Icca t-sin tif'Dr. aks visit to -esty at tie epirattin of which it is outsidte oitess are coiiginumcoat
and the scarcity of fumnsbues was high-roastionAuoftitratthis Stitue i t tltli i'stitte utCtAisAbr h ihgnMltr cdm
y gratifying. 'The 'Varsity liise-upsctaiust iNai-c-t ii i __________ stnt in us order yeterday afternoon
wasfaslfollows:miNThRESToN DEBATING.-ti have foty seats reservedlfor then..
was .,Rehaes P.fo'llow s:I . itk, ofthie Attn AtbirtMetia Sticiety NEETtNDBTIG 'rcticaly ^ h .Rde:L . uts . ateeigD.Pakra ae uta.ti ieteitrs.i eyall teseats between hit
Shuihust;eyardC., 'led H~ammond; asieetiul. 'iIscat a bheatns t .uIithi listippurschin Itts thrty-fie-yadliises are already a-
ItIttm o ls' ti"teleuttctsurgictitigat'tilsgaiisaperaati"otsetatnsi i hoghuyphemnan
Gooding; I. TI., Maddcl .EiOhwihhehstaehiipeily, hi h.Thr.saebenpeiminay mntar tta - y b h aae
Hammiondl; Q., Nrross; L.IfHtHes sithli-daebal'tuseiteat s-t anS I eateu as'btten t esutrhat ySaturuayeverything
torn R H, Grver;N , ,tiet at scis teati'sbefo erungthuesr-wiltte taken, except, the few they
Clarke pilotedl she scrub attaci, wthtEGNEIGSCEYMEIG will st-l at he g te. Many als have
Mr.Bautelt, wios titls efore ts- this'gratcntst siCttutunsther rival - -
Thompson, Bigeow adHa kWek nginsecritg Stcit-y tomouurrtoueveni-ceutlees 'leit seest isseacig its - su ulWet also bees. made fr toxes. Tbesny
in the backsfield.tSiili cteietayi:' e: egthiSi suttyt ttn nuuh sae reserveud fr thse whit expect
James appeared in fiotbal tugs for Ih -ti-uiy-to suie stanuiing roitm, is at the enu
Stir fitstltimi sincet the 5.1S.t It.amomig tf the field. -It lehotves thsewhit
the irs tie osecsthe0. 5 it Alasmusnin tuig worl. H ithe? slit-styot-t-itin.rTih111crfail to fully eal- ws u e.Iegm -lStgl
when le siraised ihis wistA-ad
though the quarterback warmest isitt itesttitlSt utt ie- ni''Si-lttttile lseati sdreservs-esatteftre alt are giune.
signal practice, his injury will scarce gas priucetr s ofthe Sluoslvy Pcue ess thu amotutotfi Ctood they ae surse ti
ly ermit his playisig in Saturday'sCapbelliaskeda thitmttlatyarlutois ie ctru ors iotity relizeausyeiri cue.
contest. Captain Reddesn's time nstct ltul(uieiSutls es i iv ltu tte t elz hi p COLTON AT Y. N. C. A. SERVICE.
has geatl imprveti Pegucy aite ecliiie tsuttiurouShissclasusestutu titu tuSythey Isetit slipiy andsipull
osnly regular nmissinsg froim Si'sn n t iiIstt itrishat tIhti l tituhtrhststugtint mefasg-eA t editiiaT.Catonceaof coleg
tiste wa~s utuable t siaethis seri u ite Slt onagtCitt teicolege citurse- gr-tsK.'.Cto atM il
niage, payedl his hositionisn iithe Stg ore-n -cly.Ih iTiee at' itesnany mn whit atatn fail last evenisg. r. Coton is
nal won. Thisveterasnesster has not tutuis-vst a lay the Ett-havt-tjoinedttiny tf inersatiosa secretary for the college
bieen its the- best of shapie sinies te y Sus' tsti tdua' t t ie -Youg Me's Christiasn Assocition itt
. S. tU.game, anti is now being proc tm H lueti)opa eoetedbtn itiea th thentonlyu
tected from all chance of injury tibe nt htsSbytI5t 'i-tHs he airtme r atthu y hae lost - es othisissrs ingri-
frSaudyscnetThphsclfactoeusm ilst.'.Gases"yhii tly cpiymeuehcihemsisayte
forenxtSaturday'smetingositheshe.agumesemosuurgsicaltos tartisuntThis is this seconil visit
teamutcuu'itsit-y It'he remaint ut suthntoeletarse which e has paid to Micihigasn,Chv-
team is excellent, and thu mt-lieha sc550 h ig cosdutted meetings her'e two
gaisning steadily ini weight at isl- 1 uu- 1 eav su an lustlsuteyeIssahgotuwiwillaliteofsuoceses.-The
-oe s lie commisottte tilloetisitut itnto Situn in t ceeri'they ave hos- esssgewtenhsd uces.''i
Gooding now tips the seales at 2t55sbec f-headrs-lsteenn
atcrevistion taessitsfitrst repitc en.i thIeitty ieominisosme -uay t setsse ic fti airs atee
and Longinan at 1___.81._____ lt-e wtaknesss outh tsisarugtmnt. 'There was, "Sotne 'I'endencie in Americani
The Wisconsin squad left Matisoss Student Life." Mr. Coton is a for-
FANCY DRESS PARTY s setirslcosmS' toieveysune a time - -
yesterday morning, and will spesidt- cible seakaer, anti being possesseud of
Onl1riay, Nti. 'Sthut'annuatl anshuti hte sill le gutdttatthe sowertotu
dayinBatl Crek wer. te ceneydrss harty gventunurlt' a - stnd up teforeairuuditnce asdex- a sroanglersosality and great ear.
will go through light work to limber -nesssess, he imiresses his hearers
uu~iafte thetfi. Th Baders spicsutes o the 'Womn'ss Leaue, s'will ress huisutughts witnutut hesitation
tipafer hetrp. heBager wlltake place Athoiugh ths s alledt a tur tiemblisgiDebating is, more than deeply.
reach Ann Arbor Saturday morning. asey desparty it1 isntt netessary anyth-ig else whieb trains a massthu
Maisn diss reuanmos n for all thiose atending tot ress ini think whlt on his tueet before an sor- MEETING OF ADELPHI.
dain, shtat iiton eos twtoextopayfanieyo stunt. Ohfecturse it is htiotnue.T'he regular taeeting of the Aelephi
theostfetai it is capableonof. the pa ect douso, asu thutgirls always tave Isithel h as-tmiset especially, Literary Sutcity tnight will preseit
kicking department is weaksened by betltm siittesiataeylushtcussotulak adnag the foowing program;
the loss of an, who will tu eispctresses, btutsiti sne dresseud as usual. early ii their curse tat the training Debat-Resolved that manhood
out of the game by an injury, but his will be the les welcoame oan that a- affortded by this tebating cubs. The suffrage should be retricted by ed.
ptace is filled acceptably by Bush,elitit. This party is the intst tdeni-fiturtce lawyer souiutthave as nmuce cational qualifiations. Affirmative,
Captain Abbott's. running mate in the oratic affair oftSie year, anti all etol- pratie is speaking a possbes be- Boyt, Zbriski; negative, Amberon,
end huoithon.leg. wosmnris inviteud. Only \os- ftre lie ompletes ils course and en- Rde.
edpsto.an 's League tickets will be reqtuiredltersninoiun hisurfessin. The liter. rtesn-ans
at this dor. Thotse whit ome simply ary udepartient has its Adephi and After the program a secretary will
ALLFRESH WILL NOT PLAY. to loiois tn, whou do not betng touthte its Alpha Nu, whil' among the law- be elected to succeed Sperling, re-
Contrary to all reports the Al-Fresthleaguie, will le etargedt fiftesn cents yes there are three societies; the signed. All are invited.-
football eleven will not play an open- ad~missionse Jeffersoiani, the Webster, and the __________
er to the Michigan-Wisconsin "sine Sumter. For one not already accus-DEOAIN FRSTU AY
Saturday. According to the state . RAY BAKER BOUND OVER. tosaedto tdiebating the Sunmner Society DEOAIN FRSTU AY
press the freshmen were to play about May Baker, the stndest, was botund is probtbly the best, tn account of its Several of the fraternitie have ex
every high school and college team in over to the CircuitSCurtit ftr trial ist smaller numbers, and its lack of ot- pressed their intention to decorate
the state. Benton Harbor was very the December term, asd his itunsus Imlity and pretension. In it every- their houses in University colors Sat-
anxious fsr a game, and Kalainazoto were fixed at $500t for his appearance- one C'as a chane to speak and can urday isi hoor of the Wisconsin

Colelge was certsin it was going to at the Decembier term, feel more at home than in the larger game. Three of ths State street
ploy in Ann Arbor, Cavanauigh & Wedemeyer maths ear- clubs. It offers an opuening for new store-s are 'iso going to flaunt maize
Manager Baird said yesterday CC t nest pieas for his release, Cut they mest us well as plenty itt interest for and blue. Thes-e decorations with the
it would be impossible to pull off a did not move the court. the older men. And surely with. the colors and chrysanthemums of the
game here Saturday, because the Wis- It is evident that the prosecutions five societies anyone who wishes to students will give to Ann Arbor a fes-
cousin people want the field cleared will rely on the count of resisting an make use of an excellent opportunity tive appearance such as it has not had'
by 13: 30. officer for convicion.I can easily and profitably do so. in years.

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