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November 13, 1900 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1900-11-13

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fl 4 ( 9~ AiL-*


S Our special line
of- foreign and
domestic fabrics
For the Fall and Win(- of 1900 has
arrived and is arraiged for inspec-
tion. The nuno careful attention
is'given to the styles and fiishs of
every suit, whether to be used for
business purposes or for full dress
io8 F. Washington St.
Wilder's Pharmacy
3;.i . Sate Si
NEW BACCO-even the etore
itself is new. We hve remodeled the
plaee and invite all our friends to call
tnd inspect what we have. You can't
bseat our LUNCHES
Eh. E. JJ LL,SOS , State St.
*AND ,
IN1. 4 lb, 1-2 lb & I IbBOXE
+ higii grads guodsconste- +
+ qtunty you ae always t
4 sure of netiingthem fresh
.......1 KEEP A littetimewhlen
+ on the ln spient
SUP the weather is good,
will keep you from
YOUR getting clear out of
4. practice. Look over
SOLF your clubs and cif
pyou are its need of
SPRA- any, or in fact, any
thing in the Golf
*TICE Line conic in and
get Our Prices.

Varsity's Star End and Captain Will 1 The aily's Estimate f -3700 Made
Probably General the Tesnm Here- It° tittitg they hilttileth ettaiitg the First Day of the Cllege
syes gaimes if tirtsediue, wticeh
after. I tt-eytmay wellt tie-expeediilto (1, iiieYear a ood One.
Inth lIi tt i. ofiy Cstiot 15'-r its Ii sc' lits- iltittitittiittietty te cett ion.,tio fts l ITe otit ti-gstt-ttiuitof studettint
Micheiigantiis lheartiy fitthelit' iitit tti lt[iest. thit',dtv-ite oanyclisttheii ii'te lttiersii of Mihigan oWeines-
tlioti tl- t we itftst stiptitii t l te coni 'tetra1 li-ti Atiieott i tay mtilt . itt5 eveingit , Nov. 7, tts 3,414 ats
tiettttt, Durtiigig the ss'tttii- 0 rii eot Foe t tit itisite itltites hv titii' it t ag in ttst 3 401 fo te notte date last
tthti- tut thtve tieent:allt ;t S tzei, -ttlii eu-i rt hieI ste sonuth tey eai tit year.-i
itt-t aotitig ide liti ntts tel 111 S i'o tto - ,ot o in l tiIt itompatire til twitti I f Ite i' i tIht lisi- vvtt d
5it ititti Stsit itustilti t rliIi" tvrot liii ilt' it 2 o tutu ga oti or189ti, 11111,di no tnaie tipirttrcic.it ti 0. I wlltb tititbers'ehwglsti-totien uus-ittt02 ,32
sti l i'lil'lii ito.lIt o it ;i't itt li' th t utull Nut hot vi i-i-t dozen f Cliii ol Otet...Starts80Ott,
lii iiii ii' tti ititii i I- ittO t'~ t o liti' unf toihl f1105u ' 111-played uti -io e i k uiin m . . . 71 2
tins loth itgist - tl i t liiiin ;he, c i itcet- I - t~ tv-i ..li- t1t il 3g40
osolowihWitvichit 'Th n aainvhel-it it lparme hu.h
lie-i an- d run lhrou~ii 0r 1tht ispl ineSgihad somei1B a iq it atto erCthla befores itsuluil1 l
litlii- fttlttu-t p si ii, Sl th it lisi'tg i utluthe tracii stt will it INu p it 1 Lu Ilti t tti 60 73t
i-t'n ws h devoI' t-lu t otiittlh i-tiite i leii ilai i'ti u'rom C her t resel l i'fihe at' itzuie iitil
ri 'li'ti''ti'i to i-ititit t smi titt i t to ttl.....it i3'l'ittti 240il-i 3,414ht Sit i tl
[to s lN11 ch l olt l's ' 1111 1i 'el 1ti t s i ts it t i i ga'i s i l ss so l ose 11th ait aI th Silt f es 03iiiet a t e e ti a c
Suiuttut iulititit lii suiihuu-'- htistt''''tu- S ltSui t i t tnol ittm iho I, e,ek o tierf atum ewbsesios.
tutily uig lnd pi su :;the)tti" t.'Jhi tu -t-v 'is, rsu' t' t ei goal i ne. st tdil ut', n u m e e s o lt n ol
itttu s ui tas tiit p r t tutu liii' . A iii i t i '' a nn111 T het d~ i e t - '' tuteetsutti ileVl se t 1, ft T is w l
etutuitefntd- tgin thusut' t'ttuhua'try huu'ciuugu e tcoriit-tiSh tvtiier: 'iy isht uthi i uet t t N s'
ther. Witet t'e change i'theIutline-l, iwoulde- 11t1toitl t iii' I ut' 'I hu-v set-i" huey ttt. tsi_ -''e ~ gt t
;n wuit uu ll ti si f thu s i- utshtiht ' 1i ii i ' tao tl ysort uuuu'uu b y iv iu-. tttfitti tu tiu i, iiii ttS tat
r treeL wi' l be ' alf bttuittuthe ll he ac tit- iiiit' r l tu ad to n ,o h eseitit ts 'tt sou'uisu vsu vut
tt t -i hl t1al i lt' iishis toltit itll i' ill- Ith tt,a ls -'l tll t' tuiiv l se ush si-tc llt - - u i 'ai eriy al h
utrrinti h o lit 'co ohut liv- foetutuc tg~rtitre dy to f~iiuses S tle io ( tei, tlaetiac ted
and ;tnel horls wil heonuttut- e:itebylts't1'is,1t DIto, Suttigo tiltfirs
_ horaotli uhunuhi, ntstsaliit-ooary"Ficte tienOltet, ce
,:eklo. Oil elofen he the[+. 8l iut tilt 11111se she iocily h l, e t e e i
iv o hrejil t tvitu t setill tuf ;tilo toc. v: .Isetttio i ' IecI' ed
t lie Stnlwu' i' llott o Iut' tt 11us's t eis - t thehe ens nttuc t iu reia m.ed Iist ug i-.
etsTiblitesge t e stelui tusoitii eno a Meigell's-1ntsefu cisAauit
hi i ulgtte ttol lte , itt-hg-in atiat'Slatott tt s. ftltioclkw o, C, it
it cartw tanlalwnShilltfitutiut ' -of tthSigmavChiBnues telatthettussdilt-cl i N't et Lscbtrelt.etwl va
hit i s \i' ' lcuo t t u e h ' t u f te e l i i o f s - i -Io(al t e nl lto wse u t iil g ithta c a e l I X t h i s
li tt f ltuioaltt7e liartatig ttt vvsry 'riue vcy itttu f ltv ascais
see sit ihavelycaenit lie octtiiiiotby ittul ut o r s ottheima ir hay.fttt atoit ttntmlinS -iu'o lus
hs i1-11 isitr l t wtry idy tu si-, i-ott- anottluf t'udfon t's-tho thiaic il tirg of usetig's, if n otll. o -t
sitig ofitipeltuleoyIt',s±'ue'ehi su~rittg Iut ug i ue ut l i t thuiDe tro i netA11111 -41,N. o# o l rt cr]-)
itti'n govscslsenfullbck ti tutee Woh d-uiut ois si~ ligntt, I, f th, ocet utgN. , its ro, 04, 'c st te ithih
he lutttus fortussme[i. ttvse lvessho- 'litteet iuislutl28polttl -s ioyfotlt Mo-dPrtasoszor ei s I ergo
g Iteus ttitit ndt1-Its fiuttutu-ut a pu luests:in -rbo, auliiou ifromiay uItong alyo N.Pl.tusfrth
lttuly if eeetli'fso st al, atw , vitotn ittili e . H.tadcothltte ttrl n ; highestn seoso Gof l at veek. Hoiset u
]lrdtochos aio; he-.'tLe.r.sfri . Smit, fortI Bon, F. immnke liuark of 205 a1 t teni, C .Sunr
DfteanCates B. Gretslof([ hi- usigi- itua H.ift oers. (ass Pitures vto-'02 ad onul11eagr i.o.Ryn '1
byn Guvlegreas y one troartito iheft.Bak1er aadT. 1. Suilvan. is'Cla hugup cona r ize h~ wek
gunmelegasotes to hthe Natiol:ire.gto lonoalost i l l1 il ~m 1hgorot iae
'onress, od0zhelntag hcag.No.tu the r noeet94,is( oel, utchr, , i Inaafled Tobacoes1 attad cgrtts.
eld4 pv~~ing of the actnlaty. O8Y'. ]rta Ctn'"(Br

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