January 18, 1908 (vol. 18, iss. 81) • Page Image 1
…he Michigan Da il Ann Arbot, MI( icigan, t. oi day, Jtiuarti 1,-1908.. %Vait.. XJJ No. 81. MICHIGAN SCORES a llpomtei nf monand peet i o"I 11.Robrts, for Nortecstern, con- 1~(TIIIF~ VI ~T~RV tnded that public sentiment today hs l canged i(1 ,a tlt frotm that of the past feIars (l, al that the people of each Varsity Debaters Win Decision state ar tmaingi such chage in their OverNortwestrn Wile ol~star lues a they hind the netds of th Ove N...…